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發布時間:2021-09-24 09:13:34

① 中國銀行股份有限公司上海市分行怎麼樣

英文名:Bank of China Shanghai Branch

② 金融服務助理英文簡稱是什麼

Financial Services Assistant

③ 求金融控股的英文翻譯在線等!謝謝,是Financial holdings嗎

Financial holdings 金融控股 是正確的,後面有s

④ 開展各類跨境人民幣業務用英文怎麼說

Formosans」—this not only among

⑤ 求一篇5000字的英文翻譯,關於國際金融與貿易的

First, WTO accession on China's financial instry the great challenges

China's huge, high-speed growth of financial markets and lack of financial deepening, long-term policy to protect China's financial sector to foreign financial consortium constitute the immense attraction of trying to a good opportunity for China's accession to the WTO to enter China's financial market has been the focus of their efforts direction. The United States Commerce Secretary William Daley said the Sino-US WTO negotiations fell the most crucial questions, such as banking and insurance areas of financial services.
April 9, 1999, the United States Trade Representative Office unilaterally announced the so-called Chinese date for accession to WTO and the United States reached an open market protocol. These measures, according to the United States in China's accession to the WTO that it would begin to implement. In fact, these so-called Protocol of the United States in fact just the asking price, of which only the agricultural part of complete agreement, other not yet fully reached. The United States Trade Representative Office unilaterally announced the so-called China's accession to the WTO after the financial markets, the openness of the list, from which we can see that the United States and China, asking for specific financial services instry may be subject to the impact of the extent of:

(1) Banking
Between the two countries will continue negotiations on this project. However, China has agreed to join WTO, US-owned banks to foreign customers can immediately provide all the foreign exchange business. One year after WTO accession, the United States to the Chinese bank can provide customers with foreign exchange business, Sino-US joint-venture banks will be allowed to operate wholly foreign-owned banks will be allowed to operate at 5 years, foreign banks in two years will be allowed to conct RMB business at 5 During the year the finance retail business.

(2) the securities instry
At present, the securities, the Chinese will still insist open B-share market, but the A shares should not open. The U.S. side insists that the opening of the stock market. For this requirement, China still insists that financial sector liberalization must be graal and orderly progress, if we do not do so, it will be further subjected to the crisis in Southeast Asian countries to follow.

(3) the insurance instry
U.S. demands China's accession to the WTO, life insurance companies in the foreign shareholding ratio can be up to 50%, add a year later, increased to 51%. Non-life insurance companies and reinsurance companies will be allowed at a joint venture insurance companies hold 51 percent stake, and at two years to set up wholly-owned branch offices.

With China's accession to the WTO will become the truth, China is striving to provide open financial markets to prepare:

(1) Chinese department director has been fixed for the opening of RMB business timetable. Open RMB business faster than most people probably would exceed expectations, in the "foreseeable future" is very likely at all large and medium-sized city open RMB business.

(2) add at WTO, China will be the first to open RMB business in life insurance and property & casualty insurance market. As capital markets belong to the securities instry, opening up the speed will be relatively slow. March 20, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission Ma Yongwei, chairman, said the opening up of China's insurance market is a foregone conclusion in the near future, there will be a number of foreign insurance companies enter the Chinese market.

(3) foreign banks will be one year after China's accession to the WTO, China allowed to provide foreign exchange business customers, and two years later for the enterprise business to provide renminbi business activity, and after five years for Chinese indivials to provide financial services. People's Bank of China will be lifted this year, foreign banks operating branches geographical restrictions, from the current Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen and other 23 city extended to all central cities, while the United States formally approved the Shenzhen branch of Citibank, Bank of Tokyo JAPAN Shenzhen sub - Bank to conct RMB business.

(4) of the securities market, foreign capital eager to enter, but the domestic securities market is not mature enough, and the RMB is not freely convertible, direct foreign investment and opening up is unlikely, in recent years, the China Securities Regulatory Commission once the proposal to examine the formation of Sino-foreign joint investment fund the possibility of us to consider the form of foreign investment funds to enter and take the establishment of Sino-foreign cooperative fund the possibility of greatly.

From the above analysis we can already feel that China's accession to the WTO, China's financial instry by the face of international financial integration of the great challenges:

(1) China's financial instry in the long-term barriers to retaining a high degree of policy evaluation, the WT O to add a high degree of market competition after the situation has required a process of adaptation. Chinese bankers are much, for opening up banking reacted strongly consider in the next five years to completely open up the banking instry, time is very urgent. According to the World Bank has long been known as one pairs of Chinese banking instry experts Radi said that the need for around ten years, China's banking sector in order to prepare, in the face of foreign competition in the instry, and not in danger. First of all, the Chinese banking system has yet to be market-oriented reforms to further deepen, at present, four major Chinese state-owned commercial banks are all the Ministry of Finance, the national bank assets accounted for more than 90% of Shenzhen Development Bank are so far the only listed bank. Secondly, non-performing loans of domestic banks within five years, it is difficult to remove. National plans to discount the portion of the debt or sell securities, but this process may be will need to spend a few years or even longer. Reconstruction of the fragile Chinese banking system is that the Chinese Government to allow foreign financial institutions to gain full access to their markets, while domestic financial crisis will not lead to an important prerequisite.

(2) the financial services sector in our country's instry has been opening sequence in a relatively backward part of the opening of international financial competition environment has a process of adaptation. China's financial instry must be limited to opening up the market to prevent the Asian financial turmoil the price of a repeat in China.

(3) China's financial sector, especially state-owned commercial banks in the past the process of non-market operators have accumulated a lot of non-performing loans, which makes U.S. financial sector competition in the market relatively heavy historical burden.

Second, actively respond to

(1) Expand the financial inspection of assets and liabilities of financial institutions to find out the Chinese Government to further guard against financial risks, as well as opening up financial markets to meet the challenges faced, had started a period of 5 months of a general inspection of national financial work out a comprehensive financial institution's assets and the debt situation. Work focused on financial institutions to check the financial position and its non-performing assets in order to regulators of financial institutions nationwide to find out the true state of debt. This will not only help regulators assess the financial risks effectively, and to take appropriate response measures, the graal elimination of financial institutions, large non-performing assets.

(2) in an open domestic market before the director of China's financial department to deal with banks to restructure or to inject more funds into the bank to improve the operation and management principles and the rule of law and set up appropriate regulatory framework. Too fast, opening up the financial instry risk is probably much higher than the strength of foreign investment China's domestic financial system, we should fully absorb the lessons of the Asian crisis: liberalization in the financial instry before, we must strictly regulate the domestic financial system, commercial banks are required to have proper access to capital injection and operation and management.

(3) change their concepts, to face up to the international financial integration of great challenge. International financial integration is one of the world inevitable trend of economic development, we are opening up the financial instry overall strategy is unchanged, just add WTO so that the subject had placed earlier in front of us. At the previous monopoly of the soil protection grew up China's financial instry should face up to the international financial integration of the enormous challenges, we must seriously examine their own point whether there is really strong enough to contend with transnational corporations, the core of our competitiveness where揚長up short, a positive response.

中國龐大的、高速增長的金融市場和金融深化不足、長期為政策 保護的中國金融業,對外國金融財團構成了巨大的吸引力,試圖通過 中國加入WTO的良機進入中國金融市場一直是它們重點努力的方向。 美國商務部長戴利稱,中美入世談判最關鍵的問題落在銀行和保險等 金融服務領域中。
1999年4月9日,美國貿易代表處單方面公布了所謂中國迄今為加 入WTO與美國達成的市場開放協議。這些措施據美國稱將在中國加入 WTO時開始實施。其實這些所謂的協議實際上只是美國的要價,其中 只有農業部分完全達成協議,其他仍未完全達成。美國貿易代表處單 方面公布了所謂中國加入WTO後金融市場開放程度一覽表,我們從中 可以看到美國具體的要價和中國金融業可能會受到的沖擊程度:

兩國仍繼續此項目的談判。但中國已經同意,加入WTO後,美資 銀行可立即向外國客戶提供所有外匯業務。加入WTO一年後,美國的 銀行可向中國客戶提供外匯業務,中美合資的銀行將立即獲准經營, 外國獨資銀行將在5年內獲准經營,外資銀行在二年內將獲准經營人 民幣業務,在5年內經營金融零售業務。

目前就證券而言,中國堅持仍然會開放B股市場,但是A股不能開 放。美方則堅持提出開放整個證券市場。對於這個要求,中國仍然堅 持金融部門的開放必須循序漸進,如果不這樣作,就將步遭受危機的 東南亞國家後塵。

美方要求中國加入WTO後,人壽保險公司中外資持股比例可高達 50%,加入一年後,提高至51%。非人壽保險公司和再保險公司將獲 准在合資保險公司中持有51%的股份,並可在二年內成立全資的分支 機構。

隨著中國加入世貿組織將成事實,中國也正為開放金融市場做好 准備:

(1)中國主管部門已訂出開放人民幣業務的時間表。人民幣業務 開放速度之快可能會超出多數人的預期,在「可見的未來」極有可能 在所有大中城市開放人民幣業務。

(2)在加入WTO後,中國將首先開放人民幣業務壽險及產險市場。 至於屬於資本市場的證券業,開放的速度則會相對較慢。3月20日, 中國保險監督管理委員會主席馬永偉表示,中國保險市場的開放大局 已定,在不久的將來,會有多家外國保險公司進入中國市場。

(3)外資銀行將在中國加入WTO一年後,獲准為中國客戶提供外匯 業務,兩年後可為企業商務活動提供人民幣業務,而五年後可為中國 個人提供金融服務。中國人民銀行今年將取消外資銀行營業性分支機 構地域限制,從現在的上海、北京、天津、深圳等23個城市擴大到所 有中心城市,同時正式批准美國花旗銀行深圳分行、日本東京銀行深 圳分行經營人民幣業務。

(4)證券市場方面,外資渴望進入,但國內證券市場並不成熟, 而且人民幣尚不能自由兌換,直接開放外資進入的可能性不大,近年 來中國證監會曾經提出研究組建中外合作投資基金的可能性,我們認 為以基金的形式吸收外資進入,採取組建中外合作基金形式的可能性 極大。

我們從上述分析中已經可以感受到中國加入WTO後,中國金融業 所面對國際金融一體化的巨大挑戰:

(1)中國金融業長期處於高度的政策壁壘護估之下,對於加入WT O後高度的市場競爭形勢需要有個適應過程。 中國許多銀行業人士,對於對外開放銀行業務反應強烈,認為在 五年內徹底開放銀行業,時間是十分急迫的。據世界銀行一位對中國 銀行業素有研究的專家拉迪指出,大約需要十年,中國銀行業才能作 好准備,面對國外同業的競爭,而不致於陷入險境。首先,中國銀行 業體制的市場化改革仍有待進一步深化,目前,中國四大國有商業銀 行屬財政部所有,佔全國銀行資產的90%以上,深圳發展銀行是至今 唯一上市的銀行。其次,國內銀行不良貸款在五年內難以清除。國家 計劃將這部分債務以折價或證券化的方式出售,但此過程也許將需花 上數年甚至更長。重建中國脆弱的銀行系統,是中國政府允許外國金 融機構完全進入本國市場,而不致引發國內金融危機的重要先決條件 。

(2)金融業在我國的行業對外開放序列中一直處於較後的部分, 對開放後的國際金融競爭環境也有個適應過程。中國金融業必須有限 制地向外開放市場,以防止亞洲金融風暴的代價在中國重演。

(3)中國金融業特別是國有商業銀行在過去的非市場經營過程中 累積了不少不良貸款,這使我們的金融業在市場競爭中歷史包袱比較 重。


(1)展開金融大檢查,摸清金融機構資產負債 中國政府為進一步防範金融風險,以及迎接金融市場開放所面臨 的挑戰,已開始展開為期5個月的全國金融大檢查工作,全面摸清金 融機構的資產和債務狀況。工作重點在於檢查金融機構的財務狀況及 其不良資產,以便監管機構能摸清全國金融機構債務的真實狀況。此 舉不僅有助於監管部門能有效評估金融風險,並可採取適當的應對措 施,逐步消除金融機構龐大的不良資產。

(2)在開放國內市場以前,中國金融主管部門應對銀行進行重組 或增加註資,改進銀行經營管理方針,並建立適當的法治和規范框架 。過快開放金融業的風險在於外資實力可能大大超過中國國內金融體 系,我們應該充分吸取亞洲危機的教訓:在金融業自由化前,必須對 國內金融系統嚴格規范,商業銀行必須妥善獲得資本金注入及經營管 理。

(3)轉變觀念,正視國際金融一體化的巨大挑戰。國際金融一體 化是世界經濟發展的必然趨勢,我們金融業的對外開放的總方略是不 變的,加入WTO只是使這一課題提早擺到了我們的面前。以往在壟斷 保護的土壤中成長起來的中國金融業應該正視國際金融一體化的巨大 挑戰,要認真審視自己究竟有哪一點足以與真正強大的跨國公司抗衡, 我們的核心競爭力在何處,揚長補短,積極應對。

⑥ 請教幾個有關金融的專業術語英語怎麼說


⑦ 請問跨境電商中的BC模式,BBC模式的英文全稱是什麼謝謝!


⑧ 求金融英文詞彙,主要銀行業務中常用的

savings bank 儲蓄銀行
Chase Bank 大通銀行
National City Bank of New York 花旗銀行
Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation 匯豐銀行
Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China 麥加利銀行
Banque de I IndoChine 東方匯理銀行
central bank, national bank, banker s bank 中央銀行
bank of issue, bank of circulation 發行幣銀行
commercial bank 商業銀行,儲蓄信貸銀行
member bank, credit bank 儲蓄信貸銀行
discount bank 貼現銀行
exchange bank 匯兌銀行
requesting bank 委託開證銀行
issuing bank, opening bank 開證銀行
advising bank, notifying bank 通知銀行
negotiation bank 議付銀行
confirming bank 保兌銀行
paying bank 付款銀行
associate banker of collection 代收銀行
consigned banker of collection 委託銀行

clearing bank 清算銀行
local bank 本地銀行
domestic bank 國內銀行
overseas bank 國外銀行
unincorporated bank 錢庄
branch bank 銀行分行
account number 帳目編號
depositor 存戶
pay-in slip 存款單
a deposit form 存款單
a banding machine 自動存取機
to deposit 存款
deposit receipt 存款收據
private deposits 私人存款
certificate of deposit 存單
deposit book, passbook 存摺
credit card 信用卡
principal 本金
overdraft, overdraw 透支
to counter sign 雙簽
to endorse 背書
endorser 背書人
to cash 兌現

to honor a cheque 兌付
to dishonor a cheque 拒付
to suspend payment 止付
cheque,check 支票
cheque book 支票本
order cheque 記名支票
bearer cheque 不記名支票
crossed cheque 橫線支票
blank cheque 空白支票
rubber cheque 空頭支票
cheque stub, counterfoil 票根
cash cheque 現金支票
traveler s cheque 旅行支票
cheque for transfer 轉帳支票
outstanding cheque 未付支票
canceled cheque 已付支票
forged cheque 偽支票
Bandar s note 庄票,銀票
banker 銀行家
president 行長
trustee savings bank 信託儲蓄銀行
trust company 信託公司
financial trust 金融信託公司
unit trust 信託投資公司

trust institution 銀行的信託部
credit department 銀行的信用部
commercial credit company(discount company) 商業信貸公司(貼現公司)
neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit 街道儲蓄所
credit union 合作銀行
credit bureau
self-service bank 無人銀行
land bank 土地銀行
construction bank 建設銀行
instrial and commercial bank 工商銀行
bank of communications 交通銀行
mutual savings bank 互助儲蓄銀行
post office savings bank 郵局儲蓄銀行
mortgage bank, building society 抵押銀行
instrial bank 實業銀行
home loan bank 家宅貸款銀行
reserve bank 准備銀行
chartered bank 特許銀行
corresponding bank 往來銀行
merchant bank, accepting bank 承兌銀行
investment bank 投資銀行
import and export bank (EXIMBANK) 進出口銀行
joint venture bank 合資銀行
money shop, native bank 錢庄
credit cooperatives 信用社
clearing house 票據交換所

public accounting 公共會計
business accounting 商業會計
cost accounting 成本會計
depreciation accounting 折舊會計
computerized accounting 電腦化會計
general ledger 總帳
subsidiary ledger 分戶帳
cash book 現金出納帳
cash account 現金帳
journal, day-book 日記帳,流水帳
bad debts 壞帳
investment 投資
surplus 結余
idle capital 游資
economic cycle 經濟周期
economic boom 經濟繁榮
economic recession 經濟衰退
economic depression 經濟蕭條
economic crisis 經濟危機
economic recovery 經濟復甦
inflation 通貨膨脹
deflation 通貨收縮
devaluation 貨幣貶值
revaluation 貨幣增值
international balance of payment 國際收支
favourable balance 順差
adverse balance 逆差
hard currency 硬通貨
soft currency 軟通貨
international monetary system 國際貨幣制度
the purchasing power of money 貨幣購買力
money in circulation 貨幣流通量
note issue 紙幣發行量
national budget 國家預算
national gross proct 國民生產總值
public bond 公債
stock, share 股票
debenture 債券
treasury bill 國庫券
debt chain 債務鏈
direct exchange 直接(對角)套匯
indirect exchange 間接(三角)套匯
cross rate, arbitrage rate 套匯匯率
foreign currency (exchange) reserve 外匯儲備
foreign exchange fluctuation 外匯波動
foreign exchange crisis 外匯危機

discount 貼現
discount rate, bank rate 貼現率
gold reserve 黃金儲備
money (financial) market 金融市場
stock exchange 股票交易所
broker 經紀人
commission 傭金
bookkeeping 簿記
bookkeeper 簿記員
an application form 申請單
bank statement 對帳單
letter of credit 信用證
strong room, vault 保險庫
equitable tax system 等價稅則
specimen signature 簽字式樣
banking hours, business hours 營業時間

⑨ 經濟貿易金融公司的英文名稱


⑩ 國內銀行有一項金融業務名字叫出國金融,想知道這個用專業點的英文怎麼說

outland financial business或者international financial business?



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