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① 國內哪幾家是系統性重要銀行,請告訴我劃分標准和出處,謝謝







② 翻譯 英翻中 金融類的短文!謝謝!

傳統上,交易成本和信息不對稱所提供的基礎,了解中介服務. 出現中介因這種不完善的資本市場已正式成立的捐款dewatripont 與tirole ( 1994年)和弗雷克薩斯和火箭( 97 ) . 事實上,兩大審查中介理論, santomero ( 1984 )及Bhattacharya先生,並和塔克爾( 1993 ) ,說明中央這些不完善是中介文學的過去 二十年. 顯而易見的含義這一看法是,如果這些摩擦減少,社會中介組織將變得不那麼重要. 有了大幅度降低交易成本和信息不對稱,近幾十年來. 在同一時期內,必須對傳統的銀行存款和貸款,通過一些措施, 減少了. 不過,其他形式的中介機構,如養老基金和共同基金有明顯增長. 此外,新的金融市場,如金融期貨和期權的發展, 作為市場中介機構,而非個人. 這一切看來,如果不違背標准理論,至少不相符. 在艾倫和santomero ( 1997 ) (簡稱AS )的,我們認為,這是因為最近的重點中介理論 過於狹窄. 我們認為,了解這些變化,需要不同的理論中介,強調風險的交易, 風險管理和參與成本的關鍵原因存在著現代中介服務. 我們的貢獻已經引起了相當大的火災,造成大量的引文,討論和辯論. 最近的一篇論文scholtens和Van wensveen ( 1999 )組( SW )提出了一些重要問題,我們的分析和 我們將藉此機會,以更充分地發展我們的觀點的演變和金融中介理論 為了解夢. 我們選擇以此為出發點,因為他們的貢獻,提出了三個關鍵問題,值得進一步 討論中,這將增加我們理解的演變,具體機構在金融

③ 銀行金融方面短文翻譯成英文..............急求..........

The small and medium-sized enterprises already more than the total enterprise 99% of all, is an important part of the national economy; As the main mechanism of bank financing, and small and medium-sized enterprise loan of commercial Banks in China is an important business, but the risk management of the small and medium-sized enterprise loan was a problem, so strengthening sme loans risk management, helps to keep the small and medium-sized enterprise proction of stability and long-term development, and promote the stable development of small and medium-sized enterprises, but also benefits the loan risk essence, adapt to the current understand with changes and uncertainty of the macroeconomic environment and the world economic situation, ensure the safety of bank funds. In 2008, commercial Banks after development of small and medium enterprise loan is also facing the current financial crisis, protect themselves from the hit, avoid risk means; Government support small and medium-sized enterprise development has become a fact, this also is implementing the scientific concept of development, realize own a necessity of sustainable development. This paper combines the current smes defficult borrow this embarrassing situation, and on the analysis of the current our country commercial bank small and medium-sized enterprises based on the cause of the loan risk, expounds the commercial bank of risk management on small and medium-sized enterprises, commercial Banks internal essence strengthen small business loans, and the significance of the risk management of commercial Banks in developing small and medium-sized enterprise loan process, how to effectively manage risk, improve bank asset quality put forward point of view.

④ 幫忙翻譯一篇關於銀行的文章啊!

Shanghai Countryside Commercial bank is in the whole city 1 city association society, 14 area county federations of communes, 219 credit association's foundation the whole remanufacture be established joint stock system commercial bank, its origin may trace to the 20th century 50's China countryside cooperativization movement initial period, until now already some 50 remaining years of life history.

After the long-term development and several generation of agricultural letter person's unceasing endeavor, Shanghai Countryside Commercial bank already became the Shanghai rural finance the important constituent, was Shanghai has one of influence financial organs.At present, Shanghai Countryside Commercial bank has business mesh point 330, the staff total approximately 4000 people.Up to August 22, 2005, the Shanghai Countryside Commercial bank total property 116,000,000,000 Yuan, each deposit remaining sum amounts to 96,800,000,000 Yuan approximately, each loan remaining sum amounts to 56,500,000,000 Yuan, in the capital bank organization has certain market niche in the whole city.

After Shanghai Countryside Commercial bank had been established, in will inherit the countryside credit association more than 50 year development histories, the service characteristic and in the cultural tradition foundation, setting up and the realization science development view, persisted 「will legally gather the gauge, the steady management, the foothold long-term, will dare to innovate, the cultivation characteristic」 the management idea, persisted the service 「three agriculture」 and the suburbs economy community retail sales bank basic localization, will establish the perfect modern commercial bank to manageThe management system and the mechanism, speed up the service development, the consummation will control from the inside the mechanism and the risk management system, the repayment society, the repayment customer, the repayment shareholder, will strive for soon constructs into 「the capital sufficient, controls from the inside strict, the operation security, the service and the benefit is good」, and will have own characteristic modern countryside commercial bank.

The Shanghai Countryside Commercial bank management scope is: Absorption public deposit; Provide short-term, intermediate stage and long-term loan; Handles the domestic and foreign settlements; Handles the bill to accept with the discount; The proxy distributes, the proxy cashes, sells on consignment the government security; Business government security, financial bond; Is engaged in the same business to borrow; Is engaged in the bankcard service; The foreign exchange deposit, the foreign exchange loan, the foreign exchange remittance, the international settlement, the same business foreign exchange borrows, credit information, consultation and testimony service; Proxy receipts and disbursements fund and agent insurance business; Provides the safe deposit box service; By Chinese Banking instry Management by supervision board approval any other business.

⑤ 麻煩英文達人幫我用英文寫一段關於金融這個行業的重要性的文字好嗎

Finance as an academic discipline has gained increasing momentum of development over the past decades as a response to the increasingly complicated global and regional financial markets.

Innovative theories and practices, such as the portfolio theory and capital assets pricing model (CAPM), have emerged in quick succession to meet the diverse financial challenges of the world.

As the global economy grows, the capital market plays an indispensable and sometimes even a decisive role.

Those international developments have special implications for China』s economy and its financial instry, as China is to completely open its financial market to the rest of the world by 2005 under the WTO framework.



What is the importance of finance in a business?

In all business aspects, finance plays a significant role.

For example, when choosing whether to take on a project or not, financial figures such as IRR or NPV are able to calculated.

In bond offerings and investments, the returns of capital are created using financial model.

Even in your average mom and pop shop, breakeven analysis is performed to determine whether a new machine should be purchased.

⑥ 關於金融的英語文章

Finance and Economics; 財經;
Canada's housing market; 加拿大的住宅市場;
Time for a bigger needle; 該出手時就出手;
The latest attempt to prick a bubble;戳破泡沫的最新舉措;
Canada's reputation for financial regulation is starry. Its banksgot through the crisis unscathed. According to Moody's, a ratings agency, Royal Bank of Canadasits alongside HSBC and JPMorgan Chase in the top tier of global banks. And Canadianpolicymakers are old hands at pulling 「macroprudential」 levers of the sort now in vogue amongrich-world central banks.
But questions still nag. Some say that Canada's banks are flattered by a huge indemnity offeredby Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp (CMHC), a public institution that insures mortgages witha loan-to-value ratio of more than 80%. CHMC's book grew to 567 billion Canadian Dollar(557 billion Dollar) in 2011, up from 345 billion Canadian Dollar four years earlier. And Canada'shousing market looks very frothy on some measures: The Economist's analysis of price-to-rentratios suggests that Canadian properties were about 75% above their long-run 「fair value」 in thefirst quarter of 2012 (see chart). Although less than 0.5% of CHMC's mortgages are in arrears, such exuberance is a worry. The central bank recently labelled housing as 「the most importantdomestic risk to financial stability in Canada」.
但是,仍有問題纏身。部分人士認為,加拿大的銀行被加拿大抵押和住房公司(CMHC)提供的巨額補償金美化了,CMHC是一家為貸款估值比率超過80%的抵押貸款提供保險的公共機構。在2011年,CHMC的抵押貸款額從四年前的3450億增長到了5670億加元(合5570億美元)。並且,從一些指標來看,加拿大的房地產充斥著泡沫:《經濟學人》以房價租金比所做的分析顯示,在2012年第一季度,加拿大的物業價格高出它們的長期公允價值75%。縱然僅有低於0.5%的CHMC抵押貸款存在拖欠的情況,但這樣的繁榮仍讓人憂慮。最近,央行也冠以樓市 「危及加拿大金融穩定性的最大國內隱患」。
Repeated efforts by policymakers to take the heat out of housing have not had a noticeableeffect. So on June 21st Jim Flaherty, the finance minister, had another go, his fourth in fouryears. Some of the new measures were cosmetic. Buyers of homes worth more than 1m Dollarhave been able to get mortgage-default insurance from CMHC with a downpayment of only 5%. In practice, it is hard to find buyers in this bracket who do not have lots of equity in their homes. But after July 9th mortgages for homes of this value will not be eligible for CMHC coverage.
Other measures have more teeth. The maximum amortisation period for a mortgage will now be25 years, down from 30. That should hurt demand: last year about 40% of new mortgages werefor terms longer than that. Refinancing a home will be allowed only up to 80% of its value, downfrom 85%. Homebuyers will have to demonstrate their housing costs are no more than 39% oftheir gross household income. On top of Mr Flaherty's measures, the Office of theSuperintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada's banking regulator, slapped a loan-to-value limitof 65% on borrowing against home equity.
Craig Alexander, the chief economist for TD Financial Group, estimates all this will be theequivalent of about a 1% rise in mortgage rates for most homebuyers. He believes that willproce a slow unwinding of the housing market. If he is right, and Mr Flaherty's variousinterventions avoid the collateral damage that would be caused by an actual interest-rate rise, Canada's admirers will have another thing to swoon over.

⑦ 求一篇金融相關英文文章,翻譯出來要求3000字以上,最好連翻譯也有


John McCain andBarack Obama exchanged blame and offered proposals to address the nation'sfinancial crisis ring Tuesday's presidential debate, USA Today reported.

McCain promisedaid to struggling homeowners and Obama said the government must assure themassive federal financial rescue package works as planned.

The debate focusedimmediately on the economy and stayed on it for much of the night.

McCain called forthe Treasury Department to buy up troubled mortgages — with some conditions —and renegotiate them with homeowners at the current value of homes.

McCain said,"We all know, my friends, until we stabilize home values inAmerica,we're never going to start turning around and creating jobs and fixing oureconomy,

and we've got toget some trust and confidence back toAmerica."

Obama called thecurrent downturn "the worst financial crisis since the GreatDepression" and said the government must assure that the financial rescuepackage signed into law worked as planned.

"I believethis is a final verdict on the failed economic policies of the last eightyears, strongly promoted by President Bush and supported by SenatorMcCain," he said.

The debate beganhours after the Dow Jones instrial average tumbled another 508 points, andthe resulting financial anxiety is looming large over the debate.

McCain accusedObama of being the Senate's second-highest recipient of donations fromindivials at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two now-disgraced mortgageinstry giants.

Obama shot backthat McCain's campaign manager, Rick Davis, has a stake in a Washington lobbying firm that receivedthousands of dollars a month from Freddie Mac until recently.

Both candidatesvowed to focus on making theUnited Statesenergy independent, Reuters reported.

McCain saidnuclear power was a clean source of energy that would be key to battlingclimate change and mocked Obama.

And Obama said heapproved of nuclear power as one element of a broader energy plan.

The debate alsoveered into foreign policy, and the disputes were as intense as on the economyand domestic matters, AP reported.

McCain said hisrival "was wrong aboutIraqand the surge.

「He was wrong about Russia when theycommitted aggression against Georgia.」

「And in his short career he does notunderstand our national security challenges.」

「We don't have time for on the jobtraining.」

Obama counteredwith a trace of sarcasm that he didn't understand some things — like how UScould face the challenge inAfghanistanafter spending years and hundreds of billions of dollars inIraq.

Two quick pollstaken immediately after the debate, by CBS News and CNN, both judged Obama thewinner, Reuters reported.

McCain could berunning out of chances to recast the race, Reuters commented.

With only fourweeks to go until the election, the two candidates will meet for one finaldebate on October 15.


Business is bad onWall Street, and business schools across the country are bracing for theimpact: A surge in applications this year to their full-time M.B.A. programs.

With financialmarkets in turmoil, the economy slowing down and Wall Street undergoing aprofound structural change, many people are deciding that now is a good time tohead back to school.

Some would-bestudents are the victim of layoffs roiling the financial instry. Others thinktheir jobs could disappear soon.

Even someapplicants whose jobs are currently stable are deciding that it makes sense togo for a graate degree now: since promotions and new opportunities could behard to find in the next few year

Schools don't haveapplication tallies yet -- as deadlines for the first round of admissions arein mid-October for most top-tier schools -- but many already are reporting bigincreases in interest.

New YorkUniversity Stern School of Business reports a 30% increase in attendance atoff-site information sessions this year.

Management has had a 22% increase inapplications so far.

Universityof Chicago GraateSchool of Business says it is seeing significant increases ininquiries online and attendance at information sessions.

People are alsoregistering for the Graate Management Admission Test in greater numbers thisyear.

According to theGraate Management Admission Council, a McLean, Va.-based membershiporganization of 165 graate business schools,U.S.

GMAT registrationvolume for the first nine months of this year totaled 129,902, up 5.1% from thesame period last year.

The numbersunderscore a trend that has occurred in previous economic downturns.

Graateadmissions are countercyclical -- meaning that they move in the oppositedirection of the economic cycle, business schools and economists say.

When this year'sM.B.A. applicants graate, they will enter a dramatically different WallStreet and potentially smaller job market that has been altered by the rippleeffects of the credit crunch.

This year's newlyminted graates already encountered a tougher job market.

At the University of Chicago, the percentage of 2008graates that either had offers or had already accepted them dropped roughlythree percentage points from the previous year, Ms. Kole says.

Indeed, schoolssay not knowing what the job market will look like upon graation could detersome prospective applicants who have stable jobs from applying.

Some applicantsare taking their chances.

Other graateschools are also expecting increases in applicants.

Also a factor forstudents to consider this year: The credit crunch has roiled the market forstudent loans.

In the past year,144 ecation lenders have suspended private and federal loans, according toMark Kantrowitz, publisher of FinAid.org, who has been following thedevelopments.

Still, Mr.Kantrowitz says business-school students should be able to find loans. Manylenders, he says, have suspended loans for undergraate and continuingecation students but not graate loans

For lenders,'graate student loans are the most profitable because the loan balances arethe highest,' he says.

But students mayface tighter credit requirements in getting private loans and pay higherinterest rates.

⑧ 系統重要性金融機構的宏觀效應

目前,學者們比較多地集中於微觀經濟面的分析,並取得共識。一是增加投資人和發行人在市場進行避險、投機和套利的工具選擇范圍;二是降低交易成本及增加金融資產的流動性;三是減少信息不對稱和代理成本問題。但是,在金融創新的宏觀效應討論中,分歧較大。例如Peter Tufanoc等(1995)結合案例論證了金融創新對經濟社會的福利改善;潘愛華(2006)分析研究了金融創新在宏觀層面的作用具有很大的不確定性,因此對金融創新的推動作用不能過於樂觀;陳子季(2000) 在理論層面上對金融創新推動金融深化、金融創新活動中貨幣供求機制的變化以及金融創新與金融體系穩定性問題進行了探討和分析,認為金融創新是「雙刃劍」既促進了金融發展,又為貨幣政策的制定帶來困難,同時也增加了金融體系的潛在危機。一、SIFIs金融產品創新與金融體系的穩定性1.金融產品創新工具的定價金融產品創新的涌現,也許可能會導致金融機構危機的出現,進而增加整個金融系統風險,但這主要取決於金融創新內在的各種風險是否得到合理定價,也就是說,從事新型金融業務,是否能產生足夠的利潤額來彌補來自市場、信用及其它方面的風險。因為影響金融市場的因素不斷增加,金融創新工具定價比傳統金融工具定價要困難的多。創新工具出現之後,若市場競爭激烈、金融機構會降低定價,這種定價可能低於合理考慮了風險成本之後的價格。許多西方經濟學家相信,隨著創新工具市場的成熟,創新工具風險真實地表現了自己之後,工具的定價將會趨於合理。但在從不合理到合理的轉變過程中,可能已有不少金融機構蒙受了巨大的損失,並因此引起金融體系的不穩定引起金融危機。2.金融產品創新的風險積累和傳染效應由於金融產品創新的風險積累和傳染效應以及系統重要性金融機構與其他金融機構強關聯性,造成系統重要性金融機構的金融產品創新降低金融體系的穩定性。金融產品創新的風險積累和傳染效應,主要是由金融產品創新工具的特點和金融產品創新所帶來的交易方式的改變所決定的。首先,金融產品創新工具「以小博大」的杠桿性可能給交易者帶來高收入,也可能帶來巨額損失;其次,金融產品創新工具具有虛擬性,金融產品創新工具的虛擬性所產生的市場後果是,金融產品創新市場的規模大大超過原生市場的規模,造成虛擬市場與實體市場的脫離。另外,金融產品創新所帶來的交易方式的改變也會使金融機構面臨一些經營風險。最後是投機所造成的風險增加。當代金融產品創新為投機活動創造出了大批先進手段,這些投機手段的使用加劇了金融風險的積累和傳染。此外,由於金融產品創新一方面在金融機構之間創造出遠比過去復雜的債權債務鏈條,直接加強了金融機構之間、金融市場之間、金融機構和金融市場之間的密切聯系,另一方面間接推動了以金融業務國際化、金融市場國際化、資本流動國際化為主要表現的金融國際化趨勢,加之在場外交易市場中由信息不對稱引起的公眾對其他金融機構信用的心理預期作用,將致使局部的金融風險更易轉化為全局性的金融風險,從而削弱了金融體系抵禦局部風險的能力,整個金融體系的穩定性也隨之降低。這就是金融產品創新的傳染效應。二、SIFIs金融產品創新與高端行業發展系統重要性金融機構金融產品創新會促進高端行業的發展,例如高新技術產業、現代服務業的發展。由於高新技術產業發展過程所具有的特性,傳統的財政投入和銀行信貸等資金支持方式難以適應其發展的需要。具有「以小博大」特徵的金融產品創新工具的廣泛使用使得風險投資者能以較小的風險資本進行投資,這刺激了風險投資者的投資慾望,推動了高科技創業投資的進一步發展。此外,金融產品創新對高科技創業投資的作用,還表現為:使風險企業家取得原來得不到的新的外部資金來源;為風險企業家提供廉價的投資資源;使風險企業家的流動資金融通更加順利;使風險企業家能夠更好地承擔投資或融資決策風險;為風險企業家提供了穩定生產成本的條件,企業可以通過金融市場參與、規避生產要素價格方面的風險;金融衍生市場的運作可為風險企業提供具有預見性的較為准確的價格信息,從而有利於企業的生產決策、銷售決策以及企業管理的其他方面;金融衍生市場的出現使價格信息更為靈敏,易於促進資源的有效配置。系統重要性金融機構金融產品創新會加快現代服務行業的發展。現代服務業,金融保險、法律咨詢、電影文化產業等等。加快高端服務行業的發展,有利於更好的解決目前不斷惡化的高校就業環境。發展新興的高端服務行業,拓展現代服務業的行業領域,對於吸納這些高素質的待業群體,改善社會資源利用環境,最大限度的發揮我們龐大的教育資源的智力優勢,促進第三產業內部的發展,都是非常重要的。三、SIFIs金融產品創新與經濟發展系統重要性金融機構的金融產品創新帶動經濟發展。以IS-LM模型來分析金融創新對宏觀經濟的影響。例如,期貨和期權市場的建立,有助於價格波動的減緩和風險的降低,促進企業的投資(如上圖)。企業投資的增加會使IS曲線向右移動,由IS移至IS`,這將導致均衡利率的上升和均衡產出的增加,利率由i0增加到i`,產出由y0增加到Y`;同時,各種金融資產的替代性會增加,導致貨幣需求對債券收益率的變動更加敏感,LM曲線趨於平緩,呈LM`狀。顯然,這些將導致產出的增加和利率的降低。在新的均衡點E``處,產出為y``,利率為i``。雖然由於貨幣需求利率彈性的增大,貨幣政策的效應減弱,但是財政政策的效應會有所增強。金融創新改變了投資者對於利率變動的反應方式。無論通過何種渠道,利率上升會導致實際投資下降的趨向不會變。但是有沒有金融創新,結果是有差別的金融創新使投資者獲得資金的渠道增加了,為投資者增加了資金的可獲得性。因此,同樣在利率上升的情況下,因為金融創新的影響,實際投資的下降可能就沒有那麼多。因而實際投資對利率的敏感性隨著金融創新的發展而減弱。可見,金融創新與經濟增長的關聯性較強,金融創新的豐富應該使經濟運行更加有效。金融創新通過拓寬金融功能,便利社會的投融資,促進經濟增長;通過金融市場、金融機構、金融業務、金融工具、金融制度等方面的創新作用於經濟增長。沒有金融創新,其經濟的內在動力就無法被調動起來。理性、適度的金融產品創新能夠動態調整金融產品結構,並優化金融體系結構,進而優化產業結構,促進經濟增長。但是,非理性的過度金融產品創新則會導致金融體系內部結構失調,並波及實體經濟,最終引發經濟危機。我國微觀金融創新主體缺乏創新動力、基礎性條件薄弱,金融創新呈現區域性,滯後經濟發展,這些都限制了我國金融創新對經濟增長的推動能力。因此,一方面,市場需要更多的金融產品創新以擴大金融服務的種類,減少某種產品或交易的擁擠問題;另一方面,必須對金融機構的市場參與行為進行規范和監督。

⑨ 以金融機構功能寫一篇英文作文

I am a College student from a farmer's family in a mountaineous area.A year ago,I was admitted to a famous university.Before entering the university,I was told that the necessary expenses ring my four years' study would cost nearly fifty thousand yuan.My parents had collected all the money there was to collect,including the money borrowed from their relatives,but it was hardly enough to meet the needs.Then,good news came that I could resort to the bank for a loan.I thought it was a good idea and so I did it.
My decision was based on the following considerations:
First,with the loan I can pay the tuition and support my life on the campus.
Secondly,I don't have to depend on my parents who are always worrying about the enormous family expenditure.

⑩ 翻譯 論文摘要 關於系統性金融風險 速求 拜謝

The topic our country finance systematic risk's recognition and guards against the abstract: Is not only the developing country is experiencing the economical switch's country speaking of Chinese such one, how guards against the financial risk maintenance finance security facing the economic globalization has the important theory significance and the practice significance and the very stern topic. Spreads graally as a result of the American loan crisis initiation the global financial Tsunami, if the dominoes have attacked the entire world financial system, from this causes the systematic financial risk to arouse in the worldwide scale interest more and more. Under this situation, how to guard against and melt systematic finance risk this topic is taken seriously day by day by various countries. this article attempts take the systematic risk analysis as a breakthrough point, expected that through to the systematic financial risk present situation, the origin and measure's research, how to stabilize and develop our country money market to provide own ponder. In the paper structure, this article first carries on the outline to the current global economic environment, under this background, obtains from the elaboration systematic finance risk's definition and the connotation, through to the domestic and foreign experts, the scholar carries on to the systematic financial risk's definition combs with the comparison, thus obtains its substantive characteristics. Based on this, has analyzed the influence financial stability the factor, the multiple systematic financial risk has the process, the origin and the substantive characteristics compared with the history in realizes to the systematic risk identification, and in these characteristic understanding's foundation, unifies many countries to carry on the risk management and the guard related experience, from this obtains based on the systematic risk angle supervision idea and the related countermeasure. this article plans to carry on the shallow discussion regarding this. key word: Systematic risk risk management loan crisis



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