導航:首頁 > 外匯期貨 > 境外匯款翻譯


發布時間:2021-10-27 11:41:16

Ⅰ 國外匯款英文名字


Ⅱ 上海市招商銀行四平路分行 英文怎麼翻譯,要境外匯款過來

您好,上海的四平支行翻譯為英文為:Siping Sub-Branch;地址是:上海市楊浦區四平路1396號,英文為:No.1396 siping Rd.,Shanghai;


Ⅲ 境外匯款有個中間交換行的手續費,要寫在上午發票了面讓外國人看得懂,那個用英文怎麼說

Please note that there are three(3) different fees payable for remittance from overseas. First, the processing fee for the payment made by a foreign customer.
Second, the processing fee to charged by our (bank) when we receive the payment. Third (lastly), the intermediate processing fee for inter-bank transaction. Thank you.

境外? Outstation!


Ⅳ 國外匯款需要 開戶行地址的准確翻譯

no. 44 xin jian west rd, chen district, da tong, china.其實開戶行地址寫不寫對不是最關鍵的。因為國外匯款需要你銀行的iban或swfit code。所以只要你提供這個銀行代碼。你的銀行信息就已經提供了。你只要把你的賬號和名字還有家庭地址也清楚就沒有問題。

Ⅳ 辦理境外匯款手續的英文


Ⅵ 向境外匯款對方如不是英語國家地址一定要填英文么

不行了 說明那裡識別語言的人或者機器死了
像在國外 寄錢寄東西回國的話

Ⅶ 英語翻譯,需要向境外匯款,30分!

Sorry, if we transfer money directly to your bank account, the handling charge is high. But it will be cheap if transfer by western union.
And you can get money at Postbank after you provide your ID and some information. If OK for you, I will send the €200 immediately. These websites can help you learn Western Union better. Besides, could you confirm whether your full name is Peter Waltje? The name must be correct otherwise you cann't get money.

Ⅷ 中國銀行境外匯款申請書,怎麼用英語填急~~~

Currency / Amount: HKD200.00

Remitter Name & Address:
Xiao Yi
No.1 Xing Fu Road

Beneficiary Bank & Address:
Bank of China
No.2 Xing Fu Road

Beneficiary Name & Address:
Xing Fu University
No.3 Xing Fu Road

Ⅸ 緊急,求高手幫忙翻譯,用於境外匯款的,分值不多,感謝了

Bank Name: China Construction Bank Tianhe Longkou Road Branch, Bank Address: No. 553 Tianhe Road, Long Yuan Building, first floor, residential address: Town, Baiyun District, Guangzhou City, No. 3, Lane 10, Tan Village。



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