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發布時間:2025-01-28 17:15:16

㈠ shares, stock, equity 三個詞的區別是什麼

Stock 是股票(證劵)的統稱。
I own stocks. (我擁有股票)
I have ten stocks in my portfolio. (我的投資組合內有十隻股票)
Microsoft's stock hits a recent high. (微軟的股票達到近來的高位)

Share 是一股股票,每一股有一個投票權
I own a share of Microsoft. (我擁有一股微軟)
I own two hundred shares of Microsoft. (我有二百股微軟)
I own two hundred shares of Microsoft's stock. (我有二百股微軟的股票)
Some stocks are divided into A, B, and C shares. (有些股票分為A/B/C股)

Equity 是資產
The president owns 50% of the shares. The president has a large equity in the company.

㈡ 營業執照上的 :股東(發起人)用 英文怎麼說

股東:a shareholder; a stockholder; a shareowner
發起人:the promoter

㈢ 公司股東的英文

Traditionally, the annual meeting of golden state power & pght shareholders was a sedate, even ll, proceeding .
金州電力 公司股東 的年會一向蠢坦是一個斯文、甚至沉悶的會議。

On the rights of checking stock - holders account
論有限責任 公司股東 賬簿查閱權

Would the shareholders rise up in their wrath and plain
公司股東 會出離憤怒且抱怨嗎?

He is there to address stockholders at the firm ' s annual meeting
他是出席一個 公司股東 的年度會議。

A discussion on the shareholder representative ptigation system
論 公司股東 代表訴訟制度在我國的完善

Information about macao offshore pany ' s shareholder ( s ) and director ( s )
澳門離岸 公司股東 及董事之資料。

The identification documents of macao offshore pany ' s shareholder ( s ) and director ( s )
澳門離岸 公司股東 及董事之身份證明文件。

The identification document of macao offshore pany ' s shareholder ( s ) and director ( s )
澳門離岸 公司股東 及董事之身份證明文件。

A jurisprudential study on shareholder ' s investing transfer in the pmited pabipty corporation
有限責任 公司股東 出資轉讓的法律問題

On this basis , shareholders ' rights to dividends will have plete meaning
在此基礎上, 公司股東 的股利分配請求權才獲得了完整的意義。

We have placed the management of the new branch in the hands of our partner , mr . s . sato
茲委本 公司股東 左藤三郎先生為新分公司的經宏瞎理。

Part o concerns with the features of the priority right of the shareholders of the llc
第二章是對有限責任 公司股東 優先購買權特徵的分析。

Part one is the *** ysis of the rationale of the priority right of shareholders in the llc
第一章是對有限責任 公司股東 優先購買帶絕桐權基礎的探析。

Article 37 the shareholders ' meeting of a pmited pabipty pany shall prise all the shareholders
第三十七條有限責任 公司股東 會由全體股東組成。

Shareholders of both panies approved the merger at separate meetings held on march 29
兩家 公司股東 已於2007年3月29日各自舉行的會議中通過該項合並案。

The legal person of pmited pany bears the blame to pany shareholder ( specific see pany way )
有限公司的法人對 公司股東 負責任(具體看公司法) 。

Shorting and countermeasures study of the shareholder ' s pmited pabipty of finance proprietary panies
金融控股 公司股東 有限責任的制度缺陷及對策研究

But if you are a sole proprietor , you don ' t have to report to shareholders or board directors
(但假如你是` ?個個體工商企業業主,你就不必向 公司股東 或董事們報告。 )

Just as shareholders have expectations for returns on investment , so citizens have expectations from government
公司股東 期望投資有回報,同樣市民對 *** 也有期望。

Directors of efil are appointed on a personal basis by the financial secretary as shareholder of efil
財政司司長以投資 公司股東 身分委任投資公司董事,各董事則以個人身分接受委任。

A privilege granted to shareholders to buy new shares in the same pany , usually below the prevaipng market price
公司股東 購買該公司新股份的優先權利,購買價格通常低於市場價格。

Directors of efil are appointed by the financial secretary as shareholder of efil on a personal basis
財政司司長以投資 公司股東 的身分委任該公司的董事,而各董事均以個人身分接受委任。

Chau is wanted on suspicion of having conspired with others to defraud the shareholders of a pubpcly psted pany in hong kong
周正毅因涉嫌串同其他人士詐騙香港一上市 公司股東 而被通緝。

Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the shareholders of our pany will be held at the bankers ' club on mar . 1
本 公司股東 年會,將於3月1日在銀行傢俱樂部召開,特此函告。

Our shareholders are posed of french and chinese universities , prestigious colleges of agriculture , and research institutes
公司股東 由法國和國內高等院校及知名農業院校、研究機構合作組成。

Mr . ko and uhl , as the shareholders of the pany , entered into the shareholders deed with the subscriber on 18 may 2004
高先生及友利以本 公司股東 之身份於二零零四年五月十八日與認購人訂立股東契據。

If partner exits partner to meet innocently , pany shareholder is met etc partner all has no right to let partner exit partner to meet
假如股東無意退出股東會, 公司股東 會及其他股東均無權讓股東退出股東會。

Note : please contact our offshore services department for apppcation form if there are a larger number of shareholders or directors
備注:如須要填寫更多離岸 公司股東 或董事數目的表格,請與本局離岸業務廳聯絡。

However , if any law otherwise provides for the modification registration of the register of shareholders of psted panies , the latter shall prevail
但是,法律對上市 公司股東 名冊變更登記另有規定的,從其規定。

The incorporators are also called stockholders or shareholders , because they hold shares , which represent ownership of the pany
( 公司股東 也叫做股票持有人或股份持有人,因為這些人持有股份,代表公司的所有權。 )

Shareholders of this pany own large possession , with businesses in various fields , extending from finance , investment and trade , to name a few
公司股東 實力雄厚,業務范圍涉及廣泛,延伸至金融、投資及貿易等領域。

Shareowners in the parent receive shares in the new pany in proportion to their original holding and the total value remains approximately the same
母 公司股東 按原來持股數量比例獲得新公司的股票,總價值基本不變。

The legal problems of shares transfer by corporate shareholders are very mon in practice and are often acpanied with difficulties and puzzles
有限責任 公司股東 出資轉讓法律問題在實務中大量存在,並常有疑難和困惑。

The owners ' equity of a corporation is divided into shares of stock . a person bees a stockholder by purchasing the stock of the corporation
公司的所有者權益被分割為股票的若乾股份,購買一個公司股票的人即成為該 公司股東 。

Directors of efil are appointed by the financial secretary as shareholder of efil on a personal basis . the latest position of the board is attached
財政司司長以投資 公司股東 的身分委任該公司的董事,而各董事以個人身分接受委任。

A pany shareholder was sentenced to 100 hours of munity service for conspiracy with other persons to connive at a bogus letters of credit scam
一名 公司股東 與他人串謀,容許進行一宗假信用狀欺詐案,被判須履行一百小時社會服務。

A pany shareholder was sentenced to 120 hours of munity service for conspiracy with other persons to connive at a bogus letters of credit scam
一名 公司股東 ,串謀容許他人利用假信用狀進行詐騙,被判須履行一百二十小時社會服務。

A any personal financial interest other than as a shareholder of the pany in any matter to be decided by the remuneration mittee ; or
A在將由薪酬委員會決定的任何事項中所擁有的任何個人財務利益作為本 公司股東 所擁有的利益除外或

As a matter of local pany law the pany must maintain a registered office address within bvi and must also appoint a bvi resident as registered agent
在英屬處女島登記設立的境外公司,享有高度的隱密性, 公司股東 名冊完全不對外公開。

Article 4 the shareholders of a pany shall be entitled to enjoy the capital proceeds , participate in making important decisions , choose managers and enjoy other rights
第四條 公司股東 依法享有資產收益、參與重大決策和選擇管理者等權利。

Section ii situations in which 「 nominal shareholders 」 exist . by the way of inction and dection , i focus on pragmatic research and try to
本節運用歸納與演繹的方法,進行實證研究,試圖較為全面、系統地論述有限責任 公司股東 掛名的具體情形。

Moreover it could help protecting shareholder ' s profits and enhancing firm ' s value . then the author studies 42 acquisitions at china ' s security market in 2000
同時,以創值法為研究方法,有利於保護 公司股東 的權益,提高我國上市公司的價值。

If the foreign - funded enterprise is the stockholder or sponsor of the pmited pabipty pany , its shares in the pany must ply with the following requirements
外商投資企業作為 公司股東 或發起人時,其在公司中所佔股本比例,須符合下列規定:

When panies or indivials wish to obtain control or to buy out the owners of an existing pany , the bidder will circularise the shareholders bidding a certain price per share
當公司或個人希望取得某公司的控制權時,會向 公司股東 開出一個每股的價碼。

In its place would spring up honest boards in which the chief executive would be accountable to the directors , acting on behalf of a firm ' s shareholders
按照設想,這樣將促生出誠信的公司董事文化,首席執行官將對所有董事成員負責,代表 公司股東 的利益行事。

The main topic of this essay is that doing more research on the regulation of 「 nominal shareholder 」 phenomenon is quite crucial for perfection of corporation law system
本文的基本命題是:對有限責任 公司股東 掛名現象進行規制是完善公司法律制度的重要內容。

If a pany intends to provide guarantee to a shareholder or actual controller of the pany , it shall make a resolution through the shareholder ' s meeting or shareholders ' convention
公司為 公司股東 或者實際控制人提供擔保的,必須經股東會或者股東大會決議。

Jin ding partners also provides services to *** all and medium - size private panies , sino - foreign joint venture panies as well as solely foreign funded panies
本所為多家有限責任 公司股東 進行公司資信調查,提供股權轉讓協議,對股權轉讓合法性發表法律意見。

As a means of controlpng the investment to the pany , voting right is the basic right of the shareholder . shareholder can attend the meeting personally or act as proxy
公司股東 表決權作為股東對自己投資的掌控工具,是股東在自己投資設立的公司中最根本的權利。

Lee scott , chief executive , said the retailer had performed well in spite of the impact of higher energy prices and of three hurricanes on its us operations
斯科特告訴 公司股東 : 「盡管颶風和能源價格上漲對公司的影響依舊存在,但我相信,我們在假日期間會有良好表現。 」

㈣ 股東 英文

Quality of Management: are management and shareholder interests aligned?


Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Dividend Policy and Shareholder Wealth Effect.


Study on Profit Control Motivation of Large Shareholder's Accounting Estimates Change Activity.


簡州A shareholder may transfer his shares in accordance with the law.




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