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發布時間:2022-03-11 04:19:18

Ⅰ 翻譯(中譯英)淺析上市公司籌資方式的比較與選擇


Brief Analysis and Comparison of Financing(or Capital Raising) Options For Public (or Listed) Companies.

Ⅱ 求「增發」、「我國上市公司再融資方式的比較研究」的標准英文翻譯,急!!!!!

Seasoned Equity Offering

Ⅲ 哪位英語OK的 幫忙翻譯下論文的摘要 不要在線翻譯的哦 謝謝咯 我國上市公司融資的若干問題研究 摘要 上市

China's listed company financing problems research

Abstract: the listed company financing problem is a hot problem, but also a listed company in the market encountered in the process of a common and a complicated problem. Shortage of capital was listed companies in the widespread financial problems, and financing is listed companies in China faces must first solve realistic problem, the shortage of capital financing problems caused not only a phenomenon, its behind contains the financing of capital structure, etc. Capital structure by the debt capital and equity capital structure, causing the equity financing, equity structure, creditor market and internal composition deeper problem. Financing structure of listed companies in the most conspicuous is equity financing preference, Equity structure is complex, equity is too centralized, for the country, legal major joint of non-tradeable shares with a high share of problems, At the same time our creditors market smaller scale and debt financing tools and single. This paper, based on current causes and origin of influencing factors, and put forward the corresponding optimization listed companies in the capital structure and perfecting our creditors market beneficial recommendations.

Keywords financing capital structure equity financing preference for advice

Ⅳ 求大神翻譯!在線等!不要google、有道翻譯的!關於有序融資理論、上市公司等一共200字!!


Ⅳ 請大家幫我找一篇關於《中小企業融資方式選擇》的外國文獻,並且附中文翻譯。

SMEs in the country's economic and social development that plays an important role in the economic development and social stability of the important pillars in the actual work of financing constraints SME development has become the main obstacle.
In this paper, the status of financing for SMEs, the SME financing analysis factors. SME credit culture that loss, financial management confusion, poor economic returns, lack of credit guarantees, domestic financial instry and the integration of its own loans in the current austerity is the main obstacle to SME financing. Proposed solutions should focus on the current development of small and medium banks, establishing a sound credit guarantee system problems to a fundamental breakthrough in getting loans for SMEs bottlenecks contradictions. At the same time, from the perspective of building their own enterprises make policy recommendations.

Ⅵ 有誰能告訴我有關上市公司負債籌資風險的外文翻譯哪裡找


Ⅶ 企業籌資翻譯成英文怎麼說

financing of enterprise

Ⅷ "上市公司"該如何翻譯

上市公司(The listed company)




1、有限責任公司(英語:company with limited liability),簡稱有限公司,中國的有限責任公司是指根據《中華人民共和國公司登記管理條例》規定登記注冊,由五十個以下的股東出資設立,每個股東以其所認繳的出資額為限對公司承擔有限責任,公司法人以其全部資產對公司債務承擔全部責任的經濟組織。有限責任公司包括國有獨資公司以及其他有限責任公司。

2、無限責任公司(unlimited liability company),由兩個以上股東組成、股東對公司債務負連帶無限責任的公司形式。又稱無限公司。為最典型的人合公司。

Ⅸ 求兩篇英語文獻寫畢業論文的。題目是「企業籌資方式」

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Ⅹ 企業籌資翻譯成英文怎麼說

fund-raising of a company



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