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發布時間:2022-05-23 06:55:06

㈠ 徽商網的責任編輯:張宏安

Introction of Anhui Business Magazine
Anhui Business magazine is the high-end financial publication specially served for enterprises and entrepreneurs of Anhui province with international perspective, China viewpoint and Anhui angle. It is sponsored by Anhui Daily Press Group.
Since March, 2009, when the magazine established, Anhui Business magazine has thoroughly and vividly recorded the rise and development of the economy of Anhui province with the philosophy of spreading fortune wisdom, providing front financial view, analyzing business cases and guiding commercial life.
So far, the braches of Anhui Business Magazine Agency include Anhui Business magazine, Anhui Lifestyle weekly newspaper, the official website of the magazine, the mobile newspaper for Anhui merchants, the National Council of Anhui Merchants, the Beauties Club of Anhui Female Merchants and the Research Institute of Anhui Merchants.
Anhui Business Magazine has the monthly circulation of 60,000 copies, which mainly covers some of the central ministries and agencies in China, the government offices of Anhui province, most of the influential enterprises and entrepreneurs in Anhui province, over 60 Anhui Chamber of Commerces in other provinces, and public places such as hotels, airports, golf clubs, high-end business clubs, cafe shops, tea houses, catering hotels, etc..
徽商 菁英薈

㈡ 張宏東的介紹




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