導航:首頁 > 匯率傭金 > 穩定匯率英文


發布時間:2021-10-22 20:51:40

㈠ 人民幣對美圓的匯率不穩定,英文怎麼說

The currency between Chinese RMB and US Dollars is unstable

㈡ 匯率英語 匯率用英語怎麼說

[詞典抄] exchange rate;
This deferral would obviate pressure on the rouble exchange rate.

㈢ 人民幣對美元匯率再次升值 英文怎麼表達

人民幣對美元匯率再次升值,譯:The RMB against the US dollar exchange rate is rising again。

㈣ 英文匯率翻譯

Nine hundred and eighty Hongkong dollar according to the exchange rate today

㈤ 匯率波動的英文,匯率波動的翻譯,怎麼用英語翻譯匯率

[詞典] [經] exchange fluctuations; foreign exchange fluctuation;
We discover they have a relationship between the exchange rate fluctuation and the fluctuating price of real estate.

㈥ 請問: 外匯 標准牌價 買入價 賣出價 的英文翻譯。 及 當日/ 即時匯率的 英文 翻譯。

外匯:foreign exchange
標准牌價:the foreign exchange rate
買入價:buying price
賣出價:selling price
當日/ 即時匯率:daily exchange rate/current exchange rate

㈦ 翻譯成英文:1.在全球經濟萎靡的背景下 2.美元兌換人民幣的匯率不穩定。

1. In the background of global economic recession

2.The rate remains unstable between US dollar and Chinese Yuan.


㈧ 哪位知道「匯率」的英文縮寫

exchange rate

㈨ 匯率波動 英文短句翻譯!

For long-term development, the company willing to take on the recent raw material price increases and exchange rate fluctuations caused huge losses amounting to £ 1,200. Hereby instructions.

㈩ 關於人民幣匯率走勢的英文翻譯

At present, the RMB exchange rate and the reasons for the trend analysis
In China's current economic situation, research on the basis of this paper analyzed the current RMB exchange rate movements, and demonstrates the necessity of the trend in the last chapter, this article attempts to look at and how to resolve the current issue of the RMB is facing pressure to find The answer, and return to the yuan.



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