導航:首頁 > 匯率傭金 > 匯率美元下跌翻譯


發布時間:2021-11-16 00:53:41

❶ 請翻譯 由於美元一直貶值,所以請各位客戶給我們公司付貨款時,請以人民幣款數為准,按當天匯率結算

As the USD has been depreciated,please the settlement based on the current-day rate that is subject to the amount of RMB when you make the payment to our company.

❷ 人民幣對美元匯率下跌了33個基點是什麼意思






❸ 人民幣兌美元匯率罕見跌停 求翻譯

Against the dollar exchange rate drop stop rare

❹ 材料成本在漲,美金匯率也跌,翻譯

The above sheet is our latest quote for the main parts of item 0100126.Compared with the first half year,the unit cost has been increased by 8 to 9USD.Regarding to the exchange rate,we have reached an agreement of 6.82 when Amanda came to our factory in late of this August,but now the US dollars falls to around 6.67.To sum up,e to increased prime cost and decline of the exchange rate,we hope to increase the price of item 0100126 to 150USD/set.

❺ 人民幣對美元匯率再次升值 英文怎麼表達

人民幣對美元匯率再次升值,譯:The RMB against the US dollar exchange rate is rising again。

❻ 請問「如遇美元對人民幣匯率調整,此價作相應調整,以匯率變動1%為基本單位」怎麼翻譯啊謝謝大家!

If the exchange rate of Us dollar to China's currency yuan is asted, an adjustment will be made on the price accordingly, with 1 percent of the astments on exchange rate as its basic unit.

❼ 翻譯成英文:1.在全球經濟萎靡的背景下 2.美元兌換人民幣的匯率不穩定。

1. In the background of global economic recession

2.The rate remains unstable between US dollar and Chinese Yuan.


❽ 美元匯率降低的英文翻譯。在線等。急

The real exchange rate with US dollars has decreased.

❾ 匯率又大幅下跌。如何翻譯

A rate of exchange falled off sharply again

❿ 人民幣美元匯率不斷下降的翻譯是:什麼意思

英文:RMB exchange rate declining continuously



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