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Ⅰ 求關於人民幣匯率變動帶來的影響,外文文獻,要英文原文和中文譯文


Ⅱ 關於人民幣匯率變動帶來的影響,外文文獻,要英文原文和中文譯文,2篇,盡快,謝謝










目前國際貨幣體系存在諸多的問題,那麼它未來的改革趨勢將是怎麼樣的呢?我們可以從三個視角看未來的國際貨幣體系改革。(一)從國際儲備貨幣視角看未來的國際貨幣體系改革。1.重新修復以美元為主導的國際儲備體系,但是,這種格局並沒有改變此次金融危機中所呈現出來的一系列國際貨幣體系的缺陷。 2.美元逐步失去中心地位,國際儲備貨幣多元化 3.創造一種新的超主權國際儲備貨幣(二)從國際收支不平衡的調整機制看未來國際貨幣體系安排 1.全球儲蓄率結構「再平衡」2.新興市場經濟發展模式「再平衡」(三)從國際資金流動與全球治理看未來國際貨幣體系安排已經高度全球化的金融市場,客觀上需要一個更能夠同時體現發達國家和發展中國家利益、更公平、更合理的治理結構。

Ⅲ 與人民幣匯率升值有關的經典文獻都有哪些啊

[2] 孫伯良, 王琛, 郭紅兵. 人民幣升值問題探析[J]. 渤海大學學報(哲學社會科學版) , 2004,(05)
[3] 趙惠娟. 人民幣升值對我國主要行業的影響[J]. 金融教學與研究 , 2005,(04)
[4] 王亞. 人民幣升值——挑戰與機遇並存的國際博弈[J]. 江蘇廣播電視大學學報 , 2004,(01)
[5] 吳金平. 美國政治與人民幣升值問題[J]. 廣東外語外貿大學學報 , 2005,(01)
[6] 南沫. 人民幣升值和我們有多大關系[J]. 社區 , 2005,(16)
[7] 艾倫·格林斯潘, 於蕾. 迫人民幣大幅升值是錯誤的[J]. 國外社會科學文摘 , 2006,(01)
[8] 張曉龍. 人民幣升值造就多行業起伏[J]. 中國社會導刊 , 2005,(17)
[9] 張永紅, 黃紅英. 淺析人民幣升值的若干問題[J]. 江西社會科學 , 2003,(09)
[10] 尹震源. 論人民幣升值對我國經濟的影響[J]. 江西金融職工大學學報 , 2005,(01)
[6] 宋小娜. 人民幣匯率改革對我國進出口貿易的影響[D]. 對外經濟貿易大學 , 2007
姜麗娜;【文獻出處】世界經濟情況, World Economic Outlook, 編輯部郵箱 2009年 10期

Ⅳ 關於「人民幣匯率升值對我國外貿的影響」的開題報告




4、 中國GDP國際地位將提高,因為同樣多的人民幣可以兌換成美元的數量增加了。


Ⅳ 求英語論文——關於人民幣升值對中國經濟的影響


1) 人民幣升值會影響到我國外貿和出口。
2) 影響到我國企業和許多產業的綜合競爭力
3) 破壞中國經濟的長遠發展,使我國的金融爆發危機
4) 升值後導致投機不可避免地盛行


Ⅵ 求助英語論文 人民幣升值對外貿發展的影響

China has implemented the new round since July 21, 2005 Renminbi to collect the system reform, the Renminbi has been at the revaluation the condition, the Renminbi exchanges US dollar accumulation revaluation already to approach 7%. After RMB rate revaluation, has each kind of influence to our country's national economy, the foreign trade economy is not exceptional, China since the reform and open policy, the foreign trade has maintained the fast growth, will successive years be maintaining the trade surplus, the Renminbi revaluation has a series of influences to our country foreign trade import's and export's total amount and the structure. This article based on our country present actual economic condition, has analyzed the Renminbi revaluation pressure, the importance and the anticipated economic impact, the Renminbi at the import-export trade, the finance monetary policy domain the income which and the risk brings to our country, brings the challenge for the Foreign trade enterprise and so on, has discussed the Renminbi strong trend time revaluation question and the solution malpractice's plan. In the current revaluation has become the fact under the background, our country should take the corresponding following measure positively, stabilizes with the optimized economic environment, maximum limit reces possibly the loss which (exchange rate change) occurs because of the economical fluctuation, at the right moment adjusts the exchange rate system to deal with the opportunity which and the challenge the Renminbi revaluation brings.

Ⅶ 急求有關人民幣匯率的有關參考文獻


Ⅷ 求一篇關於人民幣升值的文章,中文和英文都要

RMB Appreciation

The impact of RMB appreciation
As the comprehensive strength of the national economy grows, the Chinese currency, the Renminbi (RMB) began to appreciate. Effects of the RMB's appreciation since July have been felt both domestically and abroad, and will become even more significant with time. China should embrace the new opportunities that appreciation has opened-up and allow more room for the national economy to grow in the process of globalization.

People need to be aware that the appreciation of the RMB may have some less desirable effects on economic growth in the short term. Currently, China's export market still relies heavily on cheap labor to compete in the international market. As its added value is low, the appreciation of the RMB will affect China's export and consequently the overall growth rate of the national economy. However, there are also many positive aspects to the appreciation of the RMB. In the long run, RMB appreciation will generate more development opportunities. People will feel richer, it will improve China's status and influence in the world economy and it will change the commodity structure and the flow of investment. It will also have a significant influence on the structure of domestic proction resources.

First of all, it will accelerate instrial upgrading. In a market economy, the fluctuation of the foreign exchange rate involves the international balance of incomes and expenses and is an important price indicator. The appreciation of the RMB means that the price of various domestic resources, especially land and labor, will go up in relative terms and this will speed up necessary adjustments to the commodity mix and domestic instry. RMB appreciation will graally change the value of the international and domestic markets. Domestic enterprises will rely more on sales to the domestic market so that national economic growth is less dependent on export demand and a more reasonable instrial structure will form.

Secondly, it will promote technical innovation. In many countries, technical innovation relies primarily on a market mechanism which makes good use of price as a lever. China's proction process is enormously costly in terms of resources and energy, and labor is too cheap. The appreciation of the RMB will cause an increase in the domestic prices of such things as land and labor as well stimulate the demand for innovation. Procts for export must rely on technological innovation to be more competitive internationally. In the domestic market, enterprises are also forced to compete through technological innovation. Simply speaking, the appreciation of the RMB will cause the formation of a market environment that is concive to speeding up technological innovation.

Thirdly, the appreciation of the RMB will benefit the people. On the one hand, it will make imported procts relatively cheaper. It will also be cheaper for Chinese to travel abroad. This will increase consumption. On the other hand, it will push up the market price of domestic financial assets, changing the financial market structure. If other conditions don't change, Chinese people will feel richer as the value of their money grows and further stimulates domestic demand. Of greater strategic significance is the fact that the appreciation of the RMB will make the price Chinese labor price higher.

RMB appreciation reflects the success of Chinese economic development after reform and opening up. It is also an important turning point in China's social and economic situation. The downsides to RMB appreciation shouldn't be overemphasized. The fluctuation of the RMB is the result of changes to the current economic structure and will have an important impact on the economic structure of the future. Maintaining the status quo is short-sighted and will harm the long-term interests of China. The best choice is to speed up the transformation of the economic growth mode and adapt to the appreciation of RMB to make the most from the process.

By People's Daily Online; The author, Chen Feixiang, is the Director of the Economic and Financial Deparment of Tongji University.
RMB Appreciation Positive for Economy, Trade

China's long-awaited but unexpected decision to appreciate its currency sent shock waves to the international financial market.

Economists hold that the new RMB rating system will have a positive effect on the country's economy in the long run.

The RMB yuan, which had been pegged to the US dollar for over a decade at a rate of one dollar for 8.27 yuan, began to be traded at 8.11 starting 19:00 Thursday, according to the announcement released by China's central bank, with pegging system being switched to refer to a basket of foreign currencies.

"The 2 percent appreciation of RMB may weaken exports and boost imports," Wang Zhao, a research fellow with State Council Development Research Center Marco-economy Department, said, "in other words, the net exports will see a decline."

However, the move helps China build a healthy and sustainable development structure. The export-oriented policy of RMB being pegged to the US dollar, which made made-in-China commodities less expensive, provoked a series of trade conflicts in the latest years."

Many overseas firms moved to China to take advantage of China's cheap labor force. The appreciation of RMB squeezes the profit margin of labor-intensive and heavily-polluted firms, Wang said.

"For example, some tennis rackets are made of carbonic material, which is heavy-polluted. The appreciation might force these companies to leave China," he said.

"According to the purchasing power parity evaluation, the RMB was really undervalued," said Zhao Yumin, a research fellow on the international market from the Ministry of Commerce. "The appreciation pushes RMB closer to its real value."

"The key factor to a proct is technology instead of foreign exchange rate," Zhao said, " Some low-end procers will be washed out. However, the appreciation will not have much impact on high-end companies."

Foreign manufacturers whose procts target China's market, such as Motorola, would not feel much pressure. Yet those targeting overseas market might need a second thought, Zhao said.

Tang Min, deputy resident representative of the Asia Development Bank's PRC Resident Mission, said the pegging system reform would have a limited effect on foreign trade in the short term.

"The reform indicated that China's foreign exchange system is developing towards a more flexible, mature, and market-oriented direction. Summing up the reform experiences of other developing countries, China should push for the reform slowly to fence off unexpected risks," Tang said.

Tang's remarks were echoed by Zhao Yumin. "The appreciation and reform are a wise decision," she said, "first of all, the appreciation could help rub off trade conflict pressure from China's trade partners. Second, the modest movement of RMB will not result in big fluctuation in the financial market. Third, the pegging reform leaves enough space for the continuous reform on the yuan's rate."

"More importantly, referring to a basket of currencies can hedge off more financial risks than to a single currency," Zhao said.

(Xinhua News Agency July 25, 2005)




Ⅸ 求一篇人民幣升值對我國進出口的影響英文文獻!!!急用!!!


Ⅹ 求一篇關於人民幣升值的影響的英文文獻原文,要有出處與作者

Influence of RMB Appreciation on Different Import Subjects of Agricultural Procts
Jiasheng Zhang - 2009
Taking the monthly data from July, 2005 to April 2008 as a specimen period, this paper uses panel data model to analyze the influences ...




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