導航:首頁 > 匯率傭金 > 匯率按當天計算翻譯


發布時間:2021-12-19 01:53:42

A. 請問 匯率按照匯款當天計算 英語怎麼說

Above sum is charged in USD. If in RMB, the Exchange Rate is in according to the bank's offer on the paying day.

B. 美金按發貨當天的匯率計算怎麼翻譯


C. 美金折人民幣按當日到帳匯率計算 譯成英文(在線等)

The exchange rate of USD into RMB in compliance with the rate of payment day

D. 按照當天匯率 用英語怎麼說

According to the exchange rate

E. 現報價按RMB計算,美元折算按合約確認當日匯率計算. 怎麼翻譯

quotation is on the RMB basis,USD based quotation will be subject to the exchange rate of the day in contract

F. 求翻譯 人民幣按照出貨當日的匯率折算成美金

The exchange rate of RMB & USD will be converted according to the foreign exchange quoteprice of that day.

G. 「匯率以中國人民銀行2011年2月21日美元對人民幣中間價6.5705計算」翻譯成英文,在線等待

The exchange rate is the middle rate released by People's Bank of China on Feb 21,2011.

H. 請幫忙翻譯"人民幣與美元匯率按當日外匯牌價折算"謝謝

The exchange rate of RMB & USD will be converted according to the foreign exchange quoteprice of that day.

I. 匯率按當天結算 用英語怎麼說

the rate of exchange is outturned by the day



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