導航:首頁 > 匯率傭金 > 實際價格按簽約日匯率計算翻譯


發布時間:2022-01-23 02:46:23

『壹』 「房間的實際費用以入住酒店當日的匯率為准」英文如何翻譯

The actual room cost depends on the current exchange rate when you check in the hotel.


『貳』 請求日語翻譯「實際交易匯率請以本單位當日制定指導牌價為准」如何翻譯感激


『叄』 幫忙用英文翻譯下:"實際價格以開票當天的美金匯率為准"

The actual price is based solely on the drawing day`s rate for the dollar .

『肆』 你很清楚,即使按我提出的價格,按現在的人民幣匯率核算,我也是無利可言的。懇求翻譯

As you know,even though we do business with the price we offered,it's also unprofitable to us on the basis of exchange rate now.

『伍』 翻譯成英文:如以美元或歐元支付,請在付款附言上註明以美元或歐元支付,匯率按當日牌價。

Pls marke "Paid by US dollars or Euros,exchange rate depended on intraday rate " on payment enclosure if you actually did so.

『陸』 能幫忙翻譯一下英文商務合同中的"以支付日匯率為基準"嗎,謝謝啦

Take pays Japan the exchange rate as the datum

『柒』 美金折人民幣按當日到帳匯率計算 譯成英文(在線等)

The exchange rate of USD into RMB in compliance with the rate of payment day

『捌』 實際價格已當日預定價格為准 該價格僅供參考 還請幫忙翻譯成日文,謝謝~


『玖』 請幫忙翻譯"人民幣與美元匯率按當日外匯牌價折算"

The spot exchange rate of Chinese RMB in terms of US dollar.

『拾』 求翻譯 人民幣按照出貨當日的匯率折算成美金

The exchange rate of RMB & USD will be converted according to the foreign exchange quoteprice of that day.



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