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發布時間:2022-01-25 04:40:06

1. 什麼是匯率戰爭


2. 請提供關於"匯率戰爭影響"的英文資料!!謝謝!!

Exchange rates disorder harmful to global financial stability
-- Talking about Canada's stand on the upcoming G20 summit in Seoul next week, Canadian Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said high volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates have adverse effects on global economic and financial stability.

The two-day summit will be held while the global economic recovery is only proceeding slowly, with heightened tensions in currency markets and risks associated with global imbalances, and just days after the newly announced second round of quantitative easing by the U.S. government, which further weakens the U.S. dollar.

"Exchange rates are a critical adjustment mechanism in the global economy, and continued inflexibility distorts trade flows in a manner that is inconsistent with underlying economic fundamentals," Flaherty told Xinhua in a recent interview.

Although the depreciation of the U.S. dollar will harm the export-oriented Canadian economy, Flaherty said the Bank of Canada does not seek to ensure "some specific value" on foreign-exchange markets.

After the United States announced to buy 600 billion U.S. dollars more in Treasury bonds to boost the sluggish economic growth, he said, "The Canadian government and Bank of Canada monitor fiscal and monetary issues carefully."

To ensure a strong, sustainable and balanced recovery, he said, advanced and emerging economies need to make necessary adjustments, while advanced economies must follow through on the Toronto summit commitment to halve their deficits by 2013 and stabilize or rece government debt-to-GDP ratios by 2016.

He praised China's decision prior to the Toronto summit to proceed with further reforms to its exchange rate as "an important step."

"The G20 Framework establishes a process where we can collectively discuss and agree on policy actions, including exchange rates, to help us achieve our shared objectives of strong, sustainable, and balanced growth," the finance minister said.
Regarding the achievement reached in the G20 financial meeting on the IMF governance reform, Flaherty said the shift of over 6 percent of the IMF quota to emerging or underrepresented countries and the increase of representation of these countries at the IMF Executive Board are significant as they make the governance of the IMF "more representative" of today's global economy.

"Further reforms need to be carried out to help enhance the effectiveness, credibility and legitimacy of the IMF," he added.

He suggested that ministers and governors should be more involved in the Fund issues since they play a primary role in establishing the strategic direction of the Fund.

"The roles and responsibilities of various bodies in the IMF governance structure should be clarified to enhance the accountability of the Executive Board and Fund management," he said. "An open, transparent and merit-based management selection process should be introced regardless of candidate nationality."

He stressed that Canada opposes protectionism and is willing to defend free and open trade on the world stage, since free and open trade and investment are vital to the international response to the global economic crisis.

Flaherty said Canada remains committed to the multilateral process of the World Trade Organization (WTO), continues to seek a broad and ambitious outcome to the Doha Round of negotiations, and supports the WTO's work in reporting on the financial and economic crisis and trade-related developments.

He also said the G20 should follow through on measures to safeguard the recovery and promote strong and sustainable global growth in order to rece poverty. "The G20 Framework is an important tool in this respect," he said.

Flaherty believed that recent lending reforms at the IMF represent a substantial strengthening of global financial safety nets. However, any further IMF lending reform should be carefully calibrated to avoid spurring reckless risk-taking, or "moral hazard."

He said more work needs to be done towards smarter and more effective regulation that will rece the risk of contagion from one area across the entire global financial system.

"We must follow through on our commitment to develop effective resolution rules for all types of financial institutions that are in line with the principle that taxpayers shouldn't bear the costs of louts of financial institutions," he added.

As for the establishment of a G20 secretariat, Flaherty suggested that it is not necessary since the G20 will be more like an international organization, and its flexibility would be inevitably undermined by doing so.

"The secretariat functions should rest with each hosting nation," he said.

3. 最近的中美匯率戰爭是什麼回事


4. 匯率戰爭對中國和世界的影響


5. 匯率戰爭對世界經濟局勢的影響

美聯儲實際上是世界的中央銀行,美元的霸主地位沒有哪種貨幣能撼動,美國印發大量紙幣美元來掠奪世界的財富,因為美國是世界上最大的經濟體,任何一個可能挑戰他的地位經濟體都會回受到美國的打擊,日本二戰後經濟發展很快,20世紀80年代,日本的人均國民生產總值一度超過美國,美國迫使日本使日元升值,結果日元升值了,日本經濟90年代被稱為'失去的十年「;同樣歐盟經濟上21世紀初有所發展,歐盟的經濟總量和美國 差不多,歐元相對於美元比較強勢,有挑戰美元地位的趨勢,美國通過衍生品等導致歐洲有些國家出現債務危機,歐元一度成為燙手山芋,一蹶不振。現在又想讓人民幣升值,進而打壓中國經濟,防止或減緩中國在經濟上挑戰美國的可能,總之,美國挑起匯率戰爭的目的是打壓其他可能挑戰他的經濟霸主地位的經濟體,繼續維持美國在經濟上的霸主地位。

6. 美國和中國的匯率戰爭是什麼意思

RMB美國升值 中國國內貶值 因為美國欠中國很多的國債 所以他想把匯率提高 不就是還中國的錢能少了么



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