導航:首頁 > 匯率傭金 > 關於傭金的英語對話


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㈠ 英語翻譯翻譯急急急.謝謝




㈡ 先急求一篇關於預訂和接待的英語對話

Tom: I'm glad to have the chance to visit your corporation. I hope to conclude some substantial business with you.

Chen: It's great pleasure. Mr Tom, to have the opportunity of meeting you. I bilieve you have seen the exhibits in the show room. May I know what particular items you are intersted in?

Tom: I'm interested in your hardware, I have seen the exhibits and studied your catalogs. I think some of the items will find a ready market in Holland. Here is a list of my requirements. for which I'd like to have your lowest quotations, CIF Sydney.

Chen: Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us the quantity you require so as to enable us to work out the offers?

Tom: I'll do that. Meanwhile, would you give me an indication of price?

Chen: Here are our FOB price lists. All the prices in the lists are subject to our confirmation.

Tom: What about the commission: From European suppliers I usually get a 3 to 5 percent commission for my imports. It's the general practice.

Chen: As a rule we do not allow any commission. But if the order is large enough, we'll consider it.

Tom: You see, I do business on commission basis. A commission on your prices would make it easier for me to promote sales. Even a 2 or 3 percent would help.

Chen: We'll discuss this when you place your order with us.





FOB-- FOB是一個常用的縮寫詞, 意思指離岸價,如FOB 上海,指的是上海離岸價。FOB HONGKONG 指的是香港離岸價。

CIF--CIF是一個報價的商業慣用語,意思指包成本、保險、運費到某港口的到岸價。 CIF是 cost, insurance 和 freight 縮寫。 如: CIF LONDON 倫敦到岸價/ CIF KLANG 馬來西亞巴生港到岸價。

General Practice 意思是慣例, international general practice 是國際慣例。

㈢ 中介英語租房常用語

1)別墅:Single Family House, Single House,或者就是用house,這里的house就是指獨立的房子。一般不太用villa這個詞。
4高層住宅:high rising,比如high rising apartment。
5樓層:floor,或者story,比如第二層:second floor。6房間:bedroom,主卧室:master bedroom,書房:study room。第二個睡房:second bedroom。
7衛生間:bathroom,簡稱bath,比如一房一衛:one bedroom,one bath,兩房一衛:two bedroom,one bath。半個衛生間:half bathroom。在家中一般不叫廁所rest room,在公共場所用。
8大廳:family room,不叫big room。第二個廳:second living room,游戲廳:game room,家庭影院:home theater。
9餐廳:早餐廳:breakfast,晚餐/正餐廳:formal dinning
10廚房:kitchen,洗碗機:dishwasher,油煙機:vent hood,烤箱:oven,外國人一般不會炒菜,多數用烤箱。
11煤氣/天燃氣:gas,電:electricity:有線電視:cable TV,高速上網:high speed internet/dsl,撥號上網:dial up,無線上網:wireless internet。
12地面:floor,實木地板:hardwood floor,合成地板:laminated floor,地毯:carpet,瓷磚:tile。
13空調:air conditioner簡稱AC,中央空調:central AC,窗式空調window AC unit。
14熱水:hot water,熱水器hot water heater,15淋浴:shower,浴缸:bath TUB。
16面積:外國人一般不用米制而是用英尺,一平米大約是10平方英尺,比如,80平米就接近800平方英尺,你跟他們說平米就像他們跟你說英尺一樣,平方英尺的表達方式:SQFT,比如1000平方英尺:1000SQFT。(一平方英尺=0。0929平方米)17停車:parking space/lot,免費停車:free parking。
1)房地產經紀人:real estate agent,或者就叫AGENT。置業顧問,也是AGENT,或者叫broker也可以。
2)傭金:commission3)經紀/中介公司:real estate brokerage/broker company,或者realty/real estate都可以。
4)租金:rent,一個月的租金:one month rent5)租約:lease/rent agreerent,按月付租金:month by month。
6)押金:deposit,一個月的押金:one month rent。
7)水電全包:all bills paid。
8)房東:landlord,或者owner,房客:tenant9)出租:for rent,公寓出租:apt for rent,房間出租:room for rent,別墅出租:house for rent。
10)室友:roommate,誠征室友:roommate wanted。

1、住宅物業類(Residential flat)

設施 amenities 基本家庭用品 basic appliances 傭金 commission

定金 deposit 實用率 efficiency rate 平面圖 floor plan

備有傢具 furnished 建築面積 gross area 山景 hillside view

內部間隔 internal layout 投資 investment

主 landlord 出租/租約 lease 管理費 management fee

實用面積 net area 座向 orientation 預付租金 rent payable in advance

住宅物業市場 residential property market 自用 self ?use

平方尺 square feet 成交價 transaction price 空置單位 vacant unit

觀景 view

租期term of Tenancy:


冰箱refrigerator 電線 wire 水管water pipe 煤氣管道 gas pipline 水表 Water meter

數字電視 digital television
抽油煙機 range hoods
洗衣機 washing machine 洗碗機 dishwasher 拖把 mop 遙控器 remote control 空調air conditioner

水龍頭faucet 自來水 tap water 書桌desk 椅子 chair 噴頭 spray nozzle

開關switch 燈泡light buld
電表 watt-hour meter燃氣表gas meter餐桌 dinner table
沙發:sofa 茶幾 tea table 床墊 mattress 床架 bed frame

蚊帳 mosquito net 租賃稅:rental tax 鞋櫃 shoe cabinet 電視櫃 TV cabinet

衣櫃wardrobe 抽煙機

㈣ 如何用英語和外商談傭金問題

合法傭金: I would like to discuss the commission on the transaction. Our company will set a rebate for you then you need to present an invoice.
非法傭金:We refuse to involve any illegal undertable fee.

㈤ 商務英語口語考試:對話

1.Your conversation is about making a contract on purchasing nuts with the supplier through the process of enquiry,offer, counter-offer.我們的談話內容,是關於采購堅果,同賣方之間進行詢價、報價及還價的過程。

2.Suppose you』re placing an order of 10 tons of black tea, and you』ll discuss the details with you seller, which includes price,delivery,packaging,shipment)如果你下了一個10噸紅茶的訂單,你就得跟他們討論一些細節,包括價格、出貨、包裝及裝船訊息。

3.Assume you received your goods of sewing machine which were delivered late, and what』s worse, some of the cases were damp and broken. Then you』re planning to address the problem with your supplier. ( complaint, claim, and after sale service should be included)如果你需要的縫紉機貨物交貨延遲了,或者有個別箱子受潮或破損,那你就得向你的供應商檢討問題原因(可能要抱怨、索賠或者是要求其履行售後服務)

4. Make a conversation between an agent and seller about commission negotiation 買賣雙方進行傭金談判。

5. A is a buyer(purchaser) , B is a seller. Make a conversation in which A tries to promote samples to persuade B to buy their procts.買方與賣方之間的談判,就是買方說服賣方購買其產品的過程。

6. Try to make a conversation on negotiation of price clause in a contract 關於合同中的價格條款做一次會談

7. Try to make a conversation on establishing business relationship with your potential business partner.跟你的潛在客戶關於建立合作關系做一次會談。

8. Make a conversation promoting your procts at a trade fair.

9. Make a conversation discussing how to increase sales/ your work plan for next year.關於如何提升下半年的銷售額即你的工作計劃做一次會談。

10. make a conversation about staring an E-Commerce.關於如何著眼於電子商務市場做一次會談

㈥ 請問「傭金」英文怎樣寫

n.委員會,委員; [商]傭金,手續費; 任命,委任; 委任狀;
vt.委任,授予; 使服役; 使(船)服役;

, 你的採納是我服務的動力。

㈦ 求翻譯成英語:如果這單做成了,請您接受我們給您的傭金吧

僅供參考:If you help us close the deal, we hope you can accept the commission we give you.

㈧ 增加你的傭金英語

Would you like to consider a new offer to the customer with a little less commission?

㈨ 急求一篇關於commission的商務英語對話

A: Hello, Mr. Kubat. I am glad to meet you here at the fair.


B: Likewise. Take a seat, please. How about a cup of tea?


A: Sure. Thank you. It seems your business is prosperous. There are many customers here.


B: Yes, it's not too bad. Our sales are going up year after year. And we still have a large potential proction capacity.


A: Well, what do you think of choosing a commission representative or agent abroad to promote your sales?


B: That's a good idea. So far, we have several agents abroad.


A: We are willing to be your agent in Thailand for hand-held tools. What do you think?


B: That sounds good.


A: Then, what's your usual commission rate for your agents?


B: Usually, we give a commission of 3% to our agents.


A: 3% is too low, I think. You see, we have a lot of work to do in sales promotion such as advertising on radio or TV, printing booklets, leaflets, catalogues and so on. It all costs money. 3% is not enough.


B: Don't worry. We'll allow you a higher commission rate if your sales score a substantial increase.


A: You mean to say…


B: Now, if you sell US$ 2 million worth of hand-held tools annually, we can only allow 3% commission. If the annual turnover exceeds US$ 5 million, you can get 5% commission. What do you think of that?


A: It sounds OK. Then how do you pay the commission?


B: We may dect the commission from the invoice value directly or remit it to you after payment.


A: All right. If it's okay, we would like to sign an agency agreement with you immediately.


B: Think it over. We hope to keep a good business relationship with you.


A: Thank you for your help.


㈩ 求英語翻譯 在你下單後,先付定金,等貨物發出去後,餘款收到後,在打10%傭金給你。這個怎麼翻譯

After you place the order, please make the down payment first. When the goods are delivered and the balace/remaining payment received, then the 10% commission will be paid to you.



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