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銷售代理協議 SALES AGENCY AGREEMENT編號:No:日期:Date:本協議雙方為了發展貿易,在平等互利的基礎上,按下列條件簽定本協議。This agreement is entered into between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows:1. 訂約人(Contracting Parties)供貨人:Supplier:(hereinafter called "Party A")銷售代理人:Agent:(hereinafter called "Party B")甲方委託乙方為銷售代理人,推銷下列商品。Party A hereby appoints party B to act as his selling agent to sell the commodity mentioned below.2. 商品及數量或金額(Commodity and Quantity or amount)雙方約定,乙方在協議有效期內,承銷不少於_____的上述商品。It is mutually agreed that Party B shall undertake to sell not less than _____ of the aforesaid commodity in the ration of this Agreement.3. 經銷地區只限在_____銷售。Territory In_____only.4. 定單的確認(Confirmation of orders)關於協議所規定的上述商品的每筆交易,其數量、價格及裝運條件等須經甲方確認,並簽定銷售確認書,對交易做具體規定。The quantities, prices and shipment of the commodities stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed for each transaction, the particulars of which are to be specified in the Sales Confirmation signed by the two parties hereto.5. 付款(Payment)訂單確認後,乙方須按照有關確認書所規定的時間開立以甲方為受益人的保兌的、不可撤消的即期信用證。乙方開出信用證後,應立即通知甲方,以便甲方准備交貨。After confirmation of the order, Party B shall arrange to open a confirmed, irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight in favor of Party A within the time stipulated in the relevant S/C. Party B shall also notify Party A immediately after L/C is opened, so that Party A can get prepared for delivery.6. 傭金 (Commission)在本協議期滿時,乙方完成了第二款所規定的數額,甲方當按裝運貨物所收到的全部發票金額付給乙方_____%的傭金。Upon the expiration of the Agreement and Party B's fulfillment of the total turnover mentioned in Article 2, Party A shall pay to Party B_____% commission on the basis of the aggregate amount of the invoice value already paid by Party B of the shipments affected.7. 市場情況報告 (Reports on Market Conditions)乙方每三個月向甲方提供一次有關當時市場情況和用戶意見的詳細報告。同時,乙方應隨時向甲方提供其它供應商所給的類似商品的樣品及其價格、銷售情況和廣告資料。Party B shall forward once every three months to Party A detailed reports on current market conditions and of consumers comments. Meanwhile, Party B shall, from time to time, send to Party A samples of similar commodities offered by other suppliers, together with their prices, sales information and advertising materials.8. 宣傳廣告費用 (Advertising & Publicity Expenses)在本協議有效期內,乙方在上述經銷地區內所作廣告宣傳的一切費用,由乙方自理。乙方須事先向甲方提供宣傳廣告的圖案及文字說明,由甲方審閱同意。Party B shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity within the aforementioned territory in the ration of this Agreement and submit to Party A all patterns and / or drawings and description for prior approval.9. 協議有效期 (Validity of Agreement)本協議由雙方簽字後生效,有效期_____年,自_____至_____.若一方希望延長本協議,則須在本協議期滿前一個月書面通知另一方,經雙方協商決定。若協議一方未履行協議條款,另一方有權終止協議。This agreement, after its being signed by the parties concerned shall remain of in force for_____as from _____ to _____. If either party wish to extend this Agreement, he shall notice, in writing, the other party one month prior to its expiration, the matter shall be decided by consent of the parties hereto.Should either party fail to implement the terms and conditions herein, the other party is entitled to terminate the Agreement.10. 仲裁 (Arbitration)在履行協議過程中,如產生爭議,雙方應友好協商解決。若通過友好協商未能達成協議,則提交中國國際貿易促進委員會對外貿易仲裁委員會,根據該會仲裁程序暫行規定進行仲裁。該委員會決定是終局的,對雙方均有約束力。仲裁費用,除另有規定外,由敗訴一方負擔。All disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for Arbitration in accordance with its Provisional Rules of Procere. The decision made by this commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.11. 其它條款 (Other Terms & Conditions)(1) 甲方不得向經銷地區其它買主供應本協議所規定的商品,如有詢價,當轉給乙方洽辦。若有買主希望從甲方直接訂購,甲方可以供貨,但甲方須將有關銷售確認書副本寄給乙方,並按所達成交易的發票金額給乙方_____%的傭金。Party A shall not supply the contracted commodity to any other buyers in the above mentioned territory. Direct enquiries, if any, will be referred to Party B. However, should any other buyers wish to deal with Party A directly, Party A may do so, But Party A shall send to Party B a of sales confirmation and give party B_____% commission(s) concluded.(2) 若乙方在_____月內未能向甲方提供至少_____的訂貨,甲方不承擔本協議的義務。Should Party B fail to pass on his orders to Party A in a period of _____ months for a minimum of _____, Party A shall not bind himself to this Agreement.(3) 對雙方政府間的貿易,甲方有權按其政府的授權進行有關的直接貿易,而不受本協議的約束。乙方不得干涉此種直接貿易,也無權向甲方提出任何補償或傭金要求。For any business transacted between governments of both Parties, Party A may handle such direct dealings as authorized by Party A's government without binding himself to this Agreement. Party B shall not interfere in such direct dealings, nor shall Party B bring forward any demand for compensation therefrom.(4)本協議受簽約雙方所簽定的銷售確認條款的制約。This Agreement shall be subject to the terms and conditions in the Sales Confirmation signed by both parties hereto.本協議於_____年___月___日在_____簽定,正本兩份,甲乙雙方各執一份。This Agreement is signed on___/___/_____at_____and is in two originals, each party holds one.甲方: Party A: 乙方:Party B:簽字: Signature:簽字:Signature:

㈡ 代理合同中英文範本

與他方當事人X、 Y、 Z公司,按______國法律組建並存在的公司,其主營業地在______(以下簡稱代理商)所簽訂。


第一條 委任與接受


第二條 代理商的義務


第三條 代理區域

本協議所指的代理區域是:________ (以下簡稱區域)。

第四條 代理商品

本協議所指的代理商品是_________ (以下簡稱商品)。

第五條 代理權


第六條 最低代理額和價格

在本協議有效期內,如果賣方通過代理商每所(12個月)從顧客處收到的貨款總金額低於_______ ,則賣方有權提前30天書面通知代理商解除本協議。



第八條 費用分擔


第九條 傭金




第十一條 商品的推銷


第十二條 工業權保護


第十三條 協議期限


第十四條 協議的中止


第十五條 不可抗力


第十六條 准據法

本協議有關貿易條款應按 INCOTERM90解釋。本協議的有效性、組成以及履行受中華人民共和國法律管轄。

第十七條 仲裁


A.B.C.公司 及 x.y.z公司
代表________ 代表________



This Agreement is made and entered into this _____ day of _____ ,19 - by and between A.B.C.Co.Ltd. a corporation ly organized and existing under the laws of Peoples Republic of China,with its principal place of business at ____ (hereinafter called Seller) and X.Y.Z.Co.Ltd. a corporation ly organized and existing under the laws of ____,with its principal of business at ____(hereinafter called Agent). Whereby it is mutuly agreed as follows:
Article 1. Appointment
During the effective period of this Agreement. Seller hereby appoints Agent as its exclusive agent to solicit orders for procts stipulated in Article 4 from customers in the territory stipulated in Article 3 and Agent accepts and assumes such appointment.
Article 2. Agents Duty
Agent shall strictly conform with any and all instructions gvien by Seller to Agent from time to time and shall not make any representation,warranty,promise,contract,agreement or do any other act binding Seller. Seller shall not be held responsible for any acts or failures to act by Agent in excess of or contrary to such instructions.
Article 3. Territory
The territory covered under this Agreement shall be expressly confined to ____(hereinafter called Territory)
Aricle 4. Procts
The procts covered under this Agreement shall be expressly conned to ____(hereinafter called procts)
Article 5. Exclusive Right
In consideration of the exclusive right herein granted, Seller shall not,dicectly of indirectly,sell of export procts to Territory through other channel than Agent and Agent shall not sell, distribute or promote the sale of any procts competitive with of similar to Procts in Territory and shall not solicit or accept orders for the prupose of selling Proets outside Terrtory. Seller shall refer to Agent any inpuiry or order for procts Seller may receive from others in Territory ring the effective period of this Agreement.

Aritcle 6. Mimimum Transaction and Price
In the event that ring one year (12 months) ring the effective period of this Agreement,aggregate payment received by Seller from customers on orders obtained by Agent under this Agreement amounts to less than _____, Seller shall have the right to terminat this Agreement amounts to less than _____,Seller shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving thirty (30) days written notice to Agent.
The seller shall from time to time furnish the Agent with a statement of the minimum prices and the terms and conditions of sales at which the goods are respectively to be sold.
Article 7. orders
In soliciting orders ,Agent shall adepuately advise customers of the general terms and conditions of Sellers sales note or contract note and of any contract being subject to the confirmation of acceptance by Seller.Agent shall immediately dispatch any order received to Seller for its acceptance or rejection.
The seller shall have the right to refuse to execute or accept any such orders or any part thereof and the Agent shall not be entitled to any commission in respect of any such rejected order or part thereof refused.
Article 8. Expenses
All expenses and disbursements such as cabling,traveling and other expenses incurred in connection with the sale of procts shall be for the account of Agents, unless especially arranged.Further Agent shall, at this own expenses,maintain office(s), salesmen and others sufficient for the performance of the obligation of Agent in conformity with any and all instructions given by Seller.
Article 9.Commission
Seller shall pay to Agent commission in _____ currency at the rate of ______% of the net invoiced selling price of procts on all order directly obtained by Agent accepted by Seller. Such commission shall be payable every six months only after Seller receives the full amount of all payments e to Seller. Payments of such commission shall be made to Agent by way of remittance.
Article 10.Information and Report

Both Seller and Agent shall quartely and/or on the request of either party furnish information and market report each other to promote the sale of procts as much as possible.Agent shall give Seller shall furnish with or without charge to Agent reasonable quantity of advertising literatures catalogues,leaflets,and the like as Agent may reasonably require.
Article 11. Sales Promotion
Agent shall diligently and adequately advertise and promote the sale of Procts throughout Territory.Seller shall furnish with or without charge to Agent reasonable quantity of advertising literatures catalogues,leaflets,and the like as Agent may reasonably require.
Article 12 .Instrial Property Rights
Agent may use the trade - mark(s) of Seller ring the effective period of this Agreement only in connection with the sale of Procts, provided that even after the termination of this Agreement Agent may use the trade - mard(s) inconnection with the sale of Procts held by it in stock at the time of termination. Agent shall also acknowledge that any and all patents, trade - marks, right and other instrial property rights used or embodied in Procts shall remain to be sole properties of Seller and shall not dispute them in any way. If any infringement being found, Agent shall promptly notify seller and asist seller to take steps to protect its right.
Article 13. ration
This Agreement shall enter into force on the signing of both parties. At least three(3) months before the expiration of the term, both Seller and Agent shall consult each other for renewal of this - Agreement. If the renewal of this Agreement is agreed upon by both parties,this - Agreement shall be renewed for another_________ year(s) period under the terms and conditions herein set forth,with amendments, if agreed upon by both parties. Unless this Agreement shall expire on _______.
Article 14. Termination
In case there is any nonperformance and/or violation of the terms and conditions including Article 5,6,11 under this Agreement by either party ring the effective period of this agreement,the parties hereto shall do their best to settle the matter in question as prompt and amicable as possible to mutual satisfaction.Unless settlement should be reacher within thirty (30) days after notification in writing of the other party,such other party shall have the right to cancel this Agreement and the loss and damges sustained thereby shall be indemnified by the party responsible for the nonperformance and/or violation. Further in case of bandruptcy or insolvency or liquidation or death and/or reorganization by the third party of the other party ,either party may forth with terminate this Agreement without any notice to the other party.

Article 15. Force Majeure
Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of the e to Acts of God, Governmet orders or restriction or any other events which could not be predicted at the time of the conclusion of the Agreement and could not be controlled,avoided or overcome by the parties.Hovever, the party effected by the Event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in Written as soon as possible.
Article 16. Trade Terms and Governing Law
The trade terms under this Agreement shall be governed and interpreted under the provisions of 1990 Incoterms and this Agreement shall be governed as to all matters including valitity,construction,and preformance under the laws of Peoples Republic of China.
Article 17. Arbitration:
All disputes arising from the performance of the Agreement should be settled through friendly negotiations. Should no settlement be reached through negotiation, the case shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission(Beijing) and the rules of this Commission shall be applied. The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties. The Arbitration fee shall be born by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration organization.
WITNESS THEREOF: This Agreement shall come into effect immediately after it is signed by boty parties in two original copies;each party holds one .

A.B.C Corp. X.Y.Z.Corp.
BY____________ BY____________

㈢ 外貿代理合同範本






一. 委託代理出口商品名稱:

出口口岸:深圳;總金額:XXX萬美元,在2004 年年底前履行完畢。


二. 雙方權利義務:

(一). 代理方:

1. 代理委託方辦理有關貨物出口報關、報檢、托運手續及結匯、退稅事宜,但因出口合同及其附件的瑕疵所產生的一切責任由委託方自行承擔。

2. 因委託方原因致使出口合同不能履行、不能完全履行或遲延履行的,代理方有權解除本代理合同,委託方應承擔由此產生的一切費用和後果。

3. 因外商原因致使合同不能履行、不能完全履行或延遲履行,代理方應及時通知委託方採取補救措施。如委託方在訴訟時效內書面要求對外索賠的,代理方應根據其出口合同,積極協助委託方對外索賠,委託方承擔由此產生的一切費用和後果。並應在索賠前,依據代理方書面通知將預付費用劃至代理方帳戶。若委託方未支付有關索賠費用,而由代理方先行支付的,則委託方喪失享有索賠產生的權利,但不免除因索賠而產生的義務。上述義務包括但不限於承擔代理方先行代墊的律師費、訴訟費、仲裁費、差旅費、通訊費等。反之,如外商索賠,由代理方應訴/應裁,但委託方應無條件協助並承擔應訴/應裁的一切費用和後果。

(二). 委託方:

1. 應提供以下有效證件復印件:

① 企業法人營業執照(含非法人營業執照);

② 組織機構代碼證;

③ 稅務登記證(國稅);

④ 增值稅一般納稅人資格證書或申請認定表(正在申請一般納稅人的企業);

⑤ 如是外商投資企業或中外合資企業,還需要提供:港澳台僑企業批准證書。


2. 保證所委託出口的貨物符合出、進口國的國家政策法律規定,並保證委託出口的貨物不侵犯他人知識產權。

3. 負責組織出口貨源,並根據出口合同的規定按時將委託出口貨物運至出運口岸及承擔運費,並保證所委託的實際貨物與報關品名、規格、數量、質量、包裝等相符。若委託方違反本條規定,則應承擔由此產生的對外及對代理方的賠償責任。

4. 協助代理方辦理報關、報檢、制單、結匯等具體業務,保證從代理方處取得的所有單證的安全,不得挪作它用。

5. 代理方原則上不接受拼櫃貨物。若確有必要,委託方應於貨物報關出口前一周書面通知代理方,由代理方決定是否接受。

6. 委託方應如實申報,不得虛報數量,高報價值。

7. 如委託方指定貨代以及需異地報關出口的貨物,委託方應通知代理方其貨代名稱、地址、聯系人、電話、傳真等詳細資料,並允許代理方與貨代直接聯系,在貨物正式報關出口前,由貨代將裝箱單、發票傳真給代理方確認。

8. 保證增值稅發票和專用繳款書真實、有效、合法。

9. 未經代理方同意,委託方不得擅自更改確認後的合同條款,不得對外商作出合同之外的承諾。

10. 承擔因委託方原因致使本合同及與外商簽訂之合同不能履行的一切責任。

11. 對外商資信負責,承擔因外商原因致使與外商簽訂之合同不能履行或與外商簽訂之合同已部份履行但無法收匯核銷的責任。前述外商違約導致本合同不能履行或不能完全履行,不影響本協議項下代理方收取代理費的權利。

12. 保證在報關日後30日內將報關單、核銷單等退稅單據交還代理方,並保證報關單、核銷單的所有內容與相應的增值稅發票和專用繳款書內容一致。

13. 因委託方的原因,導致增值稅發票和專用繳款書未能退稅時,代理方有權向委託方追索該部份退稅款。委託方應在收到代理方書面通知後3個工作日內將該部份退稅款,付到代理方指定的銀行帳戶上。

三. 費用與代理手續費結算:

1. 代理出口過程中所發生的一切費用,除退稅外均由委託方承擔,如因需要由代理方代為繳納的,委託方應在每筆費用實際發生前轉入代理方帳戶,代理方也可直接在貨款中扣除。


2.A.代理方負責接收國外客戶T/T貨款,該貨款應於60天內匯到代理方指定的銀行帳戶)。在代理方收到委託方國外貨款,先按1美元:8.26人民幣元將貨款匯入同增值稅發票上相符的銀行帳戶,在核銷單、報關單退回後,並收到委託方提供的增值稅專用發票、稅收繳款書後 3個工作日內將外匯貨款按1美元:9.14人民幣元的比率,扣除已按1美元:8.26人民幣元支付的貨款,將剩餘貨款按委託方的通知匯入同增值稅發票上相符的銀行帳戶,其餘部分(包括不低於 13%的退稅款額)作為代理方的代理費用。


四. 違約責任:

1. 在本合同項下,如一方違約,除依法依約應承擔違約責任及賠償責任及賠償守約方的實際損失外,還應承擔守約方為實現債權而支付的費用,該費用包括但不限於律師費用、訴訟費用、差旅費、通訊費。

2. 自違約方違反本合同約定及法定義務之日起,其於後支付的任何款項按以下順序清償:(1)守約方為實現權利支付的費用;(2)利息或違約金、損失賠償金;(3)貨款本金。














委託方: (以下簡稱“甲方”)

受託方: (以下簡稱“乙方”)


一、 甲、乙雙方均持有有效營業執照,並且嚴格按照營業執照中的營業范圍開展業務。由於甲方的違法經營行為給乙方所造成的一切損失與不利後果,甲方應當承擔賠償責任

二、 甲方同意將其攬取的或其生產的貨物委託乙方代理安排運輸。

三、 訂艙時,甲方應正確填寫由乙方提供的規定格式的訂艙委託書,並加蓋公章或訂艙專用章以書面的形式傳真或派人送交乙方, 保證委託書內容的完整性,其中應當包括但不限於所託運貨物之件數,重量,體積,目的港,裝船日期,貨物品名(中英文品名)。甲方對於在裝卸、儲存、保管或運輸中有特殊要求的貨物應在委託書中明確提出並隨附相關文件。如果委託書內容未註明, 由此可能產生的一切風險、責任和費用均由甲方承擔。。同時,甲方需於委託書上註明本協議編號,以免喪失協議內容之權利。

四、 訂艙內容要求更改或取消時,甲方必須最遲於貨物裝入集裝箱的當天以書面形式通知乙方,並與乙方的相關操作人員書面確認,並承擔由此產生的一切風險和額外費用;若貨物已進港或已離港,則乙方有權視情況決定拒絕更改。

五、 甲方應當保證每月向乙方委託出口運輸業務量不少於____TEU。乙方及時向甲方提供有關承運人的船期及運價變動信息。

六、 甲方同意按以下第____種方式確認費用,本協議運價(由我司代收代付承運人,費用由運費和傭金組成)可根據市場價格的變動作相應調整,經雙方確認後生效。乙方為甲方墊付的額外費用實報實銷。 乙方在甲方保證上述委託運輸業務量的前提下,乙方按下述優惠價向甲方結算普通干貨箱包干定額費: 自拖箱:人民幣____元/20’ 人民幣____元/40’ 報關費:人民幣____元/票 其它費用: (註:每票限一張報關單。如因報關內容較多需增加報關單,每張報關單增收電腦預錄費人民幣____元,報關後退關收人民幣____元。) 海運費----訂艙費----其他費用----

七、 海洋運費按雙方確認運價(甲方可以在委託書上標明)或甲方得到船公司的確認價(應隨附優惠協議號或確認件)執行,但仍應履行本協議第十一條之規定。

八、 費用結算.

1. 經甲方要求,乙方同意按以下方式結算運費:甲方每月____間准時付費,乙方有權將甲方的結費方式改為見款放單。如甲方要求退回全部核銷退稅單、運單,則甲方必須結清迄今為止在乙方發生的全部費用並到帳。

2、 經雙方協議按以下第____種方式支付費用:

A. 現金的付款方式;

B. 電匯, 並及時把銀行匯款水單復印件送交給乙方;



九、 甲方付清上述費用和報酬,乙方應及時將海關退還的核銷單,退稅單等有關單證交付甲方。

㈣ 英語翻譯,部分委託代理合同

According to "People's Republic of China Contract Law" and other relevant laws and regulations, Party A Party B to accept the commission for the State Party xx customers find procts, by consensus the two sides signed the contract.

Matters entrusted to the first

Party A Party B commissioned in the country xx clients find the right procts to sell as well as the Party for the Party and State xx contract to provide business contacts, assistance and other services bring together and facilitate xx State Party and the contract for the sale of business set up.

Commissioned a second matter the specific requirements of

(1) Party A should ensure that the legality of procts and proct quality assurance.

(2) Party A and business transactions xx country specific pricing, delivery methods, such as payment by the State Party xx businessmen and consultation between the two sides agreed.

(3) Party A and Party B is not the country xx businessmen secured transactions, Party A should be in strict accordance with the terms of international trade "FOB, CIF" and other terms and conditions of business contracts xx country.

The third commission, bonus and service charge calculation, payment methods and payment time

(1) the calculation and payment of commission

B is independently developed by the projects and customers, and thus have access to the actual orders and after sales (not including: the sale by the Party or is independently developed by an independent team to undertake the projects and customers in sales), Party A on a quarterly basis Party B paid commission, but at the same time Party A Party B must comply with the approval process of the price process, the commission must also be included in the company's cost xx areas. Party A based on the actual situation of each project in proportion to the commission paid to Party B, the ratio of specific: total sales xx ‰ ~ xx%

(2) the calculation and payment of bonuses

Party A Party B in accordance with the requirements of the project, and strive to complete the work of Party goals designated by Party A decision based on the actual situation in a one-time items to be paid a certain amount of money B. Party B in obtaining the money, the Party A Party B no longer pay the cost of other.


第一條 委託事項


第二條 委託事項的具體要求




第三條 傭金、獎金及服務費的計算、給付方式和給付時間

乙方獨立開發的項目和客戶,並且由此獲取訂單而產生了實際了銷售額後(不包括:由甲方銷售團隊獨立開發或獨立承接的項目和客戶產生的銷售額),甲方按季度給付乙方傭金,但同時乙方必須遵守甲方的價格流程審批程序,其傭金也必須納入xx公司的成本計算范疇。甲方依據每個項目的實際情況按比例支付給乙方傭金,具體比例為: 總銷售額的xx‰~xx%


部分委託代理合同 partly authorized representation contract

㈤ 國際貿易傭金合同

laser interferometer
從激光器發出的光束,經擴束準直後由分光鏡分為兩路,並分別從固定反射鏡和可動反射鏡反射回來會合在分光鏡上而產生干涉條紋。當可動反射鏡移動時,干涉條紋的光強變化由接受器中的光電轉換元件和電子線路等轉換為電脈沖信號,經整形、放大後輸入可逆計數器計算出總脈沖數,再由電子計算機按計算式[356-11]式中λ為 激光波長(N 為電脈沖總數),算出可動反射鏡的位移量L。使用單頻激光干涉儀時,要求周圍大氣處於穩定狀態,各種空氣湍流都會引起直流電平變化而影響測量結果。
在氦氖激光器上,加上一個約0.03特斯拉的軸向磁場。由於塞曼分裂效應和頻率牽引效應, 激光器產生1和2兩個不同頻率的左旋和右旋圓偏振光。經1/4波片後成為兩個互相垂直的線偏振光,再經分光鏡分為兩路。一路經偏振片1後成為含有頻率為f1-f2的參考光束。另一路經偏振分光鏡後又分為兩路:一路成為僅含有f1的光束,另一路成為僅含有f2的光束。當可動反射鏡移動時,含有f2的光束經可動反射鏡反射後成為含有f2 ±Δf的光束,Δf是可動反射鏡移動時因多普勒效應產生的附加頻率,正負號表示移動方向(多普勒效應是奧地利人C.J.多普勒提出的,即波的頻率在波源或接受器運動時會產生變化)。這路光束和由固定反射鏡反射回來僅含有f1的光的光束經偏振片2後會合成為f1-(f2±Δf)的測量光束。測量光束和上述參考光束經各自的光電轉換元件、放大器、整形器後進入減法器相減,輸出成為僅含有±Δf的電脈沖信號。經可逆計數器計數後,由電子計算機進行當量換算(乘 1/2激光波長)後即可得出可動反射鏡的位移量。雙頻激光干涉儀是應用頻率變化來測量位移的,這種位移信息載於f1和f2的頻差上,對由光強變化引起的直流電平變化不敏感,所以抗干擾能力強。它常用於檢定測長機、三坐標測量機、光刻機和加工中心等的坐標精度,也可用作測長機、高精度三坐標測量機等的測量系統。利用相應附件,還可進行高精度直線度測量、平面度測量和小角度測量。



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一千塊的傭金 瀏覽:786
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懂股票 瀏覽:657
我國目前匯率制度2016 瀏覽:241
中礦聯合貴金屬是什麼公司 瀏覽:446
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