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Ⅰ 牛英文怎麼拼




三、例句:There is much forage for the cattle.




2、cattle以單數形式出現,卻表示復數的概念。cattle是集合名詞,不能加不定冠詞a,詞尾也不可加s常和many、 few、 these、 those等連用。用作主語時,句子的謂語動詞多用復數。



beef cattle菜牛

dairy cattle奶牛;乳畜

cattle hide牛皮

cattle breeding牛飼養;畜牧

cattle farm養牛場,奶牛場

Ⅱ 愛迪生有哪些故事

「世界發明大王」愛迪生的一生共有約兩千項創造發明,如我們眾所周知的留聲機、電燈、電話、電報、電影等等,當然他的一生中也不乏許多小的發現或發明同樣改變了我們的生活,比如說「復印機」:起初,愛迪生發明了石蠟紙,只是普遍運用於食品如糖果的包裝材料上,後來他嘗試在蠟紙上刻出文字輪廓,形成一張石蠟刻字紙版,在紙版下墊上白紙,再用墨水的滾輪從刻字的石蠟紙上滾一滾,奇妙的事就發生了——白紙上出現了清楚的字跡。有了這個發現,愛迪生又經過多次的改良、試驗,1876年,愛迪生開始量產他發明的復印機,一下子,機關,團體,學校,企事業單位,都採用了這種機器。當然,現在我們早已不再使用那樣「陳舊」的設備,但是今天我們能夠使用到如此高科技的復印設備,正是源於愛迪生的一個小小發現;再比如,我們當今廣泛使用於汽車及建築玻璃等方面的的「太陽膜」,也是源於愛迪生在研發電影技術時的一個偶然發現:1888年,愛迪生發明留聲機後,他將注意力轉放到了研發電影上,他說「我正在實驗一種專供眼睛用的器具,就像留聲機是專供耳朵用的器具」,而他的實驗結果就是電影攝影機 (Kinetograph)及電影視鏡(Kinetoscope:通過窺視孔,在電燈光照明下,放大觀看幻燈片的裝置)。他拍下一系列照片,將它們迅速地、連續地放映到幕布上,產生出運動的幻覺,而這些照片的載體就是我們眾所周知的「膠片」,這時他發現了一個非常有趣的現象,那就是同樣受電燈強光、強熱照射的膠片,顏色越深的膠片就越能阻隔夠吸收電燈所散發出的熱量,於是愛迪生把這個發現隨手記在了自己的工作筆記中——恰恰就是這個偶然的發現,奠定了早期太陽膜的理論基礎。時至今日,我們眼前琳琅滿目的各種太陽膜仍然都在使用與膠片相同的主要原料Pet(聚酯塑料的一種)作為基礎材料,鑒定太陽膜質量優劣的方法也仍然是採用高發熱燈泡照射來比對隔熱率和透光率。無論是採用那一種工藝生產的太陽膜,它的基本的原理都一樣,那就是我們偉大的「世界發明大王」隨手記在筆記本上的那一段話。在愛迪生的一生中,諸如這樣的小故事不勝枚舉,我們不禁感嘆,愛迪生的一生為人類的文明和進步作出了多麼巨大的貢獻!

Ⅲ 描寫愛迪生外貌的語句段落摘抄

The Life of Thomas Edison
"Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."
Thomas Edison
Edison was an inventor known for his influence,his intelligence and,most importantly,his perseverance.During his lifetime more than a thousand American patents were granted on work of his own or of teams under his supervision.Three of his inventionsthe phonograph,a practical incandescent light and electric system,and a moving picture camerahelped found giant instries that were to change the life and leisure of the world.In other areas Edison managed to affect over twenty instries including the military,medical fields (with his fluoroscope),the stock market and mining.Following is a short biography and a timeline of his greatest accomplishments.
Inspiring Childhood.Thomas Edison,the youngest of seven children,was born in Milan,Ohio,on February 11,1847,to Samuel and Nancy Edison.Home schooled and an avid reader,Edison began his scientific experiments at the age of ten when he built a laboratory in the basement of his house stocked with chemicals he either bought or found in the town mp.Edison's early experimentation was almost stopped when his mother became tired of bad odors and fumes filling the house.
The Tramp Telegrapher.Edison left the laboratory behind for a career as a "candy butcher" on the Grand Trunk Railway in 1859,selling candy,dried fruit,snacks and newspapers.Three years later he made history when he began to publish his own newspaper,the Weekly Herald,aboard the train.The first newspaper to be published aboard a moving train,the Weekly Herald,was printed on a secondhand printing press Edison set up in the baggage car of the train.In 1863,he began his first career as a "tramp telegrapher," going from place to place including Ontario,Cincinatti and Nashville,offering his skills as a telegrapher.He finally settled in Boston,working the New York wire for Western Union.
Learning to be Practical.It was in Boston that Edison began experimenting in a more professional way than ever before,first studying Michael Farady's writings on electricity.His first patent in 1868,was a vote recorder which sped up,through electrical messages,the counting of votes for assemblies and meetings.Finding no buyer for his first invention,he formed a policy to never attempt to invent anything unless he was sure there was a commercial demand for it.His next invention demonstrated his commitment to this ideal,a stock ticker that would bring brokers Wall Street quotations more quickly.
Pure Science Experiments.With two notable exceptions,Edison rarely dabbled in anything other than the practical application of principles and scientific theories.In 1875,while working on a theory of electromagnets and telegraphy,Edison discovered a type of energy between electromagnetism and heat and light.Named "etheric force," this discovery revealed the existence of the electromagnetic wave and prompted the invention of the radio in the 1890's.The second time was with his discovery of the "Edison Effect," the basis for the whole field of electronics.Edison discovered that a valve could be created for an electronic current by inserting a metal plate within the filament of an electric light bulb.
The Menlo Park Laboratory.Edison's laboratory at Menlo Park,New Jersey became the first of its kind,the original organized technical research laboratory,with its research "team." Inventions that came out of this new research include the mimeograph machine,the phonograph,the light bulb,and many others.
First of the Great Inventions The phonograph,the light bulb and the motion picture camera have long been considered Edison's greatest inventions.The phonograph,the first of these inventions,was developed after Edison began work on improving Alexander Graham Bell's telephone.Edison believed that the phonograph (which has changed very little from its original design) was his greatest invention.Interestingly enough,the phonograph is the only invention for which Edison can claim sole ownership.
Early Movie Business.Other inventors were experimenting with the motion-picture camera when,in 1891,Edison came up with the practical movie camera,or the Kinetograph ("moving writing"),and a projector,the Kinetoscope ("moving view"),to show his movies.The first movie studio built in 1893,was his Black Maria at West Orange,New Jersey.Edison,who had been working unsuccessfully on "talkies" by combining the phonograph and the camera,left the motion picture business when the instry started to turn away from the ecational purpose he saw for it and towards entertainment.Edison was quoted as saying " A good many people seemed to wonder why I did so [quit the movie business] ­ maybe they still wonder.But the answer is simple enough.I was an inventor ­ an experimenter.I wasn't a theatrical procer.And I had no ambitions to become one." Incidentally,movie audiences would not hear the human voice on film until 1927 with Al Jolson's The Jazz Singer.
The Light Bulb.Edison is quoted as saying it would take a matter of a few weeks to invent the bulb.In reality,it would take him almost two years of failed attempts,new discoveries and prototypes before he would find success.It is said he tried over 6,000 different carbonized plant fibers,looking for a carbon filament for his light bulb.By concentrating and inventing a whole lighting system rather than just a single light bulb,Edison succeeded where others had failed.Edison chose to look at the big picture and created a lighting system including wiring,plugs,connectors,etc.,to operate more than one light bulb at once.Fighting other inventors in courts from England to America,Edison struggled for years to claim his rightful title of inventor of the light bulb,possibly his most popular invention.
Military Inventions of the War Years!During World War I,Edison became the head of the Naval Consulting Board,and for three years he worked on inventions to help the U.S.Navy.Working on antisubmarine tactics,Edison worked to combat the Germans in the Atlantic wars.His inventions included devices that could detect torpedoes as soon as they were fired,a loud-speaking telephone so that a conversation could be carried on in the middle of a battle,and a glare eliminator to make it possible for ships to see periscopes with the bright sunlight shining on the water.
Medical Breakthroughs In 1896,Edison invented the practical fluoroscope,a machine which included a screen made out of tungstate of calcium on which you view X-rays.Edison refused to take a patent out on his fluoroscope because he wanted to see it in use,helping people,immediately.The fluoroscope enabled surgeons to perform the first x-ray operation in the United States.
The Perseverant Inventor One of Edison's most famous qualities was his perseverance.While working on the nickel/iron storage battery,he performed 10,296 experiments.Throughout his inventing career,Edison followed almost every unsuccessful venture with a successful idea.He stuck to his creed of working on only useful and wanted inventions and changed the world with his drive for success.When Edison died October 18,at his home in West Orange,New Jersey,he left behind a legacy of breakthroughs in technology and science.



Ⅳ mot詞綴什麼意思急需!!!!!

motile(mot 動,-ile 形容詞後綴,…的),(生物)能動的

Ⅳ 特斯拉完成拆股 股價延續升勢
















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