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㈠ 什麼是ETR、STK

STK是英文SIM Tool Kit的縮寫,簡稱"用戶識別應用發展工具",是在GSM手機使用的大容量SIM卡中開發的應用菜單。



㈡ ETR是哪裡的交易所 全稱是什麼


㈢ 物流海運專用術語<英語》

alongside -- The side of a vessel.
barrel -- A measurement term that refers to 42 gallons of liquid at 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.56 degrees Celsius).
berth -- The structure where a vessel is secured for the loading and unloading cargo.
bonded warehouse -- A warehouse authorized by customs authorities for the storage of goods on which payment of ties is deferred until the goods are removed.
bow -- The front of a vessel. Also see "stern."
breakbulk cargo -- Loose, non-containerized procts. Examples include steel slabs and coils.
bulk cargo -- Loose cargo shipped in the cargo hold of a vessel without mark and count. Examples include coal, grain and sulfur.
bunker -- A maritime term that refers to fuel used aboard a vessel.
cargo -- Freight loaded into a vessel.
cargo manifest -- A list of all cargo carried on a specific vessel voyage.
cargo tonnage -- Most ocean freight is billed on the basis of weight or measurement tons (W/M). Weight tons can be expressed in short tons of 2,000 pounds, long tons of 2,240 pounds or metric tons of 1,000 kilos (2204.62 pounds). Measurement tons are usually expressed in cargo measurements of cubic feet (one cubic foot equals 0.03 cubic meters) or cubic meters (one cubic meter equals 35.31 cubic feet). Typically, 40 cubic feet (1.13 cubic meters) is the measurement standard.
carrier -- Any person or entity who, in a contract of carriage, undertakes to perform or procure the performance of carriage by rail, road, sea, air, inland waterway or by a combination of such transportation modes.
chassis -- A frame with wheels and container-locking devices in order to secure the container for movement.
container -- A truck trailer body that can be detached from the chassis for loading into a vessel, a railcar, or stacked in a container depot. Containers may be ventilated, insulated, refrigerated, flat rack, vehicle rack, open top, bulk liquid or equipped with interior devices. A container may be 20 feet (6.1 meters), 40 feet (12.19 meters), 45 feet (13.72 meters), 48 feet (14.63 meters) or 53 feet (16.15 meters) in length, eight feet (2.44 meters) or eight feet, six inches (2.59 meters) in width, and eight feet, six inches (2.59 meters) or nine feet, six inches (2.9 meters) in height.
container freight station (CFS) -- A shipping dock where cargo is loaded ("stuffed") into or unloaded ("stripped") from containers. Container reloading from/to rail or motor carrier equipment is a typical activity.
container terminal -- An area designated for the stowage of cargo in containers. Usually accessible by truck, railroad and marine transportation, the terminal is where containers are picked up, dropped off, maintained and stored.
containerization -- Stowage of general or special cargo in a container for transport in various modes.
containerload -- A cargo load sufficient in size to fill a container either by cubic measurement or by weight.
container port -- A seaport that features cargo terminals developed specifically to handle marine cargo containers.
dock -- For ships, a cargo-handling area where a vessel normally ties up. For land transportation, a loading or unloading platform at an instrial location or carrier terminal.
doublestack train -- A train using specialized railcars that enable marine cargo containers to be stacked one atop another.
draft -- The number of feet (or meters) that the hull of a ship is beneath the surface of the water.
dry bulk container -- A container constructed to carry grain, powder and other free-flowing solids in bulk. Used in conjunction with a tilt chassis or platform.
dry cargo -- Cargo that is solid in nature and normally does not require temperature control.
export -- Shipment of goods to a foreign country.
feeder service -- Cargo to/from regional ports are transferred to/from a central hub port for a long-haul ocean voyage.
feeder vessel -- A short-sea vessel that transfers cargo between a central hub port and smaller spoke ports.
FEUs -- Maritime abbreviation for "40-foot equivalent units," which refers to containers that are 40 feet (12.19 meters) in length. One FEU is equal to two TEUs, or "20-foot equivalent units." See "TEUs."
flat car -- A railcar without a roof and walls.
flat rack/flat bed container -- A container with no sides and frame members at the front and rear for cargo loading from the sides and top.
foreign-trade zone -- A free port in a country divorced from Customs authority but under government control. Merchandise, except that which is prohibited, may be stored in the zone without being subject to import ty regulations.
free port -- A restricted area at a seaport used for the handling of ty-exempt import goods.
freight -- Refers to either the cargo carried or the charges assessed for carriage of cargo.
freight forwarder -- A person whose business is to act as an agent on behalf of the shipper. A freight forwarder frequently makes the booking reservation.
gateway -- A point at which freight moving from one territory to another is interchanged between transportation lines.
gross weight -- The entire weight of goods, packaging, container and freight car, ready for shipment. Generally, the combined weight limit of the cargo, container and tractor for highway transport is 80,000 pounds (36,287.39 kilograms).
hatch -- The opening in the deck of a vessel, providing access to the cargo hold.
import -- Shipment of goods from a foreign country.
inland carrier -- A transportation line that hauls export or import traffic between ports and inland points.
intermodal -- A shipping term denoting the interchangeable movement of cargo containers between different modes of transportation, primarily ship, truck and train, where the equipment is compatible with the multiple transport systems.
Jacob's ladder -- A rope ladder suspended from the side of a vessel that is used for boarding.
just in time (JIT) -- In this method of inventory control, warehousing is minimal or non-existent: The container is a "movable" warehouse and must arrive neither too early nor too late
knot -- One knot is equal to one nautical mile (6,076 feet or 1,851.96 meters) per hour. In the early sailing days, speed was measured by tossing overboard a log secured by a line. Knots were tied into the line at intervals of approximately six feet (1.83 meters). The number of knots measured was then compared to the time required to travel the distance of 1,000 knots in the line.
laden -- Loaded aboard a vessel.
landbridge -- The movement of cargo, by water, from one country through the port of another country, by rail or truck, to an inland point in that country or to a third country. For example, cargo from Japan is landbridged across the United States to France.
liquid bulk -- Cargo that is fluid in nature and typically transported in tankers. Examples include oil and other petroleum procts.
longshoreman -- An indivial employed in a port to load and unload cargo vessels.
loose -- Without packing.
maritime -- Business pertaining to commerce or navigation transacted upon the sea or in seaports.
meter -- One meter is equal in length to 3.28 feet or 39.37 inches.
metric ton -- One metric ton is equal in weight to 2,204.62 pounds or 1,000 kilograms.
mile -- One mile is equal to 5,280 feet or 1.61 kilometers on land. Also see "nautical mile."
mini-landbridge -- An intermodal system for transporting containers by ocean and then by rail or motor to a port previously served as an all-water move. For example, cargo from China is mini-landbridged through Seattle to New York.
multimodal -- Synonymous with "intermodal" for all practical purposes.
nautical mile -- One nautical mile is equal in length to 607,612 feet or 1.85 kilometers, which is the distance of one minute of longitude measured at the equator. Also see "mile."
near-dock railyard -- A cargo facility used primarily to sort marine cargo containers and assemble into trainloads bound for common destinations. These railyards are located inland, in close proximity to a port waterfront.
non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC) -- A cargo consolidator in ocean trades that will buy space from a carrier and subsell it to smaller shippers. The NVOCC concts itself as an ocean carrier, except that it will not provide the actual ocean or intermodal service.
on-dock railyard -- A cargo facility used primarily to sort marine cargo containers and assemble them into trainloads bound for common destinations. These railyards are located on a port waterfront.
origin -- The location where a freight shipment begins its movement.
overheight cargo -- Freight that is more than eight feet high, or too tall to fit into a standard container.
pallet -- A platform with or without sides, on which a number of packages or pieces may be loaded to facilitate handling by a forklift or similar functioning equipment.
pier -- The structure where a vessel is secured for the loading and unloading cargo.
piggyback -- A transportation arrangement whereby truck trailers and their loads are carried and moved by train to a destination.
port -- There are three common definitions:
1. A harbor with piers or docks.
2. The left side of a ship when facing the bow. Also see "starboard."
3. An opening in a vessel's side, used for handling freight.
port of call -- A port where a vessel discharges or receives freight.
port of entry -- A port where cargo enters a country and is unloaded.
port of exit -- A port where cargo is loaded and leaves a country.

quay -- A structure attached to land to which a vessel is moored. Also see 「berth," "dock" and "pier."
ramp -- A railroad terminal where containers are received or delivered and trains are loaded or discharged.
reefer -- An instry term for a refrigerated or temperature-controlled container.
relay -- The transfer of containers from one ship to another when both vessels are controlled by the same network (carrier) manager.
revenue ton -- A ton measurement on which shipments are freighted. If cargo is rated as weight or measure (W/M), whichever proces the higher revenue will be considered the revenue ton. Weights are based on metric tons and measures are based on cubic meters. Hence, one revenue ton is equal to one metric ton (2204.62 pounds) or one cubic meter (35.31 cubic feet).
roll-on roll-off (Ro/Ro) -- A method of ocean cargo service using a vessel with ramps, which allow wheeled containers, trailers or vehicles to be loaded and unloaded without the use of cranes.
service -- A string of vessels that makes a particular voyage and serves a particular market.
ship chandler -- An indivial or company selling equipment and supplies to ships.
shipper -- The person or company who usually is the supplier or owner of commodities shipped. Also called the consignor.
ships --There are nine basic types of ships:
1. barge carriers -- Ships designed to transport barges.
2. bulk carriers -- All vessels designed to carry bulk cargo, such as grain, fertilizers, ore and oil.
3. combination passenger and cargo ships -- Cargo vessels with the capacity for 13 or more passengers.
4. freighters -- Comprises refrigerated and unrefrigerated breakbulk vessels, containerships, partial containerships, roll-on roll-off vessels and barge carriers.
5. full containerships -- Vessels equipped with permanent container cells for container storage, with little or no space for other types of cargo.
6. general cargo carriers -- This category includes breakbulk freighters, car carriers, cattle carriers, pallet carriers and timber carriers.
7. partial containerships -- Multipurpose containerships with one or more, but not all, cargo compartments fitted with permanent container cells. The remaining compartments are used for noncontainerized cargo.
8. roll-on roll-off vessels -- Specialized ships designed to carry wheeled containers, trailers and vehicles using onboard ramps.
9. tankers -- Ships fitted with tanks for storage of liquid cargo, such as crude petroleum and petroleum procts, chemicals, liquefied gas, wine and molasses.
short ton -- One short ton is equal in weight to 2,000 pounds or 0.91 metric tons.
side loader -- A lift truck fitted with lifting attachments operating on one side for handling containers.
slip -- A ship's berth between two piers.
spreader -- Equipment designed to lift containers by their corner casters.
stack car -- An articulated five-platform railcar that allows containers to be doublestacked one atop another.
stack train -- A rail service whereby railcars carry containers doublestacked on specially operated unit trains.
starboard -- The right side of a ship when facing the bow. Also see "port."
stern -- The end of a vessel. Also see "bow."
stevedore -- A person or company that employs longshore workers and establishes agreements to load or unload ships.
stowage -- A marine term that refers to loading freight into vessels' cargo holds.
straddle carrier -- Mobile truck equipment that is capable of lifting containers within its own framework.
supply chain -- A logistical management system that integrates the sequence of activities from delivery of raw materials to the manufacturer to delivery of the finished proct to the customer. "Just in time" is an example of supply chain management.
tariff -- A publication that sets forth the charges, rates and rules of ports and transportation companies.
terminal -- An assigned area where containers are prepared for loading into a vessel, train or truck, or are stored immediately after discharge from the vessel, train or truck.
TEUs -- Maritime abbreviation for "20-foot equivalent units," which refers to containers that are 20 feet (6.1 meters) in length. Two TEUs are equal to one FEU. Also see "FEU."
transship -- To transfer goods from one transportation line to another, or from one ship to another.
turnaround -- In water transportation, the time between the arrival and departure of a ship from a port.
unit load -- Packages loaded onto a pallet, in a crate or any other way that enables them to be handled at one time as a unit.
unit train -- A train comprising a specified number of railcars that remain together as a unit until reaching a designated destination.
unitization -- The consolidation of a quantity of indivial items into one large shipping unit to facilitate handling. Also: The loading of one or more large items of cargo onto a single piece of equipment, such as a pallet.

vanning -- A marine term for stowing cargo in a container
warehouse -- A place for the reception, delivery, consolidation, distribution and storage of cargo.
warehousing -- The storage of cargo.
weights and measures --
1. One cubic meter is equal to 35.31 cubic feet.
2. One long ton, or gross ton, is equal to 2,240 pounds or 1,016.05 kilograms.
3. One measurement ton is equal to 40 cubic feet or one cubic meter.
4. One metric ton, or kilo ton, is equal to 2,204.62 pounds or 1,000 kilograms.
5. One short ton, or net ton, is equal to 2,000 pounds or 907.18 kilograms
yard -- This term commonly refers to a railroad yard with many rail tracks for assembling, storing or switching freight trains.

㈣ 標准普爾500指數的成分股

序號 代碼 公司名稱
1 A 安捷倫
2 AA 美鋁
3 AAPL 蘋果
4 ABC 美源伯根
5 ABT 雅培制葯
7 ACN 埃森哲
8 ADBE 奧多比系統
9 ADI 模擬器件
10 ADM ADM公司
11 ADP 自動數據處理
12 ADSK 歐特克
13 AEE 阿莫林
14 AEP 美國電力
15 AES 愛伊斯電力
16 AET 安泰保險
17 AFL 家庭人壽保險
18 AGN 愛力根
19 AIG 美國國際集團
20 AIV 公寓投資與管理
21 AIZ assurant
22 AKAM akamai
23 AKS AK鋼鐵
24 ALL 全州保險
25 ALTR altera
26 AMAT 應用材料
27 AMD 先進微器件
28 AMGN 安進
29 AMP ameriprise
30 AMT american tower
31 AMZN 亞馬遜
32 AN autonation
33 ANF abercrombie & fitch
34 ANR 阿爾法自然資源
35 AON 怡安
36 APA 阿帕奇石油
37 APC 阿納達科石油
38 APD 空氣化工
39 APH 安費諾電子
40 APOL 阿波羅
41 ARG airgas
42 ATI 冶聯科技
43 AVB avalonbay
44 AVP 雅芳
45 AVY 艾利丹尼森
46 AXP 美國運通
47 AZO autozone
48 BA 波音
49 BAC 美國銀行
50 BAX 百特國際
51 BBBY bed bath & beyond
53 BBY 百思買
54 BCR CR bard
55 BDX 碧迪
56 BEN 富蘭克林資源
57 BF_B 布朗福曼
58 BHI 貝克休斯
59 BIG big lots拆價零售
60 BIIB 生物基因
61 BK 紐約梅隆銀行
62 BLK 貝萊德
63 BLL 波爾
64 BMC BMC軟體
65 BMS 碧美斯
66 BMY 百時美施貴寶
67 BRCM broadcom
68 BRK_B 伯克希爾哈撒韋-B
69 BSX 波士頓科學
70 BTU 博地能源
71 BXP 波士頓地產
72 C 花旗集團
73 CA 冠群國際
74 CAG 康尼格拉食品
75 CAH cardinal health
76 CAM cameron international
77 CAT 卡特彼勒
78 CB 丘博集團
79 CBG 世邦魏理壯
80 CBS 哥倫比亞廣播
81 CCE 可口可樂企業
82 CCL 嘉年華游輪-co
83 CEP 聯合能源
84 CELG celgene
85 CEPH cephalon(停牌)
86 CERN cerner公司
87 CF CF工業控股
88 CFN carefusion
89 CHK 切薩匹克能源
90 CHRW 羅賓遜全球物流
91 CI 信諾
92 CINF 辛辛那提金融
93 CL 高露潔-棕欖
94 CLF cliffs 自然資源
95 CLX clorox
96 CMA comerica
97 CMCSA 康卡斯特
98 CME 芝加哥交易所
99 CMG chipotle Mexican grill
100 CMI 康明斯
101 CMS CMS能源
102 CNP 中點能源
103 CNX consol能源
104 COF 第一資本金融
105 COG cabot oil & gas
106 COH coach
107 COL 羅克韋爾柯林斯
108 COP 康菲石油
109 COST 好市多
110 COV covidien plc
111 CPB 金寶湯
112 CPWR 康博軟體
113 CRM salesforce
114 CSC 電腦系統咨詢
115 CSCO 思科
116 CSX CSX運輸
117 CTAS cintas
118 CTL 世紀電信
119 CTSH 高知特科技
120 CTXS 思傑系統
121 CVC 有線電視系統
122 CVH coventry health care
123 CVS CVS caremark葯品零售
124 CVX 雪佛龍
125 D 道明尼資源
126 DD 杜邦
127 DE 迪爾
128 DELL 戴爾
129 DF 迪安食品
130 DFS 發現金融服務
131 DGX 奎斯特診斷
132 DHI D.R.horton
133 DHR 丹納赫
134 DIS 華特迪斯尼
135 DISCA 探索傳播-A
136 DNB 鄧百氏公司
137 DNR denbury resources
138 DO diamond offshore drilling
139 DOV dover
140 DOW 陶氏化學
141 DPS dr pepper snapple group
142 DRI 達登飯店
143 DTE DTE能源
144 DTV directv
145 DUK 杜克能源
146 DV devry
147 DVA davita
148 DVN 戴文能源
150 ECL 藝康化工
151 ED 聯合愛迪生
152 EFX equifax
153 EIX 愛迪生國際
154 EL 雅詩蘭黛
155 EMC EMC公司
156 EMN 伊士曼化工
157 EMR 艾默生電氣
158 EOG EOG資源
159 EP 埃爾帕索能源(停牌)
160 EQR 公寓物業權益信託
161 EQT EQT corp
162 EA 電子藝界
163 ESRX 快捷葯方
164 ETFC E trade金融
165 ETN 伊頓公司
166 ETR 安特吉公司
167 EW 愛德華生命科學
168 EXC 愛克斯龍電力
169 EXPD expeditors international of was
170 EXPE expedia
171 F 福特汽車
172 FAST fastenal
173 FCX 自由港邁克墨倫銅金礦
174 FDO 家庭美元商店
175 FDX 聯邦快遞
176 FE 第一能源
177 FFIV F5網路
178 FHN 第一地平線銀行
179 FII 聯合投資
180 FIS 富達國民信息服務
181 FISV fiserv公司
182 FITB 五三銀行
183 FLIR FLIR systems
184 FLR 福陸
185 FLS 福斯公司
186 FMC FMC公司
187 FO 富俊品牌(停牌)
188 FRX 森林實驗室
189 FSLR 第一太陽能
190 FTI fmc technologies
191 FTR 前線傳媒
192 GAS nicor
193 GCI 甘尼特
194 GD 通用動力
195 GE 通用電氣
196 GILD 吉利德科學
197 GIS 通用磨坊
198 GLW 康寧
199 GME gamestop
200 GNW genworth金融
201 GOOG 谷歌
202 GPC 純牌零件
203 GPS 蓋普
204 GDP 古德里奇
205 GS 高盛
206 GT 固特異輪胎
207 GWW W.W.格蘭傑
208 HAL 哈利伯頓公司
209 HAR 哈曼國際工業
210 HAS 孩之寶
211 HBAN 亨廷頓財報
212 HCBK 哈德遜城市銀行
213 HCN 醫療保健房產信託
214 HCP HCP 房產信託
215 HD 家得寶
216 HES 赫斯石油
217 HIG 哈特福德金融服務
218 HNZ 亨氏
219 HOG 哈雷戴維森
220 HON 霍尼韋爾國際
221 HOT 喜達屋酒店
222 HP 赫爾默里奇&佩恩
223 HPQ 惠普公司
224 HRB H&R布洛克
225 HRL 荷美爾
226 HRS 哈里斯
227 HSP hospira
228 HST host酒店及假村
229 HSY 好時公司
230 HUM 哈門那
231 IBM IBM公司
232 ICE 洲際交易所
233 IFF 國際香料香精
234 IGT 國際游戲科技
235 INTC 英特爾
236 INTU 直覺軟體
237 IP 國際紙業
238 IPG 埃培智
239 IR 英格索蘭
240 IRM 鐵山
241 ISRG intuitive surgical
242 ITT ITT科技
243 ITW 伊利諾伊工具
244 IVZ 景順
245 JBL 捷普電子
246 JCI 江森自控
247 JCP J.C.潘尼
248 JDSU 捷迪訊光電
249 JEC 雅各布斯工程
250 JNJ 強生
251 JNPR 瞻博網路
252 JNS 駿利資產管理
253 JOY 久益環球
254 JPM 摩根大通
255 JWN 諾德斯特龍
256 K 家樂氏
257 KEY keycorp
258 KFT 卡夫食品
259 KIM kimco房產信託
260 KLAC 科天半導體
261 KMB 金佰利
262 KMX carmax inc
263 KO 可口可樂
264 KR 克羅格
265 KSS 柯爾百貨
266 L 洛斯保險
267 LEG 禮恩派集團
268 LEN 萊納房產
269 LH 美國實驗室
270 LIFE 生命科技
271 LLL L-3通信控股
272 LLTC 林立爾特
273 LLY 禮來
274 LM 美盛集團
275 LMT 洛克希德馬丁
276 LNC 林肯國民
277 LO 羅瑞拉德煙草
278 LOW 勞氏
279 LSI LSI電子
280 LTD 有限品牌服飾
281 LUK 萊卡迪亞
282 LUV 西南航空
283 LXK 利盟國際
284 M 梅西百貨
285 MA 萬事達卡
286 MAR 萬豪國際
287 MAS 馬斯柯
288 MAT 美泰
289 MCD 麥當勞
290 MCHP 微芯科技
291 MCK 麥克森
292 MCO 穆迪
293 MDT 美敦力
294 MET 大都會保險
295 MHP 麥格勞希爾
296 MHS 美可保健 (停牌)
297 MJN 美贊臣
298 MKC 味好美
299 MMC marsh & mclennan
300 MMI 摩托羅拉移動
301 MMM 明尼蘇達礦業製造
302 MO 高特利
303 MOLX 莫仕
304 MON 孟山都
305 MRK 默克
306 MRO 馬拉松石油
307 MS 摩根士丹利
308 MSFT 微軟
309 MSI 摩托羅拉解決方案
310 MTB M&T銀行
311 MU 美光科技
312 MUR 墨菲石油
313 MWV 美德維實偉克
314 MWW 環球怪獸
315 MYL 邁蘭實驗室
316 NBL 諾布爾能源
317 NBR 納伯斯工業
318 NDAQ 納斯達克OMX
319 NE 諾布爾鑽井
320 NEE nextera能源
321 NEM 紐蒙特礦業
322 NFLX 奈飛公司
323 NFX 新田石油
324 NI 尼索思
325 NKE 耐克
326 NOC 諾斯羅普格魯曼
327 NOV 國民油井華高
328 NRG NRG能源
329 NSC 諾福克南方
330 NSM 國家半導體
331 NTAP 網域存儲技術
332 NTRS 北美信託
333 NU 東北公用事業
334 NUE 紐柯鋼鐵
335 NVDA 英偉達
336 NVLS 諾發系統 (停牌)
337 NWL 紐威爾橡膠
338 NWSA 新聞集團-CLASS A
339 NYX 紐約泛歐交易所
340 OI 歐文斯伊利諾斯
341 OKE oneok
342 OMC 奧姆尼康
343 ORCL 甲骨文
344 ORLY O'Reilly汽車
345 OXY 西方石油
346 PAYX 沛齊
347 PBCT 人民聯合金融
348 PBI 必能寶
349 PCAR 帕卡
350 PCG 太平洋煤氣與電力
351 PCL 梅溪木材
352 PCLN priceline
353 PCP 緊密機件
354 PCS metropcs通信
355 PDCO 帕森特
356 PEG 公共服務
357 PEP 百事可樂
358 PFE 輝瑞制葯
359 PFG 信安金融
360 PG 寶潔
361 PGN progress能源 (停牌)
362 PGR progressive保險
363 PH 派克漢尼汾
364 PHM 普爾特房屋
365 PKI 鉑金埃爾默
366 PLD Prologis inc
367 PLL 頗爾
368 PM 菲利普莫里斯
369 PNC PNC金融服務
370 PNW pinnacle西方資本
371 POM pepco
372 PPG PPG工業
373 PPL PPL能源
374 PRU 保德信金融
375 PSA 公共存儲信託
376 PWR quanta services inc
377 PX 普萊克斯
378 PXD 先鋒自然資源
379 QCOM 高通
380 QEP QEP資源
381 R 萊德物流
382 RAI 雷諾美國
383 RDC rowan鑽井
384 RF 地區金融
385 RHI robert half
386 RHT 紅帽
387 RL 拉夫勞倫POLO
388 ROK 羅克韋爾自動化
389 ROP roper instries
390 ROST 羅斯服飾零售
391 RRC range資源
392 RRD 康納利父子
393 RSG 共和服務
394 RSH radioshack
395 RTN 雷聲
396 S 斯普林特耐克斯
397 SAI 科學應用
398 SBUX 星巴克
399 SCG scana電力
400 SCHW 嘉信理財
401 SE spectra能源
402 SEE 希悅爾包裝
403 SHLD 西爾斯控股
404 SHW 宣威-威廉斯
405 SIAL 西格瑪奧德里奇
406 SJM 盛美家食品
407 SLB 斯倫貝謝
408 SLE 莎莉集團(停牌)
410 SNA 實耐寶
411 SNDK 聖碟
412 SNI 斯克里普斯網路互動
413 SO 南方電力
414 SPG 西蒙地產
415 SPLS 史泰博
416 SRCL stericycle
417 SRE sempra能源
418 STI 太陽信託
419 STJ 聖猶達醫療
420 STT 道富
421 STZ 星座公司
422 SUN 太陽石油
423 SVU 超價商店
424 SWK 史丹利
425 SWN 西南能源
426 SWY 西夫韋
427 SYK 史賽克
428 SYMC 賽門鐵克
429 SYY 西斯科
430 T 美國電話電報公司
431 TAP 莫爾森庫爾斯釀酒
432 TDC teradata
433 TE teco能源
434 TEG integrys能源
435 TER 泰瑞達
436 TGT 塔吉特
437 THC 特內特醫療
438 TIE 鈦金屬
439 TIF 蒂芙尼
440 TJX TJX零售
441 TLAB 泰樂
442 TMK torchmark
443 TMO 賽默飛世爾
444 TROW T Rowe Price
445 TRV 旅行者集團
446 TSN 泰森食品
447 TSO 特索羅石油
448 TSS total system services
449 TWC 時代華納有線
450 TWX 時代華納
451 TXN 德州儀器
452 TXT 德事隆
453 TYC 泰科國際
454 UNH 聯合健康
455 UNM UNUM保險
456 UNP 聯合太平洋
457 UPS 聯合包裹快遞
458 URBN 城市生活用品連鎖
459 USB 美國合眾
460 UTX 聯合技術
461 V VISA卡
462 VAR 瓦里安醫療
463 VFC VF服裝
464 VIA_B 維亞康姆-CLASS B(停牌)
465 VLO 瓦萊羅能源
466 VMC vulcan材料
467 VNO 沃那多房產信託
468 VRSN 威瑞信
469 VTR ventas
470 VZ 弗萊森電訊
471 WAG 沃爾格林
472 WAT 沃特斯
473 WDC 西部數據
474 WEC 威斯康星能源
475 WFC 富國銀行
476 WFM 全食超市
477 WFR memc電子材料
478 WHR 惠而浦
479 WIN windstream
480 WLP wellpoint
481 WM 廢品管理
482 WMB 威廉姆斯
483 WMT 沃爾瑪百貨
484 WPI 華生制葯
485 WPO 華盛頓郵報
486 WU 西聯匯款
487 WY 惠好
488 WYN 溫德姆
489 WYNN 永利度假
490 X 美國鋼鐵
491 XEL XCEL能源
492 XL XL資本
493 XLNX 賽靈思
494 XOM 埃克森美孚
495 XRAY 登士柏國際
496 XRX 施樂
497 YHOO 雅虎
498 YUM 百勝餐飲
500 ZMH 齊默爾控股

㈤ 物流專業用語

Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) 注冊(容積)總噸
Net Registered Tonnage (NRT) 注冊(容積)凈噸
Deadweight Tonnage (All Told) (DWT or D.W.A.T) 總載重噸位(量)
Gross Dead Weight Tonnage 總載重噸位
Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage (DWCT) 凈載重噸
Light Displacement 輕排水量
Load (Loaded)Displacement 滿載排水量
Actual Displacement 實際排水量
Over weight surcharge 超重附加費
Bunker Adjustment Factor (Surcharge) (BAS or BS) 燃油附加費
Port Surcharge 港口附加費
Port Congestion Surcharge 港口擁擠附加費
Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) 貨幣貶值附加費
Deviation surcharge 繞航附加費
Direct Additional 直航附加費
Additional for Optional Destination 選卸港附加費
Additional for Alteration of Destination 變更卸貨港附加費
Fumigation Charge 熏蒸費
Bill of Lading 提單
On Board (Shipped) B/L 已裝船提單
Received for shipment B/L 備運(收妥待運)提單
Named B/L 記名提單
Bearer B/L 不記名提單
Order B/L 指示提單
Blank Endorsement 空白備書
Clean B/L 清潔提單
In apparent good order and condition 外表狀況良好
Unclean ( Foul, Dirty) B/L 不清潔提單
Direct B/L 直航提單
Transshipment B/L 轉船提單
Through B/L 聯運提單
Multi-modal (Inter-modal, combined) transport B/L 多式聯運提單
Long Form B/L 全式提單
Short Form B/L 簡式提單
Anti-dated B/L 倒簽提單
Advanced B/L 預借提單
Stale B/L 過期提單
On Deck B/L 甲板貨提單
Charter Party B/L 租約項下提單
House B/L 運輸代理行提單
Seaworthiness 船舶適航
Charter Party ( C/P) 租船合同(租約)
Voyage charter party 航次租船合同
Time Charter Party 定期租船合同
Bareboat (demise) Charter Party 光船租船合同
Common carrier 公共承運人
Private carrier 私人承運人
Single trip C/P 單航次租船合同
Consecutive single trip C/P 連續單航次租船合同
Return trip C/P 往返航次租船合同
Contract of Affreightment (COA) 包運合同
Voyage Charter Party on Time Basis 航次期租合同
Fixture Note 租船確認書
Free In (FI) 船方不負責裝費
Free Out (FO) 船方不負責卸費
Free In and Out (FIO) 船方不負責裝卸費
Free In and Out ,Stowed and Trimmed (FIOST) 船方不負責裝卸、理艙和平艙費
Declaration of ship's Deadweight Tonnage of Cargo 宣載通知書
Dunnage and separations 墊艙和隔艙物料
Lump-sum freight 整船包價運費
Weather working days (W.W.D) 良好天氣工作日
Notice of Readiness (NOR) 船舶准備就緒通知書
Idle formality 例行手續
Laytime statement 裝卸時間計算表
Damage for Detention 延期損失
Customary Quick Despatch (CQD) 習慣快速裝運
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) 國際海上危險品貨物規則(國際危規)
Booking Note 托運單(定艙委託書)
Shipping Order (S/O) 裝貨單 (下貨紙)
Mate's Receipt 收貨單
Loading List 裝貨清單
Cargo Manifest 載貨清單(貨物艙單)
Stowage Plan 貨物積載計劃
Dangerous Cargo List 危險品清單
Stowage Factor 積載因素(系數)
Inward cargo 進港貨
Outward cargo 出港貨
Container yard (CY) 集裝箱堆場
Container Freight Station ( CFS) 集裝箱貨運站
Container Load Plan 集裝箱裝箱單
Conventional Container Ship 集裝箱兩用船
Semi-container Ship 半集裝箱船
Full Container Ship 全集裝箱船
Full Container Load (FCL) 整箱貨
Less Container Load (LCL) 拼箱貨
Delivery Order (D/O) 提貨單(小提單)
Dock receipt 場站收據
Twenty equivalent unit (TEU) 二十尺集裝箱換算單位
Equipment Interchange Receipt ( EIR) 集裝箱設備交接單
Demurrage 滯期費
Crew List 船員名冊
Log book 航行日誌
Liner transport 班輪運輸
Tramp transport 不定期(租船)運輸
Minimum Freight 工 最低運費
Maximum Freight 最高運費
Accomplish a Bill of Lading (to) 付單提貨
Ad valorem freight 從價運費
Address commission (Addcomm) 回扣傭金
Adjustment 海損理算
Average adjuster 海損理算師
Average bond 海損分攤擔保書
Average guarantee 海損擔保書
Act of God 天災
All in rate 總運費率
Annual survey 年度檢驗
All purposes (A.P) 全部裝卸時間
All time saved (a.t.s) 節省的全部時間
Always afloat 始終保持浮泊
Anchorage 錨地
Anchorage es 錨泊費
Arbitration award 仲裁裁決
Arbitrator 仲裁員
Arrest a ship 扣押船舶
Area differential 地區差價
Addenm (to a charter party) ( 租船合同)附件
Apron 碼頭前沿
Bale or bale capacity 貨艙包裝容積
Back (return) load 回程貨
Back to back charter 轉租合同
Backfreight 回程運費
Ballast (to) 空載行駛
Barge 駁船
Barratry 船員不軌
Barrel handler 桶抓
Base cargo (1) 墊底貨
Base cargo (2) 起運貨量
Bundle (Bd) 捆(包裝單位)
Beam 船寬
Bearer ( of a B/L) 提單持有人
Both ends (Bends) 裝卸兩港
Boatman 纜工
Buoy 浮標
Bunker escalation clause 燃料漲價條款
Derrick 吊桿
Fork-lift truck 鏟車
Boom of a fork-lift truck 鏟車臂
Both to blame collision clause 互有過失碰撞條款
Book space 洽訂艙位
Bottom 船體
Bottom stow cargo 艙底貨
Bottomry loan 船舶抵押貸款
Breakbulk 零擔
Breakbulk cargo 零擔貨物
Broken stowage 虧艙
Brokerage 經紀人傭金
Bulk cargo 散裝貨
Bulk carrier 散貨船
Bulk container 散貨集裝箱
American Bureau of Shipping (A.B.S.) 美國船級社
Bureau Veritas (B.V.) 法國船級社
Cabotage 沿海運輸
Canal transit es 運河通行稅
Capsize vessel 超寬型船
Captain 船長
Car carrier 汽車運輸船
Car container 汽車集裝箱
Cargo hook 貨鉤
Cargo sharing 貨載份額
Cargo superintendent 貨物配載主管
Cargo tank 貨箱
Cargo tracer 短少貨物查詢單
Cargoworthiness 適貨
Carryings 運輸量
Certificate of seaworthiness 適航證書
Cesser clause 責任終止條款
Chassis 集裝箱拖車
Claims adjuster 理賠人
Classification certificate 船級證書
Classification register 船級公告
Classification society 船級社
Classification survey 船級檢驗
Paramount clause 首要條款
Clean (petroleum ) procts 精練油
Clean the holds (to) 清潔貨艙
Closing date 截至日
Closure of navigation 封航
Collapsible flattrack 折疊式板架集裝箱
Completely knocked down (CKD) 全拆裝
Compulsory pilotage 強制引航
Conference 公會
Congestion 擁擠
Congestion surcharge 擁擠費
Con-ro ship 集裝箱/滾裝兩用船
Consecutive voyages 連續航程
Consign 托運
Consignee 收貨人
Consignor 發貨人
Consignment 托運;托運的貨物
Consolidation (groupage) 拼箱
Consortium 聯營
Constants 常數
Container barge 集裝箱駁船
Container leasing 集裝箱租賃
Containerization 集裝箱化
Containerised 已裝箱的,已集裝箱化的
Containership 集裝箱船
Contamination (of cargo ) 貨物污染
Contributory value 分攤價值
Conveyor belt 傳送帶
Corner casting (fitting) 集裝箱(角件)
Corner post 集裝箱(角柱)
Crane 起重機
Crawler mounted crane 履帶式(軌道式)起重機
Custom of the port (COP) 港口慣例
Customary assistance 慣常協助
Daily running cost 日常營運成本
Deadfreight 虧艙費
Deadweight (weight) cargo 重量貨
Deadweight cargo (carrying)capacity 載貨量
Deaiweight scale 載重圖表
Deck cargo 甲板貨
Delivery of cargo (a ship) 交貨(交船)
Despatch or Despatch money 速遣費
Destuff 卸集裝箱
Det Norske Veritas (D.N.V.) 挪威船級社
Deviation 繞航
Direct discharge (車船)直卸
Direct transshipment 直接轉船
Dirty(Black) (petroleum) procts ( D.P.P.) 原油
Disbursements 港口開支
Discharging port 卸貨港
Disponent owner 二船東
Dock 船塢
Docker 碼頭工人
Door to door 門到門運輸
Downtime (設備)故障時間
Draft (draught) 吃水;水深
Draft limitation 吃水限制
Dropping outward pilot (D.O.P.) 引航員下船時
Dry cargo 干貨
Dry cargo(freight) container 干貨集裝箱
Dry dock 干船塢
Demurrage half despatch (D1/2D) 速遣費為滯期費的一半
Efficient deck hand (E.D.H.) 二級水手
Elevator 卸貨機
Enter a ship inwards (outwards) 申請船舶進港(出港)
Entrepot 保稅貨
Equipment 設備(常指集裝箱)
Equipment handover charge 設備使用費
Estimated time of completion (ETC) 預計完成時間
Estimated time of departure (ETD) 預計離港時間
Estimated time of readiness (ETR) 預計准備就緒時間
Estimated time of sailing (ETS) 預計航行時間
Europallet 歐式托盤
Even if used (E.I.U.) 即使使用
Excepted period 除外期間
Exception 異議
Exceptions clause 免責條款
Excess landing 溢卸
Expiry of laytime 裝卸欺瞞
Extend suit time 延長訴訟時間
Extend a charter 延長租期
Extension of a charter 租期延長
Extension to suit time 訴訟時間延長
Extreme breadth 最大寬度
Fairway 航道
Feeder service 支線運輸服務
Feeder ship 支線船
Ferry 渡輪
First class ship 一級船
Flag of convenience (FOC) 方便旗船
Floating crane 浮吊
Floating dock 浮塢
Force majeure 不可抗力
Fork-lift truck 鏟車
Forty foot equivalent unit (FEU) 四十英尺集裝箱換算單位
Four-way pallet 四邊開槽托盤
Freeboard 干
Freight all kinds (FAK) 包干運費
Freight canvasser 攬貨員
Freight collect (freight payable at destination) 運費到付
Freight prepaid 運費預付
Freight quotation 運費報價
Freight rate (rate of freight) 運費率
Freight tariff 運費費率表
Freight ton (FT) 運費噸
Freight manifest 運費艙單
Freighter 貨船
Fresh water load line 淡水載重線
Fridays and holidays excepted (F.H.E.X .) 星期五和節假日除外
Full and complete cargo 滿艙滿載貨
Full and down 滿艙滿載
Gantry crane 門式起重機(門吊)
Gencon 金康航次租船合同
General average 共同海損
General average act 共同海損行為
General average contribution 共同海損分攤
General average sacrifice 共同海損犧牲
General cargo (generals) 雜貨
General purpose container 多用途集裝箱
Geographical rotation 地理順序
Germanischer Lloyd (G.L.) 德國船級社
Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.) 格林威治時間
Grabbing crane 抓鬥起重機
Grain or grain capacity 散裝艙容
Gross weight(GW) 毛重
Grounding 觸底
Gunny bag 麻袋
Gunny matting 麻墊
Hague Rules 海牙規則
Hague-Visby Rules 海牙維斯比規則
Hamburg Rules 漢堡規則
Hand hook 手鉤
Handymax 雜散貨船
Handy-sized bulker 小型散貨船
Harbour 海港
Harbour es 港務費
Hatch (hatch cover) 艙蓋
Hatchway 艙口
Head charter (charter party) 主租船合同
Head charterer 主租船人
Heavy lift 超重貨物
Heavy lift additional (surcharge) 超重附加費
Heavy lift derrick 重型吊桿
Heavy weather 惡劣天氣
Heavy fuel oil (H.F.O) 重油
Hire statement 租金單
Hold 船艙
Home port 船籍港
Homogeneous cargo 同種貨物
Hook 吊鉤
Hopper 漏斗
House Bill of Lading 運輸代理行提單
Hovercraft 氣墊船
Husbandry 維修
Inland container depot 內陸集裝箱
Ice-breaker 破冰船
Identity of carrier clause 承運人責任條款
Idle (船舶、設備)閑置
Immediate rebate 直接回扣
International Maritime Organization (IMO) 國際海事組織
Import entry 進口報關
Indemnity 賠償
Incement 起運量
Incement cargo 起運量貨物
Inflation adjustment factor ( IAF) 通貨膨脹膨脹調整系數
Infrastructure (of a port) (港口)基礎設施
Inherent vice 固有缺陷
Institute Warranty Limits (IWL) (倫敦保險人)協會保證航行范圍
Insufficient packing 包裝不足
Intaken weight 裝運重量
International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) 國際船級社協會
Inward 進港的
Inward cargo 進港貨物
International Transport Workers』 Federation (ITF) 國際運輸工人聯合會
Itinerary 航海日程表
Jettison 拋貨
Joint service 聯合服務
Joint survey 聯合檢驗
Jumbo derrick 重型吊桿
Jurisdiction (Litigation)clause 管轄權條款
Knot 航速(節)
Laden 滿載的
Laden draught 滿載吃水
Landbridge 陸橋
Landing charges 卸橋費
Landing,storage and delivery 卸貨、倉儲和送貨費
Lash 用繩綁扎
Lashings 綁扎物
Latitude 緯度
Lay-by berth 候載停泊區
Laydays (laytime) 裝卸貨時間
Laydays canceling (Laycan或L/C) 銷約期
Laytime saved 節省的裝卸時間
Laytime statement 裝卸時間記錄
Lay up 擱置不用
Leg (of a voyage) 航段
Length overall (overall length ,簡稱LOA) (船舶)總長
Letter of indemnity 擔保書(函)
Lien 留置權
Lift-on lift-off (LO-LO) 吊上吊下
Lighter 駁船
Limitation of liability 責任限制
Line (shipping line) 航運公司
Liner ( liner ship) 班輪
Liner in free out (LIFO) 運費不包括卸貨費
Liner terms 班輪條件
Lloyd's Register of Shipping 勞埃德船級社
Loadline (load line) 載重線
Loading hatch 裝貨口
Log abstract 航海日誌摘錄
Long length additional 超長附加費
Long ton 長噸
Longitude 經度
Lump sum charter 整筆運費租賃
Maiden voyage 處女航
Main deck 主甲板
Main port 主要港口
Manifest 艙單
Maritime declaration of health 航海健康申明書
Maritime lien 海事優先權
Marks and numbers 嘜頭
Mate's receipt 大副收據
Mean draught 平均吃水
Measurement cargo 體積貨物
Measurement rated cargo 按體積計費的貨物
Measurement rules 計量規則
Merchant (班輪提單)貨方
Merchant haulage 貨方拖運
Merchant marine 商船
Metric ton 公噸
Misdelivery 錯誤交貨
Misdescription 錯誤陳述
Mixed cargo 混雜貨
Mobile crane 移動式起重機
More or less (mol.) 增減
More or less in charterer』s option (MOLCHOP) 承租人有增減選擇權
More or less in owner』s option (MOLOO) 船東有增減選擇權
Mother ship 母船
Multideck ship 多層甲板船
Multi-purpose cargo ship 多用途船
Multi-purpose terminal 多用途場站
Narrow the laycan 縮短銷約期
Net weight 凈重
New Jason clause 新傑森條款
New York Proce Exchange charter-party (NYPE) 紐約土產交易所制定的定期程租船合同格式
Newbuilding 新船
Nippon kaiji kyokai (NKK) 日本船級社
No cure no pay 無效果無報酬
Not otherwise enumerated (N.O.E.) 不另列舉
Nominate a ship 指定船舶進行航行
To be nominated (TBN) 指定船舶
Non-conference line (Independent line ,Outsider) 非公會成員的航運公司
Non-delivery 未交貨
Non-negotiable bill of lading 不可流通的提單
Non-reversible laytime 不可調配使用的裝卸時間
Non-vessel owning(operating) common carrier (NVOCC) 無船承運人
Not always afloat but safe aground 不保持浮泊但安全擱淺
Note protest 作海事聲明
Notice of redelivery 還船通知書
Notify party 通知方
Ocean (Liner, Sea) waybill 海運單
Off hire 停租
Oil tanker 油輪
On-carriage 貨運中轉
On-carrier 接運承運人
One-way pallet 單邊槽貨盤
Open hatch bulk carrier 敞艙口散貨船
Open rate 優惠費率
Open rated cargo 優惠費率貨物
Open side container 側開式集裝箱
Open top container 開頂集裝箱
Operate a ship 經營船舶
Optional cargo 選港貨物
Ore/bulk/oil carrier 礦石/散貨/油輪
Out of gauge 超標(貨物)
Outport 小港
Outturn 卸貨
Outturn report 卸貨報告
Outward 進港的
Overheight cargo 超重貨物
Overlanded cargo or overlanding 溢卸貨
Overload 超載
Overstow 堆碼
Overtime (O/T) 加班時間
Overtonnaging 噸位過剩
Owner's agents 船東代理人
Package limitation 單位(賠償)責任限制
Packing list 裝箱單
Pallet 托(貨)盤
Pallet truck 托盤車
Palletized 托盤化的
Panamax 巴拿馬型船
Parcel 一包,一票貨
Performance claim 性能索賠
Perishable goods 易腐貨物
Permanent nnage 固定墊艙物
Per freight ton (P. F. T.) 每運費噸

㈥ 問看一些證券的書中不懂的問題,非常謝謝!







㈦ 物流行業中的CCT-CIR是什麼意思

abc classificiation abc分類法
Accomplish a Bill of Lading (to) 付單提貨
Act of God 天災
Actual Displacement 實際排水量
Ad valorem freight 從價運費
Addenm (to a charter party) ( 租船合同)附件
Additional for Alteration of Destination 變更卸貨港附加費
Additional for Optional Destination 選卸港附加費
Address commission (Addcomm) 回扣傭金
Adjustment 海損理算
Advanced B/L 預借提單
advanced shipping notice (asn) 預先發貨通知
Air Express 航空快遞
Air Waybill 航空運單
All in rate 總運費率
All purposes (A.P) 全部裝卸時間
All time saved (a.t.s) 節省的全部時間
Always afloat 始終保持浮泊
American Bureau of Shipping (A.B.S.) 美國船級社
Anchorage 錨地
Anchorage es 錨泊費
Annual survey 年度檢驗
Anti-dated B/L 倒簽提單
Apron 碼頭前沿
Arbitration award 仲裁裁決
Arbitrator 仲裁員
Area differential 地區差價
Arrest a ship 扣押船舶
assembly 組配
automatic replenishment (ar) 自動補貨系統
automatic warehouse 自動化倉庫
Average adjuster 海損理算師
Average bond 海損分攤擔保書
Average guarantee 海損擔保書
Back (return) load 回程貨
Back to back charter 轉租合同
Backfreight 回程運費
Bale or bale capacity 貨艙包裝容積
Ballast (to) 空載行駛
bar code 條形嗎
Bareboat (demise) Charter Party 光船租船合同
Barge 駁船
Barratry 船員不軌
Barrel handler 桶抓
Base cargo (1) 墊底貨
Base cargo (2) 起運貨量
Beam 船寬
Bearer ( of a B/L) 提單持有人
Bearer B/L 不記名提單
Bill of Lading 提單
Blank Endorsement 空白備書
Boatman 纜工
bonded warehouse 保稅倉庫
Book space 洽訂艙位
Booking Note 托運單(定艙委託書)
Boom of a fork-lift truck 鏟車臂
Both ends (Bends) 裝卸兩港
Both to blame collision clause 互有過失碰撞條款
Bottom 船體
Bottom stow cargo 艙底貨
Bottomry loan 船舶抵押貸款
Breakbulk 零擔
Breakbulk cargo 零擔貨物
Broken stowage 虧艙
Brokerage 經紀人傭金
Bulk cargo 散裝貨
Bulk carrier 散貨船
Bulk container 散貨集裝箱
Bundle (Bd) 捆(包裝單位)
Bunker Adjustment Factor (Surcharge) (BAS or BS) 燃油附加費
Bunker escalation clause 燃料漲價條款
Buoy 浮標
Bureau Veritas (B.V.) 法國船級社
business logistics 企業物流
Cabotage 沿海運輸
Canal transit es 運河通行稅
Capsize vessel 超寬型船
Captain 船長
Car carrier 汽車運輸船
Car container 汽車集裝箱
Cargo hook 貨鉤
Cargo Manifest 載貨清單(貨物艙單)
Cargo sharing 貨載份額
Cargo superintendent 貨物配載主管
Cargo tank 貨箱
Cargo tracer 短少貨物查詢單
Cargoworthiness 適貨
Carryings 運輸量
Certificate of seaworthiness 適航證書
Cesser clause 責任終止條款
Chargeable Weight 計費重量
Charter Party ( C/P) 租船合同(租約)
Charter Party B/L 租約項下提單
Chartered Carrier 包機運輸
Chassis 集裝箱拖車
Claims adjuster 理賠人
Classification certificate 船級證書
Classification register 船級公告
Classification society 船級社
Classification survey 船級檢驗
Clean (petroleum ) procts 精練油
Clean B/L 清潔提單
Clean the holds (to) 清潔貨艙
Closing date 截至日
Closure of navigation 封航
Collapsible flattrack 折疊式板架集裝箱
Combination of Rate 分段相加運價
Commodity Classification Rates (CCR) 等價貨物運價
Common carrier 公共承運人
Completely knocked down (CKD) 全拆裝
Compulsory pilotage 強制引航
computer assisted ording(cao) 計算機輔助訂貨系統
Conference 公會
Congestion 擁擠
Congestion surcharge 擁擠費
Con-ro ship 集裝箱/滾裝兩用船
Consecutive single trip C/P 連續單航次租船合同
Consecutive voyages 連續航程
Consign 托運
Consignee 收貨人
Consignment 托運;托運的貨物
Consignor 發貨人
Consolidation 集中托運
Consolidation (groupage) 拼箱
Consortium 聯營
Constants 常數
Construction Rate 比例運價
Container barge 集裝箱駁船
Container Freight Station ( CFS) 集裝箱貨運站
Container leasing 集裝箱租賃
Container Load Plan 集裝箱裝箱單
Container yard (CY) 集裝箱堆場
Containerised 已裝箱的,已集裝箱化的
Containerization 集裝箱化
Containership 集裝箱船
Contamination (of cargo ) 貨物污染
continuous replenishment program (crp) 連續補充庫存計劃
contract logistics 合同物流
Contract of Affreightment (COA) 包運合同
Contributory value 分攤價值
Conventional Container Ship 集裝箱兩用船
Conveyor belt 傳送帶
Corner casting (fitting) 集裝箱(角件)
Corner post 集裝箱(角柱)
Crane 起重機
Crawler mounted crane 履帶式(軌道式)起重機
Crew List 船員名冊
cross docking 交叉配送(換裝)
Currency Adjustment Factor (CAF) 貨幣貶值附加費
Custom of the port (COP) 港口慣例
Customary assistance 慣常協助
Customary Quick Despatch (CQD) 習慣快速裝運
customization logistics 定製物流
cycle stock 訂貨處理周期
Daily running cost 日常營運成本
Damage for Detention 延期損失
Dangerous Cargo List 危險品清單
Dead Weight Cargo Tonnage (DWCT) 凈載重噸
Deadfreight 虧艙費
Deadweight (weight) cargo 重量貨
Deadweight cargo (carrying)capacity 載貨量
Deadweight Tonnage (All Told) (DWT or D.W.A.T) 總載重噸位(量)
Deaiweight scale 載重圖表
Deck cargo 甲板貨
Declaration of ship's Deadweight Tonnage of Cargo 宣載通知書
Declared value for Carriage 運輸聲明價值
Declared value for Customs 海關聲明價值
Delivery of cargo (a ship) 交貨(交船)
Delivery Order (D/O) 提貨單(小提單)
Demurrage 滯期費
Demurrage half despatch (D1/2D) 速遣費為滯期費的一半
Derrick 吊桿
Despatch or Despatch money 速遣費
Destuff 卸集裝箱
Det Norske Veritas (D.N.V.) 挪威船級社
Deviation 繞航
Deviation surcharge 繞航附加費
Direct Additional 直航附加費
Direct B/L 直航提單
Direct discharge (車船)直卸
direct store delivery(dsd) 店鋪直送
Direct transshipment 直接轉船
Dirty(Black) (petroleum) procts ( D.P.P.) 原油
Disbursements 港口開支
Discharging port 卸貨港
Disponent owner 二船東
distribution centre(dc) 配送(分撥)中心
distribution processing 流通加工
distribution requirement planning(drp i) 配送需求計劃
distribution resource planning (drp ii) 配送資源計劃
Dock 船塢
Dock receipt 場站收據
Docker 碼頭工人
Door to door 門到門運輸
Downtime (設備)故障時間
Draft (draught) 吃水;水深
Draft limitation 吃水限制
Dropping outward pilot (D.O.P.) 引航員下船時
Dry cargo 干貨
Dry cargo(freight) container 干貨集裝箱
Dry dock 干船塢
Dunnage and separations 墊艙和隔艙物料
economic order quantity(eoq) 經濟訂貨批量
efficient customer response (ecr) 有效客戶反應
Efficient deck hand (E.D.H.) 二級水手
electronic data interchange (edi) 電子數據交換
electronic order system (eos) 電子訂貨系統
Elevator 卸貨機
Enter a ship inwards (outwards) 申請船舶進港(出港)
enterprise resource planning (erp) 企業資源計劃
Entrepot 保稅貨
Equipment 設備(常指集裝箱)
Equipment handover charge 設備使用費
Equipment Interchange Receipt ( EIR) 集裝箱設備交接單
Estimated time of completion (ETC) 預計完成時間
Estimated time of departure (ETD) 預計離港時間
Estimated time of readiness (ETR) 預計准備就緒時間
Estimated time of sailing (ETS) 預計航行時間
Europallet 歐式托盤
Even if used (E.I.U.) 即使使用
Excepted period 除外期間
Exception 異議
Exceptions clause 免責條款
Excess landing 溢卸
Expiry of laytime 裝卸欺瞞
Extend a charter 延長租期
Extend suit time 延長訴訟時間
Extension of a charter 租期延長
Extension to suit time 訴訟時間延長
Extreme breadth 最大寬度
Fairway 航道
Feeder service 支線運輸服務
Feeder ship 支線船
Ferry 渡輪
First class ship 一級船
fixed-interval system (fis) 定期訂貨方式
fixed-quantity system(fqs) 定量訂貨方式
Fixture Note 租船確認書
Flag of convenience (FOC) 方便旗船
Floating crane 浮吊
Floating dock 浮塢
Force majeure 不可抗力
Fork-lift truck 鏟車
Fork-lift truck 鏟車
Forty foot equivalent unit (FEU) 四十英尺集裝箱換算單位
Four-way pallet 四邊開槽托盤
Free In (FI) 船方不負責裝費
Free In and Out (FIO) 船方不負責裝卸費
Free In and Out ,Stowed and Trimmed (FIOST) 船方不負責裝卸、理艙和平艙費
Free Out (FO) 船方不負責卸費
Freeboard 干
Freight all kinds (FAK) 包干運費
Freight canvasser 攬貨員
Freight collect (freight payable at destination) 運費到付
Freight manifest 運費艙單
Freight prepaid 運費預付
Freight quotation 運費報價
Freight rate (rate of freight) 運費率
Freight tariff 運費費率表
Freight ton (FT) 運費噸
Freighter 貨船
Fresh water load line 淡水載重線
Fridays and holidays excepted (F.H.E.X .) 星期五和節假日除外
Full and complete cargo 滿艙滿載貨
Full and down 滿艙滿載
Full Container Load (FCL) 整箱貨
Full Container Ship 全集裝箱船
full-service distribution company (fsdc) 全方位物流服務公司
Fumigation Charge 熏蒸費
Gantry crane 門式起重機(門吊)
Gencon 金康航次租船合同
General average 共同海損
General average act 共同海損行為
General average contribution 共同海損分攤
General average sacrifice 共同海損犧牲
General cargo (generals) 雜貨
General Cargo Rates (GCR) 普通貨物運價
General purpose container 多用途集裝箱
Geographical rotation 地理順序
georgraphical information system (gis) 地理信息系統
Germanischer Lloyd (G.L.) 德國船級社
global positioning system (gps) 全球定位系統
goods collection 集貨
goods shed 料棚
goods shelf 貨架
goods stack 貨垛
goods yard 貨場
Grabbing crane 抓鬥起重機
Grain or grain capacity 散裝艙容
Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.) 格林威治時間
Gross Dead Weight Tonnage 總載重噸位
Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) 注冊(容積)總噸
Gross weight(GW) 毛重
Grounding 觸底
Gunny bag 麻袋
Gunny matting 麻墊
Hague Rules 海牙規則
Hague-Visby Rules 海牙維斯比規則
Hamburg Rules 漢堡規則
Hand hook 手鉤
Handymax 雜散貨船
Handy-sized bulker 小型散貨船
Harbour 海港
Harbour es 港務費
Hatch (hatch cover) 艙蓋
Hatchway 艙口
Head charter (charter party) 主租船合同
Head charterer 主租船人
Heavy fuel oil (H.F.O) 重油
Heavy lift 超重貨物
Heavy lift additional (surcharge) 超重附加費
Heavy lift derrick 重型吊桿
Heavy weather 惡劣天氣
High density cargo 重貨
Hire statement 租金單
Hold 船艙
Home port 船籍港
Homogeneous cargo 同種貨物
Hook 吊鉤
Hopper 漏斗
House Air Waybill (HAWB) 航空分運單
House B/L 運輸代理行提單
House Bill of Lading 運輸代理行提單
Hovercraft 氣墊船
Husbandry 維修
Ice-breaker 破冰船
Identity of carrier clause 承運人責任條款
Idle (船舶、設備)閑置
Idle formality 例行手續
Immediate rebate 直接回扣
Import entry 進口報關
In apparent good order and condition 外表狀況良好
Indemnity 賠償
Incement 起運量
Incement cargo 起運量貨物
Inflation adjustment factor ( IAF) 通貨膨脹膨脹調整系數
Infrastructure (of a port) (港口)基礎設施
Inherent vice 固有缺陷
Inland container depot 內陸集裝箱
Institute Warranty Limits (IWL) (倫敦保險人)協會保證航行范圍
Insufficient packing 包裝不足
Intaken weight 裝運重量
integrated logistics 綜合物流
International Air Transport Association (IATA) 國際航空運輸協會
International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) 國際船級社協會
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) 國際民用航空組織
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) 國際海上危險品貨物規則(國際危規)
International Maritime Organization (IMO) 國際海事組織
International Transport Workers』 Federation (ITF) 國際運輸工人聯合會
inventory control 存貨控制
inventory cycle time 庫存周期
Inward 進港的
Inward cargo 進港貨
Inward cargo 進港貨物
Itinerary 航海日程表
Jettison 拋貨
Joint service 聯合服務
Joint survey 聯合檢驗
Jumbo derrick 重型吊桿
Jurisdiction (Litigation)clause 管轄權條款
just in time (jit) 准時制
Knot 航速(節)
Laden 滿載的
Laden draught 滿載吃水
Landbridge 陸橋
Landing charges 卸橋費
Landing,storage and delivery 卸貨、倉儲和送貨費
Lash 用繩綁扎
Lashings 綁扎物
Latitude 緯度
Lay up 擱置不用
Lay-by berth 候載停泊區
Laydays (laytime) 裝卸貨時間
Laydays canceling (Laycan或L/C) 銷約期
Laytime saved 節省的裝卸時間
Laytime statement 裝卸時間計算表
Laytime statement 裝卸時間記錄
lead time 備貨時間
lean logistics 精益物流
Leg (of a voyage) 航段
Length overall (overall length ,簡稱LOA) (船舶)總長
Less Container Load (LCL) 拼箱貨
Letter of indemnity 擔保書(函)
Lien 留置權
Lift-on lift-off (LO-LO) 吊上吊下
Light Displacement 輕排水量
Lighter 駁船
Limitation of liability 責任限制
Line (shipping line) 航運公司
Liner ( liner ship) 班輪
Liner in free out (LIFO) 運費不包括卸貨費
Liner terms 班輪條件
Liner transport 班輪運輸
Lloyd's Register of Shipping 勞埃德船級社
Load (Loaded)Displacement 滿載排水量
Loading hatch 裝貨口
Loading List 裝貨清單
Loadline (load line) 載重線
Log abstract 航海日誌摘錄
Log book 航行日誌
logistics 物流
logistics activity 物流活動
logistics alliance 物流聯盟
logistics centre 物流中心
logistics cost 物流成本
logistics instry 物流產業
logistics molus 物流模數
logistics network 物流網路
logistics operation 物流作業
Long Form B/L 全式提單
Long length additional 超長附加費
Long ton 長噸
Longitude 經度
losgistics resource planning (lrp) 物流資源計劃
Low density cargo 輕貨
Lump sum charter 整筆運費租賃
Lump-sum freight 整船包價運費
Maiden voyage 處女航
Main deck 主甲板
Main port 主要港口
Manifest 艙單
manufacturing resource planning (mrp ii) 製造資源計劃
Maritime declaration of health 航海健康申明書
Maritime lien 海事優先權
Marks and numbers 嘜頭
Master Air Waybill (MAWB) 航空主運單
material requirement planning (mrp i) 物料需求計劃
Mate's receipt 大副收據
Mate's Receipt 收貨單
Maximum Freight 最高運費
Mean draught 平均吃水
Measurement cargo 體積貨物
Measurement rated cargo 按體積計費的貨物
Measurement rules 計量規則
Merchant (班輪提單)貨方
Merchant haulage 貨方拖運
Merchant marine 商船
Metric ton 公噸
Minimum Freight 工 最低運費
Misdelivery 錯誤交貨
Misdescription 錯誤陳述
Mixed cargo 混雜貨
Mobile crane 移動式起重機
More or less (mol.) 增減
More or less in charterer』s option (MOLCHOP) 承租人有增減選擇權
More or less in owner』s option (MOLOO) 船東有增減選擇權
Mother ship 母船
Multideck ship 多層甲板船
Multi-modal (Inter-modal, combined) transport B/L 多式聯運提單
Multi-purpose cargo ship 多用途船
Multi-purpose terminal 多用途場站
Named B/L 記名提單
Narrow the laycan 縮短銷約期
Net Registered Tonnage (NRT) 注冊(容積)凈噸
Net weight 凈重
New Jason clause 新傑森條款
New York Proce Exchange charter-party (NYPE) 紐約土產交易所制定的定期程租船合同格式
Newbuilding 新船
Nippon kaiji kyokai (NKK) 日本船級社
No cure no pay 無效果無報酬
No customs valuation (NCV) 無聲明價值
No value Declared (NVD) 不要求聲明價值
Nominate a ship 指定船舶進行航行
Non-conference line (Independent line ,Outsider) 非公會成員的航運公司
Non-delivery 未交貨
Non-negotiable bill of lading 不可流通的提單
Non-reversible laytime 不可調配使用的裝卸時間
Non-vessel owning(operating) common carrier (NVOCC) 無船承運人
Not always afloat but safe aground 不保持浮泊但安全擱淺
Not otherwise enumerated (N.O.E.) 不另列舉
Note protest 作海事聲明
Notice of Readiness (NOR) 船舶准備就緒通知書
Notice of redelivery 還船通知書
Notify party 通知方
Ocean (Liner, Sea) waybill 海運單
Off hire 停租
Oil tanker 油輪
On Board (Shipped) B/L 已裝船提單
On Deck B/L 甲板貨提單
On-carriage 貨運中轉
On-carrier 接運承運人
One-way pallet 單邊槽貨盤
Open hatch bulk carrier 敞艙口散貨船
Open rate 優惠費率
Open rated cargo 優惠費率貨物
Open side container 側開式集裝箱
Open top container 開頂集裝箱
Operate a ship 經營船舶
optical character recognition 光學文字識別
Optional cargo 選港貨物
Order B/L 指示提單
order picking 揀選
Ore/bulk/oil carrier 礦石/散貨/油輪
Out of gauge 超標(貨物)
Outport 小港
outsourcing 業務外包(外協,外購)
Outturn 卸貨
Outturn report 卸貨報告
Outward 進港的
Outward cargo 出港貨
Over weight surcharge 超重附加費
Overheight cargo 超重貨物
Overlanded cargo or overlanding 溢卸貨
Overload 超載
Overstow 堆碼
Overtime (O/T) 加班時間
Overtonnaging 噸位過剩
Owner's agents 船東代理人
Package limitation 單位(賠償)責任限制
Packing list 裝箱單
Pallet 托(貨)盤
pallet 托盤
Pallet truck 托盤車
Palletized 托盤化的
Panamax 巴拿馬型船
Paramount clause 首要條款
Parcel 一包,一票貨
Per freight ton (P. F. T.) 每運費噸
Performance claim 性能索賠
Perishable goods 易腐貨物
Permanent nnage 固定墊艙物
Phosphoric acid carrier 磷酸船
physical proction 產品配送
Piece weight 單重
Pier 突碼頭
Pier to pier 碼頭至碼頭運輸
Piggy –back 馱背運輸
Pilferage 偷竊
Pilot 引航員
Pilotage 引航
Pilotage es 引航費
Platform 平台
Platform flat 平台式集裝箱
point of sale(pos) 銷售實點(信息)系統
Pooling (班輪公司間分攤貨物或運費)分攤制
Port 港口,船的左舷
Port Congestion Surcharge 港口擁擠附加費
Port of refuge 避難港
Port Surcharge 港口附加費
Portable unloader 攜帶型卸貨機
Post fixture 訂約後期工作
Post-entry 追補報關單
Preamble (租船合同)前言
Pre-entry 預報單
Pre-shipment charges 運輸前費用
Pre-stow 預定積載
Private carrier 私人承運人
Private form 自用式租船合同
Pro forma charter-party 租約格式
Proce carrier 側開式集裝箱
Proct (procts) carrier 液體貨運輸船
Promotional rate 促銷費率
Prospects 預期
Protecting (protective, supervisory) agent 船東利益保護人
Protection and indemnity club (association) (P.& I. Club ,Pandi club) 船東保賠協會
Protective clauses 保護性條款
Protest 海事聲明
Pumpman 泵工
Purchase (吊桿)滑車組
Quarter ramp 船尾跳板
Quarter-deck 後甲板
Quay 碼頭
quick response (qr) 快速反應
Quote 報價
radio frequency (rf) 無線射頻
Ramp 跳板
Ramp/hatch cover (跳板)艙口蓋
Rate 費率 Rate of demurrage 滯期費率
Rate of discharge (discharging) 卸貨率
Rate of freight 運費率
Rate of loading 裝貨
Received for shipment B/L 備運(收妥待運)提單
Receiving dates 收貨期間
Recharter 轉租
Recovery agent 追償代理
Redelivery (redly) 還船
Redelivery certificate 還船證書
Refrigerated (reefer) ship 冷藏船
Refrigerated (reefer)container 冷藏集裝箱
Register 登記,報到
Register (registered) tonnage 登記噸位
Registration 登記,報到
Registro Italiano Navale (R.I.) 義大利船級社
Release a bill of lading 交提單
Release cargo 放貨
Remaining on board (R.O.B.) 船上所有
Removable deck 活動甲板
Reporting point ( calling-in-point) 報告點
Reposition containers 調配集裝箱
Respondentia loan 船貨抵押貸款
Return cargo 回程貨
Return load 回程裝載
Return trip C/P 往返航次租船合同
Reversible laytime 可調配的裝卸時間
Roads (roadstead) 港外錨地
Rolling cargo 滾裝貨物
Rolling hatch cover 滾動艙單
Roll-on roll-off (Ro-ro) 滾上滾下
Roll-on roll-off ship 滾裝船
Rotation 港序
Round the world (service) (R.T.W.) 全球性服務
Round voyage 往返航次
Run aground 擱淺
Running days 連續日
Safe aground 安全擱淺
Safe berth (s.b) 安全泊位
Safe port (S.P) 安全港口
Safe working load 安全工作負荷
Safety radio-telegraphy certificate 無線電報設備安全證書
safety stock 安全庫存
Said to contain (s.t.c.) (提單術語)內貨據稱
Sail 航行,離港
Sailing schele (card) 船期表
Salvage agreement 救助協議
Salvage charges 救助費
Salve 救助
Salvor 救助人
Saturdays,Sundays and holidays excepted (S.S.H.E.X.) 星期六、日與節假日除外
Saturdays,Sundays and holidays included (S.S.H.I.N.C) 星期六、日與節假日包括在內
Scancon 斯堪人航次祖租船合同
Scanconbill 斯堪人航次祖租船合同提單
Scantlings 構件尺寸
Scheled Airline 班機運輸
Scrap terminal 廢料場
Sea waybill
Seaworthiness 船舶適航
Secure (to) 固定
Segregated ballast tank

㈧ 標准普爾500指數包括哪500種股票

序號 代碼 公司名稱

1 A 安捷倫
2 AA 美鋁
3 AAPL 蘋果
4 ABC 美源伯根
5 ABT 雅培制葯
7 ACN 埃森哲
8 ADBE 奧多比系統
9 ADI 模擬器件
10 ADM ADM公司
11 ADP 自動數據處理
12 ADSK 歐特克
13 AEE 阿莫林
14 AEP 美國電力
15 AES 愛伊斯電力
16 AET 安泰保險
17 AFL 家庭人壽保險
18 AGN 愛力根
19 AIG 美國國際集團
20 AIV 公寓投資與管理
21 AIZ assurant
22 AKAM akamai
23 AKS AK鋼鐵
24 ALL 全州保險
25 ALTR altera
26 AMAT 應用材料
27 AMD 先進微器件
28 AMGN 安進
29 AMP ameriprise
30 AMT american tower
31 AMZN 亞馬遜
32 AN autonation
33 ANF abercrombie & fitch
34 ANR 阿爾法自然資源
35 AON 怡安
36 APA 阿帕奇石油
37 APC 阿納達科石油
38 APD 空氣化工
39 APH 安費諾電子
40 APOL 阿波羅
41 ARG airgas
42 ATI 冶聯科技
43 AVB avalonbay
44 AVP 雅芳
45 AVY 艾利丹尼森
46 AXP 美國運通
47 AZO autozone
48 BA 波音
49 BAC 美國銀行
50 BAX 百特國際
51 BBBY bed bath & beyond
53 BBY 百思買
54 BCR CR bard
55 BDX 碧迪
56 BEN 富蘭克林資源
57 BF_B 布朗福曼
58 BHI 貝克休斯
59 BIG big lots拆價零售
60 BIIB 生物基因
61 BK 紐約梅隆銀行
62 BLK 貝萊德
63 BLL 波爾
64 BMC BMC軟體
65 BMS 碧美斯
66 BMY 百時美施貴寶
67 BRCM broadcom
68 BRK_B 伯克希爾哈撒韋-B
69 BSX 波士頓科學
70 BTU 博地能源
71 BXP 波士頓地產
72 C 花旗集團
73 CA 冠群國際
74 CAG 康尼格拉食品
75 CAH cardinal health
76 CAM cameron international
77 CAT 卡特彼勒
78 CB 丘博集團
79 CBG 世邦魏理壯
80 CBS 哥倫比亞廣播
81 CCE 可口可樂企業
82 CCL 嘉年華游輪-co
83 CEP 聯合能源
84 CELG celgene
85 CEPH cephalon(停牌)
86 CERN cerner公司
87 CF CF工業控股
88 CFN carefusion
89 CHK 切薩匹克能源
90 CHRW 羅賓遜全球物流
91 CI 信諾
92 CINF 辛辛那提金融
93 CL 高露潔-棕欖
94 CLF cliffs 自然資源
95 CLX clorox
96 CMA comerica
97 CMCSA 康卡斯特
98 CME 芝加哥交易所
99 CMG chipotle Mexican grill
100 CMI 康明斯
101 CMS CMS能源
102 CNP 中點能源
103 CNX consol能源
104 COF 第一資本金融
105 COG cabot oil & gas
106 COH coach
107 COL 羅克韋爾柯林斯
108 COP 康菲石油
109 COST 好市多
110 COV covidien plc
111 CPB 金寶湯
112 CPWR 康博軟體
113 CRM salesforce
114 CSC 電腦系統咨詢
115 CSCO 思科
116 CSX CSX運輸
117 CTAS cintas
118 CTL 世紀電信
119 CTSH 高知特科技
120 CTXS 思傑系統
121 CVC 有線電視系統
122 CVH coventry health care
123 CVS CVS caremark葯品零售
124 CVX 雪佛龍
125 D 道明尼資源
126 DD 杜邦
127 DE 迪爾
128 DELL 戴爾
129 DF 迪安食品
130 DFS 發現金融服務
131 DGX 奎斯特診斷
132 DHI D.R.horton
133 DHR 丹納赫
134 DIS 華特迪斯尼
135 DISCA 探索傳播-A
136 DNB 鄧百氏公司
137 DNR denbury resources
138 DO diamond offshore drilling
139 DOV dover
140 DOW 陶氏化學
141 DPS dr pepper snapple group
142 DRI 達登飯店
143 DTE DTE能源
144 DTV directv
145 DUK 杜克能源
146 DV devry
147 DVA davita
148 DVN 戴文能源
150 ECL 藝康化工
151 ED 聯合愛迪生
152 EFX equifax
153 EIX 愛迪生國際
154 EL 雅詩蘭黛
155 EMC EMC公司
156 EMN 伊士曼化工
157 EMR 艾默生電氣
158 EOG EOG資源
159 EP 埃爾帕索能源(停牌)
160 EQR 公寓物業權益信託
161 EQT EQT corp
162 EA 電子藝界
163 ESRX 快捷葯方
164 ETFC E trade金融
165 ETN 伊頓公司
166 ETR 安特吉公司
167 EW 愛德華生命科學
168 EXC 愛克斯龍電力
169 EXPD expeditors international of was
170 EXPE expedia
171 F 福特汽車
172 FAST fastenal
173 FCX 自由港邁克墨倫銅金礦
174 FDO 家庭美元商店
175 FDX 聯邦快遞
176 FE 第一能源
177 FFIV F5網路
178 FHN 第一地平線銀行
179 FII 聯合投資
180 FIS 富達國民信息服務
181 FISV fiserv公司
182 FITB 五三銀行
183 FLIR FLIR systems
184 FLR 福陸
185 FLS 福斯公司
186 FMC FMC公司
187 FO 富俊品牌(停牌)
188 FRX 森林實驗室
189 FSLR 第一太陽能
190 FTI fmc technologies
191 FTR 前線傳媒
192 GAS nicor
193 GCI 甘尼特
194 GD 通用動力
195 GE 通用電氣
196 GILD 吉利德科學
197 GIS 通用磨坊
198 GLW 康寧
199 GME gamestop
200 GNW genworth金融
201 GOOG 谷歌
202 GPC 純牌零件
203 GPS 蓋普
204 GDP 古德里奇
205 GS 高盛
206 GT 固特異輪胎
207 GWW W.W.格蘭傑
208 HAL 哈利伯頓公司
209 HAR 哈曼國際工業
210 HAS 孩之寶
211 HBAN 亨廷頓財報
212 HCBK 哈德遜城市銀行
213 HCN 醫療保健房產信託
214 HCP HCP 房產信託
215 HD 家得寶
216 HES 赫斯石油
217 HIG 哈特福德金融服務
218 HNZ 亨氏
219 HOG 哈雷戴維森
220 HON 霍尼韋爾國際
221 HOT 喜達屋酒店
222 HP 赫爾默里奇&佩恩
223 HPQ 惠普公司
224 HRB H&R布洛克
225 HRL 荷美爾
226 HRS 哈里斯
227 HSP hospira
228 HST host酒店及假村
229 HSY 好時公司
230 HUM 哈門那
231 IBM IBM公司
232 ICE 洲際交易所
233 IFF 國際香料香精
234 IGT 國際游戲科技
235 INTC 英特爾
236 INTU 直覺軟體
237 IP 國際紙業
238 IPG 埃培智
239 IR 英格索蘭
240 IRM 鐵山
241 ISRG intuitive surgical
242 ITT ITT科技
243 ITW 伊利諾伊工具
244 IVZ 景順
245 JBL 捷普電子
246 JCI 江森自控
247 JCP J.C.潘尼
248 JDSU 捷迪訊光電
249 JEC 雅各布斯工程
250 JNJ 強生
251 JNPR 瞻博網路
252 JNS 駿利資產管理
253 JOY 久益環球
254 JPM 摩根大通
255 JWN 諾德斯特龍
256 K 家樂氏
257 KEY keycorp
258 KFT 卡夫食品
259 KIM kimco房產信託
260 KLAC 科天半導體
261 KMB 金佰利
262 KMX carmax inc
263 KO 可口可樂
264 KR 克羅格
265 KSS 柯爾百貨
266 L 洛斯保險
267 LEG 禮恩派集團
268 LEN 萊納房產
269 LH 美國實驗室
270 LIFE 生命科技
271 LLL L-3通信控股
272 LLTC 林立爾特
273 LLY 禮來
274 LM 美盛集團
275 LMT 洛克希德馬丁
276 LNC 林肯國民
277 LO 羅瑞拉德煙草
278 LOW 勞氏
279 LSI LSI電子
280 LTD 有限品牌服飾
281 LUK 萊卡迪亞
282 LUV 西南航空
283 LXK 利盟國際
284 M 梅西百貨
285 MA 萬事達卡
286 MAR 萬豪國際
287 MAS 馬斯柯
288 MAT 美泰
289 MCD 麥當勞
290 MCHP 微芯科技
291 MCK 麥克森
292 MCO 穆迪
293 MDT 美敦力
294 MET 大都會保險
295 MHP 麥格勞希爾
296 MHS 美可保健 (停牌)
297 MJN 美贊臣
298 MKC 味好美
299 MMC marsh & mclennan
300 MMI 摩托羅拉移動




上海華融證券開戶 瀏覽:414
騰訊理財通貨幣基金怎麼取出 瀏覽:765
銀行對公理財產品利率 瀏覽:899
橙牛融資 瀏覽:309
新城控股集團和萬達 瀏覽:273
匯率加斜杠 瀏覽:937
小米股票下跌原因 瀏覽:696
國內循環經濟股票 瀏覽:804
新疆長安融資擔保公司 瀏覽:233
股份司法再凍結 瀏覽:7
金融服務強堡壘 瀏覽:360
江蘇愛康集團總裁 瀏覽:93
中國五大銀行股份情況 瀏覽:372
中國中小板上市公司數量 瀏覽:795
信託募集資金多少 瀏覽:290
東風神龍股東 瀏覽:589
上市公司融資租賃案例 瀏覽:782
開鑫金服和國開金融服務有限公司官網 瀏覽:677
國內有迷你期貨嗎 瀏覽:493
列印新股票 瀏覽:235