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1. 聯合利華的UL UN有什麼區別


2. 看股票的k線怎麼看

一、 股票K線是什麼意思?



3. 關於加拿大股票代碼 後綴的問題 .WT.A .H

哦 我給你都列出來把:
A-B – class of shares
NO, NS, NT – notes
S – special U.S. terms
DB – debenture
P – Capital Pool Company
U, V – U.S. funds
E – equity dividend
PR – preferred
UN – units
H – NEX market
R – subscription receipts
W – when issued
IR – installment receipts
RT – rights
WT – warrants


4. 怎我想看看如新UN SKIN 美國股票行情,聽說翻了三四番


5. 股票籌資風險的英文摘要

The issue market is refers to has the stock from the plan to the sales entire process, the issue market is the call for fund obtains the fund directly the market. the new company's being established, the old company increases funding or offers loans, must through the issue market, probably draw support in has, the sales stock raising fund, causes the fund to enter in the demand hand from the supplier in the relay, is also transforms the deposit as the investment, thus creates the new actual assets and the monetary assets, increases the social total capital and proctivity, promotes the social economy development, this is the basic-level market function.

1. issue market characteristic: First, not fixed place, may in the Investment bank, the Trust investment company and the negotiable securities company and so on place the occurrence, may also in the market the opening offer new stock; Two do not have the unification occurrence time, according to own needs to move toward by the stock publisher with the market quotation decided voluntarily when distributes.

2. has the market constitution: Has the market to be composed of three main body factor interconnection. These three are the stock publisher, the stock credit corroborative in both urban and rural areas and the stock investor. the publisher's stock issue scale and investor's actual investment ability, is deciding the issue market stock capacity and the developed degree; At the same time, to guarantee that has business's smooth advance, causes to have and the investors can realize own goal smoothly, acts as a purchasing agent and has exclusive selling rights the stock intermediary issue market, issues on another's behalf the traveler outstanding share, and charges the proceral fee to the publisher. Thus, the issue market take the credit corroborative in both urban and rural areas as a center, a relation publisher, a relation investor, positively in development stock issue.

3. stock issue way: Under the various countries' different politics, the economy, the social conditions, specially the monetary system and the money market management's difference causes the stock the release way is also many and varied; According to the different taxonomic approach, may summarize as follows
(1) public release does not come together with public release this according to the release object divides. The public release calls male solicits, is refers to does not have the specific release object beforehand, sells the stock publicly to the social general investors the way. selects this method, may expand shareholder's scope, the dispersion owns stocks, prevents to store up the stock or to operate by the small number of people, is advantageous in enhances company's sociality and the popularity, will be later collects more funds to build the foundation. increases the stock the merchantability and the conctivity. The public release may use the method which Joint-stock company sell directly, may also pay certain release expense to adopt the financial Facilitating agency proxy.
The public release is refers to the publisher only to the specific release object sales promotion stock way. Usually uses in two kind of situations: one is the shareholder share matching, also calls the shareholder to share, namely the Joint-stock company assigns this company's new stock subscriber power according to the stock face value to the original shareholder, mobilizes the shareholder to subscribe. This kind of new stock issue price often is lower than the market price, in fact becomes to shareholder's one kind gives favored treatment, generally the shareholders are glad to the subscriber. if some shareholders are not willing to subscribe, he may give up the new stock subscriber power automatically, may also transfer this kind of subscriber power other people, thus has formed the subscriber power transaction. two are the personal share matchings, also calls the third party to share, namely the Joint-stock company sells outside the shareholder the new stock minute this company staff, the intercourse customer and so on to have with the company the special relationship third party. selects this method often to stem from two kind of considerations: First, to press the preferential price to share the new stock for specific, shows to look after; Second, when the new stock issue encounters the difficulty, shares to the third party supports in order to, regardless of being the shareholder or personal sells on ration, because the release object is decides, therefore, does not need through male to solicit the way, not only this may save the request Facilitating agency's handling charge, reces the cost of capital, but may also transfer the shareholder and the internal enthusiasm, item solid and development company's public relation. But the shortcoming is this kind of public release stock fluidity is bad, cannot publicize in the market transfers the sell, will also rece Joint-stock company's sociality and the popularity, will also exist is offered a very low price with the holding danger.

(2) direct release and distributes this is indirectly sells the sell stock according to the publisher the way not to come together divides. The direct release calls the direct stock offering. Is refers to Joint-stock company to undertake stock issue all business and the release risk, sells the sell stock directly to the subscriber the way. when selects the direct release method, requests the publisher to be familiar with the stock offering procere, the familiar stock offering technology and meets certain requirement. When if the amount of subscription cannot achieve the plan stock offering volume, the newly built Joint-stock company's initiators or the existing Joint-stock company's board of directors must subscribe the stock which sells. , is only therefore suitable in has decides the release object or the release risk are few, proceral simple stock. Generally, because public release's stock or the public release has the difficulty (for example prestige low result's market competitiveness difference, could not bear large quantity release expense and so on) the stock; Perhaps the strength is abundant, has confidence realizes large amount private solicits saves release expense the great Joint-stock company stock, only then uses the direct release the way. the indirect release calls the indirect stock offering, is refers to the publisher to entrust the securities issue Facilitating agency to sell the stock the way. These Facilitating agencies take the stock the sales promotion, handles all release business, undertakes certain release risk and withdraws the corresponding income.
The stock indirect release has 3 methods: one is sells goods for the state, is also called the proxy stock offering, the sales promotion is only responsible according to publisher's condition sales promotion stock, the proxy stock offering service, but does not undertake any release risk, sells how many in the stipulated time internal energy to calculate how many, expires still could not sell the stock to return for the publisher. Because distributes the risk and the responsibility completely undertakes by the publisher, the securities issue Facilitating agency is only is entrusted to replace the sales promotion, therefore, the selling goods for the state handling charge is low. two are sells on consignment, also said that Yu Gu acts as a purchasing agent, the stock publisher and the securities issue Facilitating agency signs the sales promotion contract to stipulate explicitly, in stipulated time, if the Facilitating agency actual sales promotion's result has not been able to achieve the contract provision the release amount, its differential part acts as a purchasing agent down by Facilitating agency. This kind of release method's characteristic is can guarantee that completes the stock issue specified amount, generally gains publisher's popularity, but because the Facilitating agency must undertake certain release risk, therefore sells on consignment the handling charge which the expense is higher than sells goods for the state. three are has exclusive selling rights, also the name buys up the stock offering, when distributes the new stock, the securities issue Facilitating agency disposable to buy completely first with own fund is going the public release stock, then sells graally again according to the market quotation, the Facilitating agency earns business price difference. If has the unsalable stock, the Facilitating agency sells at reced price or has, because the publisher may obtain fast plans the fund completely, but the sales promotion wants to undertake the release risk completely, therefore, has exclusive selling rights the expense to be higher than sells goods for the state spends and sells on consignment the expense. when stock indirect release actually uses which one method, the publisher and the sales promotion consideration angle is different, needs both sides to consult the determination. In general, the publisher mainly considered that he in the market prestige, the expenses time, the cost of capital and to sells the trust degree; The sales promotion main consideration undertakes the risk and can obtain income.

3) paid increases funding, free increases funding with matching increases funding this is defers to the investor subscribes time the stock whether pays the payment for shares to divide. Paid increases funding is refers to the subscriber to according to the stock some kind of issue price payment cash, Fang Neng obtain the stock one release way. the general public release's stock and private solicits the way which the shareholder share matching, the personal share matching use paid increase funding, uses this way outstanding share, may collect the capital stock directly from the outside, increases Joint-stock company's capital in cash. free increases funding, is refers to the subscriber not to need to pay the cash to the Joint-stock company to be possible to obtain the stock the release way, the release object is only restricted in the original shareholder, uses this way release the stock, cannot collect the capital stock directly from the outside management, but is depends upon the rection Joint-stock company's common reserve fund or the earnings balance increases the capital in cash, the release way which generally only when the stock distributes dividends draws bonus, the stock split-up and the legal common reserve fund or the earnings extension make capital share matching uses free increases funding, the new stock free issue for the original shareholder, its goal is mainly in proportion divides for the shareholder the profit, heightens the shareholder confidence and the company prestige or to adjust the capital structure. because the free release must receive the sources of fund the limit, therefore, cannot use this way outstanding share frequently. Matching increases funding, is refers to the Joint-stock company when shares the new stock to the original shareholder, only lets the shareholder pay the issue price a part to be possible to obtain certain amount stock the way, for example the shareholder subscribes the currency value is 100 Yuan stocks, only needed the branch society 50 Yuan to be possible, other parts of free releases, arrived sufficiently by company's common reserve fund. This release way is also to the original shareholder's one kind of preferential benefit, can only collect the partial payment for shares again from their there, realizes the company to increase funding very quickly the plan.

The above these stock issue way, has the advantages and the condition restraint respectively, the Joint-stock company when the outstanding share, may select some method, may also concurrently pick several ways, various companies are embark from own actual situation, selects according to qualification. Presently, various countries use most are many, the most universal way are public and the indirect release

6. 推薦一些 股票入門的書













7. 股票新手,想跟你多學習,請多賜教,QQ375035305 謝了!

一,國際股票概念 指國際股票市場上交易的或是在居民與非居民之間的股票,它並非是區別於國內股票的特別的股票名稱(不同與國際債券)。國內股票轉化為國際股票有兩個途徑: 其一,在境內外同時上市; 其二,如果一國的資本市場較為開放,該國公司股票只在境內上市,但其中一部分被非居民所購買。 二,股票的種類 普通股 優先股 其它創新工具: 累積優先股(Cumulative Preferred Stock) 可轉換優先股( Convertible Preferred Stock ) 累積可轉換優先股( Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock ) 參與優先股( Participating Preferred Stock ) 累積優先股(Cumulative Preferred Stock)——指公司當年的盈餘達不到優先股應分的股利,其不足部分在其後年度分配盈餘時給予補足的股份。 參與優先股( Participating Preferred Stock )——指在按原定比例分配股利之後,如公司還有盈餘,還可以同普通股一起參與剩餘盈餘分配的股份。 可轉換優先股( Convertible Preferred Stock )——指股份有限公司按規定的條件和比例將優先股轉換為普通股或公司債券。優先股無論是轉換為普通股或公司債券,對增加股份有限公司籌資與投資者投資的靈活性都有積極作用。可轉換優先股在國外已日益流行。 累積可轉換優先股( Cumulative Convertible Preferred Stock )——指同時具有累積優先股與可轉化優先股特徵的優先股。 三,股票價格 股票價格的種類 1,面值(Par Value)——指股票的票面上所標明的每股金額。它只在股票發行時對投資者有一定的參考意義,但股票的發行價格並非以面值為准,可能溢價或折價發行,面值已經失去意義。國際股票的面值貨幣為公司所屬國的法幣。 2,市值(Market value)——或股票的市價,指在交易所中買賣雙方確定的某一時點的價格。 3,凈值(Net value)——指通過對發行股票的公司的財務報表的分析計算而得出,又稱股票的帳面價值。 凈值=(資產總額-債務總額-優先股的總面值)÷普通股總數 4,內在價值(Intrinsical Value)——它把公司現有的財務狀況和將來的盈利前景結合起來,並把未來的收益折算成現值。計算公式: P0=D1/(1+i)+D2 /(1+i)2+…+ Dn/(1+i)n= P0——內在價值,D1, D2 … Dn代表第1,2…及第n年的每股股息收入,i表示資本還原率(貼現率或必要報酬率) 假設股息在一定時期內將按一個固定比例g增長,若前一年每股支付的股息為D0,則第二年的股息D1= D0(1+ g ) ,則第三年的股息D2= D1(1+ g )= D0(1+ g )2 則 Dn= D0(1+ g )n P0= 5,面值,市值,凈值和內在價值的關系 股票的市值不僅與面值相脫離,而且與凈值不相等,但凈值可以作為長期投資判斷的重要依據之一,如果是市值高於凈值的股票,市價可能回落,反之,則上漲。同樣,內在價值對市場判斷也有十分重要的作用。 6,影響股票市價變動的因素 股價的變動由每股股息和銀行利率決定的,即Pm=D/I Pm, D, I分別代表股票市價,預期的每股股息額和銀行利率。因此,凡是能影響企業分派股息和銀行利率等因素的,都會對股價的變動產生影響。 內部因素 公司的經營狀況: 好 盈利 股息總量 Pm 公司的股息政策:收益積累與分配關系 Pm 宏觀經濟因素 經濟周期:經濟周期的高漲階段 消費,投資和 出口高漲 Pm 政府的宏觀經濟政策 財政支出政策:擴張性的財政政策 Pm 稅收政策: 正常情況下,稅收的高低與企業的凈收益成反比。如進口稅提高會增加經營成本,所得稅提高則企業的凈收益減少,降低股息,股價下跌。 金融政策: 再貼現率提高(緊縮銀根),商業銀行成本提高,則 Pm下跌, 反之則反是; 銀行存款准備金比率提高(緊縮銀根) ,商業銀行成本提高,則 Pm下跌, 反之則反是; 公開市場操作:央行出售證券(國債) (緊縮銀根),減少流通中的貨幣流量,利率上升,則 Pm下跌, 反之則反是。 產業政策: 產業政策:產業差別政策會引起不同企業的價格 不同的變化。 其它因素: 政治因素 心理因素 非理性因素 時間及季節變動因素 四,股票交易的程序與方式 收集信息 投資決策 委託經紀人代為買賣 投資者 經紀公司 交易所競價 清算所 五,股票行情指數(Stock Market Index) 股票行情指數——指股票市價變動指數。它是由金融服務等中介機構運用其廣泛的信息來源和專門知識編制而成,對投資者了解股市行情有重要的參考價值。 非系統風險(Unsystem Risk)——指由於各個上市公司的經營情況不同股票的價格上升,有的股票的價格下降,且升降的也不相同,這種變動給投資者帶來的風險。預測該風險很困難。 系統風險( System Risk )——宏觀經濟情況(如經濟周期,宏觀經濟政策等)的變動,引起多數股票的價格都發生趨勢相同的變動。預測該風險很困難。 六,國際上馳名的股票指數 指編制所選用的股票均屬於一國范圍之內,但參加交易的可以包括外國投資者。 1,道·瓊斯股價平均指數(Dow Jone Averages) 是美國各種股票指數中歷史最悠久(1889年開始編制),最著名的一種,在國際上影響也比較大,由美國《華爾街日報》的出版者道·瓊斯公司的創始人查 理斯·道開始編制。 現在採用的股票指數共分四組: (1)30家工業公司股價平均數;最具代表性(媒體報道) (2) 20家運輸公司股價平均數; (3) 15家公用事業公司股價平均數; (4) 前三組共65種的股價平均數。 道·瓊斯股價平均指數(Dow Jone Averages)是以1928年10月1日為基期,將選用的各種股票價格用簡單算術平均數法求得平均數(股票價格平均數=入選股票的價格之和/入選股票的數量),作為100。然後以同樣的方法計算出比較期的平均數,再與基期相比較,計算出的百分數即為比較期的股價平均數。例如,1999年12月31日的股價平均數為11497。12,即表示該日的股價平均數約為1928年10月1日的115倍 2,標准·普爾股票指數由美國最大的證券研究機構——標准·普爾公司編制的股票價格指數,在美國與道指齊名。 3,日經指數(日經平均股價) 系由日本經濟新聞社編制並公布的反映日本股票市場價格變動的股票價格平均數。該指數從1950年9月開始編制。 4,金融時報股票指數 全稱是「倫敦《金融時報》工商業普通股股票價格指數」,由英國《金融時報》公布發表的。 5,香港恆生指數 由香港生銀行於1969年11月24日始發布。恆生股票價格指數包從香港500多家上市公司中挑出來的33家有代表性且經濟力雄厚的大公司股票作為成份,佔香港股票市值的68。8%,1964年7月31日為基期。

8. 債券相關的英語詞彙,關於股票的英語單詞有哪些

bond, debenture, debts債券
negotiable share可流通股份
convertible bond可轉換債券
treasury/government bond國庫券/政府債券
corporate bond企業債券
closed-end securities investment fund 封閉式證券投資基金
open-end securities investment fund 開放式證券投資基金
fund manager基金經理/管理公司
fund custodian bank 基金託管銀行
market capitalization 市值
p/e ratio 市盈率(price/earning)
payment versus delivery 銀券交付
clearing and settlement 清算/結算
commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生產品
put / call option 看跌/看漲期權
margins, collateral 保證金
rights issue/offering 配股
bonus share 紅股
ADR美國存托憑證/存股證(American Depository Receipt)
GDR全球存托憑證/存股證(Global Depository Receipt)
retail/private investor 個人投資者/散戶
institutional investor機構投資者
broker/dealer 券商
proprietary trading 自營
insider trading/dealing 內幕交易
market manipulation 市場操縱
IPO 新股/初始公開發行(Initial Public Offering)
merger and acquisition收購兼並
All Ordinaries Index (澳大利亞)股市指數
Amex(American Stock Exchange) 美國股票交易所
amortize 攤提,分期償還債務
annuity 年金享受權
asking price 賣主的開叫價
assess 對(財產等)進行估價,確定(款項)的金額
back 拖欠的
bad loan 呆賬,壞賬
lout 幫助……擺脫困境
balloon (分期付款中)最後數目特大的一筆
barometer 晴雨表,[喻]標記,指標
basis point 基點(一個百分點的百分之一)
bear markets 熊市
blue-chip (股票等)熱門的,(在同行中)最賺錢的
forex foreign exchange
bond 債券,公債
bourse 交易所,證券交易所
bull markets 牛市
bullish 牛市的
bunji-change 快速的大幅度變化
CAC-40 Index (法國)股市指數
CD(certificate-of-deposit) 大額存款單
Chicago Mercantile Exchange 芝加哥商業交易所
Consumer Price Index 消費者價格指數
contagion 蔓延
correction 調整
coupon rate 券根利率
CTA(Commodities Trading Advisor) 農礦產品交易顧問
Currency board 貨幣委員會
DAX index (法蘭克福)德國股市指數
dead loan 死帳
delist 從上市證券表中除名
derivatives 衍生金融商品(由利率或債券、外匯匯率以及股票或股價指數等現貨市場衍生出來,主要有期貨futures、期權option trading與掉期swap三種類型,品種多達100餘種,股票與證券行業英語詞彙。)
discount 貼現
discount rate 貼現率
DJIA Dow-Jones Instrial Average 道•瓊斯公用事業股價平均數,英語詞彙《股票與證券行業英語詞彙》(http://m.unjs.com)。通常簡稱Dow(道),是30個主要工業公司股票價格的組合。
Dow-Jones Composite Average of 65 representative stocks 65種有代表性的股票的道•瓊斯公用事業股價平均數
Dow-Jones Transpositions Average 道•瓊斯運輸業股價平均數
Dow-Jones Utilities Average 道•瓊斯公用事業股價平均數
down 付現款
equity (押款金額以外的)財產價值,證券,股票
escrow 由第三者保存、等條件完成後即交受讓人的契據(或證書等)
face value 面值
Federal Agency Issues 聯邦機構債券
fluctuation 起伏
fluctuate 起伏
fraud 欺騙,欺詐
fraulence 欺騙(欺詐)行為
fraulent 欺詐的
FTSI Financial Times 100 Share Index (英國)金融時報100種股票指數
good 有效的
Hang Seng Index (香港)恆生指數
holdings 佔有的財產,股票
Ibbotson Small Company Index Ibbotson Company Index中包括近2700家公司:即在紐約股市上交易的最後的20%股票
imburse 賠償
initial share 原始股
IRA Indivial Retirement Account 個人退休賬號
junk bond 假債券
junk bonds 垃圾債券
lien 扣押權,留置權
liquidate 清算,破產
list (交易所)上市證券;把(證券)列人上市證券表
long position 多頭
margin 差額,保險金
mutual fund 公共基金
NASD=National Association of Securities Dealers 全美證券交易者協會
NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) 納斯達克(全美證券交易者協會自動化摘要)
NAV (Net Asset Value) 凈資產值
new issue ( IPOInitial Public Offering)新上市股票
Nikkei Stock Aver age 日經股票平均指數
nosedive (價格等)暴跌
NYSE』Volume 紐約股票交易量
NYSE』s composite index 紐約股票交易綜合指數
NYSE(New York Stock Exchange) 紐約股票交易所(也稱或Big Board)
obligation 契約,債券
outstanding 拖欠的
par value 票面價值
plummet 驟然跌落
policy 保險單
pool 集合基金
portfolio 有價證券
preferred stock 優先股票
premium 獎金,傭金,擔保費
premium 溢價
proceeds 收入,收益
rally (股票價格等)止跌,上揚
rebound 反彈
recoup 償還,補償
recovery 恢復
red-chip share 紅籌股
refund 償還
rescue package 一攬子救援計劃
resilience 回彈,復原力
resilient 有回彈力的,恢復活力的
risk 保險項目
run 擠提存款,擠兌,爭購
Russell 2000 Russell 2000種小資本股票
S&P 500(Standard & Poor』s 500 Composite Stock Price Index) 標准普爾股價指數
SEC(Federal Securities and Exchange Commission) 聯邦證券與交易委員會
securities 證券,債券
shares (英)股票=(美)stock
shore up 支撐
slash (大幅度)削減(工資等)
slump 暴跌,不景氣
SMI index (蘇黎士市)瑞士股票指數
solvent 有償還能力的
speculate 投機
speculation 投機
speculator 投機者
T-Bill (Treasury Bill) 美國短期國債(每星期發行一次)
T-bond (Treasury Bond) 美國長期國債(期限為20年或30年)
T-note (Treasury Note) 美國中期國債(期限為2年到10年)
Technology-heavy Nasdaq 以技術為主的Nasdaq
Technology-laden Nasdaq 以技術為主的Nasdaq
term 年限
tech-heavy NASDAQ 以技術股票為主的NASDAQ
technology-rich stocks 技術股票
technology-weighted index (NASDAQ) 反映技術股票的指數(NASDAQ)

9. 股票稀釋是什麼意思




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