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發布時間:2022-03-01 19:11:08

『壹』 each 與every 的區別與用法




Each student has his own desk.


The students each have a desk.


Each has his good point.


Our head teacher had a talk with each of us.


The children can have a bag each.


Every member has a share in the profits made by the company.




I know each number of your family.


I know every number of your family.





〔誤〕I gave a present to every one of her parents .

〔正〕I gave a present to each of her parents .




〔誤〕I think every answer of the three is right .

〔正〕I think each of the three answers is right .


〔誤〕I saw each was busy with his work .

〔正〕I saw everyone was busy with his work .

五、each 單獨做主語或each、every修飾的單數名詞做主語時,謂語動詞為單數形式,但each of them做主語時,謂語動詞用單數或復數形式都可以。


Each / Each person / Every person is living a happy life now.


Each of them are / is wearing full dress.


六、every可以與not連用構成部分否定,意思是「並不/非所有人」,而each則不可以與not連用。全部否定是no one ,意思是「個個都不」、「沒有人」等。



〔誤〕Each / Everyone / Every one of them doesn』t like the TV play .


〔正〕No one likes the TV play .



We should take care of each other and help each other.




They』ll choose one out of every ten girls .


We hand in our homework every three days.


注意:「每三天或每隔兩天」,也可以寫作「every third day」,即,若用序數詞時,後接單數名詞。再如every four weeks / fourth week(每四周/每隔三周),every other day / second day / two days(每隔一天),every other line(每隔一行)等。

『貳』 公司理財問題~英語~有答案 求解答步驟~~

  1. 詹姆斯.塔格特 的信用卡余額利息的年復合增長率達14.91%。信用卡的年利率約為13.90%.

  2. 如果當前的膨脹率是4.2%並且你從投資中獲得的回報率在3.8%左右,那麼該項投資的名義利率約為8.2%。

  3. 一對夫婦決定在從女兒的第一個生日開始,每到女兒生日那天就在教育開支預留賬戶上存入一筆存款。假設教育開支預留賬戶的存款利率保持7%。這對夫婦在女兒的第一個生日在該賬戶中存入$2000,並計劃每年增加5%的 存款。假設這對家長已經存到了女兒的第18個生日,那麼此時該賬戶中可供女兒支付大學費用的存款約達 $97,331。

『叄』 請問on the each side of和on the either side of有什麼區別

on the each side of和on the either side of的區別是:讀音不同、含義不同、用法不同。


1.on the each side of

讀音:英 [ɒn ðə iːtʃ saɪd ɒv] 美 [ɑːn ðə iːtʃ saɪd əv]

2.on the either side of

讀音:英 [ɒn ðə ˈaɪðə(r) saɪd ɒv] 美 [ɑːn ðə ˈaɪðər saɪd əv]


1.on the each side of


2.on the either side of



1.on the each side of

用法:on the each side of指的是在每一邊,實際上是兩邊。

例句:Notasoulwasvisible oneithersideofit.


2.on the either side of

用法:on the either side of指的是在某一邊。

例句:Notasoulwasvisible oneithersideofit.


『肆』 有沒有外文的關於企業貨幣資金的文章急需。。。。謝謝。。。

一共兩篇 ,希望對樓主有用 什麼是財務風險 財務風險是企業在財務管理過程中必須面對的一個現實問題,財務風險是客觀存在的,企業管理者對財務風險只有採取有效措施來降低風險,而不可能完全消除風險。文章通過對企業財務風險類型分析,從中找出不同財務風險產生的具體原因,並試圖探索出解決各類財務風險的有效方法。 當今世界上因財務風險而倒閉破產的公司,甚至是特大公司也不為少見,如2002年世界500強的安然就是一例。因此,忽視財務風險將給我們帶來的後果是嚴重的。 財務風險的定義和基本類型 財務風險是指企業在各項財務活動中由於各種難以預料和無法控制的因素,使企業在一定時期、一定范圍內所獲取的最終財務成果與預期的經營目標發生偏差,從而形成的使企業蒙受經濟損失或更大收益的可能性。企業的財務活動貫穿於生產經營的整個過程中,籌措資金、長短期投資、分配利潤等都可能產生風險。 根據風險的來源可以將財務風險劃分為: 1.籌資風險 籌資風險指的是由於資金供需市場、宏觀經濟環境的變化,企業籌集資金給財務成果帶來的不確定性。籌資風險主要包括利率風險、再融資風險、財務杠桿效應、匯率風險、購買力風險等。利率風險是指由於金融市場金融資產的波動而導致籌資成本的變動;再融資風險是指由於金融市場上金融工具品種、融資方式的變動,導致企業再次融資產生不確定性,或企業本身籌資結構的不合理導致再融資產生困難;財務杠桿效應是指由於企業使用杠桿融資給利益相關者的利益帶來不確定性;匯率風險是指由於匯率變動引起的企業外匯業務成果的不確定性;購買力風險是指由於幣值的變動給籌資帶來的影響。 2.投資風險 投資風險指企業投入一定資金後,因市場需求變化而影響最終收益與預期收益偏離的風險。企業對外投資主要有直接投資和證券投資兩種形式。在我國,根據公司法的規定,股東擁有企業股權的25%以上應該視為直接投資。證券投資主要有股票投資和債券投資兩種形式。股票投資是風險共擔,利益共享的投資形式;債券投資與被投資企業的財務活動沒有直接關系,只是定期收取固定的利息,所面臨的是被投資者無力償還債務的風險。投資風險主要包括利率風險、再投資風險、匯率風險、通貨膨脹風險、金融衍生工具風險、道德風險、違約風險等。 3.經營風險 經營風險又稱營業風險,是指在企業的生產經營過程中,供、產、銷各個環節不確定性因素的影響所導致企業資金運動的遲滯,產生企業價值的變動。經營風險主要包括采購風險、生產風險、存貨變現風險、應收賬款變現風險等。采購風險是指由於原材料市場供應商的變動而產生的供應不足的可能,以及由於信用條件與付款方式的變動而導致實際付款期限與平均付款期的偏離;生產風險是指由於信息、能源、技術及人員的變動而導致生產工藝流程的變化,以及由於庫存不足所導致的停工待料或銷售遲滯的可能;存貨變現風險是指由於產品市場變動而導致產品銷售受阻的可能;應收賬款變現風險是指由於賒銷業務過多導致應收賬款管理成本增大的可能性,以及由於賒銷政策的改變導致實際回收期與預期回收的偏離等。 4.存貨管理風險 企業保持一定量的存貨對於其進行正常生產來說是至關重要的,但如何確定最優庫存量是一個比較棘手的問題,存貨太多會導致產品積壓,佔用企業資金,風險較高;存貨太少又可能導致原料供應不及時,影響企業的正常生產,嚴重時可能造成對客戶的違約,影響企業的信譽。 5.流動性風險 流動性風險是指企業資產不能正常和確定性地轉移現金或企業債務和付現責任不能正常履行的可能性。從這個意義上來說,可以把企業的流動性風險從企業的變現力和償付能力兩方面分析與評價。由於企業支付能力和償債能力發生的問題,稱為現金不足及現金不能清償風險。由於企業資產不能確定性地轉移為現金而發生的問題則稱為變現力風險。 企業財務風險的成因 企業財務風險產生的原因很多,既有企業外部的原因,也有企業自身的原因,而且不同的財務風險形成的具體原因也不盡相同。企業產生財務風險的一般原因有以下幾點: 1.企業財務管理宏觀環境的復雜性是企業產生財務風險的外部原因。企業財務管理的宏觀環境復雜多變,而企業管理系統不能適應復雜多變的宏觀環境。財務管理的宏觀環境包括經濟環境、法律環境、市場環境、社會文化環境、資源環境等因素,這些因素存在企業之外,但對企業財務管理產生重大的影響。 2.企業財務管理人員對財務風險的客觀性認識不足。財務風險是客觀存在的,只要有財務活動,就必然存在著財務風險。然而在現實工作中,許多企業的財務管理人員缺乏風險意識。風險意識的淡薄是財務風險產生的重要原因之一。 3.財務決策缺乏科學性導致決策失誤。財務決策失誤是產生財務風險的又一主要原因。避免財務決策失誤的前提是財務決策的科學化。 4.企業內部財務關系不明。這是企業產生財務風險的又一重要原因,企業與內部各部門之間及企業與上級企業之間,在資金管理及使用、利益分配等方面存在權責不明、管理不力的現象,造成資金使用效率低下,資金流失嚴重,資金的安全性、完整性無法得到保證。這主要存在於一些上市公司的財務關系中,很多集團公司母公司與子公司的財務關系十分混亂,資金使用沒有有效的監督與控制。 化解財務風險的主要措施 企業財務風險是客觀存在的,因此安全消除財務風險是不可能的,也是不現實的。對於企業財務風險,只能採取盡可能的措施,將其影響降低到最低的程度。 1.化解籌資風險的主要措施: 當企業的經營業務發生資金不足的困難時,可以採取發行股票、發行債券或銀行借款等方式來籌集所需資本。 2.化解投資風險的主要措施: 從風險防範的角度來看,投資風險主要應該通過控制投資期限、投資品種來降低。一般來說,投資期越長,風險就大,因此企業應該盡量選擇短期投資。而在進行證券投資的時候,應該採取分散投資的策略,選擇若干種股票組成投資組合,通過組合中風險的相互抵消來降低風險。在對股票投資進行風險分析中,可以採用β系數的分析方法或資本資產定價模型來確定不同證券組合的風險。β系數小於1,說明它的風險小於整個市場的平均風險,因而是風險較小的投資對象。 3.化解匯率風險的主要措施: (1)選擇恰當合同貨幣。在有關對外貿易和借貸等經濟交易中,選擇何種貨幣作為計價貨幣直接關繫到交易主體是否將承擔匯率風險。為了避免匯率風險,企業應該爭取使用本國貨幣作為合同貨幣,在出品、資本輸出時使用硬通貨,而在進口、資本輸入時使用軟通貨。同時在合同中加列保值條款等措施。 (2)通過在金融市場進行保值操作。主要方法有現匯交易、期貨交易、期匯交易、期權交易、借款與投資、利率—貨幣互換、外幣票據貼現等。 (3)對於經濟主體在資產負債表會計處理過程中產生的折算風險,一般是實行資產負債表保值來化解。這種方法要求在資產負債表上以各種功能貨幣表示的受險資產與受險負債的數額相等,從而使其折算風險頭寸為零,只有這樣,匯率變動才不致帶來折算上的損失。 (4)經營多樣化。即在國際范圍內分散其銷售、生產地及原材料來源地,通過國際經營的多樣化,當匯率出現變化時,管理部門可以通過比較不同地區生產、銷售和成本的變化趨利避害,增加在匯率變化有利的分支機構的生產,而減少匯率變化不利的分支機構的生產。 (5)財務多樣化。即在多個金融市場以多種貨幣尋求資金的來源和資金去向,實行籌資多樣化和投資多樣化,這樣在有的外幣貶值,有的外幣升值的情況下,公司就可以使絕大部分的外匯風險相互抵消,從而達到防範風險的目的。 4.化解流動性風險的主要措施: 企業的流動性較強的資產主要包括現金、存貨、應收賬款等項目。防範流動性風險的目的是在保持資產流動性的前提下,實現利益的最大化。因此應該確定最優的現金持有量、最佳的庫存量以及加快應收賬款的回收等。我們都很清楚持有現金有一個時間成本的問題,手中持有現金過多,顯然會由於較高的資金佔用而失去其他的獲利機會,而持有現金太少,又會面臨資金不能滿足流動性需要的風險。因此企業應該確定一個最優的現金持有量,從而在防範流動性風險的前提下實現利益的最大化。 5.化解經營風險的主要措施: 在其他因素不變的情況下,市場對企業產品的需求越穩定,企業未來的經營收益就越確定,經營風險也就越小。因此企業在確定生產何種產品時,應先對產品市場做好調研,要生產適銷對路的產品,銷售價格是產品銷售收入的決定因素之一,銷售價格越穩定,銷售收入就越穩定,企業未來的經營收益就越穩定,經營風險也就越小。 The Infrared Technology as the humanity knew that the nature, the exploration natural one kind of new modern tool, has been applied generally by various countries in the biology, the medicine, the geoscience and so on scientific field as well as the military reconnaissance aspect. But is very .plex as a result of the goal infrared radiation, the factor are many, the infrared hot image's clarity is inferior to the visible image far, but people in use infrared hot chart analysis question time, hoped frequently simultaneously sees the visible light .rmation and the infrared .rmation. As the .puter vision domain and an image understanding's important technology, the image fusion simultaneously observed the infrared hot .rmation and the visible light .rmation for the people have provided an effective method. This article research mainly take the infrared imagery and the visible light image as the .rmation processing goal, through will carry on the contrastive analysis to each image fusion processing method, will summarize an effect good method, will then use with the matlab procere to realize these methods and to carry on the .parison again to the fusion effect. this article first introced the image fusion engineering research background and the domestic and foreign research tendency. Then introced the image fusion's basic concept, the level, have made the .parison to each level's fusion. Then introced the image fusion's Pyramid algorithm, and has carried on the analysis, the .parison to these algorithms, finally the matlab procere has realized these methods. as a result of the wavelet transformation in the .rmation analysis and the .rmation processing domain's good performance, this article used the great length to introce that the wavelet the knowledge, realized the image fusion with the fusion effect good small wave packet's method, through used the objective indicator the appraisal to prove based on the small wave packet's fusion was one very good fusion method. key word: Image fusion, wavelet transformation Pyramid algorithm, multi-resolution analysis, fusion rule, fusion appraisal 從分析財務風險入手,闡述其含義、特徵以及種類等內容;在此基礎上對財務風險產生的原因進行深入細致的分析研究,分析總結出財務風險產生的內因和外因諸方面;從而提出樹立風險意識,建立有效的風險防範機制;建立和完善財務管理系統,以適應財務管理環境變化;建立財務風險預警機制,加強財務危機管理;提高財務決策的科學化水平,防止因決策失誤而產生的財務風險;通過防範內部制度,建立約束機制來控制和防範財務風險五個方面的財務風險防範措施以及自我保險、多元化風險控制、風險轉移、風險迴避、風險降低五種技術方法。只有控制防範和化解企業財務風險,才能確保企業在激烈的市場競爭中立於不敗之地。 財務風險的成因(一)外部原因 1、國家政策的變化帶來的融資風險。一般而言,由於中小企業生產經營不穩定。一國經濟或金融政策的變化,都有可能對中小企業生產經營、市場環境和融資形式產生一定的影響。從2007 年開始,我國加大了對宏觀經濟的調控力度,央行第四次提高存款准備金率,尤其是實行差額准備金制度使直接面向中小企業服務的中小商業銀行信貸收緊,中小企業的資金供給首先受阻,融資風險徒增不少,中小企業也因無法得到急需資金而被迫停產或收縮經營規模。2、銀行融資渠道不流暢造成的融資風險。企業資金來源無非是自有資金和對外融資兩種方式。在各種融資方式中,銀行信貸又是重要的資金來源,但是銀行在國家金融政策以及自身體制不健全等情況的影響下,普遍對中小企業貸款積極性不高,使其貸款難度加大,增加了企業的財務風險。(二)內部原因1、盲目擴張投資規模。有相當一部分的中小企業在條件不成熟的情況下,僅憑經驗判斷片面追求公司外延的擴大,忽略了公司內涵和核心競爭力,造成投資時資金的重大浪費。2、投資決策失誤。對企業來說,正確的產業選擇是生存發展的戰略起點。但一些企業在選擇產業過程中,往往忽視了「產業選擇是一個動態過程」的觀念,不能敏銳地把握產業演變的趨勢和方向。3、投資合作夥伴選擇不當。企業在做出投資決策時,一定要充分考慮合作夥伴的資質、信譽,並應具備承擔相應風險能力。4、誠信不足。中小企業信用不足是一個普遍現象。因此,銀行要向中小企業提供貸款或投資人要向中小企業進行投資就不得不加大人力資源的投入以提高信息的收集和質量分析。這一方面加大了銀行或投資人的貸款和投資成本。另一方面也給中小企業的融資帶來困難。能否融通到資金,能融通到多少資金,中小企業的融資存在很大的不確性。 1 the meaning of financial risk Ye at "small and medium-sized financial risk assessment and control of research" that the financial risk is the possibility of corporate insolvency and shareholders, the proceeds of uncertainty, it is difficult because of enterprise funds, to adopt a different mode of financing brought about by risk. Starting from the analysis of financial risk on its meaning, characteristics and types of content; at this based on the causes of the financial risk to conct in-depth analysis and detailed research, analysis concludes that the financial risks arising from internal factors and external aspects; in turn, establish a risk awareness, the establishment of an effective risk prevention mechanism; set up and improve the financial management system to meet the financial management of environmental change; set up the financial risk early warning mechanism, strengthen the financial crisis management; improve the scientific level of financial decision-making to prevent e to poor decisions arising from the financial risk; through internal systems to prevent the establishment of binding mechanisms to control and guard against financial risk in five areas of financial risk prevention measures as well as self-insurance, diversification of risk control, risk transfer, risk averse, risk recing the five techniques. Only controlled enterprises to guard against and defuse financial risks, in order to ensure that enterprises in the fierce .petition in the market in an invincible position. The causes of the financial risks (A) external causes 1, the national policy changes brought about by the financing risk. Generally speaking, small and medium-sized proction and operation because of instability. A country's economy or monetary policy changes, there may be small and medium-sized proction and management, market conditions and financing forms have a certain impact. Beginning in 2007, our country has increased the intensity of macroeconomic regulation and control, the central bank to raise the fourth time the deposit reserve ratio, in particular, are ready to implement the difference between a direct deposit system to make small and medium-sized service-oriented small and medium-sized .mercial banks to tighten credit, SMEs First of all, the capital supply disruption, the risk of inviting a lot of financing, SMEs also in urgent need of funds can not be forced to stop proction or the scale of downsizing. 2, bank financing channels for non-financial risks caused by fluid. Corporate sources of funds are nothing more than its own funds and external financing in two ways. In various modes of financing, the bank credit is also an important source of funds, but banks in the country's financial policies as well as their own sound system is not under the influence of such circumstances, the general enthusiasm for SME lending is not high, their loans more difficult to increase the the enterprise's financial risk. (B) internal factors one, blind expansion of investment scale. There is a considerable number of conditions are not ripe for the SMEs in the circumstances, only the experience of one-sided pursuit of .panies to determine the expansion of the extension, ignore the .pany's content and core .petitiveness, resulting in a major capital investment wasted. 2, the investment decision-making errors. For business, the correct selection of instries are the starting point for the survival and development strategy. However, some instrial enterprises in the selection process, the often overlooked "instry is a dynamic selection process" concept, should not a keen grasp of instry trends and direction of evolution. 3, improper selection of investment partners. Enterprises to make investment decisions, we must give full consideration to qualified partners, reputation, and should have to bear the corresponding risks. 4, less than honest. Lack of SME credit is a .mon situation. Therefore, small and medium-sized banks to provide loans or investments to small and medium-sized people had to step up investment on human resources in order to improve the quality of .rmation collection and analysis. This respect has increased the investment bank or person lending and investment costs. On the other hand also give small and medium enterprises financing difficult. Ability to finance capital, to finance the number of funds, the financing of SMEs exist great uncertainties. 回答時間:2011-10-23 18:46:36

『伍』 公司理財 ebt什麼意思

Economic International Technology簡稱ETB,中文名全球比特聯盟, 為解決現在區塊鏈技術所遇到的問題,2017年五月中旬由全球最大比特幣礦工聯盟發起成立ETB項目組,歷時半年時間ETB通過最頂尖加密技術在繼承比特幣優良特性的基礎上對現存問題進行革新,ETB加密貨幣總發行量2100萬枚,ETB區塊使用現在的線性演算法進行挖礦動作,而是使用仿生的房產網路算力繼承模式,形成一個虛擬貨幣房產網路,我們把每一個賬戶認定為一個ETB,把每一個支付結算應用利用房產末梢的模擬完成最終的支付即時完成。


























Cloud - referred to as "ETB, Chinese bits of Cloud, to solve the problems now block chain technology, by the world's largest currency in mid-may 2017 miners union launched ETBproject team, lasted six months, ETBby top encryption technology on the basis of succeeding to the good features of the currency of existing problems in innovation, ETBencryption currency a circulation of 21 million pieces, ETBblock using linear algorithm for mining action now, but using bionic property network force inheritance pattern, forming a network of virtual currency property, us to identify each account as a ETB, apply every payment settlement to complete the final payment of housing endings simulation done immediately.

Technology is making great originally complex world becomes simple. No more long, only for decades, the high and new technology such as computer, Internet, smart phones, let ordinary people once unimaginable transactions, such as global communication become reality and simple. At present in the field of more complex global real estate investment and financing, is also usher in a change to the simple. Thanks to block the rise of chain technology and intelligent use of contract, and by the Eit platform into reality.

ETBhope, through technology and intelligent use of investment contract based on block chain platform, link to global investors and real estate projects, and online visual rendering the whole real estate projects, from raw materials, logistics, to the completion of construction, to operation and benefits, etc., let the real estate investment in a transparent and easy to understand, predictable, through the platform of ETB, any investors can invest in real estate projects of any country, developers will also can more directly in the face of investors.

May recall our daily online life: when we phase of a proct, all fees paid to first trading platform, such as taobao or jingdong, and then wait for the businessman shipment, after we confirm receive the goods, the platform to transfer the cost to merchants. In the shopping process, we can believe that the strange sellers, because we have no choice but can only believe that the trading platform, otherwise, cannot trade. And based on block chain technology is not so complicated, in Eit platform, for example, investors and developers only need to believe that your judgment can direct interaction, Eit need to do, just for investors to strict audit status and real estate projects, normal trading platform and provide tokens, guaranteed.

If yesterday, block chain technology application is limited to a few financial sectors such as banking, securities, fund, so now, block chain have begun to directly affect the daily life of ordinary people, the emergence of Eit dispersible in real estate investment platform, as well as the block chain into the construction instry, changed our ideas about traditional in the field of real estate investment and financing, trust and cooperation have been so easy.

As COINS COINS community technology research and development center, at the same time shoulder the mission of the guide the whole instry technology innovation, we are in the process of evolving block chain technology, found that some fatal problems the instry! Including the currency block chain technology! So we started since 2018 to now block chain technology innovation and iteration, the following will be detailed in this paper, the problems and ETB block by block chain chain how to deal with these problems, at the same time announced life block chain core algorithm.

Problem a: block chain can't really into consumption scene!

The currency's long-term vision is digitally docking to the existing monetary system, for the currency to become real currency digital kernel, but whether the currency or other block chain technology can really achieve this goal, at least so far all chain blocks only have an attribute that is investment property, the problem is the main reason of the technology on a few questions, first of all, digital currency trading time, the existing block chain trading technology is unable to realize real-time transaction, because at the beginning of the design for the sake of safety and decentralization, we abandoned the timeliness of the method. Unable to complete real-time delivery, money is the biggest problem!

Problem two: block is lost!

This problem is a comprehensive problem, missing some blocks generally appear in several cases:

1, accounts tag missing

2, mill tag missing

3, all without effective inheritance

This problem seems to be very small, but for the influence of block chain is deadly, because after constantly lost finally the amount of blocks will be less and less, so the corresponding value will continue to increase, increase investment speculators driving force, to the health of a block chain development create a vicious cycle for a long time, and let the user to the whole block chain cannot be trusted.

Question 3: decentralized technology operations

COINS community is to the existence of decentralized technology updates, but we really can't finish the really good technology updated quickly because most of the cold wallet and ore confidential to accept this time iterative update, update technology to complete, the currency on the design and fairness are no problem, but actually we ignored an important part of the problem - the delayed! We found that want to complete a technical iteration now is almost impossible, because no one is willing to change, perhaps this is the biggest problem we met!

ETB property chain network blocks will be easy to solve the above problem!

Solution a: aging consumption trading scene

Consumption scenarios in the design of ETB - online and offline mainly divided into two levels, the first thing we change our cognition to the wallet, purse is first and foremost a network version of the life not cold purse design, main is to solve the timing of the deal.

Online transactions: each link need to be paid for the online application can be docking API, our wallet quickly complete the transaction, currency delivery time 1 to 3 seconds.

Offline payment: offline payment, we will provide a similar API to pay the tool design manufacturers, through rapid development kit, complete offline payment tool development, trading time is also 1-3 seconds!

Solution 2: wallet binding mechanism

First of all we are thinking about a question - what is the end user's credentials? Mobile Internet era, the mobile phone is the most limitation and accurate user security credentials, our wallet design based on the binding of user's phone, through binding mobile phone link not only can effectively solve the problem of account lost, succession and effectively solve!

Solution 3: decentralized technology

Why call technology operations here! Technical update is actually on the system's operation, we have design a voting mechanism in Eit all wallet, according to a weight system to complete the voting link through the weighting system of fast is mandatory to complete the wallet and mining machine force update!

Future has come, in the hope that the introction of the Eit can truly the innovation of the whole block chain instry!

『陸』 CFA考試是怎麼閱卷的






『柒』 三者或三者以上的中的任何一者是用any還是each



adj. (形容詞)










英 ['eni],美 ['eni]

adj. 任何的

adv. 稍微;絲毫

pron. 任何

例句:I can't see things getting any better.



1、any minute 隨時

2、at any time 隨時

3、at any case 無論何時,不管發生什麼情況

4、at any cost 不惜任何代價,無論如何

5、at any day 隨時,無論何時



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