Ⅰ 急急急 跪求英文文獻 有關銀行理財產品的 最好有中英文對照
Ⅱ 跪求 有關於企業財務風險的參考文獻 英文的 4-5個
Ⅲ 求一千五百字關於財務管理目標(Financial Management)的英文文獻以及翻譯!
This will be the goal of financial management is to ensure the promotion of the
Operational funds required to achieve the mission of the Organization and to the sustainable
Exhibition. According to the experts pointed out that the profit-making organizations and non-profit organizations in the fiscal
Treasury management objectives on the difference (the following table), but as a non -
Profit organizations, in this financial operation will also focus on security (Flow
Mobility), the long-term stability and development, expectations by a different cast
Financing portfolio, spread financial risk, and the smallest in the financial winds
Danger, the pursuit of a reasonable financial return. This will be the main financial management
To the project, in addition to manage projects and the use of funds, is also responsible for
Long-term financing plan and the recovery of funds management, and short-term vote
Funding. Described as follows:
The use of funds
The funds will be used mainly divided into the Fund and the annual income of two
Points, including funds to cover long-term financing (loans), long-term vote
Financing and credit guarantee business, including the remaining funds allocated or have not yet fixed
Unsigned amount, for the storage of banks, short-term bills, bonds,
Funds, shares and other assets.
The Fund's income from the use of these funds, including long-term
Interest income from loans, credit guarantee fee income and short-term investments to
Into the main branch should be the year for the financial services, international human
Development, technical cooperation, business planning and the total cost, and other expenses.
As at December 31, 2004 only, the overall situation such as the use of funds
The right upper plans:
Long-term financing (loans) case management plan
As at December 31, 2004 only, this will be long-term financing plan
Total 66, the program loan, the loan interest rate, grace period and signed
About the amount of loans, and other major conditions as follows:
Juan Financial Management
Long-term investment
Have been signed
For not moving
The amount of
The Dui
Long-term financing
Long-term investment
Long-term financing (loan) program main conditions
Project average
Loan period (years) 17.67
Lending rate (%) (Note) 3.54
Grace period (years) 5.05
The amount of credits (1,000 U.S. dollars) 7,484
Note: non-small-scale loans
In 2004 the use of funds
More than the current situation
Business Planning
Technical cooperation expenditure
International human
Development expenditures
Financial operating expenses
Management and
General costs
2004 income ratio use
Profit and non-profit organizations financial management objectives of the similarities and differences
- Profit organization's goals of the objectives of non-profit organizations
Shares of great security and stability
The most marginal benefit mission responsibility
Acts of target goals
Social responsibility of social responsibility
Source: Shim, Jae K. & Joel G. Siegel (1997)
Chapter IV of organizational and operational management
As at December 31, 2004 only, this Council has signed the financing
Amounted to 400 million 93.97 million U.S. dollars, of which 300 million the amount of funding
63.03 million U.S. dollars, the total amount of principal repayments for the 100 million 64.04 million U.S. dollars;
Fixed rate of 73.49 percent for, principal repayments rate of 33.21 percent.
Observation of the long-term financing plan will be signed over the years accumulated amount (dection
In addition to the amount of cancellation), and the amount of funds on account of the changes (as above),
Can be found both for signing, funding and principal payments, showed a
Slowly growing trend, with the signing of the gap between the amount of funding,
Dynamic is illustrated in a year to improve conditions for the phenomenon.
This will provide more Yundang the quality of the assets, depending on asset class
If other receivables, long-term lending and collection, and other subjects mentioned money
Allowance for doubtful accounts are prepared, as at December 31, 2004 only, accounts out
Allowance for doubtful accounts for the balance of 300 million NT 1,528 million.
Case management of short-term investments
In order to maintain a long-term stability of this source of income and to meet instry
Treasury characteristics, capital of the first re-use of safety and mobility, taking into account
Value-added revenue, in 2004 the short-term investments for banks to asset allocation
Deposit, bonds (including government bonds, financial bonds and corporate bonds, etc.)
The main assets and bills, the Board authorized another 500 million U.S.
Yuan limit, some professional bodies appointed by the full commission operation.
As at December 31, 2004 only, short-term investments of the assets allocated
Purchase of the following plans. In the past year, when interest rates since the calendar
History of low upward reversal, in order to avoid bombs or interest rate risk, maturity
Signing of
Dollars (100 million)
Allocation of principal payments
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
10 percent bonds
Signing long-term financing plan for funding and principal payments accumulated
Short-term investments of asset allocation ratio
Of the first temporary storage in the bank CDs, so obviously the proportion of CDs
High, will look to the future as interest rates rise graally adjust the asset allocation
Home proportion.
And from the next calendar year will map the actual short-term rate of return on investments, and
The one-year bank interest rates, can also be found through the above-mentioned
With the allocation of assets, has effectively will be the overall short-term fluctuations in investment income
The rate slowed down, and short-term investments in the year to maintain the yield on one-year
Bank interest rates above the standard.
This will be the last major asset investment of NT dollar and U.S. dollar assets,
Based on the actual needs of borrowing countries and spread the risk of exchange rate considerations, not
Will be to meet business needs a different currency, to enhance the funding will
The proction value of stability. In fact, the relevant laws and regulations governing repair funds
After the change, the assets of the future will be towards a more diversified use, depending on the whole
- Economic performance in different parts of the appropriate distribution of assets to achieve the full
San risk purposes.
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
One-year bank interest rates on short-term investments yield
Over the years the actual investment income and short-term interest rates on one-year Comparison
Ⅳ 什麼是公司理財(英文版)
Ⅳ 關於企業財務分析的相關英文參考文獻
1、Christian Gollier. Discounting an uncertain future .Journal of Public Economics, 2002
2、LEBAS MICHEL,EUSKE KEN. A Conceptual and Operational Delineation of Performance .Business Performance Measurement Theory and Practice. 2002, :89-93 .
3、 Charles T.Horngren.Introction to Management Accounting.Prentice Hall.1998
Ⅵ 求一篇關於理財產品的外文文獻(不是中文英譯的) 字數大概8000左右的,翻譯成中文大概2000-3000的樣子
建議你去中國知網找 那裡的文獻是最全的 我現在考研也去那裡下載論文文獻
2、點擊外文文獻 分類是主題
3、輸入「financial procts」(理財產品)
4、按檢索 就有超多文獻的了
中國知網只能用學校網路和各地大型的圖書館網路才能免費下載文獻 普通網路是要付費下載的
因為搜到的結果太多了 不知道你自己要哪一篇 我還有十多天才能回學校 你如果急的話可以選擇付費下載
Ⅶ 誰能幫忙找一篇關於中小企業財務創新的外文文獻,最後還帶中文翻譯的..急
( 三) 注重項目的可行性, 努力降低投
資風險一個投資項目要有好的回報, 涉及多方面的因素: 首先要投資方向適當, 其次要投資時機適當, 再次要適合環境變化。項目建成後還需管理科學, 經營良好。任何一個方面的問題都有可能使支出增加,甚至使項目的預期呈反方向發展, 造成巨損失, 使企業陷入困境。因此, 企業在行投資決策時要識別風險, 判斷風險, 決經營管理策後進行風險管理, 規避風險, 從而獲得最大的投資效益。
1.在投資立項上要進行管理與控制對投資立項的可行性研究, 必須堅持
實事求是的原則。通過對市場的分析, 研究產品的銷路和發展趨勢, 工藝流程和技
術數據, 預測產品的銷售價格、成本和盈利以及規避這些風險的措施。此外, 還可
以對該項目進行不可行的研究分析, 從不同角度和不同意見中分析利弊得失, 從而
取得比較切合實際的可行性研究結論。.在投資項目管理上要進行分析與控制項目投資以後, 必須加強對投資項目的跟蹤管理, 不能以投代管, 投資後不聞不問, 放任自流。要充分了解投資對象的經營情況, 發現問題盡可能解決在萌芽狀
態中。3.努力降低投資風險, 穩健理財, 切忌盲目擴張和分散投資中小企業強烈的成長意願與技術開發能力、市場開拓能力及管理能力之間的矛盾, 決定了其理財思想須較大企業更為穩健, 切忌操之過急, 盲目擴展。首先, 要避免將流動資金全部用於固定資產投資,這樣很容易導致營運資金周轉上的緊張。其次, 要避免盲目多化經營, 不要把資金投向與本企業完全無關和管理者不具備知識、經驗的領域。因為分散投資很容易導致原有經營項目上營運資金周轉的困難, 而新的投資項目又不能形成一定規
模, 缺乏必要的經營能力和管理經驗, 無以建立競爭優勢。
有了投資前的科學論證, 投資後的跟蹤監督, 加強管理, 再加上提取一定的投資風險准備, 可以使企業在投資活動中有效地防範風險, 取得較高的投資回報率。
( 四) 改善金融服務, 加強信貸支持1.建立現代企業制度, 健全治理結構當前, 我國中小企業普遍存在財務制度不健全, 財務報告真實性與准確性較
低, 銀行利益難以保障的現象, 這些都是由企業治理結構不健全所致。而建立現企業制度, 提高自身素質是解決中小企業貸款難的重要途徑。應推動中小企業制度的多元化和社會化, 實現治理結構合理化。對國有中小企業實行積極的退出戰略, 走改制重組道路; 對於集體企業要推動產權改革, 明晰產權關系; 對私營企業要引導資本社會化方向, 改變家族化管理方式, 吸收現代企業制度和管理制度的要
素。在當前, 高科技中小企業應積極利用我國即將開放創業板市場的有利時機, 加
大企業改制的力度, 盡快與國際慣例接軌, 創造上市條件, 以便獲得更好的發展機會。2.深化銀行改革, 完善金融企業制度要把商業銀行改造成資本充足、內控
嚴密、運營安全、服務效益好的現代金融企業。在此基礎上簡化其審批環節, 開發
信貸品種, 提高服務水平, 以滿足中小企業合理的資金需求。
3.建立中小企業金融機構我國存在大量中小企業, 但是缺乏專門為中小企業服務的銀行, 商業銀行不僅與中小企業之間存在著嚴重的信息不對稱, 而且難以對中小企業資金融通給予政策支持。因此, 建議建立政策性和商業性的中小企業銀行, 專門扶植中小企業發
貸款的需求, 對需要扶持的中小企業發放免息、貼息和低息貸款; 商業性中小企業銀行, 可由城市合作銀行或者城鄉信用合作社改制而來, 充分發揮這些區域性銀行對當地經濟情況比較熟悉的優勢, 為中小企業服務。中國人民銀行應降低中小金融
機構的市場准入條件, 支持民營資本控股或參股地方的金融機構, 以增加地方性金融機構的商業化程度。同樣應指出的是,中小銀行必須是真正的私人銀行, 要割斷其與政府的任何聯系。4.大力發展中小企業的直接融資( 1) 拓寬中小企業特別是高新技術中小企業股權融資的渠道。要積極發展資本市場, 盡快建立符合中小企業融資特點的創業板市場, 努力營造上市環境, 選擇有
條件的新成長的中小型高科技企業, 經過一段時間的「孵化」, 進入創業板證券市場進行融資。同時, 積極推動中小企業的股份制改造, 發揮股份制融資功能, 採取改制、兼並、聯合等多種形式, 吸收民間資本、私人資本和外資進行參股, 對於具有一定控股實力的中小企業, 可以向外資轉讓股權, 在產權清晰、責權明確的條件下,藉助於多元投資主體上市在股票市場進行融資, 逐漸使中小企業經濟規模壯大,向大型企業、企業集團、集團公司、跨國公司發展。
( 2) 試點設立中小企業產業投資基金、高新技術風險投資創業基金, 增加中
小企業的資本金實力。目前, 我國的基金發展已基本具備了必要的條件。但是, 創業基金時, 首先要選擇管理水平較高的投資基金管理公司充當基金管理人, 其
次基金應採取封閉式模式, 再次應大力發展證券交易場所的場外交易市場, 以解決
創業基金投資股權的轉讓困難問題, 增強其流動性, 吸引投資者。5.培育良好的信用環境中小企業融資時刻離不開「信用」二字, 沒有良好的信用文化和健康的信用環境, 中小企業融資很難順利開展。針對目前社會信用淡薄的問題, 應盡快建立健全中小企業信用體系, 加強信用文化建設。應建立中小企業信用信息平台, 開設政府管理的企業信息網站, 把各企業的信用狀況公之與眾, 實現中小企業信用管理監督社會化。還應加大對企業違約的懲罰力度, 增加違約人的違約成本, 嚴肅懲避銀行債務的企業及其負責人。
1. 王化成, 程小可: 《高級財務管理學》, 中國人民大學出版社, 2003;2.陸正飛: 《企業發展的財務戰略》, 東北財經大學出版社, 1999;3.雷蒙德.戈德史密斯[M].浦壽海譯:《金融結構與金融發展》, 上海三聯書店,1995;4.沈彩虹, 沈教軍: 「關於拓展中小企業融資方式的研究」, 《財會研究》2005,第1 期
Ⅷ 急需一篇關於財務公司的英文文獻
Corporate Financial Strategies for Global Competitiveness Original Research Article
European Management Journal, Volume 19, Issue 6, December 2001, Pages 659-669
Trond Rand?y, Lars Oxelheim, Arthur Stonehill
Enterprise Financial Management about originated in the late 15th century early 16th century. Western capitalist society is in the embryonic period, the Mediterranean coast of the many commercial cities by the public shares of the business organizations, shares of the shareholders are businessmen, royalty, ministers and citizens. Commercial shares economic development objectively requires enterprises reasonable forecast capital requirements, the effective raising of capital. However, when business is not very capital requirements, fund-raising channels and relatively simple means of financing, corporate financing activities only in business management subsidiary, and did not form an independent financial management career, which continued until the late 19th century In the early 20th century.
Funding period financial management
19th century and early 20th century, the Instrial Revolution for the success of the enterprise scale continues to expand, significant improvements in proction technology and the further development of instrial and commercial activities, the rapid development of the joint-stock companies, and graally became the dominant form of business organization. Shares of the company's development has not only caused demand for the expansion of capital, but also the ways and channels of financing for a major change, and the enterprise fund-raising activities has been further strengthened, and how to raise capital to expand operations, become the focus of attention of most enterprises. Therefore, many companies have set up a new management sector - financial management, financial management from the beginning separated from enterprise management, as an independent professional management. At that time the company's financial management functions of the projected funding requirement of the necessary funds and financing companies, financing was the company's financial management theory on the fundamental task. Therefore, ring this period known as the financing period of financial management or financial management funding period.
現在都去讀AIA國際會計師公會了啊,有小夥伴們去免費領他們的詞彙手冊了嗎?2013/12/19 10:21:46
Ⅸ 急求一篇關於財務公司的英文文獻
Enterprise Financial Management about originated in the late 15th century early 16th century. Western capitalist society is in the embryonic period, the Mediterranean coast of the many commercial cities by the public shares of the business organizations, shares of the shareholders are businessmen, royalty, ministers and citizens. Commercial shares economic development objectively requires enterprises reasonable forecast capital requirements, the effective raising of capital. However, when business is not very capital requirements, fund-raising channels and relatively simple means of financing, corporate financing activities only in business management subsidiary, and did not form an independent financial management career, which continued until the late 19th century In the early 20th century.
Funding period financial management
19th century and early 20th century, the Instrial Revolution for the success of the enterprise scale continues to expand, significant improvements in proction technology and the further development of instrial and commercial activities, the rapid development of the joint-stock companies, and graally became the dominant form of business organization. Shares of the company's development has not only caused demand for the expansion of capital, but also the ways and channels of financing for a major change, and the enterprise fund-raising activities has been further strengthened, and how to raise capital to expand operations, become the focus of attention of most enterprises. Therefore, many companies have set up a new management sector - financial management, financial management from the beginning separated from enterprise management, as an independent professional management. At that time the company's financial management functions of the projected funding requirement of the necessary funds and financing companies, financing was the company's financial management theory on the fundamental task. Therefore, ring this period known as the financing period of financial management or financial management funding period.
回答者: niuzaibeibei