❶ 金融危機下中小企業融資渠道研究英文翻譯
Financial crisis Financing for SMEs
Abstract: The financing difficulties of SMEs in China has been a bottleneck restricting its further development. By the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis has triggered this whole world's financial turmoil, China's economy inevitably be affected. In this context, SMEs face "financial difficulty" problem would be exacerbated. Some scholars made available through national banks and SMEs, these three methods to solve the problem of financing and can not solve the problem of financing. Based on the comparative analysis of these specific measures, of the financial crisis and the plight of SME financing solution, proposed to the "binding operation" of the road and the use of "international trade finance," This financing strategy is reasonable, for the Department During the financial crisis of survival and development of SMEs to provide some reference.
Keywords financial crisis, SMEs, financing, bundled management and international trade financing
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❼ 中小企業融資渠道有哪些
❽ 國外中小企業的融資方式主要有哪些
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SMEs in the country's economic and social development that plays an important role in the economic development and social stability of the important pillars in the actual work of financing constraints SME development has become the main obstacle.
In this paper, the status of financing for SMEs, the SME financing analysis factors. SME credit culture that loss, financial management confusion, poor economic returns, lack of credit guarantees, domestic financial instry and the integration of its own loans in the current austerity is the main obstacle to SME financing. Proposed solutions should focus on the current development of small and medium banks, establishing a sound credit guarantee system problems to a fundamental breakthrough in getting loans for SMEs bottlenecks contradictions. At the same time, from the perspective of building their own enterprises make policy recommendations.