導航:首頁 > 融資信託 > 投融資英文


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❶ 投資英語

貨幣銀行學 Money and Banking

管理信息系統 System of Management Information

宏觀經濟學 Macroeconomics

運籌學 Operational Research

策略管理 Strategic Management

保險學 Insurance

銀行會計 Bank Accounting

管理會計 Managerial Accounting

運籌學 Operational Research

國際貿易 International Trade

財務管理 Financial Management

國際金融 International Finance

租賃與信託 Hiring and Affiancing

證券投資學 Security Analysis and Investment

商業銀行實務 Practice of Business Bank

國際結算 International Balance

項目評估 Projects Appraisal

金融市場學 Financial Marketing

人力資源管理 Human Resource Management

財務報告分析 Analysis of Financial Statement

財務案例分析 Case Analysis of FinancialManagement
acquiring company 收購公司

bad loan 呆帳

chart of cash flow 現金流量表

clearly-established ownership 產權清晰

debt to equity 債轉股

diversity of equities 股權多元化

economy of scale 規模經濟

emerging economies 新興經濟

exchange-rate regime 匯率機制

fund and financing 籌資融資

global financial architecture 全球金融體系

global integration, globality 全球一體化,全球化

go public 上市

growth spurt (經濟的)急劇增長

have one's "two commas" 百萬富翁

hedge against 套期保值

housing mortgage 住房按揭

holdings 控股,所持股份

holding company 控股公司

initial offerings 原始股

initial public offerings 首次公募

innovative business 創新企業

intellectual capital 智力資本

inter-bank lending 拆借

internet customer 網上客戶

investment payoff period 投資回收期

joint-stock 參股

mall rat 愛逛商店的年輕人

means of proction 生產要素

(the)medical cost social pool for major diseases


mergers and acquisitions 並購

mobile-phone banking 行動電話銀行業

moods 人氣

net potato 網蟲

non-store seling 直銷

offering 新股

online-banking 網上銀行業

online-finance 在線金融

online client (銀行的)網上客戶

paper profit 帳面收益

physical assets 有形資產

project fund system 項目資本金制度

pyramid sale 傳銷

recapitalize 資產重組

regional corrency blocks 地區貨幣集團

regulate 調控

sell off 變現

share(stock) option 期權,股票認購權

smart card 智能卡

slash prices 殺價

spare capacity 閑置的生產能力

strong growth 強勁的增長勢頭

switch trade 轉手貿易

take…public 上市

tap the idle assets 盤活存量資產

transaction (銀行的) 交易

transfer payment from the exchequer


venture-capital 風險資本

virtual bank 虛擬銀行

wire transfer 電子轉帳

❷ 什麼是融資合作什麼意思同時英語怎麼說 不勝感激


❸ 請幫助翻譯這段關於私募融資的英文,謝謝

Statistics according to the international history, private collected an ownership of a share investment to provide an investment outlet of high income for the idle funds, and would carry on analysis and sieve,ed investigate valuation and applied various financial creative tools and designed complicated margin contractual item since low risk but was advantageous to lowering market risk to the item invest.From mature the United States be private to collect ownership of a share fund's performance of the history and can see, private collect an ownership of a share fund at pass by 1, 3, 5 and the year in 10 years the average rate of return be all high to reach to a gram of index number and standard Pu Er 500 index numbers at the Na Si, also the rate of return higher than bond tool, and with these invest tool related coefficient low, then is influence by it opposite and lower.Private collect an ownership of a share investment to make investor can undertake limited risk at the time of enjoying a revenue from tax special discount, and under the convenient and different judiciary of the investor consociation carry on an investment and withdraw.

❹ 天使投資、VC、PE具體的區別是什麼求教!字母縮寫來自哪個單詞呢

天使投資指早期投資,尤其指個人早期投資。VC,Venture Capital,所謂風險投資、創業投資,是相對靠前的非公開市場股權投資,PE,Private Equity,所謂私募資本、非公開市場資本,既是私募股權投資的統稱,又特指相對靠後的股權投資。

❺ 融資管理部經理 英文應該怎麼說

Manager of Financing Management Dept.

Dept. = department 的縮寫

Financing Manager 的話,是「融資經理」

❻ 財務與投融資部英文是什麼呢

  1. 大型企業人事復雜,部門林立,恰當翻譯部門名稱對企業自身的對外推介非常重要。財務與投融資部可翻譯為Department of Finance, Investment andRe-Financing。

  2. 企業中的其他部門的英文翻譯:


人事部 PersonnelDepartment

廣告部 AdvertisingDepartment

公共關系 PublicRelationsDepartment

出口部 ExportDepartment

企劃部 PlanningDepartment

產品開發部 ProctDevelopmentDepartment

進口部 ImportDepartment

財務部 GeneralAccountingDepartment

國際部 InternationalDepartment

研發部 (R&D)

促銷部 SalesPromotionDepartment

總務部 GeneralAffairsDepartment

營業部 BusinessOffice

銷售部 SalesDepartment

❼ "融資"用英語怎麼表達


financing 是個多義詞,包括「融資,籌措資金,理財,財回務,資金等」
所以答,可以用financing,但它是名詞,使用時前面要加上一個動詞,make financing, develop financing program.等!

❽ 「信託融資」和「投融資」的英文名稱翻譯是什麼謝謝

Trust financing Investment and Financing

❾ 優化投融資環境 英文怎麼說




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