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❶ 急求關於中小企業融資的外文參考文獻


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❷ 中英文對照關於中小企業融資問題與對策的外國文獻

工業,中小型企業須符合以下條件:職工人數2000 人以下,或銷售額30000 萬元以下,或資產總額為40000 萬元以下。其中,中型企業須同時滿足職工人數300 人及以上,銷售額3000 萬元及以上,資產總額4000 萬元及以上;其餘為小型企業。
建築業,中小型企業須符合以下條件:職工人數3000 人以下,或銷售額30000 萬元以下,或資產總額40000 萬元以下。其中,中型企業須同時滿足職工人數600 人及以上,銷售額3000 萬元及以上,資產總額4000 萬元及以上;其餘為小型企業。
批發和零售業,零售業中小型企業須符合以下條件:職工人500 人以下,或銷售額15000 萬元以下。其中,中型企業須同時滿足職工人數100 人及以上,銷售額1000 萬元及以上;其餘為小型企業。
批發業中小型企業須符合以下條件:職工人數200 人以下,或銷售額30000 萬元以下。其中,中型企業須同時滿足職工人數100 人及以上,銷售額3000 萬元及以上;其餘為小型企業。
交通運輸和郵政業,交通運輸業中小型企業須符合以下條件:職工人數3000 人以下,或銷售額30000 萬元以下。其中,中型企業須同時滿足職工人數500 人及以上,銷售額3000 萬元及以上;其餘為小型企業。郵政業中小型企業須符合以下條件:職工人數1000 人以下,或銷售額30000 萬元以下。其中,中型企業須同時滿足職工人數400 人及以上,銷售額3000 萬元及以上;其餘為小型企業。
住宿和餐飲業,中小型企業須符合以下條件:職工人數800 人以下,或銷售額15000 萬元以下。其中,中型企業須同時滿足職工人數400 人及以上,銷售額3000 萬元及以上;其餘為小型企業。
「職工人數」以現行統計制度中的年末從業人員數代替;「工業企業的銷售額」以現行統計制度中的年產品銷售收入代替;「建築業企業的銷售額會計科目」以現行統計制度中的年工程結算收入代替;「批發和零售業的銷售額」 以現行統計制度中的年銷售額代替;「交通運輸和郵政業,住宿和餐飲業企業的銷售額」以現行統計制度中的年營業收入代替;「資
產總額」 以現行統計制度中的資產合計代替。規定適用於在中華人民共和國境內依法設立的各類所有制和各種組織形式的企
業,職工人數800 人以下。企業是與所處行業的大企業相比人員規模、資產規模與經營規模都比較小的經濟單位。
隨著招商引資力度進一步加大和民營經濟的迅猛發展,中小企業如雨後春筍般不斷涌現,2003年海安國稅新增納稅人1842戶,比上年同期增長47 %.2004年縣政府下達民營企業發展目標,要求新發展個體私營企業 9250戶。不斷增加的中小企業一方面增加了稅源,另一方面也對基層稅收管理帶來很大的挑戰。最近,在進行納稅評估、一般納稅人復檢等工作時事,對中小企業的財務狀況進行抽樣調查,其結果不盡如意,提高中小企業財務核算水平、加強財務管理已刻不容緩。 Which are small and medium-sized instries and large enterprises compared to staff size, asset size and management are relatively small economic units.
Different countries and different economic development stages, in different sectors to define their standards vary, and with the economic development and dynamic change. States generally qualitative and quantitative aspects of the definition of SMEs, the main qualitative indicators, including business forms of organization, financing methods and the status of where the instry, the volume indicators are mainly the number of employees, paid-up capital, total assets and so on. Volume of more qualitative indicators of indicators more intuitive, easy data selection, the majority of countries have divided the volume of standards, such as the U.S. Congress in 2001 introced the "United States Small Business Act" for SMEs to define standards for the number of employees does not exceed 500 people, the United Kingdom, the European Union, taking the volume of indicators, but also to qualitative indicators as a supplement.
Small and medium-sized countries in the world and regional criteria for the classification:
United States: the number of employees not more than 500 people
Britain: a qualitative states: smaller market share; owners personally management; enterprises operating independently.
Volume indicators: a small manufacturing: 200 people employed in the following
Small construction, mining: 25 people employed in the following
Small retail: Sales revenue was £ 185,000 in the following
Small wholesale instry: Sales revenue was £ 730,000 in the following
EU: the number of employees in the following 250 people and an annual output value is not more than 40 million ECU, or the annual funding total liabilities are not accounted for more than 27 million ECU, and do not be one or a few large companies holding more than 25% stake. One of: less than 50 employees, annual output value of not more than 7 million ECU or an annual total liabilities assets not more than five million ECU, and have independent legal status of enterprises.
Japan: Manufacturing: 300 employees or capital below the amount of ¥ 300,000,000
Wholesale instry: 100 employees or capital below the amount of ¥ 100,000,000 following
Retail: 50 employees or capital below the amount of ¥ 50,000,000
Services: 100 employees or capital below the amount of ¥ 50,000,000 following
China's current criteria for the classification of small and medium enterprises for the 2003 National Economic and Trade Commission, the State Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, National Bureau of Statistics to study the formulation of the "Provisional Regulations on small and medium-sized standards," which national statistical offices to develop the statistical classification of small, medium and large enterprises.
China's latest criteria for the classification of small and medium-sized
According to the Ninth National People's Congress Standing Committee meeting of 28th June 29, 2002 through the "People's Republic of China SME Promotion Law," the spirit of the former State Economic and Trade Commission at home, the former State Development Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, National Bureau of Statistics in February 19, 2003 issued the "small and medium-sized standards regarding the issuance of the notice required under the temporary" (economic and trade SMEs 〔2003〕 No. 143), the main criteria for small and medium-sized instries has made a specific defined. The standard is based on the number of enterprise employees, sales, total assets, such as indicators, combined with the characteristics of developed instry. In accordance with the "Notice" provisions of the small and medium enterprises in different sectors should be identified in accordance with the following criteria:
Instry, small and medium enterprises have to comply with the following conditions: number of employees in 2000 the following people, or sales below 300 million yuan, or total assets of 400 million yuan for the following. Among them, the medium-sized enterprises have to satisfy the needs of workers at the same time the number of people and over 300 sales and over 30 million yuan, with total assets of 40 million yuan and above; the rest for small businesses.
The construction instry, small and medium enterprises have to comply with the following conditions: number of employees 3000 people following, or sales below 300 million yuan, or total assets of 400 million yuan the following. Among them, the medium-sized enterprises have to satisfy the needs of workers at the same time the number of people and over 600 sales and over 30 million yuan, with total assets of 40 million yuan and above; the rest for small businesses.
Wholesale and retail trade, small and medium-sized retail enterprises have to comply with the following conditions: 500 or fewer workers, or sales of 150 million yuan the following. Among them, the medium-sized enterprises have to satisfy the needs of workers at the same time the number of people and over 100 sales and over 1000萬元; the rest for small businesses.
Wholesale trade of small and medium enterprises have to comply with the following conditions: 200 or fewer employees, or sales of 300 million yuan the following. Among them, the medium-sized enterprises have to satisfy the needs of workers at the same time the number of people and over 100 sales and over 30 million yuan; the rest for small businesses.
Transportation and postal service, transport small and medium enterprises have to comply with the following conditions: number of employees 3000 people following, or sales of 300 million yuan the following. Among them, the medium-sized enterprises have to satisfy the needs of workers at the same time the number of people and over 500 sales and over 30 million yuan; the rest for small businesses. Post instry small and medium enterprises have to comply with the following conditions: number of employees 1000 people following, or sales of 300 million yuan the following. Among them, the medium-sized enterprises have to satisfy the needs of workers at the same time the number of people and over 400 sales and over 30 million yuan; the rest for small businesses.
Different countries and different economic development stages, in different sectors to define their standards vary, and with the economic development and dynamic change. States generally qualitative and quantitative aspects of the definition of SMEs, the main qualitative indicators, including business forms of organization, financing methods and the status of where the instry, the volume indicators are mainly the number of employees, paid-up capital, total assets and so on. Volume of more qualitative indicators of indicators more intuitive, easy data selection, the majority of countries have divided the volume of standards, such as the U.S. Congress in 2001 introced the "United States Small Business Act" for SMEs to define standards for the number of employees does not exceed 500 people, the United Kingdom, the European Union, taking the volume of indicators, but also to qualitative indicators as a supplement.
Accommodation and catering instry, small and medium enterprises have to comply with the following conditions: 800 or fewer employees, or sales of 150 million yuan the following. Among them, the medium-sized enterprises have to satisfy the needs of workers at the same time the number of people and over 400 sales and over 30 million yuan; the rest for small businesses.
"Employees" to the existing statistical system of the end of a few employees in lieu of; "sales of instrial enterprises" to the existing statistical system in lieu of annual sales revenue; "construction enterprises sales accounts" to the existing statistical system annual income in lieu of clearing works; "wholesale and retail sales" to the existing statistical system in lieu of annual sales; "transport and postal service, accommodation and catering instry sales enterprise" to the existing statistical system of the year operating income in lieu of; "funding
The total proction "to the existing statistical system in lieu of total assets. Shall apply to the territory of the People's Republic of China established by law and various organizations of various ownership forms of enterprises
Instry, number of employees below 800 people. Enterprises which are instries with large enterprises compared to staff size, asset size and management are relatively small economic units.
The status of the financial plight of small and medium-sized or the performance of
With the investment was further enlarged and the rapid development of private economy, small and medium enterprises such as the continuing mushrooming, MSC 2003, National Tax Added taxpayers 1842, more than 47 percent year-on-year growth in the county government issued .2004 private enterprise development goals requiring new development of indivial and private enterprises 9250. Increasing number of SMEs on the one hand, an increase of tax sources, on the other hand, the grass-roots tax management a great challenge. Recently, ring the tax assessment, the general taxpayer, such as job review current events, the financial situation of small and medium enterprises to conct a sample survey, the results are not smug, improve financial accounting standards for SMEs to strengthen financial management and no time to lose.

❸ 求論文"中小企業融資困境及解決對策"的外文參考文獻和中文翻譯一篇


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❺ 關於 中小企業融資難相關 的 外文著作或者文獻。。

SME financing in the UK and inChina: a comparative perspective
作者Javed Hussain, Cindy Millman and Harry Matlay UCE Business School, Birmingham, UK
我也是今年的畢業生 我覺得這個還可以 你要看的話 可以把他全選中 用有道詞典翻譯下 節選就可以了

❻ 急求關於中小企業融資問題的英文文獻

Small Business Loan 101
Essentials of Small Business Loan

From Naurys Marte, for About.com

As a small business owner, your most difficult task is finding the money to operate your business. Taking the necessary steps to prepare for a small business loan can minimize the difficulty. Learn what you need to know to clinch the loan deal.

Banks and other lending institutions cite risk factors as their main reason for turning down small business loan requests from startup businesses. Yet, you can still get a loan for your business by proper preparation.

Avoid the common error of thinking you can start with grants from the government and community agencies. It is even more unlikely than getting the money from your own savings, family, friends, or a bank.

The main requirements of attaining a small business loan are your personal credit history, business plan, experience, ecation, and feasibility of the business you are starting or expanding.

The most important task to obtain a small business loan is preparing a business plan. The business plan needs to show the lender that providing you with a small business loan is a low-risk proposition. Your business plan must answer the questions a lending institution would ask. These questions usually are:

How much money do you need?

If you are starting a business, this should be included at least in the start-up capital estimate. Accuracy is important, so request enough money to invest wisely.

What are you going to do with the money?

You will have to provide, in detail, the designated use of every dollar requested. A small business loan is often needed for: operations (new employees, marketing, etc.), assets (equipment, real estate, etc.), or to pay off business debts.

When will you repay the small business loan?

Explain in detail how this small business loan will serve as a stepping-stone for your business. You will need to convince the lender (with your financial statements and cash flow projections) that you are able to repay the loan through the expected long-term profitability of your business.

What will you do if you don't get the loan?

Let lenders know that rejection will not discourage you from starting or growing your business. You want to portray a confident and determined personality and you will try lender after lender until you receive the money you need to get your business moving.

As a small business owner, you will need a certain degree of fortitude. Be confident and proud of your venture. Let lenders know you are in control and know what's best for you and your business. Understand that lending institutions need to make loans. But if you don't get one, don't get discouraged. Ask the lender why you didn't get the small business loan. Learn from the answer, move on, and try other lenders.

The Women's Venture Fund is a resource for women in business who need money and training to expand their venture for New York or New Jersey businesses. To learn more about the Women's Venture Fund call 212-563-0499 or visit www.womensventurefund.org.
Small Business Loan Resources

Getting a Small Business LoanSmall Business Banking 101New Rules of Small Business Financing
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* How To Get A Small Business Loan
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❼ 急求有關中小企業融資問題的外文文獻


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[8] Goss D. Small Business and Society .Routledge. 1991, .
[9] Samuelson L. Evolutionary Games and Equilibrium Selec-tion[M] .1997, .

❽ 中小企業融資途徑和對策的外文文獻及翻譯各兩篇



❾ 中小企業融資現狀及其原因分析的參考文獻有哪些

[2] 鄒傳太:債轉股的財務效益淺析,經濟與管理,2003年第1期
[3] 朱邦富:企業間債轉股,企業管理,2002年第5期
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