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Ⅰ 企業融資的外國文獻 最近三年 2篇



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Ⅳ 急求關於畢業論文的英語文獻我的課題的關於國外融資租賃的發展,麻煩大家幫忙一下,最好附有翻譯

The development of financial leasing instry in China is facing new challenges and opportunities, development prospects.

According to the world leasing yearbook of statistics, in 1999 the global equipment leasing transaction volume has amounted to $470000000000 (not including the personal car rental). Equipment permeability equipment lease transactions instrial developed countries reached 20% - 35%. And our country in the last few years equipment lease transactions accounted for only 1% of all equipment trading volume, market potential is very great. At the dawn of the new century, to accelerate the development of the financial leasing instry in China has important practical significance.

In the process of economic globalization, China is the largest developing country, give full play to the potential of the domestic market is an eternal topic. The development of modern leasing instry is concive to the promotion of investment, enliven the domestic demand, accelerate the technological transformation of enterprises. Give full play to the Finance Leasing Company financing function, is concive to stimulating social investment, change the investment of fixed assets of enterprises "credit" too serious, directly dependent on the status of banks. Process for commercial banks. Leasing instry to implement the proactive fiscal policy, change the financial funds, expand the multiplier effect of financial investment. The development of rental sales and long-term operating lease help accelerate the reform of circulation field, to establish and perfect a financing lease business carrier and distribution system of marketing. Leasing is beneficial to the popularization and application of high and new technology and equipment, mobile communication instry uses a lot of financing lease to high-speed development is the best proof. The positive development of manufacturers of equipment leasing company background and professional, carry out small equipment rental sales, second-hand equipment leasing, to make an inventory of existing assets, idle assets play a role, is concive to the promotion of the re employment project, to support the development of small and medium enterprises and non - public ownership economy.

At present, China's leasing instry organization structure is not perfect, the financing lease as circulation carrier, not to open, non financial leasing companies cannot lawfully engaged in lease financing business, the existing Finance Leasing Company and joint venture leasing companies less quantity, small scale, can not meet the needs of the market. Part of the Finance Leasing Company, Sino foreign joint venture leasing company e to various reasons asset condition is not good, continue to operate in difficult. Some shareholders intend to withdraw from business, the transfer of shares, some companies prepare e winding. Asset restructuring existing lease enterprise task. Theoretical study on the financing lease is seriously lagging behind, development professionals will seriously affect the serious shortage of the leasing instry. The financial leasing instry development to a succession of the new to the old, the survival of the fittest, asset restructuring, reorganization of the turning point of the development opportunity.

After entering the WTO, China in the field of financial services will accelerate the pace of opening to the outside world, more and more foreign investors, the Multi-National Corporation will be involved in the financial leasing instry in china. Further into the foreign capital, to inject new vitality into China's leasing instry at the same time, domestic leasing instry will face severe challenges,

At the same time, the legal environment of China modern leasing instry and the business environment is further improved. To expand domestic demand, accelerate the technological transformation, manufacturing and logistics requirements set up Finance Leasing Company to promote strong external demand equipment sales. Issued accounting standards make the sale and leaseback, leveraged lease, rental sales, long-term operating lease and other new business form common development potential. The implementation of the new accounting law, further standardize all kinds of intermediary business, make the enterprise information disclosure more open, transparent. Deepening reform of SOEs, the modern enterprise system will be established, vigorously develop the mixed ownership, non-public enterprises, will provide a lot of potential customers for financing lease. Banks generally carry out management of line of credit loans, will enable more enterprises to financing lease as an important financing channel for investment in fixed assets. With the deepening of the reform of the financial instry, between the money market and capital market channel of communication is smooth, the funding problem of leasing companies will graally be resolved, and diversified development. The country enlarges the utilization of foreign capital and technology support for the development, financing and leasing instry in the introction of foreign investment, accelerate the renewal of equipment, avoid equipment obsolescence risk, increasing its market share will be further play to the role of. Some rental companies through the reorganization of assets and transfer of shares, revitalized, and provided successful low-cost access to new investors in the leasing instry. The financial leasing instry in China is facing new development opportunity hitherto unknown.

After 20 years of reform and opening up, China's financial leasing instry has made many valuable experiences and lessons, and lays a foundation for further development. In recent years, many large Multi-National Corporation have set foot in the leasing instry, fully shows that China's continuous improvement of the investment environment, the huge potential of the rental market and customer groups, which has a great attraction to foreign investors. Although China's leasing instry still faces many difficulties, but after entering the WTO, the development of further opening of financial service trade field will give China's leasing instry has brought new opportunities for development. The development prospects of China leasing instry wide, Unlimited Business Opportunities!
經過20 年的改革開放,我國融資租賃業取得了不少寶貴的經驗教訓,奠定了進一步快速發展的基礎。近幾年來,很多大跨國公司紛紛涉足租賃業,充分說明了我國不斷完善的投資環境,潛力巨大的租賃市場和客戶群體,對外國投資者具有極大的吸引力。盡管我國租賃業還面臨不少困難,但入世後,金融貿易服務領域的進一步對外開放會給我國租賃業的發展帶來了新的發展機遇。中國租賃業的發展前景廣闊,商機無限!

Ⅵ 求 關於 融資 方面的國外論文參考文獻三個,必須是英文的,題目-作者-年份。

33.MAHE L P.Environment and Quality Standards in WTO New Protectionism in Agricultural Trade A European Perspective[R].
Edinburgh:Eight Annua1.Congress of European Agricultural Economists, 1996:36~42
34.LIDDLE B.Free trade and the environment—development system[J].Ecol Econ,2001,39:21~36

Ⅶ 急求關於中小企業融資的外文參考文獻


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