❶ 信託投資公司的英文怎麼說
1. [Finance] unit trust
❷ 英語 信託
❸ 信託方面英語翻譯:split-interest trust是什麼意思呢
利益分割的信任是受下列規定以同樣的方式,是一個私人基金會:終止,雙方自願和非自願的 。 但是請注意,終止規則並不適用於某些分裂利息信託付款 。有關儀器 ,稅假公濟私 ,上多餘的業務控股稅,稅,危及慈善用途的投資 ,稅應稅支出 。 ps:從別處復制來的,我對上面的東西是小白,嘎嘎
❹ 「信託融資」和「投融資」的英文名稱翻譯是什麼謝謝
Trust financing Investment and Financing
❺ 信託與私募中的英文簡稱怎麼解釋,比如TOT,FOT,VC,PE等等,希望全面一些
TOT(TRUST OF TRUST)信託抄中的信託,就是發行一個信託產品,募集的資金投資別的信託產品。\nFOT(FUND OF TRUST)信託中的基金,就是成立一個基金,募集的資金投資固定收益類的信託產品。FOT和TOT最大的區別,是一個是基金(FOT),一個是信託(TOT),相同點都是投資固定收益類的信託產品。FOT的收益固定,一般在8-10%,投資門檻也比較低,一般在30萬左右,甚至有些可以在20萬起步。\nVC是Venture Capital的縮寫,即風險投資。 \nPE是Private Equity的縮寫,即私募股權投資。 \nPE 與VC都是通過私募形式對非上市企業進行的權益性投資,然後通過上市、並購或管理層回購等方式,出售持股獲利。區分VC與PE的簡單方式是,VC投資企業 的前期,PE投資後期。當然,前後期的劃分使得VC與PE在投資理念、規模上都不盡相同。PE對處於種子期、初創期、發展期、擴展期、成熟期和Pre- IPO各個時期企業進行投資,故廣義上的PE包含VC。\n
[金斧子股票問答網 專業-實時-權威]
❻ 請英語高手翻譯一篇文章,關於房地產信託投資的。。。
Recently, Shanghai Pudong's first Real Estate Investment Trust REITs market will soon hatched have aroused concern. In the previous discussion of the many versions of finally adopted a "central banks - China Banking Regulatory Commission" version, most likely, once the program is approved, the first major REITs to raise the object will be the institutional investors, in the form more similar to the one closed-end private equity real estate investment.
"Central Bank - China Banking Regulatory Commission" version of the lead recent media, the "Shanghai Edition" program of the REITs have been submitted to relevant departments in Shanghai, and eventually the program reported more than one. First, for the Pudong New Area in the drafting of the "Central Bank - China Banking Regulatory Commission" program, involving Jinqiao Group, Waigaoqiao Group, Zhangjiang Group and the Lujiazui Group's four major state-owned property resources, through the inter-bank market issues; the 2, using the central bank-led model of "Lujiazui program", the program is designed by the Lujiazui Group,
Involved in Lujiazui Group's three buildings --- including the Standard Chartered Bank Building, Lujiazui Software Park, the two office buildings; the last one is the "SFC Edition" program, using exchange market issues.
Analysts said that as the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the Central Bank had drawn up "a collection of real estate investment trust business management approach to the pilot," is nearing completion, China's first REITs a "Central Bank - China Banking Regulatory Commission" version is most likely. "Management Measures" provides, REITs will be established by law as a trustee of the trust institution, through the public offering of trust units of the establishment of a collection of real estate investment trusts. The specific operation path is: China Banking Regulatory Commission will be entrusted to institutions to apply the trust issue, have been approved, upon application of the trustee, the PBC approved, the Trust units can be issued at the national inter-bank market. Trust Schemes funding to implement security controls,
Depository of funds established by law and obtain the appropriate qualifications kept as a commercial bank.
According to the definition drawn up, "the central bank - China Banking Regulatory Commission" version of the program, Jinqiao Group, Waigaoqiao Group, Zhangjiang Group and the Lujiazui Group will provide annual rental income of up to 470 million yuan of property, the future of these properties 10-year rental income right "package" to establish a trust, and then commissioned by the lead underwriter for the issuer, in the inter-bank market to meet the requirements of institutional investors for the trust's rental income certificates, raising total funding will reach 3.5 billion. To ensure a smooth distribution, the Pudong New District Government has invited China International Capital Corporation served as lead underwriters and underwriting agreement the balance of the Central Capital Corporation.
Instry experts said that with the previous "SFC" version of REITs in comparison, "the central bank - China Banking Regulatory Commission" can circumvent a number of challenges, such as legal, tax barriers. The SFC version is to package the property market, but how to solve the liquidity of the proct and proct of double taxation of dividends have not yet complete solution. According to the "management approach" draft, the future listing of REITs more akin to a closed-end private equity real estate investment funds, in the inter-bank market issued by the Agency subscription and fund-raising for the main direction of investment in mature properties. Trust income distribution, at least once a year,
The institutions hold a period of not less than 12 months.
Looking forward to the domestic market, the first REITs Real Estate Investment Trust, is a securitization of the instrial investment fund, which benefits by issuing shares or certificates, to attract public funds from investors.
Benefit the Trust, principal analyst with the studios, said Li Yang, because REITs to the general provisions of the relevant real estate 90% of the rental income as a dividend, it has been regarded as a focus on dividend returns, and such investment procts ----- procts, diversification of investment for investors to fill on a short-board significant.
In fact, the domestic trust companies began to explore the early REITs mode of operation. Under the current real estate trust procts, not only to real estate development and construction loans for projects in the trust category, there is a class of the trust funds to buy real estate in all or part of the property to gain income by the real estate business interests of the Trust, the latter is a quasi-REITs. "REITs are actually class-based real estate investment trust fund plan, such procts had emerged as early as 2005, but the proct since last year, REITs are increasingly accepted by investors, so classes start REITs touted proct." Li Yang said that since last year,
Berry Trust and Beijing launched a series of separate trust funds based real estate investment trust procts are more representative.
At present many local governments are actively promoting the REITs, Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin, REITs are likely to become the first batch of pilot cities. Shanghai Financial Services Office of the relevant responsible person said that the current program of Pudong REITs need to wait for the approval of the Central ministries and commissions, in obtaining a clear answer before the Shanghai need more preparation.哈哈,愛詞霸真好用,我告訴你愛詞霸的網
❼ "投資公司"英文怎麼翻譯
1. unit trust
2. investment house
3. investment corporation
4. investment company
5. investment firm
6. investment trust
Unit trust
Overseas Chinese Investment Company
Loan Investment Company
International Trust and Investment Company
China National Specialized Investment Corporation
China international trust&investment corporation
China International Trust and Investment Corporation,CITIC
China International Trust and Investment Corporation
CITIC:China International Trust and Investment Corporation
❽ 銀行信託用英語怎麼說
事實上由於國內及國外的信託定義不一樣,因此不能直接引用國外的英文概念。銀行信託全稱應為銀行信託理財產品:Financial Procts of Bank Trust。
❾ 求英文翻譯..關於信託業務
Trust business is to take that credit entrusts as one kind of economic behaviour of basis, with certain economy purpose. Branch (or indivial) being to have the fund (or property) in hand, entrust trust organization to apply on behalf of the person or manage, trust organization follows whose agreed condition and range , carry out the administration applying on whose fund or property and return on schele. Since trust business is that acting person manages or handles assets, therefore, one trust organization needing to have credit, two needs to have sufficient funds. The trust business category contains fields such as commercial affairs trust , civil trust , public good trust. Upper finance of international trust business, is the finance business managing besides the commercial bank handling a sort exists , readjusts oneself to a certain extent , converges mainly , development of the economy , marketplace condition are day by day complicated with every country , the customer brings forward the proct entrusting the fund applying as an agent, to be to the bank , trust business with investment of Yu bond , stock , real estate, increases with each passing day or. Domestic trust business is that the approved by centre line finance trust and investment corporation is not bad manage business, property trust waits for four major kinds of trust business mainly other including that the fund trusting , movable property trust , immovable property trust drawing
❿ 《信託投資公司管理辦法》《信託投資公司資金信託暫行管理辦法》用英語怎麼說
"The Administration Measures of Trust Investment Corporation"
"Temporary Measures on Trust Capital of Trust Investment Corporation"