導航:首頁 > 融資信託 > 投融資合同英語


發布時間:2022-02-07 19:31:53

1. 有一份投資融資協議,我看不懂,關於協議里的條款我想做一個咨詢


2. "融資"用英語怎麼表達


financing 是個多義詞,包括「融資,籌措資金,理財,財回務,資金等」
所以答,可以用financing,但它是名詞,使用時前面要加上一個動詞,make financing, develop financing program.等!

3. 財務與投融資部英文是什麼呢

  1. 大型企業人事復雜,部門林立,恰當翻譯部門名稱對企業自身的對外推介非常重要。財務與投融資部可翻譯為Department of Finance, Investment andRe-Financing。

  2. 企業中的其他部門的英文翻譯:


人事部 PersonnelDepartment

廣告部 AdvertisingDepartment

公共關系 PublicRelationsDepartment

出口部 ExportDepartment

企劃部 PlanningDepartment

產品開發部 ProctDevelopmentDepartment

進口部 ImportDepartment

財務部 GeneralAccountingDepartment

國際部 InternationalDepartment

研發部 (R&D)

促銷部 SalesPromotionDepartment

總務部 GeneralAffairsDepartment

營業部 BusinessOffice

銷售部 SalesDepartment

4. 請求高手翻譯一段英語(投標合同中的)




5. 翻譯:關於投融資方面的英譯中



6. 「信託融資」和「投融資」的英文名稱翻譯是什麼謝謝

Trust financing Investment and Financing

7. 急求合同類英語專業術語 在線等


估算/費用估算:estimate/cost estimate;
估算類型:types of estimate;
詳細估算:是偏差幅度最小的估算,defined estimate;
設備估算:equipment estimate;
分析估算:analysis estimate;
報價估算:proposal estimate;
控制估算:control estimate;
初期控制估算:interim control estimate/initial control estimate
批準的控制估算:initial approved cost
核定估算:check estimate
首次核定估算:first check estimate
二次核定估算:proction check estimate
人工時估算:man hour estimate
材料費用/直接材料費用:material cost/direct material cost
設備費用/設備購買費用:equipment cost/purchased cost of equipment
散裝材料費用/散裝材料購買費用:bulk material cost/purchased cost of bulk material
施工費用:construction cost
施工人工費用:labor cost/construction force cost
設備安裝人工費用:labor cost associated with equipment
散裝材料施工安裝人工費用:labor cost associated with bulk materials
人工時估算定額:standard manhours
施工人工時估算定額:standard labor manhours
標准工時定額:standard hours
勞動生產率:labor proctivity/proctivity factor/proctivity ratio
修正的人工時估算值:adjusted manhours
人工時單價:manhours rate
施工監督費用:cost of construction supervision
施工間接費用:cost of contruction indirects
分包合同費用/現場施工分包合同費用:subcontract cost/field subcontract cost
公司本部費用:home office cost
非工資費用:non payroll
開車服務費用:cost of start-up services
其他費用:other cost
利潤/預期利潤:profit/expected profit
服務酬金:service gains
風險分析:risk analysis
風險備忘錄:risk memoranm
基本未可預見費:average contingency
最大風險未可預見費:maximum risk contingency
用戶變更/合同變更:cilent change/contract change
認可的用戶變更:approved client change
待定的用戶變更:pending client change
項目變更:project change
批準的變更:authoried change
強制性變更:mandatory change
選擇性變更:optional change
內部費用轉換:internal transfer
認可的預計費用:anticipated approved cost
項目費用匯總報告:project cost summary report
項目實施費用狀態報告:project operation cost status report
總價合同:lump sum contract
償付合同:reimbursible contract

property 物業,資產
interest 產權
subsidiary 附屬機構,子公司
valuation 評估
open market value 公開市場價值
leaseback 售後回租(即租回已出售的財產)
on a resial basis 剩餘法
capital value 資本價值
cost of development 開發費(指拆遷費,七通一平費等)
professional fee 專業人員費(指勘察設計費等)
finance costs 融資成本(指利息等)
sale proceeds 銷售收益
on the basis of capitalisation 資本還原法
floor area 建築面積
title document 契約文書
plaza 購物中心
land use certificate 土地使用證
commercial/residential complex 商住綜合樓
land use fee 土地使用費(獲得土地使用權後,每年支付國家的使用土地費用)
Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用權出讓合同
plot ratio 容積率
site coverage 建築密度
land use term 土地使用期
project approval 項目許可
planning approval 規劃許可
commission 傭金
permit 許可證
business license 營業執照
strata-title 分層所有權
public utilities 公共設施
urban planning 城市規劃
state-owned land 國有土地
fiscal allotment 財政撥款
grant or transfer 出讓或轉讓
the Municipal Land Administration Bureau 市土地管理局
infrastructure 基礎設施
financial budget 財政預算
public bidding 公開招標
auction 拍賣
negotiation /agreement協議
land efficiency 土地效益
location classification 地段等級
projecting parameter 規劃參數
government assignment 政府劃撥
administrative institution 行政事業單位
key zones for development 重點開發區
tract 大片土地
biding document 標書
prerequisitioned land 預征土地
competent authorities 主管部門
construction project 建設項目
planning permit of construction engineering 建設工程規劃許可證
go through the formalities 辦手續
comprehensive sub-areas 綜合分區
reconstruction of old area 舊區改造
purchasing power 購買力
property trust 物業信託
equity 權益
cash flows 現金流量
appreciation 增值
disposition 處置
hedge 保值措施
income tax shelter 收入稅的庇護
downturn (經濟)衰退
wealth maximisation 最大限度的增加財產(同其他投資相比)
forecast 預測
rules-of-thumb techniques 經驗法
mortgage lender 抵押放貸者
vacancy 空房
discounted cash flow models 折現值現金流量模型
expectation 期望值
letting 出租
equity reversion 權益回收
bad debts 壞帳
depreciation allowances 折舊費
supplies 日常用品
utilities 公共事業設備
allowances for repairs and maintenance 維修費
unpaid mortgage balance 抵押貸款欠額
stamp ty印花稅
recession 衰退
overproction 生產過剩
glut 供過於求
high-technology 高科技
investment strategy投資策略
circulation 發行量
entrepreneur 倡導者,企業家
coliseum 大體育場,大劇院
chambers (商業資本家聯合組織的)會所
arena 室內運動場
socioeconomic status 社會經濟地位
amenities 便利設施
condominium 個人佔有公寓房,一套公寓房的個人所有權
income bracket 收入檔次
tenement 分租合住的經濟公寓
area code (電話)地區代碼
community 社區
assessment 估價
downzone 降低區劃規模
按揭貸款 mortgage loan
按揭購房 to buy a house on mortgage; to mortgage a house

房屋空置率 housing vacancy rate

安居工程 Comfortable Housing Project

板樓,板式樓 slab-type apartment building

搬遷戶 a relocated unit or household

財產稅 property tax;estate(or capital) ty

拆遷補償費 compensation for demolition

拆遷費用 removal expense

城鎮住房公積金 urban housing provident fund

低價住房 low-cost housing

二手房 second-hand house

房產估價師 realestate evaluator

房產證 property ownership certificate

房屋置換 buy or exchange houses

炒房者realestate speculator

房改 housing system reform

房管 realestate management

房權證 property right certificate

房產市場 realestate market

房屋空置率 housing vacancy rate

福利分房 welfare-oriented public housing distribution system

個人購房貸款 indivial housing loan

公房商品化 commercialization of public housing

集資房 houses built with funds collected by the buyers

居民住房建設 residential construction

人均住房per-capital housing

現房 complete dapartment (or flat)

期房 forward delivery housing

商品房 commercial residential building

商品房空置 the vacancy problem in commercial housing

政策性住房 policy-related house, policy-based house

住房補貼 rental allowance; housing allowance

住房分配貨幣化進程 capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation

housing residences住宅

WUSHAN ecation bureau
WUSHAN Environmental Protection bureau
WUSHAN instrial and commercial bureau
tax bureau

土木工程的常用英語詞彙----( 字數太多,自己點擊看看吧)http://..com/question/16812405.html

8. 求翻譯一段融資協議,門外人真的看不懂,或者解釋一下大致內容,幾個專業名詞也行,十分感謝!

2.11 Pro Rata Rights Agreement
\Pro Rata Rights Agreement" means a written agreement between the Com-
pany and the Investor (and holders of other SAFEs, as appropriate) giving
the Investor a right to purchase its pro rata share of private placements of
securities by the Company occurring after the Equity Financing, sub-
ject to customary exceptions. Pro rata for purposes of the Pro Rata Rights
Agreement will be calculated based on the ratio of (a) the number of shares
of capital stock of the Company owned by the Investor immediately prior to
the issuance of the securities to (b) the total number of shares of outstand-
ing capital stock of the Company on a fully diluted basis, calculated as of
immediately prior to the issuance of the securities
2.12 SAFE
\SAFE" means an instrument containing a future right to the Company's
capital stock, similar in form and content to this instrument, purchased by
investors for the purpose of funding the Company's business operations.
2.13 SAFE Preferred Stock
\SAFE Preferred Stock" means the shares of a series of the Company's pre-
ferred stock issued to the Investor in an Equity Financing, which will have
the identical rights, privileges, preferences and restrictions as the shares of
Standard Preferred Stock, other than with respect to the per share
liquidation preference, which will equal the SAFE Price or the
Discount Price (as applicable), as well as price-based antidilution protec-
tion and dividend rights, which will be based on such SAFE Price or the
Discount Price (as applicable).
2.14 SAFE Price
\SAFE Price" means the price per share equal to the quotient obtained by
dividing (i) the Valuation Cap by (ii) either (A) the Company Capitalization
as of immediately prior to the Equity Financing or (B) the capitalization of
the Company used to calculate the price per share of the Standard Preferred
Stock, whichever calculation results in a lower price.
發行證券(b)股份總數 -
\ SAFE價格「是指每股價格等於由此獲得的商

9. 合同英語...在線等 譯中文

2. 本備忘錄有效期為12個月,在此期間可以用中國投資/購買方的顧問協議進行替換.


5. 協議一方在得到另一方同意的情況下有權轉交該備忘錄規定的權利和義務給第三方,轉交方需要書面通知另一方以獲批准.

6. 該備忘錄遵從中國法律.


10. 股權質押合同 翻譯成英語怎麼說

Equity mortgage contract 股權質押合同

股權 stock equity stock rights
股權公司 holding company
股權基金 stock equity fund
股權收購 tender offers
股權證券 stock equity securities

質押 impawn
質押財產 properties pledged
質押品 pledged goods
質押書 letter of hypothecation
質押資產 hypothecated asset

合同 contract
合同承認 agreement acceptance
合同當事人關系 privity of contract
合同的解除 rescission of contract
合同的履行 implementation of contract
合同的落空 frustration of contract
合同的無效 invalidity of a contract
合同的終止 end of contract
合同法 contract law
合同格式 contract form
合同更改的請求 contract change request
合同規定 contract provisions



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瀝青期貨交易費用 瀏覽:334
期貨從業計算題好難 瀏覽:95
證券法英文版2014 瀏覽:216