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『壹』 在寫房地產企業融資模式的文獻綜述時,可以從哪些方面入手


『貳』 房地產金融風險中外文參考文獻


『叄』 需要一篇房地產方面的外文文獻

Real Estate Development Characteristics of the Value of Real Estate For a good or service to have value it must possess certain economic and legal characteristics, specifically the following: utility, scarcity, demand, and transferability Utility may be defined as the power of a good to render a service or fill a need. Utility must be present for a good or service to be of value. Utility, however, is only one of the characteristics that make up value. Thus where utility is present but demand or scarcity is absent, market value will not exist. For instance, water and air possess utility-yes, total utility, for both are essential to life itself. The value of neither air nor water however is measurable in terms of dollars for each is abundant and free to all. To have market value, therefore, a useful good or service must be scarce. The influence of utility on value, too, must be considered in relation to the size, shape, or form of the property, its geography or spatial location, and its mobility and availability at given times. Variations in utility characteristics influence value; value differences, therefore, are caused by form, space, or time utility, as the case may be. Scarcity is a relative term, and must be considered in relation to demand and supply and the alternate uses present or prospective " to which the good or service may be put Thus Christmas trees may be scarce the day before Christmas, and most 房地產價值特性 有價值的商品或勞務,它一定具備某些特定的經濟和法律特徵,尤其具有以下特徵:效用性、稀缺性、需求性和可轉移性。 效用是指一種商品提供服務和滿足需要的能力。一種商品或勞務具有價值時,它一定有效用。但效用僅是形成價值的特徵之一。因此,只有效用而沒有需求或稀缺性,也不具有市場價值。如空氣和水都有效用—是的,百分之百有用,因為他們都是生命所必需的。然而無論是空氣還是水,都不能用金錢來衡量,因為它們都是充足的且人人可自由享用所以,有用的商品或勞務具有市場價值的同時,還必須是稀缺的。同樣,我們在考慮效用對於價值影響大小時,還要結合財產的大小、形狀、形式、它的地理或空間位置及在特定時間的移動性和有效州。效用的特徵的變化影響著價值,因此,由形式、空間或時效引起的價值差別,依具體情況而定。 稀缺性是個相對概念,應該結合需求與供給的情況以及兩者交替使用情況—現在或將來—商品或勞務可能投放到哪一方來考慮。因此,聖誕節前一天的聖誕樹會是稀缺的,而在接下米的一周卻是最充足的。故而其價值也會隨之波動,金和銀是相對稀缺的,但若發現新的礦源或能帶來相同或更大效用的新材料,它們稀缺的程度和價值就會受到影響。在其他條件一樣時,隨著市場中商品和勞務稀缺的相對變化,其價值也會發生變化。一般來講,商品或勞務越是稀缺,其市場競爭越是激烈,其交易價格或市場價值通常就會越高。 需求則是一個經濟上的概念,它不僅表示需要,而且是有貨幣支付能力的需要。僅憑有意購買者想或有需要,不管這種需要多麼強烈都構不成需求。而要想實現後者,必須有購買能力才行。建築商、開發商和投資者尤其要牢牢記住需求的購買力。例如,大面積的房屋開發通常都是計劃好、為滿足長遠需要而實施的.但卻因沒能准確考慮預期租戶的有效購買力而以投資失敗告終。賓館、娛樂中心和大型的商業項目投資失敗的概率之所以很高,往往是因為沒能區分需要和需求,沒能准確計算出客戶的有效購買力。 可轉移性是和財產價值有關的一個法律概念。即使商品成其他東西具有效用性、稀缺性和需求性,如果其不能整體或部分轉移,仍然沒有市場價值。以月亮為例,月亮有效用,又因是獨一無二的而稀缺,如果能確定它的所有權和使用權就會有市場需求。然而由於它的不可轉移性使它始終不能成為商品。可轉移性不一定單指物理上的移動,它可以囊括構成財產所有權的佔有和控制權等。 廣告—超凡購物 合理的價位、優越的地理位置、完美的設計、融洽的社區精神和獨特的裝潢使本項目榮登榜首!以國內價格外銷的公寓大樓。 房屋開發五大特色 超凡購物,按照紐約庭院風格規劃設計。富有藝術品位,設計內外完美。內設一個理想的俱樂部和一座大型購物中心。本項目具有以下特色: ·實力雄厚的投資商本工程主要由美國Davis有限公司和Ben公司投資。 ·美國理念超凡購物集美國和加拿大商城的最優秀設計於一體,六幢高級外銷公寓大樓總面積500000平方米,內設由200家美式風格商店構成的購物中心、兩幢豪華現代寫字樓和一個五星級賓館。集居住、商業和旅遊服務干一體. http://www.fmprc.gov.cn 外交部網站。雙語,有針對各國的外交政策及概況等,案頭必備。 http://www.moftec.gov.cn 外經貿網站。雙語,了解我國對外經貿情況必備。翻譯園地頗具規模。 http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/item/zgjgk/main.html 中國機構及主要領導人資料。有英文。 http://www.china.com.cn (www.china.org.cn )中國互聯網信息中心,由國新辦合外文局領導。多語言網站。有中國知識、政府白皮書、中國文化產業報告等。 http://www.ccnt.com.cn 中華文化信息網,由文化部領導,綜合性強。英文部分屬<中國文化藝術叢書>之英譯本。 http://www.chinavista.com/entravel/culture.php 介紹中國文化的雙語網站,語言地道,內容豐富,包括各種菜譜等。但更新不快。 http://www.chinapage.com/classic1.html 中國典籍,部分有英文版,特別是四書。 12、國際 常用背景材料(外交、政治、經濟、文化) http://www.un.org 聯合國。五種語言對照。包括新聞、發言、文件、活動等大量內容。 http://www.unesco.org 聯合國教科文組織。五種語言。材料豐富。 http://www.europa.eu.int/index_en.htm 歐盟網站。 http://www.oau-oua.org/ 非統組織。 http://ecation.yahoo.com/reference/factbook/ 雅虎的世界知識網站,綜合性強。 http://www.countryreports.org/ 介紹世界各國情況的英文網站,有地區論壇。 http://www.ispa.org 國際演藝界協會。有世界藝術網站鏈接。 http://whitehouse.gov 美國白宮。了解美國政治必備。

『肆』 求一篇關於房地產市場論文的外文文獻,要短一點的



『伍』 房地產外文文獻


『陸』 急求有關房地產的外文文獻


『柒』 誰幫忙找篇關於房地產融資企業融資困境與對策的外文文獻啊,我都找不到啊,救命啊 要求有原文網址,要求翻


『捌』 企業融資外文文獻以及翻譯

[1] Perotti, E. Vesnaver, L. Enterprise finance and investment in listed Hungarian firms[J]. Journal of Comparative Economics, 2004, 32(1): 73-87.
[2] Chen, G. Cole, J. The myths, facts, and theories of ethnic, small-scale enterprise financing[J]. The Review of Black Political Economy, 1988, 16(4): 111-123.

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『玖』 求與房地產融資相關的外文文獻原文及翻譯並附有文獻名稱和作者,字數在2000字以上。。。謝謝大家


『拾』 融資英文文獻

融資英文文獻(6000字左右 ) 作者:Justin.Athur.winner。 Commercial Financing Solutions - Think Outside The Bank
July,2007 by Stephen Bush
Commercial financing borrowers are likely to feel that a traditional bank is their best source for business financing. However, because most traditional banks focus on a small number of established instries, non-traditional (non-bank) and non-local commercial lenders should be considered for most commercial financing situations. Therefore the recommended commercial financing strategy (as discussed in this article) is to Think Outside the Bank」.
There are several commercial financing situations in which commercial borrowers will frequently find that non-traditional commercial lenders are better positioned to provide terms that are more advantageous to the commercial borrower: (1) Business cash advance and credit card factoring programs; (2) commercial mortgage loans; and (3) credit card processing programs. In some cases a traditional bank will offer to provide commercial financing but will attach excessively stringent terms and covenants. In other cases a traditional bank will decline the commercial financing outright, perhaps because they do not even provide business financing to the commercial borrower』s particular instry. In either case, the commercial borrower is likely to benefit by Thinking Outside the Bank」.
As I noted in an earlier commercial financing article, in many non-competitive business financing situations it is not unusual for a local traditional bank to impose harsher commercial financing terms than would typically be seen in a more competitive business financing market. Such traditional banks routinely take advantage of a relative lack of other commercial lenders in their local market. An appropriate response by commercial borrowers is to seek out non-bank commercial financing options. It is neither necessary nor wise for commercial borrowers to depend only upon local traditional banks for commercial financing solutions. For most commercial financing situations, a non-local and non-bank commercial lender is likely to provide improved business financing terms because they are accustomed to competing aggressively with other commercial lenders.

Business Cash Advance and Credit Card Receivables Programs

Most businesses that accept credit cards in their business will qualify for a business cash advance with their credit card receivables. Traditional banks will typically be very poor candidates to consider if a business needs assistance with credit card factoring and business cash advances. Because even thriving businesses frequently need more cash than they can borrow from a bank, it can be of critical importance for a business to Think Outside the Bank」 and locate non-traditional lenders to assist with this commercial financing need.

Commercial Mortgage Loans

Two of the most common commercial financing difficulties experienced by commercial borrowers can be avoided if they Think Outside the Bank」. The first commercial financing situation is the prevailing practice of traditional banks to avoid most special purpose properties (such as funeral homes and churches). The second commercial financing situation is the typical practice of most commercial banks to attach balloon and/or recall provisions to their commercial loans (which means that the bank can require early repayment of the commercial loan under various conditions). Both of these undesirable commercial financing situations can usually and easily be avoided by considering a non-traditional and non-bank lender.

Credit Card Processing Programs

The choice of an appropriate credit card processing service can be instrumental in improving the profitability of businesses with a high volume of credit card activity. The analysis of credit card processing providers can be effectively combined with the credit card factoring and credit card receivables process described above. In assessing a business cash advance program, it is frequently possible to simultaneously arrange for a substantial improvement in the merchant』s credit card processing program. Because traditional banks are usually not competitive in providing assistance with credit card factoring, it is equally likely that a non-traditional lender will be the primary source of effective and competitive help with credit card processing.

A closing commercial financing thought: I have written an earlier commercial financing article about commercial lenders to avoid. It should be noted that there are in fact both traditional and non-traditional (non-bank) lenders which should be avoided. So when commercial borrowers Think Outside the Bank」, it is still of critical importance that they are prepared to avoid a wide variety of problematic non-traditional commercial lenders in their search for viable commercial financing, especially when it involves business cash advance (credit card receivables and credit card factoring) programs, credit card processing services and commercial real estate financing.

商業融資的借款人可能會認為,傳統的銀行是他們的最佳來源的商業融資。然而,由於大多數傳統銀行側重於少數設立工業,非傳統(非銀行)和非本地商業銀行應考慮大多數商業融資的情況。因此,建議商業融資戰略(如本文中討論)是跳出本行「 。
有幾個商業融資情況下,商業借款人常常發現,非傳統的商業銀行將能夠更好地提供的條件更有利的商業借款人: ( 1 )商業透支現金和信用卡保理業務程序; ( 2 )商業按揭貸款;和( 3 )信用卡處理程序。在某些情況下,傳統的銀行將提供商業融資,但附加條件過於嚴格和盟約。在其他情況下,傳統的銀行將下降徹底的商業融資,這可能是因為他們甚至不提供商業融資,商業借款人的特定行業。在這兩種情況下,商業借款人可能會受益於銀行外思考「 。


大多數企業認為接受信用卡將在其業務資格的商業現金透支的信用卡應收款。傳統的銀行通常會是非常貧窮的候選人,以考慮是否需要援助業務與保理業務和信用卡業務現金墊款。因為即使是蓬勃發展的企業往往需要更多的現金,他們可以比銀行貸款,它可以是極其重要的商業銀行外的思考「 ,並找到非傳統的貸款,以協助這個商業融資的需要。


兩個最常見的商業融資遇到困難的商業貸款,可避免如果他們認為銀行外「 。第一商業融資情況是普遍存在的做法,傳統的銀行,以避免最特殊用途性質(如殯儀館和教堂) 。第二商業融資的情況是典型的做法,大多數商業銀行的重視氣球和/或召回規定的商業貸款(這意味著銀行可以要求提前償還的商業貸款不同條件下) 。這兩種不良商業融資的情況,通常可以很容易地避免和審議了非傳統和非銀行貸款。

商業融資例3 -比如銀行外


閉幕商業融資認為:我已經寫的早期商業融資文章商業銀行,以避免。應當指出的是,事實上,傳統和非傳統(非銀行)貸款,應加以避免。因此,當借款人跳出商業銀行「 ,它仍然是至關重要的,它們准備,以避免各種問題的非傳統的商業銀行在尋求可行的商業融資,尤其是當它涉及業務現金透支(信用卡應收款和信用卡保理)程序,信用卡處理服務和商業房地產融資。



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