導航:首頁 > 融資信託 > 融資行為英語


發布時間:2022-02-27 01:10:08

1. 翻譯<中譯英> 急求!

Along with our country market economy system graally establishment, enterprise's financial behavior finances the behavior to become the theorists and the practical realm attention focal point in particular.Manages the angle from the enterprise to look that, finances provides the fund for enterprise's survival and the development; Governs the angle from the enterprise to look that, the different financing structure caused the different enterprise to govern the pattern and the government efficiency, these all became us to study the enterprise financing behavior the practical significance.This article on will forever be strong from the capital structure angle to the consummation the group company to govern the structure to carry on the discussion.In the article using the comparison analytic method, qualitative and the quota unifies research techniques and so on the law, to will forever be strong the group the capital structure present situation, the influence group capital structure correlation factor carries on briefly the analysis and the appraisal, and will unify the profession average capital structure comparative analysis, will obtain forever is strong the group existing capital structure not to be unreasonable, has stockholder's rights financing by chance characteristic. this article in analyzes its reason in the foundation, embarks from the group management and operation whole, proposes the optimized financing structure strategy for group's financing decision-making.

我用的是 大眾翻譯軟體6.0 我想不會有誤的

2. 熱門單詞:「社會融資」用英文怎麼說

ocial finance;social financing


We will strengthen macro-prudential management to encourage an appropriate increase of monetary credit and nongovernmental financing.

The startling rise in social financing was the main reason why.

3. 什麼是融資合作什麼意思同時英語怎麼說 不勝感激


4. 有誰知道會計中借貸的英文寫法謝!

我們常用的短語: 資本借貸:capital loan
根據《申命記》所說,窮人應該工作,但你可以通過借貸資助他們,這應該也是慷慨的行為:the poor should be working. But youcan assist them with loans,according to Deuteronomy. And these should be generous.

5. 融資理財的英文翻譯

fund raise and money management.

6. Short-selling 和Margin-trading是什麼意思和融資融券是一個概念嗎

Financing and Securities Lending

7. 融資方式 英文翻譯

Financing Method 例句復:
An Empirical Study of Equity Financing Method of Listed Companies

Financing way,Financing Mode也可以。

8. 「融資」的英文怎麼說

1.financing 2.finance 3.lout 4.accommodate 1. financing n. 融資 ,財務,資金版...finance n. 財政,財務 2. finance v. 籌措資金,融資 3. lout 融資 4. accommodate 融資,供給...account bought 代購 貨物權單

9. "融資"用英語怎麼表達


financing 是個多義詞,包括「融資,籌措資金,理財,財回務,資金等」
所以答,可以用financing,但它是名詞,使用時前面要加上一個動詞,make financing, develop financing program.等!

10. 融資額用英語怎麼說

financing value



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