導航:首頁 > 融資信託 > 直接融資比例英語


發布時間:2022-05-29 10:39:04

Ⅰ 會計英語翻譯: 淺論中小企業直接的管理

According to the international experience and China's reform process actually, our country has determined to develop capital market, and graally raise the proportion of direct financing of financial development strategy. To solve the problems of the existing and deal with the possibility of future problems, to direct financing of development objectives and the influence of theoretical analysis, it has an important significance. At present, China's entry into WTO and the further developing of the market competition, and small and medium-sized enterprise development facing unprecedented difficulties. How to recognize the small and medium-sized enterprise development of financing problems, to the healthy development of the national economy has is imminent. This article through to the green singularities technology development Co., LTD. Direct financing problems research, from the present situation of the company is faced with analyzing the existing problems, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures.

Ⅱ 英語翻譯!!3



Ⅲ 英語翻譯:我們要進一步規范和發展證卷市場,以增加企業直接融資比重。

We will standardise and develop the securities market further to increase the proportion of direct financing of the company.

Ⅳ 求高手英語翻譯,不要是用翻譯器的


Ⅳ 美國的直接融資與間接融資比例如何查詢啊



Ⅵ 什麼是直接融資和間接融資





























Ⅶ 如何將論文摘要翻譯成英文

Abstract:The margin structure of the business enterprise mean comparison relation between composing and its margin quantity of the business enterprise congenial funds different way, it reflected the combination circumstance of various funds sources of business enterprise.According to the dissimilarity of the business enterprise funds source, can is divided into the business enterprise margin inside the source margin and the outside source margin two major types.Mainly mean inside the source margin that the surplus of the proction management activity creation that business enterprise passes oneself to carry on the margin, mainly include the business enterprise to subsist the income, depreciation the reserve, fixed assets fluxion funds become now transfer.The outside source margin mean that the business enterprise makes use of the exterior funds to carry on the margin, mainly having direct margin and indirect two kinds of methods of margin.Among them indirect margin mainly with the bank believe loan is lord, but direct the margin then includes stock issue, the bond issue and commercial note etc.s.Pass the analysis to various covariance data and researches, can see an our country business enterprise current margin structure too one, is a direct margin particularly in the business enterprise margin comparison far away below and indirect margin, therefore, have the necessity to carry on in time the homologous adjustment, thus carry out long-term development target of the our country business enterprise margin.Because the our country business enterprise inside the not easy understanding of the source margin circumstance is also not easy to compare, so this text mainly borrowed funds from the bank within outside source margin, the stock issue, bond issue and a few aspects of the note margin to inquiry into current our country the business enterprise margin structure existent some problems, pass with the foreign business enterprise margin structure of more analytical, to our country the business enterprise margin structure adjust put forward the homologous suggestion.
Keyword:Margin structure,Inside the source margin,Outside source margin,Direct margin,Indirect margin

Ⅷ 求把下列翻譯成英文

This paper analyzes the existence of state-owned enterprise capital structure and the reasons of these problems, and puts forward the state-owned enterprise capital structure optimization countermeasures.

Keywords: state-owned capital structure optimization

Capital structure is to show enterprise various capital formation and its proportional relations. It includes not only liabilities and rights form with proportional relations in debt, and includes all current liabilities and long-term liabilities composition proportion, and the composition of equity capital internal ratio. Capital involving enterprise financing, management, distribution of interests each aspect, is a reflection of the important index of financial strength, it is to measure enterprise solvency important yardstick, also inspection of the financial risks of enterprise important indexes. China's state-owned enterprise reform has more than 20 years of history, although has made great progress, but state-owned enterprise capital structure optimization problem was still the current reform of the important problem facing. Current situation of nationalized business capital structure has become a soe reform and the obstacles, obstruct the institution is the establishment of modern enterprise system and the perfection of corporate governance structure. Its basic characteristics of the enterprise is high property debt and equity structure and ownership is not reasonable. The specific performance "three-high" and "three low", namely the exogenous financing a high proportion, endogenous ratio is low; Indirect financing ratio is high, low ratios direct financing; Debt financing a high proportion, capital financing ratio is low. Appear this kind of circumstance of reason is various, this paper carries on the analysis, and further elaborates the nationalized business capital structure optimization measures.

Ⅸ 求各國直接融資與間接融資數據,圖表(美,日,中)急!謝謝!


Ⅹ 財務英語翻譯

Responsible for the company's overall financial work, including dealing with day-to-day accounting, financial accounting. Income accounts and accounts receivable management; tax and invoice management. Familiar with the banks, instry and commerce, taxation work processes. Monthly tax returns to deal with banking issues. make funds deployment. invoicing. compiled from the billing, reconciliation between monthly statements. reminders to customers. quarter and in the preparation of annual financial statements. cost of the project's budget and accounting. skilled use of Kingdee K3ERP operating system. treatment day-to-day administrative and personnel work. examined the various documents and other changes to the handling. familiar with the workflow.



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