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發布時間:2022-05-30 16:16:54

㈠ 求英語大神翻譯下...急急急...十萬火急...google翻譯的就不要拿來了...

中小企業在我國吸收勞動力就業,產品創新,活躍城鄉經濟,滿足社會各方面需求,促進國民經濟發展等方面正發揮著越來越重要的作用,中小企業已成為支撐經濟增長的重要力量。合肥市作為我國中部地區的龍頭城市, 其中小企業的發展對我國中部地區發展的影響不容忽視。在實地調研的基礎上,著重分析合肥市中小企業融資難的問題, 並進一步研究和提出解決中小企業融資困難的對策建議是發展中部地區經濟的重中之重。

本文以榮事達小家電有限公司為研究對象, 研究了合肥市中小企業的融資渠道及特點, 分析了合肥市中小企業的融資渠道特徵及約束其融資渠道選擇的因素, 並提出發展集群產業、構造中小金融機構體系、培養中小企業可投資性等政策建議。合肥市要重視發展中小企業, 解決其資金「瓶頸」 問題。政府要轉變職能, 加強服務, 為企業創造良好的外部環境; 銀行要轉變觀念, 創新信貸管理體制, 加大對中小企業的扶持力度; 企業自身要加強信用觀念, 規范管理,積極拓寬融資渠道。
Research on financing problems of SMEs
in Hefei City

- to Royalstar small home appliances Co. Ltd as an

Small and medium-sized enterprises to absorb employment, in our
proct innovation, active urban and rural economy, satisfying the social need,
is playing a more and more important role on promoting the development of
national economy, SMEs have become an important force to support economic
growth. Hefei City as the central region of China's leading city, which
influence the development of small enterprises for the development of the
central region of China should not be ignored. Based on the research in the
field, emphatically analyzes the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises
in Hefei City difficult problems, and further research and put forward solutions
to solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises is the
priority among priorities of economic development of the central

In this paper, in order to Royalstar small home appliances Co. Ltd
as the research object, studies the financing channel of small and medium-sized
enterprises and the characteristics of Hefei City, analyzes the factors of
financing channel characteristics and constraints of small and medium
enterprises Hefei city to choose their financing channels, and put forward the
development of instrial cluster, system, structure of financial institutions
and culture of SMEs can investment policy. Hefei city should attach importance
to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, to solve the problem
of funds "bottleneck". The government wants change function, strengthen the
service, to create a favorable external environment for the enterprise; banks
should change their concepts, innovative credit management system, strengthen
the support to small and medium-sized enterprises; enterprises should strengthen
the concept of credit, standardized management, and actively expand the
financing channels.

㈡ 金融危機下中小企業融資渠道研究英文翻譯

Financial crisis Financing for SMEs
Abstract: The financing difficulties of SMEs in China has been a bottleneck restricting its further development. By the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis has triggered this whole world's financial turmoil, China's economy inevitably be affected. In this context, SMEs face "financial difficulty" problem would be exacerbated. Some scholars made available through national banks and SMEs, these three methods to solve the problem of financing and can not solve the problem of financing. Based on the comparative analysis of these specific measures, of the financial crisis and the plight of SME financing solution, proposed to the "binding operation" of the road and the use of "international trade finance," This financing strategy is reasonable, for the Department During the financial crisis of survival and development of SMEs to provide some reference.
Keywords financial crisis, SMEs, financing, bundled management and international trade financing

㈢ 求英語翻譯——金融國九條第五句


The modernized innovation of financing mode including of M&A Loan (Merge and Acquisition Loan) , REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts), Equity Investment Fund, regulating the Development of Private Financing and various forms, in order to widening the financing ways for (small and medium sized) enterprises.
注:small and medium sized 為中小型的,如不需要請刪除

㈣ 請幫我把這段話翻譯成英文,謝謝!!!(最好不用電腦翻譯)

3, strengthen the building of team spirit within the company, a venture of collective cohesion and has formed business development and personal values synchronized development incentive model. There are plans to introce the stock option incentive options incentives for enterprises to create a model of team services. Even test enterprises MBO enterprises to change corporate governance system and absolute control. Teamwork and innovative thinking is the company achieve sustainable development of the most fundamental guarantee. Teamwork is the essence of the pursuit of organizations and the effectiveness of the staff of the organization's largest contribution rates, it is a spiritual realm requirements, but more importantly, is a kind of thinking, a method, which emphasizes a combat skills, an organization that how collaboration, and give full play to each person's abilities and potential, through the coordination and planning, and ultimately contributed to the goals reached.

4, widening financing channels, and by changes in the past-the primitive accumulation of capital to develop their own ways mode. In the domestic market regulatory board intensified threshold increase, the board launched the foreseeable future, the United States no longer Nasdaq prestige of the past circumstances, the choice of Hong Kong GEM board to further the development of market changes is the best means of financing IPO . Foreign investment in China's securities market confidence in Hong Kong GEM from the Qianlong Tech on the financing of good performance can be seen. In addition through the introction of strategic investors also expanded equity structure of the equity of the company to develop its own approach. QFII after the liberalization of foreign capital after the acquisition of information is sure will be interested in is one of the instries. Game option is to guide the development and expansion of information vendors is an important key.

㈤ 關於中小企業融資難英文論文成


第一, 必須要有一個好的項目。
第二, 選擇能提高企業競爭力的融資方式。
第三, 要盡可能降低企業融資成本。
第四, 要選擇企業最佳融資機會。
第五, 確定最佳融資期限,提高融資效率。
第一, 企業融資規模要量力而行。
第二, 尋求最佳資本結構。
第三, 要保持企業的控制權。
第一, 隨著國家行政職能的不斷弱化和財政困難狀況的出現,國有企業的資金需求很難得到滿足;
第二, 由於銀行對信貸資金缺乏有效的約束手段,使銀行不良債務急劇增加,銀行自有資金比率太低,這預示著我國經濟生活中潛伏著可能的信用危機和通貨膨脹危機;
第三, 企業本身高負債,留利甚微,自注資金的能力較弱。

可以咨詢郵箱:[email protected]


㈥ 誰能幫我把下面這段論文的摘要翻譯成英文!謝謝啦!

SMEs in the economic development of countries in the world plays an important role both in the expansion of employment, an active market, increase revenue, stable society plays an irreplaceable role. In today's China, the financing of SMEs has become an obstacle to the healthy development of the bottleneck. If you can not broaden the financing channels for SMEs to solve their problem of financing will not only compress the development of SMEs in the domestic space, but also rece their contribution to our national economy and even national economic development may become a burden. At present, our government has the problem of financing for SMEs has given high priority, but now, not a fundamental solution to this problem. So, continue to study and explore the issue of profound practical significance. In this paper, the actual conditions of China, China's SME financing in the face many sorts of environmental factors influence, infiltration, and our country's problems and their causes in financing research, based on China's socialist market economy closely Weirao Fazhan The situation, of how Chinese SMEs to achieve through various channels scientific and effective financing to solve the financing problem of SMEs in China.

㈦ 金融術語翻譯成英文

融資渠道 The financing channel
自有資金 Inherent in capital 這個要翻譯的應該是固有資金吧!
農村信用社 the Rural credit cooperative
商業銀行 the Commercial bank
民間借貸 Private lending
可獲得性 procurability
財務成本 financial cost

㈧ 哪位高手幫我把這段話翻譯成英文的急需!!!等待中...

Currently, China has joined the WTO, a large number of advanced foreign enterprises inevitably enter the Chinese market. internationalization of SMEs in China is faced with severe challenges. technology and lack of qualified management personnel, lack of funds, poor competitiveness of procts, and the lack of international market insight lack of foreign business is the right SMEs internationalization process major obstacles exist. To address these problems, This paper presents a technical management staff to improve quality, and accelerate the construction of information, enhance innovation capacity, broaden the financing channels Joint operations and other items of countermeasures. SMEs this go abroad to participate in international operations, so that enterprises in the world within the context of the effective allocation of resources, access to an even broader room for development, so that their strength and size continue to grow and develop.

㈨ 下段急需英文翻譯(事後會追加給分)謝謝了

Along with the economical development and consumption pattern turningto a new generation, inhabitant's expense way also changes insynchronization, "expends by the self- savings lag" transforms"expends ahead of time into the credit support", enters the consumercredit time. The commercial bank in the traditional instry andcommerce enterprise loan business foundation, competed day by day forthe adaption intense banking instry and meets consumer's need todevelop the housing expense credit operation. The housing expensecredit is financial organ and so on bank for satisfies the inhabitantto purchase the credit loan service which the housing the demandprovides. Follows indivial housing expense credit which the housingsystem reform unceasingly deepens proces, is the social economydevelopment and the bank finance development inevitably choice.According to the recent research indicated the housing expense creditoperation already became one of global commercial bank profit incomehighest loan businesses. While real estate credit operation swift andviolent development, also causes the housing credit risk graally tobecome the commercial bank to manage the risk an important aspect. This article has carried on the thorough analysis to the housingcredit risk formation way, such as the macroeconomic policy adjustmentchange, the legal system laws and regulations not necessary, the realestate market system is not perfect, the property right registrationsystem standard, the society does not supervise factor and so onoutside strength, mainly also has promulgated following severalaspects: The loan person initiates risk; Developer initiation risk;Bank own initiation risk; Loan contract initiation risk; Mortgageinitiation risk; Fluid risk. And proposed the corresponding solutionand the strategy: The commercial bank should enhance theunderstanding, rationally development real estate credit operation;Vigorously opens up the real estate financing channel, the realizationcapital source multiplication; Must establish the highly effectivecomplete records management system; Establishes the compulsory legalnotarization system. Between the bank and the customer credit behaviorshould receive the legal protection, regardless of the loan personwants or not, this point must enforce, this not only is to the bankbenefit guarantee, also is to the customer benefit guarantee;Strengthens the housing loan the risk management, after will guardagainst the work pretage, strengthens the loan to manage; The attenionrepays the risk the forecast; Strengthens the social morals and thecredit construction, the consummation personally drafts the lettermanagement system.
住房信貸:Housing credit
形成途徑:Forms the way
加強管理:Strengthens the management
加強建設:Strengthens the construction

㈩ 英文翻譯2





PS: 太多機器翻譯的看得很累,如果是自己翻譯的請註明一下,不然我就不去看了,謝謝。

859285833 :你的不是自譯,google上就是這樣翻譯的。。。
Association's main job is to assist provincial departments to do a good job of guiding foreign investment and financing, supervision, and promote related instries in Jiangsu Province, outside the healthy development of investment and financing; actively carry out foreign investment and financing of the theoretical research, market research and exchange of experiences, discussion of various investment and financing the main development strategy, business model, scientific decision-making, overall planning and management issues; for all types of offshore investment and financing to provide the main local investment and financing environment, market information, as well as legal, accounting, auditing, engineering consulting , Project Management, assets evaluation, listing, investment, financing, human rights, such as advisory services; the main investment and financing for all types of offshore investment and financing recommend projects, introce partners to expand the investment and financing channels and providing market forecasts, analysis; Organize all types of cast senior management of the main financing and related personnel inside and outside professional training and project visits; strengthen ties with foreign countries and Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao areas related to investment and financing institutions to promote cooperation and exchanges; set up the electronic information network, editing and publishing association publications, proced operational guidance material to strengthen information exchange, investment and financing for all types of the main body provides a wide range of information services.

Supplementary question: Of course, I also translated more than words, but I just hope my friends to help with translation, as a reference. Translation intention is that it can be seen, so I will dedicate 600 hours on (I have the other two sections of translation, respectively, are offering a reward of 200 points). Thank you everyone's help!

Whether machine translation is also very easy to see. My only hope because it is very difficult in both Chinese and English translation and strong person to help with translation. I also often on Bai in English Translation. But my English there are deficiencies, so look over these words somewhat difficult.

If不能翻譯into English, can put some of it written in simple English? This is required.

In short to help my friends a thank you!

PS: too many machine translation得很累look, if it is their own translation please specify what, otherwise I do not see, thank you.

859285833: Since you are not translated, google up is one such translation. . .



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