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发布时间:2021-10-19 15:23:15

❶ 蒙语翻译:鉴定委托书

шалган батлахыг даалгах бичиг

❷ 求牛人给翻译一下



NYCC (糖第11号)




* 1月, 3月, 5月, 7月和10月*开始与2010年1月合同

1 / 100美分/磅。 ,相当于11.20美元,每项合同。








最后一个营业日之前的月份交货月份(除1月,这是第二个营业日之前的24日历天前一个月) 。



的GMI (财委会)
研发ñ A.C.N.

❸ swiffchart如何制作投资指数曲线那里有这方面的说明谢谢。

ROC(Receiver Operating Characteristic)曲线,用于二分类判别效果的分析与评价.一般自变量为连续变量,因变量为二分类变量.
基本原理是:通过判断点(cutoff point/cutoff value)的移动,获得多对灵敏度(sensitivity)和误判率(1-Specificity(特异度)),以灵敏度为纵轴,以误判率为横轴,连接各点绘制曲线,然后计算曲线下的面积,面积越大,判断价值越高.
Graphs/ROC Curve:Test variable选自变量(连续型变量),state varibale选因变量(二分类变量)display的选项一般全选.
2.Area under the curve:曲线下方的面积,包括面积值,显著性分析,置信区间.
3.Coordinates of the curve:ROC曲线各点对应的灵敏度和误判率.

❹ 这部动漫的名字叫什么


❺ 法律相关英文翻译为中文



❻ 求财金英语专业术语,英汉都要有的

ownership 所有权;拥有权

ownership in common 分权共有权

Pacific Basin Central Bank Conference 太平洋地区中央银行会议

Pacific Basin Economic Council 太平洋地区经济议会

Pacific Economic Co-operation Council 太平洋经济合作议会

Pacific Economic Outlook 《太平洋经济展望》

Pacific Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 怡泰富财务(香港)有限公司

package 整套方案

package concept 整体发展概念

package development 组合发展;整体发展

packing credit 打包贷款;打包放款

packing loan 打包放款

paid-in capital 实缴资本;实缴股本

paid-in share 实收股份

paid-up capital 缴足股本

paid-up share capital 缴足款股本

panic buying 恐慌性抢购

panic selling 恐慌性抛售

paper 票据;文件

paper clearing system 票据交换制度

paper gold 纸黄金

paper profit 账面利润;纸上利润

par of exchange 汇兑平价

par value 票面值

parallel transaction 平行交易

parent company 母公司;控股公司

pari passu 平等权利;同等权益;按相同比例

Paris Bourse 巴黎证券交易所

parity of pay 同等薪酬

parity of subsidy principle 相同津贴的原则;平等津贴原则

part owner 有部分拥有权的人

part ownership 部分所有权

partial bid 部分收购建议

partial endorsement 部分背书

partial offer 部分要约

partial return of contribution 发还部分供款

partial settlement 部分交收

participant 参与者

participating preference share 参与优先股

participation 参与;参加;参股

participation in profit 分红

partly paid share 已缴部分股款的股份

partly paid share capital 已缴部分股款的股本


❼ 广州开发区是在黄埔吗天河也有一个开发区的有什么不同呢急!















❽ (100分)求比较偏僻的 比较有个性英文单词或短句

1.clock in 打卡
Don‘t forget to clock in,otherwise you won‘t get paid.
2.come on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐
Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.
3.come easily 易如反掌
Languages come easily to some people.
4.don‘t have a cow别大惊小怪
Don‘t have a cow! I‘ll pay for the damages.
5.push around 欺骗
Don‘t try to push me around!

1.keep one‘s shirt on保持冷静
Keep your shirt on. He didn‘t mean to offend you. That‘s just the
way he talks.
2.cool it冷静一点
Cool it. You are making me mad.
3.joy ride兜风
Let‘s go for a joy ride.
Do you like rap music? I have trouble understanding the words.
5.red-letter day大日子
This is a red-letter day for Susan. She made her first sale to a very
important client.

1.go up in smoke成为泡影
Peter’s vacation plans went up in smoke when a crisis arose in the office. 办公室出了问题,peter的假期泡汤了。
2.hit the road上路
We should probably hit the road. It’s going to take us two hours to get home. 我们可能该上路了吧?到家的两个小时呢!
3.shape up表现良好,乖
You’d better shape up if you want to stay on. 如果你还想留下来的话最好乖一点儿。
4.scare the shit out of someone吓死某人了
Don’t sneak up behind me like that. You scared the shit out of me. 不要那样从后面突然吓我。你吓死我了。

1.flop (表演、电影等)不卖座,失败
The movie was a flop. Nobody went to see it.
2.drop in/by/over 随时造访
Feel free to drop in anytime. I‘m usually home and I‘d love the
3.drop a line 写信
Drop me a line! 给我写信!
4.ck 躲闪,突然低下头
Remind little Bobby to ck his head when he crawls under the table
so he won‘t hit his head.
5.go with the flow 随从大家的意见
Sharon is an easy-going person. She just goes with the flow.

1.act up 胡闹,出毛病
The children started to act up as soon as the teacher left the room.
2.ad lib 即兴而作,随口编
The comedian ad libbed most of his routine.
3.blah-blah-blah 说个不停
All she does is go "blah-blah-blah" all night.
4.hit it off 投缘,一见如故
They hit it off instantly and have been good friends ever since.
5.zit 青春痘
Why is it that every time I have a hot date, I break out with a big zit
on my face?

1.put someone on the spot 让某人为难
Don‘t put me on the spot like this. You know I can‘t give you
confidential information.
2.racket 非法行业,挂羊头卖狗肉
The police are determined to break up the racket.
3.have it good 享受得很

1. perpetual motion machine 永动机

2. lost property 遗失物

3. mislaid property 遗忘物

4. treasure trove 埋藏物

5. gavel 法槌

6. butternut squash 南瓜

7. lethal injection 以注射方式执行死刑

8. electrocution 电刑

9. firing squad 行刑队,负责执行死刑的射击队

10. Santa Claus 圣诞老人

11. Chauvinism 大男子主义,大国沙文主义

12. High-five 击掌

13. Wi-fi 无线上网服务

14. granite state 新罕不什尔州 (State of New Hampshire)

15. hawkeye state 爱荷华州 (State of Iowa)

16. Carrying Concealed Weapon (CCW) 携带隐藏枪支

17. Concealed carry 隐藏携带枪支(在美国大多数州为合法)

18. Return of investment (ROI) 投资回报

19. usury 高利贷

20. hornbook 入门书,初级教程

21. pool 桌球、台球

22. minor housing 小产权房屋 (美国教授的翻译,不知道准不准确)

23. circular reasoning 循环论证

24. lip service 空口的应酬话

25. receiver (公司的)接管人

26. autograph (明星等的)签名

27. persuasive writing (律师等的倾向性、说服性)写作训练

28. miscegenation 通婚

29. Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association) 联邦国民抵押协会

30. Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) 联邦家庭住房贷款抵押公司

31. Ginnie Mae (Government National Mortgage Association) 政府国民抵押协会

32. comptroller 审计员

33. futures 期货

34. intermediary 中介机构

35. REIT (Real Estate Investment Trusts) 房地产投资信托

36. IPO (Initial Public Offering) 首次公开发行

37. GSE (Government-sponsored Enterprise) 政府支持型企业(一般指政府扶持,私人拥有和运营的企业)

38. shop-steward (美)企业的工会代表

39. brain trust 智囊团

40. brain truster 智囊团成员

41. workout (体育)训练,测验

42. hit-and-run 肇事逃逸

43. debrief one's mission 述职

44. URL (uniform resource locator) 在Internet的WWW服务程序上用于指定信息位置的表示方法

45. vigil 守夜

46. variance (规划法上的)特殊许可

47. trooper 骑警

48. clergyman 牧师,教士

49. raw score 原始分; scaled score 标准分

50. jargon 行话,术语

51. argot 黑话,暗语

52. impersonate 替考,当枪手

53. sex maniac 性欲狂者,色狼; pervert (心理)性反常者,色狼;

54. catch-all clause/category 兜底条款

55. extramarital affairs 婚外情

56. busybody 爱管闲事的人;好事的人

57. probationary period (雇用合同等的)试用期

58.Yasukuni War Shrine 靖国神社

59. lineage 血统;世系

60.stenographer (法庭等的)速记员

61.toothpick 牙签

62.nun 尼姑,修女

63.couch potato 一有时间就坐在沙发上看电视的人

64. tropic of cancer 北回归线

65. shredder 撕碎机、粉碎机

66. ribbon-cutting event 剪彩典礼

67. horny 好色的,淫乱的

68. freak 奇异的,反常的

69. pointed 尖锐的,率直的,突出的

70. autism 孤僻症,孤独症

71. high definition (HD) (电视等)高清晰度

72. morass 沼泽

73. alderman 市议员,政府参事

74. rookie 新手;(NBA的)新球员

75. homestead rights (抵押实行过程中的)被执行人所享有的基本生活资料不被执行的权利 (homestead exemption)

76. eyedropper 眼药水

77. Balkan 巴尔干半岛(的)

78. yacht 游艇;快艇

79. roach 蟑螂

80. exterminator 害虫驱逐剂;除害专家

81. hispanic America 拉丁美洲

82. deflection 偏斜;偏差;偏转

83. legal tender 法定货币

84. Caucasian 高加索人;白种人

85. prophet 先知;预言者

86. apostle 使徒(指耶稣十二使徒);传道者

87. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church) 摩门教

88. chartered flight 包机

89. decibel 分贝

90. polygamy 一夫多妻、一妻多夫

91. pontiff 罗马教皇,主教

92. ultimatum 最后通牒

93. emolument 报酬

94. foot-and-mouth disease 口蹄疫

95. complication (医)并发症

96. standard weight and measure 度量衡

97. cyclone 旋风,飓风,龙卷风

98. loitering aircraft 巡逻机

❾ 请教哪常用财经英语词汇

labour and material cost index 劳工及材料成本指数
LAF bid and offer rates 流动资金调节机制的借入及拆出息率
laissez-faire policy 自由放任政策
land cost element 土地成本因素
Land Fund [Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Land
land revenue 地价收入
land transaction 土地交易
landed cost 抵岸价格;卸岸成本
land-holding company 拥有土地的公司
Laspeyres index formula 拉斯佩尔指数公式
last in, first out method [LIFO method] 后进先出计算法
last recorded price 最后成交价
last trading price 最后成交价
late adjustment 收市后的调整
late stamping 逾期加盖印花
latent reserve 隐藏储备
Law Concerning Merger and Conversion of Financial Institutions of
law cost 讼费
law of bankruptcy 破产法
law of diminishing return 报酬递减规律;报酬递减法则
law of insolvency 破产清盘法
lay member [Council of SEHK] 外界理事〔联交所理事会〕
leading indicator 领先指标;领先经济指标
leap-frogging 跳增
lease 租契;租约
leasehold interest 租赁权益;批租权益
leasehold property 批租土地财产
leave pay 假期工资
ledger 分类帐
Ledger Accounting and Financial Information System [LAFIS] 会计及财务数据系统
ledger book 分类帐簿
legacy 遗产;非土地遗赠
legal charge 法定押记
legal cost 讼费
legal estate 法定产业权
legal fee 法律费用
legal interest 法定权益
Legal, Membership and Secretarial Services Division [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 法律、会籍及公司秘书事务科〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕
legal mortgage 法定按揭
legal personal representative 合法遗产代理人
legal tender 法定货币
legal tender notes and coins 法定纸币及硬币
legally binding debt 有法律责任须偿还的债项
legatee 非土地遗赠继承人;受遗赠人
LegCo Ad Hoc Group to Study the Financial Arrangements for the New Airport and Related Projects 立法会议员研究新机场及有关工程财政事宜小组
LegCo Panel on Economic Services 立法会经济事务委员会
LegCo Panel on Financial Affairs 立法会财经事务委员会
LegCo Subcommittee on the Financing of Airport Core Programme 立法会研究机场核心计划财政事宜小组委员会
Lehman Brothers Finance Limited 美国雷曼兄弟财务有限公司
lend 贷出
lender 贷款人;借出人;放款人
lender of last resort system 最后贷款人制度
lending 贷款;放款
lending agreement 借贷协议
lending margin 贷款利率差价
lessee 承租人
lessor 出租人;批租人
letter of administration 遗产管理书
letter of allotment 配股通知书
letter of assurance 保证书
letter of comfort 银行联系证明书;信心保证书
letter of confirmation 证实书;确认书
letter of credit [L/C] 信用证;信用状
letter of guarantee 保证书
letter of hypothecation 押汇质权书;银行抵押书;质押书
letter of indemnity 赔偿保证书;认赔书;偿还税款保证书
letter of indication 签印证明书
letter of intent 意向书
letter of release 同意释款书
letter of renunciation 放弃书
level off 趋向平稳;趋平
level playing field 公平竞争的环境
leverage 杠杆作用;杠杆比率
leveraged buy-out 杠杆式收购
leveraged foreign exchange contract 杠杆外汇合约
leveraged foreign exchange trader 杠杆式外汇买卖商
leveraged foreign exchange trader's representative 杠杆式外汇买卖商代表
leveraged foreign exchange trading 杠杆式外汇买卖
Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading Ordinance Arbitration Panel [Securities and Futures Commission] 杠杆式外汇买卖条例仲裁委员会〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕
leveraged leasing 杠杆租赁;融资租赁
leveraged market 杠杆市场
leviable transaction 可征费交易
levy 征费;征款
liability 负债;法律责任
liability for payment of rates 缴交差饷的法律责任
liable in damages 承担损害赔偿
liable to tax 应纳税;应课税
liberalization 自由化;开放〔市场〕
licence 许可证;牌照;特许文件
licence fee 牌照费
licensed bank 持牌银行
licensed deposit-taking company 持牌接受存款公司
licensed intermediary 持牌中介团体
licensed trader 持牌买卖商
licensee 持牌人;持证人
licensing condition 发牌条件
licensing court 牌照法庭
licensing criterion 发牌准则
Licensing Department [Securities and Futures Commission] 发牌科〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕
Licensing Information Booklet 《发牌资料册》
lien 留置权;扣押权
life and annuity business 人寿及年金业务
life assurance 人寿保险
Life Assurance Act [United Kingdom] 《人寿保险法令》〔英国〕
life assurance policy 人寿保单
life boat loan 救市贷款
life insurance 人寿保险
life insurance corporation 人寿保险法团
Life Insurance Council of Hong Kong 香港寿险总会
life insurance fund 人寿保险基金
life interest 终身权益
Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong 香港人寿保险从业员协会
life-long proct 终身产品
light trading 交投稀疏;交投疏落
Lloyd's underwriter 劳合社承保人
loan 借贷;贷款;借款
loan account 贷款账户;放款账户
loan agreement 贷款协议
loan capital 借贷资本
loan ceiling 贷款限制
loan creditor 贷款债权人
loan finance facility 借款融通
loan for financial investment 金融投资贷款
Loan Fund 贷款基金
loan interest 贷款利息
loan loss reserve 贷款损失储备金;贷款损失准备
loan officer 贷款人员
loan outstanding 未偿贷款;尚欠的贷款
loan portfolio 贷款组合
loan repayment 贷款还款
loan shark 高利贷者;“大耳窿”
loan stock 债权股额;贷款债券
loan syndicate 贷款银团
loan-to-deposit ratio 贷款与存款比率
loan-to-valuation ratio 贷款与估值比率
local branch 本地分行
local cost 本地成本
local inflation 本地通胀
local inflationary pressure 本地通胀压力
local proction 本地产量
local representative office 本地代表办事处
local value-added content 本地加工价值成分
locality of profit 利润来源
locally incorporated bank 本地注册银行
locally incorporated deposit-taking company 本地注册接受存款公司

long 好仓;多头;买空
long month 远期月份
long position 长仓;好仓;多头;长盘
long-range planning 长远计划
long-term business 长期业务
long-term business assets 长期业务资产
long-term business fund 长期业务基金
long-term business liabilities 长期业务负债
Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, Limited 日本长期信用银行
long-term debt 长期债项
long-term fund 长期基金
long-term policy 长期保险单
long-term rating 长期评级
long-term receivables 应收长期帐项
long-term supplement 长期个案补助金
loss 亏损;损失
loss brought forward 承前亏损
loss carried forward 结转亏损
loss portfolio 损失组合
lost instrument 遗失票据
lot “一手”〔最低交易单位〕
Lotteries Fund 奖券基金
lottery 奖券
low and simple taxation 税率低而简单的税制
low base of comparison 比较基数偏低
low value-added 低增值
lower income relief 较低入息宽免
lowest conforming tender 符合要求而索价最低的投标
lowest tender 索价最低的投标;出价最低的投标
lowest tender to specifications 符合规格而索价最低的投标
lump sum payment 整笔付款
Luxembourg Monetary Institute 卢森堡金融协会
Luxembourg Stock Exchange 卢森堡证券交易所

obligation 债项;责任;义务
obligation bond 债务债券
obligee 受惠人
occupational retirement scheme 职业退休计划
Occupational Retirement Schemes Division 退休计划部〔财经事务局〕
odd lot 散股;碎股;零股
odd lot broker 散股经纪
OECD country 经济合作及发展组织国家;经济合作及发展组织的成员国
OECD stock market 经济合作及发展组织国家的证券市场
off-balance-sheet exposure 资产负债表外的风险
off-balance-sheet financing 帐外融资;资产负债表外的融资
off-balance-sheet item 资产负债表外的项目
off-balance-sheet transaction 帐外交易;资产负债表外的交易
offer 要约;建议;收购
offer by tender 招标发售
offer document.Nbsp 要约文件;建议文件
offer for sale 要约出售
offer for subscription 公开招股
offer mechanism 招股机制
offer of shares for public subscription 公开招股
offer period 要约期
offer price 要约价;发盘价
offer rate 拆出息率
offer to buy 要约买入
offer to lend 要约贷出
offer to sell 要约卖出
offeree 受要约人
offeree company 受要约公司
offeree shareholder 受要约公司的股东
offeror 要约人
offeror company 要约公司;提出要约公司
off-floor terminal 离场交易终端机
off-floor trading 离场交易
office of profit 有收益的职位
Office of the Commissioner for Securities and Commodities Trading 证券及商品交易监理专员办事处
Office of the Commissioner of Banking 银行业监理处
Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 保险业监理处
Office of the Exchange Fund 外汇基金管理局
Office of the Telecommunications Authority Trading Fund 电讯管理局营运基金
Official Administrator 遗产管理官
official emolument 官职薪酬
official listing 正式上市
official rate 法定汇率;官价
Official Receiver 破产管理署署长
Official Receiver's Office 破产管理署
official trustee 法定受托人
off-market dealing 场外买卖
offset 抵销;弥补;冲销
offsetting position 相抵持仓
offshore bank 离岸银行
offshore borrowing 海外借款
offshore borrowing transaction 海外借款交易
offshore business 海外业务
offshore currency deposit market 海外货币存款市场
offshore fund 离岸基金
offshore interest 海外利息
offshore reinsurance income 离岸再保险入息
Offshore Supervisors Group 离岸监理组织
off-site review 非实地审查
off-site scrutiny 非实地审核
Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank, Ltd. 大垣共立银行
omission of income 漏报入息
omission of profit 漏报利润
on account basis 记帐方式;赊帐方式
on-balance-sheet item 资产负债表内的项目
on-cost 间接成本;间接费用;附加行政费用
one board lot of securities “一手”证券
"one building" condition “ 一家分行”的规定
one day rolling currency futures 单日掉期外汇期货
one day rolling currency futures contract 单日掉期外汇期货合约
one price 单一价格;不二价
one-line vote 整笔拨款
one-off grant 一次过拨款
one-off item 非经常项目
one-off payment 一次过拨款;单一笔款项
one-off subsidy 一次过补贴
onerous tax 繁苛税项;繁重税率
on-floor order 场内买卖盘
on-lending 转借
on-site examination 实地审查
open a position “做仓”;开仓
open account 未清账户;记帐交易;往来账户
open contract 未平仓合约
open economy 开放经济
open interest 未平仓合约数量
open market 公开市场
open market value 公开市场价值;市值
open offer 公开售股〔上市方式〕
open order 开仓订单
open outcry 公开叫价;公开喊价
open position 未平仓交易
open price 开仓价格
open tender 公开投标
open-end fund 开端基金
open-ended investment corporation 股份不定的投资公司
opening balance 期初结余
opening price 开盘价格;开市价
opening quotation 开市价;开市行情
opening rate 开盘汇价
operating account 营业帐目;营业账户;经营帐目
operating agreement 营运协议
operating cost 营运成本;运作成本;操作成本
operating deficit 营业亏损;经营赤字
operating expenditure 经营开支;营运开支;营业支出
operating expenses 营运开支;营业费用
operating income 营运收入;营业收入
operating loan 经营业务所需贷款
operating profit 营业利润
operating revenue 营运收入;营业收益
operating services account 营运服务帐目
operating statement 经营收支表;营业损益表
operating surplus 经营盈余;营业盈余
operation 经营;营运;投产
operational fund 经费
operative aggregate 现行总体数字
operator 经营者;营运者;营办商
opportunity cost 机会成本
optimist “好友”
optimum rate of expenditure 最适当支出率
option 期权;认购权;选择权;选购权
option contract 期权合约
option money 期权费
option on a futures contract 期货合约期权;期货期权
option on commodities 商品期权
option position 期权持仓量
option premium 期权金;期权溢价
optional stipulation 选择性规定
Options Clearing Corporation 期权结算公司〔芝加哥〕
Options Clearing House Pty Limited
Options Clearing Rules 《期权结算规则》
options market 期权市场
options market maker 期权“庄家”
options pricing model 期权定价模式
options trading 期权交易
options trading member 期权交易会员
Options Trading Rules 《期权交易规则》
order 订单;命令;买卖盘
order cheque 记名支票;抬头支票
order for payment of money 付款指令票据
order for purchase 订购书
order for redirection 转寄令
order for sale 售卖令
order of discharge 破产解除令
order of foreclosure absolute 绝对止赎令
order of mail transfer 信汇委托书
order to pay admitted debt 偿付承认债项令
order-based system 以买卖盘为基础的制度期权结算所有限公司〔悉尼〕
ordinary annual contribution 经常性每年捐款
ordinary course of business 通常业务运作
ordinary creditor 普通债权人
ordinary share 普通股
ordinary share capital 普通股股本
organization expenses 开办费
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 经济合作及发展组织〔经合组织〕
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油出口国组织
Orient First Capital Limited 建银财务(香港)有限公司
original estimates 原来预算
original executor 原遗嘱执行人
original issue price 原本发行价
original margin 原始保证金;基本按金
original mortgagee 原承按人
original mortgagor 原按揭人
original receipt 收据正本;收条正本
original securities 原有的证券
ORIX Asia Limited 欧力士(亚洲)有限公司
ornament gold 饰金
Osaka Securities Exchange 大阪证券交易所
Oslo Stock Exchange 奥斯陆证券交易所
O.T.B. Card Co. Ltd. 海外信用卡有限公司
ounce troy 金衡安士
outflow of capital 资本外流;资金外流
outflow of fund 资金外流
outflow of money 资金外流
outgoing partner 退出的合伙人
outgoings 支出
outgoings and expenses 支出及开支
outlay 费用;开支;支出
outlying business district 市区外商业区
out-of-hours trading 在正式交易时间以外的交易
out-of-pocket expenses 实付费用;付现费用
out-of-the-money option 无价期权;价外期权
outport collection 外埠代收款项
output 产出;产值;产量
outside dealing 场外买卖;场外交易
outstanding 未偿还;尚未支付
outstanding account 未清帐项;未清帐目
outstanding allocation 应拨未拨的款项
outstanding amount 未偿还的数额
outstanding balance 未清帐款;未清余额
outstanding bill 未偿付票据;未兑现票据
outstanding borrowing 未清偿债项
outstanding claim portfolio 未决申索组合
outstanding commitment 尚未支付的承担额
outstanding derivatives contract 尚未平仓的衍生工具合约
outstanding loan 尚未清还的贷款
outstanding negotiable certificate of deposit 未兑现的可转让存款证
outstanding tax 欠税
outstanding uncapitalized interest 尚未支付且未化作本金的利息
outturn 结算;结算数字
outward document.Ry bill 出口跟单汇票
outward remittance 汇出汇款
over and above inflation 减除通胀因素
overall average internal rate of return 平均总体内部回报率
overall Consumer Price Index 总体消费物价指数
overall domestic export 本地产品出口总额
overall growth rate 整体增长率;总增长率
overall investment 总投资额;总体投资
overall liquidity ratio 总体流动资金比率
overall price relative 全面相对价格
overall surplus 总盈余
overall tally 全面总计
overbuying 超买;买空
over-commitment 超额承担
overdraft 透支
overdraft by banks abroad 海外银行同业透支
overdraft by banks in foreign countries 外国银行同业透支
overdraft by local banks 本港银行同业透支
overdraft by outport banks 外埠银行同业透支
overdraft of an account 户口透支
overdraft on banks 向银行同业透支
overdraft on banks abroad 向海外银行同业透支
overdraft on banks in foreign countries 向外国银行同业透支
overdraft on local banks 向本港银行同业透支
overdraft on outport banks 向外埠银行同业透支
overdraft secured 抵押透支
overe 逾期
overe loan 过期贷款
over-employed economy 过度活跃的经济
overhang 剩余承担;未完成的承担额;过剩额
overhead 间接费用;间接成本
overhead cost 间接成本
overheated economy 过热的经济
overheated market 过热的市场
overnight Hong Kong interbank offered rate 香港银行同业隔夜拆息率
overnight liquidity assistance 隔夜流动资金贷款
overnight margin 隔夜保证金;隔夜按金
overnight money 隔夜拆借资金;隔夜钱
overnight position 隔夜头寸
overnight rate 隔夜利率
overpaid amount 多缴数额
overpayment of contribution 多缴供款
overrun 超支
overrun cost 超额费用
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd. 华侨银行有限公司
overseas bank 海外银行
overseas banking corporation 海外银行法团
overseas branch 海外分行
Overseas Companies Section 海外公司注册组〔公司注册处〕
overseas currency balance 海外货币结余
overseas financial institution 海外财务机构
overseas interest 海外利息
overseas investment 海外投资
overseas market 海外市场
overseas representative office 海外代表办事处
Overseas Trust Bank Ltd. 海外信托银行有限公司
Overseas Union Bank Ltd. 华联银行
overselling 超卖;卖空
oversight of markets 监察市场
over-spending 超额支出;超支
overtax 超额征税;征税过重
over-the-counter derivative 场外交易衍生工具
over-the-counter market 场外交易市场
over-the-counter trading 场外交易;柜台交易
over-the-counter transaction 场外交易;柜台交易
overtrading 过量交易
owner-occupier allowance 自住业主津贴
ownership 所有权;拥有权
ownership in common 分权共有权

call option 认购期权
call price 认购价格
call warrant 认购凭单
Capacity 能力/生产能力/设备能力
Capital Account 资本帐户
capital adequacy ratio 资本足够率
capital adequacy ratio 资本足够率
Capital and Labour 资本与劳工
Capital and Liabilities Ratio 资本负债比率
Capital Budget 资本预算
Capital Consumption 资本消耗
Capital Deficit 资本赤字
Capital Expenditure/Expenses 资本开支/费用
Capital Exporting and Recipient Country 资本输出国和资本接受国
Capital Gains Tax 资本收益税
Capital Grants 资本拨款
capital guaranteed 资本保证
Capital Intensive 资本密集
Capital Market 资本市场(指中长期借贷市场)
capital protected 资本保障
Capital Revenue 资本收入
Capitalisation 市值
capped FRN 具上限浮息票据
Carry Back of Losses 移前扣减亏损
Cash Budget 现金预算
Cash Market 现金市场
cash value (保险)现金价值
CBO/CLO (collateralised bond obligation) 抵押保证债券
Central Depository Pte Ltd (CDP) 中央托收公司
Central Limit Order Book (CLOB) 自动撮合国际股市
CEO 总裁
CEPT 有效普惠关税
cess 餐馆与酒店税
charge card 赊账卡
Chartered Bank 特许银行
classified loan 有问题贷款
close a position 平仓
close-end fund 固额基金
Closing Price 闭市价
CNN 电视电缆新闻网(简称电缆新闻网)
Commodity Tax 商品税
Comparative Advantage 相对优势
Comparative Costs 比较成本
Complete Plant 成套设备
Composite Demand 综合性需求
Concession 优惠/特惠
Concessional loan/terms 特惠贷款/条件 Consolidated Account 综合帐目
Consolidated Profit/Loss 综合盈利/亏损(综合损益表)
Consolidated Tax 综合税
Consolidation (公司的)合并、(帐目的)综合、(货物的)集装、(股市上涨后的)靠稳
Consumption Tax 消费税
contango (期货)顺价、溢价
Contra Trade 对敲交易
contract manufacturer 合同制造商
Conversion Price 转换价
Convertible Loan Stock 可转换债券
Corporate and Personal Income Taxes 公司及个人所得税
Corporate Communications 企业通讯
Corporate Planning 企业策划
Corporate Services 企业服务
Cost Efficiency 成本效率
Cost Inflation 成本性通货膨胀
Counter Tariff 对抗关税
Counter Trade 对销贸易
covered warrant 备兑凭单
CPF Cashier’s Order 公积金本票
CPF Contribution Rate 公积金缴交率
CPF Investment Scheme 公积金投资计划
CPF Minimum Sum 公积金最低存款计划
credit default swaps 信贷违约风险掉换
credit-linked notes 信用风险联结票据
critical year 替换期
currency option 货币期权
currency swap 货币掉期
Current Account 经常项目/国际收支账目/往来户头
Current Expenditure 经常开支
Current Liabilities 流动负债
Current Year 本年度
Customs and Excise Taxes 关税及国产税
cut margin 斩仓



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