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发布时间:2022-01-09 18:00:10

『壹』 外汇账单名词翻译

银行卡类型 Card Type
银行卡号 Card No
借记卡 Debit Card
贷记卡 Credit Card
电话银行 IVR (Interactive Voice Response:交互语音应答系统)
证件号码 I.D. No
注册 Enrollment
证件 I.D.
新密码 New Password
确认密码 Confirm Password
密码重置 Ret Password
账户管理 Account management
账户查询 Account enquiry
账户概览 Account summary
账户详情 Account detail
交易明细查询 Transaction detail enquiry
转账 Transfer
定期存款 Time deposit
定期账户 Time deposit
活期账户 Savings Account
活期一本通 Passbook of Current Savings
普通活期存折 Regular Passbook saving
定期一本通 Passbook of Time Deposit
零存整取 Installment Time Deposit
教育储蓄 Ecation Saving
存本取息 Interest Withdraw Time Deposit
准贷记卡 Quasi Credit Card
账号 Account No./Acc. No.
别名 Nickname
账号状态 Acc. Status
开户网点 Acc. Open
网点 Branch
开户日期 Open Date
卡号 Card No.
卡状态 Card Status
起始日期 Start Date
结束日期 End Date
交易日期 Transaction Date
币种 Currency
钞/汇 Cash/Remit
当前余额 Current Balance
可用余额 Available Balance
余额 Balance
余额查询 Balance Enquiry
存单序号 CD No.
收入金额 credit
支出金额 Debit
业务摘要 Memo
人民币 RMB
美元 USD
乙钞 B Cash
转账明细 Transfer details
预约转账管理 Scheled transfer management
转出账号 Transfer Out Acc.
转出账号地区 Transfer Out Region
转入账号 Transfer In Acc.
转入账号地区 Transfer In Region
钞汇标志 Cash/Remit
转账金额 Transfer Amount
即时转账 Immediate (Transfer)
指定日期转账 Schele (Transfer)
转账日期 Transfer Date
备注 Memo
港币 HKD
英镑 GBP
欧元 EUR
日元 JPY
加拿大元 CAD
澳大利亚元 AUD
瑞士法郎 CHF
新加坡元 SGD
现钞 Cash
现汇 Remit
手续费 Service Charge
转账类型 Transfer Type
转账状态 Transfer Status
定期存款支取 Time deposit withdraw
整存整取 Lump-sum Time Deposit
通知存款 Call Deposit
零存整取续存 Renew Time Deposit
教育储蓄续存 Renew Ecation Saving
定活两便 Consolidated Time &Savings
转存 Repeating
转存方式 Transfer Type
储种 Type
存期 Period
自动转存 Repeating
业务品种 Class
续存金额 Renew Amount
信用额度 Credit Limit
可用额度 Available Credit
预约日期 Submit Date
指定转账日期 Schele Date
提交 Submit
整存整取支取 Lump Sum Time Deposit Withdraw
通知存款支取 Call Deposit Transfer
存折 Passbook
存单 CD
定活两便支取 Consolidated time & Savings transfer
信用卡查询 Credit card enquiry
信用卡概览 Credit Card Summary
信用卡详细信息 Credit Card Detail
信用卡未出账单明细 Credit Card unsettled bills
信用卡交易明细 Credit Card Transaction Detail
信用卡月结单查询 Credit Card Monthly Statement Enquiry
查询月份 Equiry month
结单日期 Statement Date
贷记利息 Interest Rate
本币上月余额 RMB Previous month balance
本币本月余额 RMB Current month balance
美元上月余额 USD Previous month balance
美元本月余额 USD Current month balance
本币最低还款额 RMB Minimal Payment
本币全额金额 RMB Total amount e
外币最低还款额 Foreign Currency Minimal Payment
外币全额金额 Foreign Currency Total Payment
账户信用额度 Credit limit
可用额度 Available Credit
原交易金额 Original Amount
交易地点 Transact at
本币存入合计 RMB total Credit
外币存入合计 Foreign Currency total Credit
本币支出合计 RMB total Debit
外币支出合计 Foreign Currency total Debit
上一结单日 Previous Settlement Date
还款到期日 Next Payment Date
信用积分 Credit Point
上次未还金额 Previous Period unpaid amount
上次还款金额 Previous Period paid amount
需立即缴交的过期款项/超额款项 Overe/Over limit amount
全额还款总额 Total e amount
最低还款总额 Minimum Payment Amount
全额购汇还款总额 Total foreign currency e amount
最低购汇还款总额 Mini foreign currency payment amount
购汇牌价(人民币/美元) Exchange Rate (RMB/USD)
人民币还款 RMB Payment
美元还款 USD Payment
还款方式 Payment method
记账日期 Booked Date
上次结算日 Previous settlement Date
信用卡还款 Credit card payment
自助还款服务 Self Service Payment
到期还款日 Due Date
全额还款金额 Total Due
最低还款金额 Minimal Payment Amount
还款种类 Payment Type
付款账号 Payment acc no.
付款金额 Payment amount

『贰』 求外汇风险管理的实例,谢谢

1. Plan your trades and trade your plans.


2. Hope and fear are the two greatest enemies of speculators.


3. Keep records of your trading results.


4. Maintain a positive attitude no matter how much you lose.


5. Avoid overconfidence——it could be your greatest enemy.


6. Continually set higher trading goals.


7. Stops are the key to success for many traders——limit your losses!


8. The most successful traders are those that trade long term.


9. Successful traders buy into bad news & sell into good news.


10. The successful trader is not afraid to buy high & sell low.


11. Successful traders have a well scheled planned time for studying the markets.


12. Successful traders set profit objectives for each trade they enter.


13. Do not collect the opinions of others before entering trades——facts are priceless——opinions are worthless. In short successful traders isolate themselves from the opinions of others.


14. Continually strive for patience, perseverance, determination, and rational action.


15. Never get out of the market just because you have lost patience or get into the market because you are anxious from waiting.


16. Avoid getting in or out of the market too often.


17. The most profitable trading tool is simply following the trend.


18. Never change your position in the market without a good reason. When you make a trade, let it be for some good reason or according to a definite plan; then do not get out without a definite indication of a change in trend.


19. Losses make the speculator studious——not profits. Take advantage of every loss to improve your knowledge of market action.


20. The most difficult task in speculation is not prediction but self-control. Successful trading is difficult and frustrating. You are the most important element in the success equation.


21. The basic substance of price change is human emotion. Panic, fear, greed, insecurity, anxiety, stress, and uncertainty are the primary sources of short-term price change.


22. Bullish consensus is typically at its high when the market is at a top. Also there are few bulls at major bottoms.


23. Watch the spreads i.e., don^t be bullish if inverses are narrowing.


24. Remember that a bear market will give up in one month what a bull market has taken 3 months to build.


25. Identify “the dominant factor” in each commodity. Be prepared to redefine this factor as conditions change.


26. Expand your sources for market info but limit your sources for market opinion.


27. Don’t ever allow a big winning trade to turn into a loser. Stop yourself out if market moves against you 20% from your peak profit point.


28. It is never possible to know everything about anything. A commodity trader is in constant danger.


29. Successful trading requires four things. Knowledge, disciplined courage, money, and the energy to merge the first 3 properly.


30. Expect and accept losses gracefully. Those who brood over losses always miss the next opportunity, which more than likely will be profitable.


『叁』 ActivTrades爱汇外汇平台怎么样



『肆』 valutrades外汇官网开户需要朋友的邀请码吗

摘要 英国外汇经销商,不需要邀请码

『伍』 美国的WhoTrades富璀是正规交易平台吗



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