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发布时间:2022-03-29 08:19:08

㈠ 几个名词的英语或英文缩写 股东大会 董事会 监事会 总经理 办公室 财务部 信息部 审计室 后勤部

General meeting of shareholders
Board of directors
Board of supervisors
General manager
Finance department
Information department
Audit room
Rear services headquarters

㈡ 请问股东大会用英文怎么说


㈢ 股东会和股东会会议用英语怎么说


㈣ 公司董事会的英文怎么说

[词典] board of directors;
He has been unsuccessful in his attempt to win a seat on the board of the company.

㈤ 股东会决议 内容是 1。同意王转让名下股份给张,2。 同意。。。这样的怎么翻译好呢

the content of the shareholders' meeting are
1、agreeed to transfer the share of who to who

㈥ 求准确 翻译股东会会议决议 术语

This meeting needs to be attended by 3 directors, actual attendance _____Quantity), the shareholder meeting must meet the authority range, discussion method and voting method which specified by the relative laws and company rules.

㈦ 股东会决议英文翻译 谢谢

Q Co., LTD
The shareholders' committee resolution
The Q Co., LTD, is A proposed shareholder company shares
East P Co., LTD in the stock transfer, on 30 October 2007
The shareholders' meeting held on the company, the discussion, the shareholders' vote on the way to the following resolution:
A, P Co., LTD to its name Q Co., LTD. Of the shares of the existing shareholders shall not transfer the entire purchase. Therefore, with
Meaning P Co., LTD. Will their holdings of Q limited
The company 1.5 million yuan to transfer all of the shares of the stock transfer B, after, P Co., LTD is no longer a Q Co., LTD shareholders.
Second, the new shareholder meeting by the A, C, B three members.
Three, according to the resolution for instry and commerce registration proceres.
Shareholders' signature:

㈧ 新一届股东会英语怎么翻译啊

Business Management Office新一届~~就是 The New Business Management Office

㈨ “股东会”用日语怎么解释说明

股东会 :株主総会(かぶぬしそうかい)株式会社の意思决定机関で、议决権を有する株主によって构成される。常置の机関ではなく、决算期ごとに招集される定时総会と、随时に招集される临时総会とがあり、定款変更、解散、合并、取缔役・监査役の选任・解任などを定める。



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