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Ⅰ 请大家帮忙提供关于人民币国际化或者货币国际化的英文文献,只要和货币有关的就可以,很急呀!谢谢了

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Ⅱ 求关于人民币汇率的外文文献


Ⅲ 求关于人民币汇率变动带来的影响,外文文献,要英文原文和中文译文


Ⅳ 英语毕业论文 人民币汇率和外贸企业的转型 求相关文献

Since system reforms China from putting one new wheel RMB into practice on July 21 , 2005 converging, RMB is always in the state appreciating , there is existing many-sided effect in economy to Chinese foreign trade. Active and negative influence the main body of a book has been summarized mainly to our country foreign trade after RMB appreciates, since appreciating as well as Chinese foreign trade current situation. One, exchange rates for the Renminbi against other currencies appreciates to affect to our country foreign trade active 1. After cost beneficial to entering port lessening RMB appreciates, the import commodity price will pay go down , cost and cost paying in entrance link recing our country import commodity identical extent happened. Our country entrance depends on higher instry of degree having petroleum , gas , iron and steel , aviation , power equipment etc. mainly , RMB appreciates that the entrance cost using a batch of business is reced , the gain situation improving relevance instry then, helps very much to economic development. 2. Turn around beneficial to driving foreign trade to increase way 3. Terms of trade beneficial to improving 4. Estate beneficial to driving a part to utter shifts toward central and western regions 5. Trade beneficial to relieving rubs 6. Beneficial to Chinese enterprise "steps out 2. Be harmful for our country to attract foreign funds 3. Employment pressure enlarges messenger our country 4. Agriculture of our country will be confronted with bigger challenge 5. Bring different effect to different effect each instry Three, since exchange rates for the Renminbi against other currencies appreciates Chinese foreign trade current situation 1. Behaviour converging to change queen our country foreign trade: Active balance continues expanding 2. Trade of cause our country current situation and the tradition trade theory that active balance expands are the exact opposite , investigating whose cause is the condition there being existing a lot of what other country not have various in our country mainly. Have the following mainly 4 o'clock: (1), that processing trade holds main body position is the root cause that active balance expands (2) Chinese price of labour power is cheap be that the long range keeps the main cause exporting advantage (3), various preferential measure is to promote the key factor uttering (4) export enterprise manage the main body diversification trend is to export the system guarantee continuing increase by Ask questions person: Oh I agile agile- answer 2 together Chinas one step other since RMB putting one new wheel into practice on July 21 , 2005 converges to make reformation, RMB is always in the state appreciating , there is existing many-sided effect in economy to Chinese foreign trade. Active and negative influence the main body of a book has been summarized mainly to our country foreign trade after RMB appreciates, since appreciating as well as Chinese foreign trade current situation. One, exchange rates for the Renminbi against other currencies appreciates to affect to our country foreign trade active 1. Will may identical extent go down happened in the import commodity price after cost beneficial to entering port lessening RMB appreciates,cost and cost paying in entrance link recing our country import commodity. Our country entrance depends on higher instry of degree having petroleum , gas , iron and steel , aviation , power equipment etc. mainly , RMB appreciates that the entrance cost using a batch of business is reced , the gain situation improving relevance instry then, helps very much to economic development. 2. Turn around beneficial to driving foreign trade to increase way 3. Terms of trade beneficial to improving 4. Estate beneficial to driving a part to utter shifts toward central and western regions 5. Trade beneficial to relieving rubs 6. Beneficial to Chinese enterprise "steps out 2. Be harmful for our country to attract foreign funds 3. Employment pressure enlarges messenger our country 4. Agriculture of our country will be confronted with bigger challenge 5. Bring different effect to different effect each instry Three, since exchange rates for the Renminbi against other currencies appreciates Chinese foreign trade current situation 1. Behaviour converging to change queen our country foreign trade: Active balance continues expanding 2. Trade of cause our country current situation and the tradition trade theory that active balance expands are the exact opposite , investigating whose cause is the condition there being existing a lot of what other country not have various in our country mainly. Have the following mainly 4 o'clock: (1), that processing trade holds main body position is that the root cause (2) Chinese price of labour power that active balance expands is cheap is that the long range keeps the main cause exporting advantage (3), various preferential measure is to promote the key factor uttering (4) export enterprise manage the main body diversification trend is to export the system guarantee continuing increase by

Ⅳ 急求有关人民币汇率的有关参考文献


Ⅵ 求关于人民币汇率的英文文献,用中文翻译出来大概5000字左右。谢谢

币种 现价 最高 最低 涨跌幅 欧元/美元 1.3904 1.3923 1.3728 0.89% 美元/日元 94.25 95.25 93.96 -0.34% 英镑/美元 1.5844 1.5890 1.5516 0.62% 美元/瑞郎 1.0927 1.1054 1.0916 -0.61% 美元/加元 1.1355 1.1481 1.1348 -0.47% 澳元/美元 0.7781 0.7801 0.7668 0.52% 欧元/日元 131.02 131.48 129.83 0.49% 美元/人民币 6.8245 6.8250 6.8238 -0.01% 港币/人民币 0.8803 0.8804 0.8801 -0.01%

Ⅶ 关于人民币汇率变动带来的影响,外文文献,要英文原文和中文译文,2篇,尽快,谢谢










目前国际货币体系存在诸多的问题,那么它未来的改革趋势将是怎么样的呢?我们可以从三个视角看未来的国际货币体系改革。(一)从国际储备货币视角看未来的国际货币体系改革。1.重新修复以美元为主导的国际储备体系,但是,这种格局并没有改变此次金融危机中所呈现出来的一系列国际货币体系的缺陷。 2.美元逐步失去中心地位,国际储备货币多元化 3.创造一种新的超主权国际储备货币(二)从国际收支不平衡的调整机制看未来国际货币体系安排 1.全球储蓄率结构“再平衡”2.新兴市场经济发展模式“再平衡”(三)从国际资金流动与全球治理看未来国际货币体系安排已经高度全球化的金融市场,客观上需要一个更能够同时体现发达国家和发展中国家利益、更公平、更合理的治理结构。

Ⅷ 求一篇关于 “人民币汇率(贬值)对出口影响”相关外文文献。

人民币升值有利于中国的进口,例如石油进口,如果按照美国的要求将人民币升值50%,你可以设想一下,国内汽油的价格或许也可以降低到3元一升。 当然也存在弊端,我们所持有的美国国债的价值会缩水,仅剩下一半的价值。最重要的将会导致我国出口商品的价格大幅上升,可能导致我们的出口产品无法出口,对于我国的外贸出口产业是致命的打击。

Ⅸ 求一篇关于人民币升值的影响的英文文献原文,要有出处与作者

The predicament of appreciation of the RMB
Recently, China has been under heavy international pressure to abandon its currency's de facto peg to the U.S. dollar. The US Treasury Department is highly likely to label China a currency manipulator in a report e out in mid-April.

United States claimed that the undervalued Chinese currency has widened the U.S. trade deficit with China and has cost U.S. manufacturing jobs. Congress has urged China to revalue its currency. However, the Chinese government insists that the competitiveness of Chinese goods comes from low labor costs rather than from the lower exchange rate.

Meanwhile, most U.S. and Chinese economists agree that at this moment a sudden rise in the yuan's value would do more harm than good for China, the United States, and the world economy. This is not to say that China does not need to review the yuan's valuation and its exchange rate regime.

It is difficult to determine, however, whether a currency is undervalued or overvalued in a nonmarket economy. In the Western world, undervaluation of the yuan’s d is considered as universal rule.

It differ a lot using different calculation methods. Professor Huang Yiping recently pointed that, Menzie China’s calculations which bases on purchasing power parity (PPP) show that 40% of the RMB exchange rate is undervalued. But if we consider the World Bank’s usage of purchasing power parity which is adjusted by China's GDP, 40% disappeared; Nicholas Lardy and Morris Goldstein concluded that the yuan is undervalued by 12% to 16% (at the end of 2008); Yao Yang and his colleagues calculated that underestimation the level of less than Lardy’s estimates.

It is seems that IMF does not represent any one country and may be perhaps convincing. IMF in 2006 to strengthen the bilateral exchange rates of member evaluation mechanism using its own set of assessment methods, specifically including macroeconomic balance (MB), equilibrium real exchange rate (ERER) and external sustainability (ES).

In 2006, IMF politely praised the Chinese government’s investment in the crisis, but also diplomatically cautioned that "some directors considered that the RMB is undervalued." In the future, IMF will launch China's of a new round of negotiation. The U.S. Treasury will make some measures earlier than the IMF's actions. April 15, the United States could have labeled China as a "currency manipulator". According U.S. law, the U.S. Treasury must decide before April 15, submitting the semi-annual report to Congress about the exchange rate policies of major trading partners, especially on whether consider China as a currency manipulator.

Washington has declined to name the Chinese case in the past, but because of high unemployment, the U.S. Congress has become tougher. Some senators proposed legislations that if Beijing does not change its policy, the tariffs on Chinese goods. If that were the case, it will be the first time in 16 years. By declaring China a currency manipulator, the US could slap additional tariffs on imports from the country.

Some economists said that RMB’s revaluation is the most effective measures to rece the unemployment rate. He said that the yuan is undervalued against the dollar by 40%, and the U.S. current account deficit will be reced from 100 to 150 billion U.S. dollars without this gap, creating 600,000 to 1,200,000 new jobs.

At the same time, Chinese experts strongly doubt the US will do so as it will provoke Beijing and jeopardize its most important trade relationship, while others believe that even if China were declared a currency manipulator, Washington will not follow up with punitive measures.

The most hard-line organization against the United States Congress is the Trading Associations from major exporters. For example, electrical and mechanical instry of China's exports of China's total exports accounted for nearly 60%. All exporters emphasize that the appreciation of the RMB will cause more terrible than in 2005.

Over the past few years, China's trade surplus continued to make China as a target of public criticism, its exchange rate policy has been criticized. The U.S. officials believe that China's huge trade surplus continued to show that the exchange rate which has been pegged to the dollar is undervalued since mid-2008 as a "unfair" competitive advantage. Chinese officials contend that China's trade surplus over the past year has been substantially narrowed. Now, Beijing's position may be supporting data.

In March, trade deficit will record more than 80 billion U.S. dollars. If true, it means the maintenance of nearly six years of China's trade surplus pattern will change. China's last monthly trade deficit appeared in April 2004. If the actual trade deficit happens in March, it is indicated that other countries promote their own economic growth by the sale of goods to China. Moreover, the trade deficit will rece the monetary and trade policies of China's international political pressure. The future of offshore money market appreciation of the RMB is expected to slightly decline.

However, even there is one month’s trade deficit, it won’t continue. The World Bank estimates that China's current account surplus will increase to 304 billion U.S. dollars this year. As long as China has a surplus, the yuan’s exchange rate will still be economic problems scapegoat by some trading partners from time to time.

On the other hand, the US’ easy monetary policy would negatively affect China’s economic and financial and macroeconomic policies. The loose monetary policy weakens the dollar and undermines dollar-denominated assets to attract short-term international capital, which drove enormous volumes of ‘hot money’ into China. The dollar devaluation, compounded by excess liquidity, heightens pressure to appreciate the yuan. A sharp rise of the yuan would wreak devastating blows on export-oriented enterprises and cause massive layoffs, and subsequently cause incalculable damage to the overall operation of China’s economy. So it is very hard to find an equilibrium exchange rate point and to define an appropriate level concerning the appreciation margin.

The capital account is under strict control in China, and the real foreign exchange market is yet to be established. The yuan's exchange rate, which is actually dictated by the government, cannot be regarded as the market equilibrium rate, nor can it serve as a true mirror of the country's real supply and demand for foreign exchange. It is sensible to change the foreign exchange regime itself rather than to change its value.
留美学生 马戈 (责任编辑:郝孟佳)

Ⅹ 人民币汇率对外贸影响的外文文献(论文用)




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