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发布时间:2021-12-19 01:53:42

A. 请问 汇率按照汇款当天计算 英语怎么说

Above sum is charged in USD. If in RMB, the Exchange Rate is in according to the bank's offer on the paying day.

B. 美金按发货当天的汇率计算怎么翻译


C. 美金折人民币按当日到帐汇率计算 译成英文(在线等)

The exchange rate of USD into RMB in compliance with the rate of payment day

D. 按照当天汇率 用英语怎么说

According to the exchange rate

E. 现报价按RMB计算,美元折算按合约确认当日汇率计算. 怎么翻译

quotation is on the RMB basis,USD based quotation will be subject to the exchange rate of the day in contract

F. 求翻译 人民币按照出货当日的汇率折算成美金

The exchange rate of RMB & USD will be converted according to the foreign exchange quoteprice of that day.

G. “汇率以中国人民银行2011年2月21日美元对人民币中间价6.5705计算”翻译成英文,在线等待

The exchange rate is the middle rate released by People's Bank of China on Feb 21,2011.

H. 请帮忙翻译"人民币与美元汇率按当日外汇牌价折算"谢谢

The exchange rate of RMB & USD will be converted according to the foreign exchange quoteprice of that day.

I. 汇率按当天结算 用英语怎么说

the rate of exchange is outturned by the day



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