『壹』 “房间的实际费用以入住酒店当日的汇率为准”英文如何翻译
The actual room cost depends on the current exchange rate when you check in the hotel.
『贰』 请求日语翻译“实际交易汇率请以本单位当日制定指导牌价为准”如何翻译感激
『叁』 帮忙用英文翻译下:"实际价格以开票当天的美金汇率为准"
The actual price is based solely on the drawing day`s rate for the dollar .
『肆』 你很清楚,即使按我提出的价格,按现在的人民币汇率核算,我也是无利可言的。恳求翻译
As you know,even though we do business with the price we offered,it's also unprofitable to us on the basis of exchange rate now.
『伍』 翻译成英文:如以美元或欧元支付,请在付款附言上注明以美元或欧元支付,汇率按当日牌价。
Pls marke "Paid by US dollars or Euros,exchange rate depended on intraday rate " on payment enclosure if you actually did so.
『陆』 能帮忙翻译一下英文商务合同中的"以支付日汇率为基准"吗,谢谢啦
Take pays Japan the exchange rate as the datum
『柒』 美金折人民币按当日到帐汇率计算 译成英文(在线等)
The exchange rate of USD into RMB in compliance with the rate of payment day
『捌』 实际价格已当日预定价格为准 该价格仅供参考 还请帮忙翻译成日文,谢谢~
『玖』 请帮忙翻译"人民币与美元汇率按当日外汇牌价折算"
The spot exchange rate of Chinese RMB in terms of US dollar.
『拾』 求翻译 人民币按照出货当日的汇率折算成美金
The exchange rate of RMB & USD will be converted according to the foreign exchange quoteprice of that day.