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发布时间:2022-05-10 19:56:06

A. 内地新手如何买美股股票






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B. 请问老虎社区和老虎证券有什么关联

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咨询记录 · 回答于2021-12-21

E. TigerTrade使用体验如何



Tiger Trade 是老虎证券开发的的美港股交易软件。在众多美港股交易平台中,老虎证券软件做的最漂亮,支持平台也最全面。老虎证券支持的平台有安卓和iOS版手机APP;电脑端也全面支持WIN和MAC系统。

TIGER TRADE桌面端交易平台,相比手机端更强大的交易工具。提供个股/行情/资讯/日历/资产/学院/交易,七大板块功能。市场趋势动态,大屏纵览全局。通过多屏联动和自定义组件,看盘数据更加精准。


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H. eye of tiger 的歌词中英文对照的

Risin' up
back on the street
did my time took my chances
went the distance
now i'm back on my feet
just a man and and his will to survive
so many times
it happens too fast
you trade your passion for glory
don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
you must fight just to keep them alive
It's the eye of the tiger
it's the thrill of the fight
risin' up to the challenge of our rival
and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
and he's watchin us all with the eye
of the tiger
Face to face
out in the heat
hangin' tough
stayin' hungry
they stack the odds
still we take to the street
for the kill with the will to survive

It's the eye of the tiger
it's the thrill of the fight
risin' up to the challenge of our rival
and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
and he's watchin us all with the eye
of the tiger
Risin' up
straight to the top
had the guts
got the glory
went the distance
now i'm not gonna stop
just a man and his will to survive
It's the eye of the tiger
it's the thrill of the fight
risin' up to the challenge of our rival
and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
and he's watchin us all with the eye
of the tiger






I. 拯救野生动物的英语短文




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Body Part by Body Part, Sumatran Tigers Are Being Sold into Extinction

WASHINGTON – Laws protecting the critically endangered Sumatran Tiger have failed to prevent tiger body parts being openly sold in Indonesia, according to a TRAFFIC report launched today.

Tiger body parts—including canine teeth, claws, skin pieces, whiskers and bones—were on sale in 10 percent of the 326 retail outlets surveyed ring 2006 in 28 cities and towns across Sumatra. Outlets included goldsmiths, souvenir and traditional Chinese medicine shops, and shops selling antique and precious stones.

The survey conservatively estimates that 23 tigers were killed to supply the procts seen based on the number of canine teeth on sale.

“This is down from an estimate of 52 killed per year in 1999–2000,” said Julia Ng, program officer with TRAFFIC Southeast Asia and lead author on The Tiger Trade Revisited in Sumatra, Indonesia. “Sadly, the decline in availability appears to be e to the dwindling number of tigers left in the wild.”

All of TRAFFIC’s surveys have indicated that Medan, the capital of North Sumatra province, and Pancur Batu, a smaller town situated about nine miles away, are the main hubs for the trade of tiger parts.

Despite TRAFFIC providing authorities with details of traders involved it is not clear whether any serious enforcement action has been taken, apart from awareness-raising activities.

“Because of poor enforcement the Sumatran tiger is slipping through our fingers,” said Leigh Henry, program officer for TRAFFIC North America. “There are only about 400 Sumatran tigers left and such a small population can’t sustain this level of poaching. If enforcement and political will are not bolstered the Sumatran tiger will be wiped out just as the Javan and Bali tigers were.”

The report recommends that resources and efforts should concentrate on effective enforcement to combat the trade by arresting dealers and suppliers. Trade hotspots should be continually monitored and all intelligence be passed to the enforcement authorities for action. Those found guilty of trading in tigers and other protected wildlife should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

“We have to deal with the trade. Currently we are facing many other crucial problems which, unfortunately, are causing the decline of Sumatran tiger populations,” explained Dr. Tonny Soehartono, director for biodiversity conservation, Ministry of Forestry of Republic of Indonesia. “We have been struggling with the issues of land use changes, habitat fragmentation, human–tiger conflicts and poverty in Sumatra. Land use changes and habitat fragmentation are driving the tiger closer to humans and thus creating human–tiger conflicts.”

As a recent show of commitment, the President of the Republic of Indonesia launched the Conservation Strategy and Action Plan of Sumatran Tiger 2007–2017 ring the 2007 Climate Change Convention in Bali.

Sumatra's few remaining tigers are also under threat from rampant deforestation by the pulp and paper and palm oil instries. The combined threats of habitat loss and illegal trade—unless tackled immediately—will be the death knell for Indonesian tigers.

“The Sumatran tiger is already listed as Critically Endangered on IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species, the highest category of threat before extinction in the wild,” said Jane Smart, head of IUCN’s Species Program. “We cannot afford to lose any more of these magnificent creatures.”

As Indonesia currently chairs the ASEAN-Wildlife Enforcement Network, TRAFFIC National Coordinator Dr. Ani Mardiastuti suggested the country, “demonstrate leadership to other ASEAN countries by taking action against illegal trade, including in tiger parts.”


Polar Bears Need Urgent Protection, Conservation Groups Testify
Joint Press Release: World Wildlife Fund, Alaska Wilderness League


Eric Rock

Washington D.C.– Margaret Williams, WWF’s Director of the Bering Sea ecoregion program, called for urgent action to save polar bears at the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works hearing entitled “Examining Threats and Protections for the Polar Bear” on Wednesday, January 30, 2008. The hearing was convened to examine the status of and legal protections for the polar bear, including the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and the status of listing the species under the act.

“Listing polar bears under the ESA is a last resort, and in essence, signifies a failure of policy and management to date,” said Williams. “We have known for some time of the dangers of global warming, and should have acted more expeditiously to address them. We need to closely scrutinize and prevent all actions that may add further stress to the polar bear, including concting oil and gas leasing in prime polar bear habitat.”

While WWF and Alaska Wilderness League applaud congressional interest in the plight of the polar bears, we join the conservation community in urging for the immediate listing of the polar bear and calling for a dramatic decrease in green house gases, the source of global warming that is melting polar bear habitat and transforming the Arctic.

“Today’s hearing signals the need for bold and timely action to protect the polar bear and its habitat in America’s Arctic,” said Kristen Miller, Legislative Director for Alaska Wilderness League. “The responsible next step is for Secretary Kempthorne to withdraw Lease Sale 193 in the Chukchi Sea until a polar bear listing is finalized and critical habitat is designated.”

Analyses recently published by the US Geological Survey show that by mid-21st century, two-thirds of the world's polar bear population could be lost, mainly e to loss of sea ice. As this sea ice habitat decreases, the entire food chain will be affected – from the tiniest plankton to the forage fish, the ringed seal, and the king of the north, the polar bear.

“The U.S. has an obligation to the world to heed the science and to uphold its commitments to protect polar bears and their habitat,” Williams added. “Listing the polar bear will be the first step in the right direction. We must do everything possible to allow for the polar bear to persist, and to leave future generations of Americans with a chance of knowing that polar bears and other Arctic wildlife exist in the wild.”

Other Links
Letter from U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer requesting immediate listing of the polar bear as endangered. (PDF, 30KB)
WWF continues to push for a decision to protect polar bears under the Endangered Species Act

J. 老虎证券可靠吗还有什么其他靠谱的券商公司可以推荐一下吗




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