导航:首页 > 汇率佣金 > 以当日汇率支付英文


发布时间:2022-05-12 16:32:07

汇率适用今天的汇率 英语应该怎么说

The exchange rate is suitable today's exchange rate.

❷ 请问 汇率按照汇款当天计算 英语怎么说

Above sum is charged in USD. If in RMB, the Exchange Rate is in according to the bank's offer on the paying day.

❸ 能帮忙翻译一下英文商务合同中的"以支付日汇率为基准"吗,谢谢啦

Take pays Japan the exchange rate as the datum

❹ 汇率按当天结算 用英语怎么说

the rate of exchange is outturned by the day

❺ 按照当天汇率 用英语怎么说

According to the exchange rate

❻ “我会按今天的汇率兑换给你”这句用英文怎么说谢谢

I will give you according to today's exchange rate exchange

❼ 请问“付款时,请以汇款当日汇率为准”,用英语怎么说,谢谢!

Payment, please use the day ofpeople remittance

❽ 求翻译:如你选择美元支付,请按照付款当日汇率来结算。 我这样说可以吗:Please follow

Please follow the exchange rate at the day to pay, if you want to use USD

❾ “美元汇率以当天为准”英文准备翻译是

Dollar exchange rate, whichever is the day to

❿ 翻译成英文:如以美元或欧元支付,请在付款附言上注明以美元或欧元支付,汇率按当日牌价。

Pls marke "Paid by US dollars or Euros,exchange rate depended on intraday rate " on payment enclosure if you actually did so.



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