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发布时间:2022-04-14 14:19:31

Ⅰ 为什么瑞士没有股市

瑞士股市是全球最发达的金融市场之一, six swiss 证交所更是最活跃的证交所之一



即:买一、买二、买三、买四、买五;卖一、卖二、卖三、卖四、卖五;也 就是同一时间可以看到5个买盘价格和5个卖盘价格。未成交的最低卖价就是卖一,未成交的最高买价就是买一,其余类推。价格右边的蓝黄条,代表该价格上的总委托数量,也有些软件直接显示委托数量

Ⅲ 关于经济方面的词汇

GDP growth 国内生产总值增长

As an overall indicator of economic expansion, China's GDP growth target has been set unchanged at around 6.5 percent for two consecutive years from 2017 to 2018. On the provincial level, the majority of China's local governments have lowered the number this year, while over ten provincial regions set the target within a range.



经济状况 economic situation

GDP核算 GDP calculation

核心指标 core indicator

高质量发展 high-quality development

工业产出 instrial output

增长质量 growth quality

Fiscal deficit 财政赤字

China lowered its 2018 fiscal deficit target, one major part of fiscal policy, to 2.6 percent of its GDP, down from the 3-percent level in 2016 and 2017. The government has vowed to maintain a proactive fiscal policy and further expand issuance of special-purpose local government bonds.



税收激励 tax incentive

减税降费 cut taxes and administrative fees

房产税 property tax

免税 tax exemption

Tax rection 减税

China has been committed to cutting taxes and fees for enterprises and employees in recent years in a bid to boost investment and consumption. Total taxes and fee cuts reached about 1.3 trillion yuan last year.



增值税 value-added tax

企业所得税 enterprise income tax

免税 tax exemption

减税 tax rection, tax cut

收入分配 distribution of income

避税地 tax haven

Monetary stance 货币政策

The annual Central Economic Work Conference said China will keep the prudent monetary policy "neither too tight nor too loose" this year while maintaining market liquidity at a reasonably ample level.



定向降准 targeted RRR cut

注入流动性 inject liquidity

货币政策工具 monetary policy tools

公开市场操作 open market operation, OMO

逆回购 reverse repurchase agreement, reverse repo

Job creation 创造就业

Employment comes first in the six fields the country aims to stabilize in 2019. China first set the goal of surveyed urban unemployment rate in government work report in 2018. Over 13 million urban jobs were created last year, beating the official target of 11 million.


Ⅳ 能告诉我底于10美元的美国股票有那几支吗十个就可以了

在http://finance.yahoo.com/ 看股票的前提是知道代码,不如http://money.cnn.com/data/actives/index.html和NYSE.COM的主页上有成交量和涨跌前几十名的股票.而且二楼的提供的代码有纽约股市的也有NSDQ的
最近一个交易日(Nov 10 )NYSE的几支股票:
代码 公司名称 收盘价 成交量
LU Lucent Technologies Inc. 2.50 52,325,600
NT Nortel Networks Corp 2.03 35,158,000
Q Qwest Communications Intl In8.23 24,636,900
SLR Solectron Corporation 3.47 13,685,200
SCT Scottish Re Group Limited 6.40 8,902,600
TSM Taiwan Semiconctor Mfg Ltd9.48 8,889,400
LAB Labranche & Co Inc 9.67 1,632,600
AOI Alliance One Intl Inc 5.55 3,422,800
HL Hecla Mining Company 6.20 2,725,700
WON Westwood One Inc 6.59 2,341,300
SIX Six Flags Inc 5.99 1,738,600

Ⅳ 到底谁才是在股市中最后的赢家

作为一名证券投资者,其实很少有人会思考股市中的这些基本问题。从一入市,大多就沉浸在K线图、波浪理论、技术分析这些东西里面,那些最基本的问题,反而是无人太过关心的。回答这些基本问题,我们需要模拟一个股市运行的场景。来看一下,在股市中,究竟是谁在往股市里面投钱,谁又在赚股市中的钱。首先,我们假设一家叫做ABC的公司,通过向证监会提交申请,要发行股票。我们且假设该公司拟发行1000万股,每股5元钱。在股市中,由于新股票在上次当天都会有比较大的涨幅,所以申购新股几乎是一件没有任何风险的事情。所以,新股发行很容易完成。这样的话,这家叫做ABC的公司就从申购新股的股民那里拿到了5000万现金。接下来,ABC公司的股票于某年某月上市,开盘价10元钱。这样的话,凡是申购到ABC公司股票的股民,如果在上市这天或着随后几天以10元卖出,每股就获得了5元的收益。至于ABC的股票为什么会开到10元钱,原因很多,方方面面的利益关系需要ABC的股票在上市当天有一个预想的价格。这个问题很复杂,有时间我们可以另外讨论。我们还是先来梳理一下吧。看看股市中被抽走了多少资金,第一笔是ABC公司发行股票得到了5000万,第二笔,是所有申购到ABC公司股票的股民如果以10元卖掉自己申购到的ABC的股票,资金就又被抽走了5000万。当然,第二笔抽走的资金只是一个理论上的假设,在实践中,由于有一些新股持有者继续看到该股票随后的走势,并不急于在10元卖掉。而且,由于市场的波动,股价的涨跌,并不能保证大家都卖在10元。ABC公司付出了什么吗?它付出了自己的股份,得到了5000万的现金。在此之后,除了现金分红和股价波动,投资者不可能在它身上获得更多的东西。除非将来这家ABC公司实在是钱多得不行,把自己企业的钱拿出来到股市上买股票做投资,这5000万,基本就算从证券市场消失了。所有我们把发行新股叫做“抽血”。新股发行的越多,股市上的资金就越少,因为这些资金被转移到企业的募集资金上面去了。 让我们继续下去。这就涉及到我们要回答的第一个问题:股市为什么会涨?股市是由千支股票组成的,我们所说的股市在涨,实际上是在说一个重要的指标,即股市的指数在上涨。而我们提得比较多的,就是上证综合指数。综合指数的计算有一个最不合理的地方,就是它是以一支股票的总股本来计算股票的市值,从而得出这样一个指数。在股市中有许多股票属于流通股本比较小,而总股本比较大的股票,这些股票就容易成为市场主力调控指数的工具。 股票为什么会上涨,原因比较多。最直接的原因,就是资金持续买入这支股票就会导致股价的上涨。资金为什么会买这个股票,也有很多原因。比如说,比价效应。比价效应,就是指在不同市场或者同一市场内对基本面基本相同或类似的股票进行对比,资本发现它们的价格差异之后流入那些价格低的股票,从而实现“同质同价”。比价效应在实践中通常是被股市的参与者利用的东西。 事实上,在股市上涨或下跌的过程中,真正起决定因素的,就是参与各方对未来的判断和信心。在股价上涨的时候,由于持有者预计股价还会继续上涨,所有持有者不会急于卖出自己的股票,拥有货币的投资者由于有获利的预期,也会买入这支股票。但是,在股价上涨的过程中,由于持有者对于股价的判断并不一致,所有会有人卖出股票,有人买进股票。比如说,我们买进了一支股票,成交价是5元,我们自己判断它会涨到6元钱,那么,在这一元的目标没有实现的时候,通常状况下投资者不会卖出这个股票。但是,会有一些因素影响持股者的信心,比如整个股市的大幅波动,比如一些对股票或股市的传闻等等,都会影响持股者的信心。 在股市中间,最常见的运行方式就是比价效应和个股轮动。比如说,太阳能题材的天威保变,白酒行业的山西汾酒股价大幅上涨,就会导致其他同题材股票的价格联动上涨。再一个说到个股轮动,股市的持续上涨必须是个股轮动的,如果所有的股票都一起上涨,一方面对资金的消耗比较大,另一方面,不利于给新增资金以及场内资金创造持续赢利的机会。 但是,这些都还是表面现象,股市上涨最真正的实质,还是来自于资金的持续流入。中国股市的上涨,向来都是资金推动型的上涨。2005年下半年到2006年贯穿全年的大牛市行情,说白了,依然是资金持续流入股市的结果。尤其是2006年下半年央行宣布加息之后,面临利空,股市依然出现大幅上涨,更是说明了后来的上涨完全

Ⅵ 急求英语作文 股票的利弊

A stock market can change your life, and makes a giant gnome. There is, Bill Gates and warren buffett, li, LiuYuanSheng near the YangHuiYan, ma, shi yuzhu has, liu fang, because they are from, and increase market share envied virtues.
Second, the stock market is like a big stage drama, daily astounding tragicomedy. Actors don't need more makeup, acting, can fry are the star. Despite the tragedy figures than comedy character, but tragedy than play well.
Third, fry is a noble profession. Contemporary folk yue: first-class professional fry stock, secondary vocational and professional advertising street name. Third-class Don't make the vendors, medicine.hurry fry two play.
Four, the stock market is the spiralling, can make a person to get rich quick. Shake it and courage and strength; luck, Don't shake, money of leaves will fall in your head.
Five, the stock market full of philosophy, the static and dynamic can tell you, pleasure and pain, rich and poor, and the philosophy of life and death. Choose to think, fry with the philosopher.
Six, the market can temper one's will, make the person is strong, even to cut meat will utter on Saturday, as the war with the enemy tortured and never renegade underground workers.
Seven, fry is full of excitement, can smoke in the war and peace through baptism, "television, sound", "was", good KuHao cool!
Eight, buy stocks is bought in the future, who does not wish a better tomorrow? Youth without regrets, the future, I take money betting priceless tomorrow, value!
Nine, fry, the game is wise to have high culture, review and profound theory. Don't believe the fund manager at least, why are eligible to dr ma, natural materials shall bear my Fried.
Ten, the stock market full of imagination. Don't think of things, not dare to think, dare do make money, have imagination can make paper money.
11 and market can widen again obtain employment channels, alleviate employment pressure.
Twelve, fry equates to patriotism. The government from stock financing billions every year. Millions of people have donated money for helping soes into the Treasury, stamp ty.
13 and stock elixir, especially the lonely, indifference, selfish and alzheimer's disease. Want to say goodbye to cancer, please.
14, fry can prevent crime, especially the gambling. Fry stock, PaiJiu kumite mahjong tyre was not interested.
15 and fry QianTiaoWanTiao reason, but ultimately only one: right! Fry
Don't fry 35 reason
A stock is a big dye VAT, and if you don't care who put in hand, you will lose. If want to wash, also won't wash clean. Want to JieShenZiHao, please don't fry.
Second, the stock market risk, it is not only will your riches sinister, lane is bad also forfeits his hide.
Third, market with "black" words are too much. The black box and shady, black, black, black... Howl, if you don't, please don't fry colluding.
Four, the stock market is sometimes tell. False performance, false report, reorganization, are false, Big, big and silly, greed, big, Fry, except as stir-fry air, jiaogechan enpty hands. Stir-fry high price is very beautiful, and performance of listed companies, and total salary 1300 yuan only two cents, you get to repay, you believe or not.
Five, the stock market is not fair. As you see firsthand material retail, hear a information, not even see the first-class service, market even didn't have to sit bench. Fry is asking for SINS.
Six, investors identity meanness. Nine people, people who? Calculate only nine etc. "DengWaiPin" outside, millions of people are not even a association, like into hangxiao that fraud, collective action, the court is not accepted.
Seven, the stock market is the department, you put money machine, others without proving am can carry away, and not dozen receipt. Sing a song is so: please take me to your home, stock, please leave your money. Will money or stocks, please choose!
Eight, fry with gambling, and most easily knoe corruption. Banker like "cheat" perspective, wear contact lens, visible, a large number of small organ, you still dare to fry?
Nine, fry is broken families. A man should not wife, family shares by more and more weak, fry stock is the radiant party.
Ten, exchange, good and evil people mixed up, old crowded, people often not to many places, the easiest to cut the purse.
11 and fry as "religious", GuPingGu superstition, superstition of subjects, such as magic, the man went into a believer.
Twelve, fry, if not, is the lowest level of career. As a modern ShunKouLiu can find work, only the stocks, the unit after class, the stock market had mixed.
13 and fry can make people, all the investors for the old stock depth, no less money hold-op smitten, but didn't earn less wrinkles.
14 and fry diseases, especially hypertension can stroke hysteria, etc. Now, in the public eloquent speaker, but is no longer sell leather is the plaster investors.
15, can be addictive, fry the intense dependence, 1 don't fry, moment seems like three years. Suggest the government offered by compulsory quit shares, to save slip investors.


Ⅶ 在香港股市中都有哪些重要的股票指数


Ⅷ 帮忙翻译下~关于股票、期权的


Ⅸ 为什么我的股票交易软件显示周六有交易







Ⅹ 描述股票上涨下降 英语作文

给你 中文与英文两个版本 英文有没有翻译错的 对照你自己整理下





Affect stock price factor Affect stock price changes by many factors, but basically can is divided into the following categories: market internal factors, fundamental factors, policy factors. (1) the market internal factors, it mainly refers to the market supply and demand, namely financing area and the relative proportion chips, such as certain stages of the stock market expansion rhythm will become the factors important parts. (2) fundamental factors include macroeconomic factors and internal factors, macroeconomic factors that can influence the market is mainly in stock prices of factors, including economic growth, economic cycle, rates, budgetary revenues and expenditures, money supply, price, international payments and so on, our company internal factors mainly refers to the financial position of the company. (3) policy factor is enough to affect stock price changes of important domestic and international activities and government policies, measures and laws to major events, the government's social and economic development plan, economic policy changes, the newly issued decrees and regulations etc all can affect stock price changes



Affect stock price important economic factor Stock price "means in the stock market of stock price. Actually the stock is a certificate, does not itself, it is the price has price in the market, can be traded, because it gives the holder bring dividend income. Stock inner value depends on the size of the realization of the expected future earnings, the discount rate and future repeated the fixed number of year. Enterprise future earnings, the more its present value, the greater the stock price is higher also, and discount, the higher the stock intrinsic value will be lower, and stock prices also lower. So, in the west, people in the stock market is closely watched enterprise future earnings situation. But in fact, the determination of stock price is quite complex, because people to an enterprise future profitability opinion is not all the same, has an estimated more pessimistic, shares in their eyes the value of some lower, will sell, Some think the enterprise have the hope for the development of stock in their eyes, value as some taller, will buy. When buyers than sellers, stock prices went up, When buyers less than sellers, stock prices will fall. So, the price of stock market and inner price more of the time performance is consistent, investors tend to seek those intrinsic value than market shares. Since such, you will make the price of stock market is constantly changing. It should not only affected by various factors that influence the economic and political situation, by government policy, investor psychological, magazine, newspaper, news and rumors of social factors influence. Below are emphatically analyzed the influence of stock prices main economic factors.


A, dividends Investors had to buy shares, because it can bring not less than deposit interest of dividends. The number of shares of the company shares, not depend on its actual capital ownership, but on the dividend amount distributed. The higher the dividend, buy more enthusiastically, the price of a stock is higher also. But, dividend increase depends on enterprise earnings growth. If the number of shares issued by companies increased, and add endowment hind profits but for increased dividends will not be maintained original level, it's necessary to rece, stock price also is met subsequently decline. Some of the enterprise, European and American countries for continuous development business, make the business income increasing, the company's net income all or most left, in order to enlarge capital accumulation, for the proction and operation, only a few dividends or not issue stated dividend, and national taxation system also actively package of such volts. Because enterprise stock to even not hair or less dividend, stock to send the investor is still very attractive.


Second, financial capital and revenue Joint-stock company often borrow from Banks, with the loan sum increase, bank of enterprise control also graally strengthened and made it quite claims. In the business income decrease case, although they hope to stabilize dividend, but bank for his own safety, will support enterprises or hair hair less dividend, thus affecting the stock prices. Tax on investors are significantly affected, investors buy stocks for increases the income, if the country for some profit-seeking enterprise in tax give preferential, then can make the enterprise's after-tax profits relative increase, make their stock appreciation.


Third, economic cycle In the economic boom, corporate profits, dividends, stock is soaring high, In the economic crisis periods, enterprise proction decline, stock dividend atrophy, is tumbled, In the economic depression, share price graally a swift, Before entering the recovery period, prices began to rise. So, capitalism stock price movements are generally capitalism and adapt to the economic cycle.


Four, inflation Social money supply and decrease of stock price is to influence factor. Normally, the money supply increase, and the society of idle fund will to securities trading and thus increase share, Instead, money supply decrease, social purchasing power is reced, stocks also inevitable decline. By increasing the money supply to inflation, within limits to proce a stimulating effect, because it can promote the enterprise sales revenue and stock investment income increase, so the name in bank interest rates are with the price with ratio rose, under the condition of people to value, will no longer eager to deposit, and turned to invest in stocks and shares to raise price again. But, if inflation rising vastly, even more than two digits, so will cause people to real income decrease and market demand, aggravate overproction, cause economic crisis, make share prices.


Five, the discount rate and interest rate Discount is a form of bank lending, the discount rate and deposit rates are closely linked. Deposit rate is high, the discount rate is higher also. Because the price of the stock and the enterprise the expected future earnings is proportional to the discount rate (interest) is inversely proportional to the discount rate (or interest rates, so the promotion of, will lead to stock price falls. But in western countries have often bank interest rate rises, the stock market is still alive, reason is that investors often dropped in between choice: bank deposit small risk, higher interest rates, the income is stable, but not agile, the fund was fixed in a period of time inside cannot be used for other purposes, and popular literature to offset the loss caused by inflation. Stock can be bought, more flexible, though large, but the risk can be awarded with good luck, Italy. So, in the case of higher bank interest rate, there are still some adventurous investors keen on stock trading.







Six, technological invention In the adjustment of instrial structure and the transfer of The Times, new proct development is becoming more and more important, share price is also under their strong impact. New procts from development completed to share fall this period of time, can be divided into three stages: 1 and when the news spread later, became a hot topic, when share prices will naturally rise, especially when someone with speculative method, then more easily boom. 2, has become people rushed to the object, but this kind of investment to popularize new invention, takes a long time, when we pin not go out, share price will decrease. 3, if new invention can improve the company's sales and profitability, price will rise, if do not have expected effect, then drop greatly. Therefore, stock traders must full attention to such laws, grip shares of the initiative.



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