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『壹』 吴微的论文论著

1. 吴微,解非线性分枝问题的扩展方程方法,
科学出版社, 北京, 1993.
2.R. Li, Z. Chen and W. Wu, Generalized Difference Methods for
Differential Equations,
(美国)Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 2000.
3.吴微, 神经网络计算,
高等教育出版社, 北京, 2003.(“十五”规划国家级教材) 1. 吴微,李荣华, 解一维二阶椭圆和抛物型微分方程的广义差分法,
数学年刊, 5A(1984)303-312.
2. 吴微, 系数与时间相关的二阶双曲方程的半离散有限元逼近,
吉大自然科学学报报, 1(1985)35-42.
3. 吴微, 与时间相关的二阶双曲方程的全离散有限元逼近,
吉大自然科学学报, 2(1985)46-54.
4. 吴微, 与时间相关的非自共轭抛物方程的全离散有限元逼近,
高校计算数学, 2(1985)113-120.
5. 倪平,吴微,广义 Galerkin 方法的超收敛估计,
高校计算数学学报, 2(1986)154-158.
6. 吴微, 解双调和方程的混合广义差分法,
吉大自然科学学报, 3 (1986)14-22.
7. 吴微, The Calahan method for parabolic equations with time-
dependent coefficients,
计算数学(英文版), 5(1987)10-20.
8. 包刚,吴微, 二阶双曲方程广义差分法的误差估计,
吉大自然科学学报, 2(1987)33-42.
9. 吴微, 非线性抛物方程广义差分法的误差估计,
计算数学(中文版), 2(1987)119-132.
10.吴微, 非线性转折点计算中的矩阵分裂技巧,
高校计算数学学报, 4 (1990)355-369.
11.P.J. Aston, A. Spence and W. WU, Bifurcation to rotating waves in
equations with O(2)-symmetry,
SIAM J. Apll. Math., 52(1992)792-809. (SCI)
12.P.J. Aston, A.Spence and W.Wu, Numerical investigation of the
bifurcation from travelling waves to molated travelling waves,
Inter. Ser. Numer. Math., 104(1992)35-47.
13.Wei WU, Nondegeneracy of Hopf points emanating from a Z_2 symmetry-
breaking Takens-Bogdanov point,
Appl. Math. Lett., 6(1993)9-12. (SCI)
14.吴微,吴柏生,李荣华, Singular points near a double foldpoint in
Z_2-symmetric nonlinear equations,
高校计算数学学报(英文版), 2(1993)101-115.
15.A. Spence, W. Wu, D. Roose and B. De Dier, Bifurcation analysis of
double Takens- Bogdanov points of nonlinear equations with $Z_2$-
Inter. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 3(1993)1141-1153.
16.苏毅,吴微, 从双重折叠点分枝出的 Hopf 点的非退化性和稳定性,
吉大自然科学学报, 3(1993)1-8.
17.吴微, Galerkin methods for elliptic and parabolic convection-
diffusion problems,
东北数学, 9(4)(1993)525-538.
18.吴微, A Petrov-Galerkin method based on symmetrization for
convection-defusion problems,
东北数学, 10(1)(1994)59-70.
19.W. Wu and A. Spence, A pitchfork/fold interaction in nonlinear
equations with Z2-symmetry,
东北数学, 10(2)(1994)174-180.
20.W. Wu, Y. Zou and M. Huang, Heteroclinic cycles emanating from
local bifurcations,
manuscripta mathematika, 85(1994)381-392.(SCI)
21.W. Wu, P.J. Aston and A. Spence,
Rotating waves from Hopf bifurcations in equations with O(2)-
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 15(3)(1994)495-510.(SCI)
22.W. Wu, A. Spence and K.A. Cliffe,
Steady-state/Hopf interaction at a symmetry-breaking Takens-
Bogdanove point,
IMA J. Numer. Anal., 14(1994)137-160.(SCI)
23.吴微, Stability of travelling waves,
数学研究与评论, 14(3)(1994)1-7.
24.苏毅,吴微, Singular points near an X0-breaking double singular fold
point in Z2-symmetric nonlinear equations,
东北数学, 10(3)(1994) 385-395.
25.W. Wu and Y. Su, Stability of periodic solutions generated by Hopf
points emanating from a Z_2-symmetry-breaking Takens-Bogdanov
东北数学, 11(2)(1995)157-168.
26.吴微, Period-doubling bifurcation of travelling waves,
非线性动力学学报, 2(增刊)(1995)48-52.
27. 吴微,Bifurcation from steady-state to global dynamics,
Bull. Allahabad Math. Soc., 10/11(1995/96)85-94.
28.邹永魁,吴微,Petrov-Galerkin method with linear trial and
quadratic test spaces for parabolic convection-diffusion problems,
东北数学, 12(2)(1996)207-216.
29.W.Wu,On nondegeneracy of Hopf bifurcation points emanating from
TB point.
Nonlinear Analysis T.M.A., 26(6)(1996) 1161-1168.(SCI)
30.P.J. Aston, A. Spence and W. Wu, Hopf bifurcation near a double
singular point,
J. Computational and Applied Mathemetics, 80(1997)277-297.(SCI)
31.W. Wu and F.Y. Meng,Mode interaction at a triple zero point of
O(2)-symmetric nonlinear systems with two parameters,
东北数学, 16(1)(2000)10-20.
32. 吴微,赵卫海,广义逆矩阵及其在神经网络计算中的应用,
33. 吴微,陈维强,刘波,用BP神经网络预测股票市场涨跌,
34. 李正学,吴微,张宏伟,Convergence of on-line gradient methods for
two-layer feedforward neural networks,
数学研究与评论, 21(2)(2001)219-228。
吉大自然科学学报, 3(2001)11-16.
36. 吴微,陈维强,用于股市预测的BP算法的一些改进,
37. 孔俊,吴微,Online gradient methods with a punishing term for
nureul networks,
东北数学, 17(3)(2001)371-378.
38. Wei Wu and Yi Su, Hopf bifurcation near a singular point with Z2-
symmetry and X0-breaking,
J. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 144(1-2)(2002)335-347.
39. Wei Wu and Yuesheng Xu, Deterministic convergence of an online
gradient method for neural networks,
J. Computational and Applied Mathematics,144(1-2)(2002)335-347
40. Wei Wu, Guori Feng and Xin Li, Training multiple perceptrons via
minimization of sum of ridge functions,
Advances in Computational Mathematics, 17(2002)331-347.
41.Zhengxue Li, Wei Wu and Weidong Gao, Predictions of stock market
by BP neural networks with technical indexes as input,
J. Mathematical Research and Exposition, 23(2003)83-97.
43.Wei Wu and Zhiqiong Shao, Convergence of online gradient methods
for continuous perceptrons with linearly separable training
Applied Mathematics Letters, 16(2003)999-1002.(SCI)
44.Zhengxue Li, Wei Wu and Yuelong Tian, Convergence of an online
gradient method for feedforward neural networks with stochastic
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 163(1)(2004)
46. Lijun Liu and Wei Wu, Finite convergence of MR1 neural networks
for linearly separable training patterns,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3147(2004)282-295. (SCI)
47. Wei Wu et al., Recent developments in on convergence of online
gradient methods for neural network training,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3147(2004)235-238. (SCI)
48. Liqing Zhang and Wei Wu, Online gradient methods with a penalty
term for neural networks with large training set,
J. of Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Technology, 11(2004)53-58.
49. Hongmei Shao, Wei Wu and Feng Li, Convergence of online gradient
method with a penalty term for feedforward neural networks with
stochastic inputs, Numerical Mathematics, A journal Chinese
Universities, 14(2004)87-96.
50. Wu, W., Feng, G., Li, Z. and Xu, Y., Deterministic Convergence of
an Online Gradient Method for BP Neural Networks, IEEE
Transactions on Neural Networks, 16(2005)533- 540. (SCI)
51. Zhengxue Li, Wei Wu, Guorui Feng and Huifang Lu, Convergence of an
Online Gradient Method for BP Neural Networks with Stochastic
Inputs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3610(2005)720-729.
Ei Compedex (05439427415), SCI (BDA22)
52. Yang, J; Wu, W; Shao, ZQ, A new training algorithm for a fuzzy
perceptron and its convergence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
3496(2005) 609-614, Ei Compendex (05399382279), SCI (BCN38)
53. 曲笛,吴微,邵红梅,带动量项的线性输出BP网络收敛性, 高校计算数学学
54. Naimin Zhang; Wei Wu; Gaofeng Zheng, Convergence of gradient
method with momentum for two-Layer feedforward neural networks,
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.17, no.2, 2006, 522-
525, Ei Compendex (06129763934), SCI (026SD)
55. Wei Wu, Feng Li, Jun Kong, Lichang Hou, and Bingi Zhu,A Bottom-
Up OCR System for Mathematical Formulas Recognition,D.-S. Huang,
K. Li, and G.W. Irwin (Eds.): ICIC 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, 4113(2006)274–279, Ei Compendex(064210172616),SCI
56. 吴微,侯利昌, 基于LL(1)文法的印刷体数学公式结构分析方法, 大连理
57. SHAO Zhiqiong, WU Wei, YANG Jie, Finite convergence of On-line BP
neural networks with linearly separable training patterns, 数学研究
58. Wei Wu, Hongmei Shao, and Zhengxue Li,Convergence of Batch BP
Algorithm with Penalty for FNN Training, I. King et al. (Eds.):
ICONIP 2006, Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4232, 562–
569, 2006. SCI (BFG80)
59. Lichang Hou, Wei Wu, Bingi Zhu, Feng Li, A Segmentation Method
for Merged Characters Using Self-Organizing Map Neural Networks,
Journal of Information and Computational Science, 3:2(2006)219-
226. EI Compendex
61. Hongmei Shao, Wei Wu, Lijun Liu, Convergence and Monotonicity of
an Online Gradient Method with Penalty for Neural Networks, WSEAS
TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS,6:3(2007)469-476. EI Compendex
62. 陈兵,吴微,基于SOFM和最短路径法的粘连字符分割,仪器仪表学报, 2006
63. Lijun Liu and Wei Wu,Dynamical System for Computing Largest
Generalized Eigenvalue,J. Wang et al. (Eds.): ISNN 2006, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 3971, 399-404, 2006. SCI
64. Huifang Lu, Wei Wu, Chao Zhang, Yanxiong, Convergence of Gradient
Descent Algorithm for Pi-Sigma Neural Networks, Journal of
information and Computational Science, 3:3(2006)503-509. EI
三. 国际会议论文集
1. Wei Wu, E. Suli and K.W. Morton,
Optimal order estimates for linear Galerkin methods for convection-
diffusion problems,
MAFLAP 87, London,Academic Press, 1988.
2. A. Spence, P.J. Aston and W. Wu,
Bifurcation and stability analysis in nonlinear equations using
symmetry-breaking in extended systems,
Numerical Analysis, Dundee, 89, eds. D.F Griffiths at. al.,
Longman, 1990, 243-256.
3. W. Wu,K.A. Cliffe and A. Spence,
Steady-state/steady-state mode interaction in nonlinear equations
with Z2-symmetry,
Continuation and Bifurcation: Numerical Techniques and
Applications, eds. D. Roose, De D. Dier and A. Spence, Leuvon,
Belgium, 89.Kluwer Academic Press, 1990, Series C: Mathematical
and Physical Science, Vol. 313., 89-104.
4. Wei Wu and A. Spence,
Hopf points emanating from a double singular fold point,
工程与科学中的非线性问题国际会议文集, 肖竹铁,胡向忱主编, 科学出版
社, 北京,1992, 267-269.
5. Wei Wu,
Mode interaction at a triple zero point of O(2)-symmetric
nonlinear systems with two parameters,
World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts'92, Florida, ed. V.
Lakshmikantham, Walter de ruyter, Berlin, New York, 1996,2011-2022.
6. Wei Wu, Heteroclinic and Hopf points bifurcating from local
singular points,
Bifurcation Theory and Its Numerical Analysis, eds. Z. Chen, S.
Chow, K. LI, Xi’an, China, 1998, Springer, 194-202.
7.Wei Wu,Convergence of an online gradient method,
Abstracts of short communications and poster sessions,
InternationalCongress of Mathematicians, Beijing, 2002, Higher
Ecation Press, p353.
8.Wei Wu and Yuesheng Xu, Convergence of online gradient method for
neural networks, in Numeriacal Liner Algebra and Optimization,
edited by Ya-xiang Yuan, (Proceedings of 2001’ International
Conference on Numerical Optimization and Numerical Algebra,
Dunhuang, China, ) Science Press, Beijing/New York, 2003, 52-67,
(Invited lecture)
9.Hongmei Shao, Wei Wu, Feng Li and Gaofeng Zheng, Convergence of
gradient algorithm for feedforward neural network training, The
Proceedings of International symposium on Computing and
Information (ISC&I 2004), Edited by Renhong Wang and Xiaonan Luo,
CIC Media Ltd., 2004, pp. 627-631
10. Wei Wu, Hongmei Shao and Di Qu, Strong convergence for gradient
methods for BP networks training, Proceedings of 2005
International Conference on Neural Networks & Brains (ICNN&B’05),
Edited by Mingsheng Zhao and Zhong Shi, Beijing, China, 2005,
IEEE Press. pp. 332-334.
11. 李峰, 吴微, 版面分析中基于可并行化局部操作序列的局部极大成分标记,
第六届全球智能控制与自动化大会 (WCICA’06), 大连, 中国, 2006, IEEE
Press. pp. 10512-10516. (ISBN:1-4244-0331-6) EI
12. HONGMEI SHAO, WEI WU,LIJUN LIU,Convergence of an Online Gradient
Algorithm with Penalty for Two-layer Neural Networks,Proceedings
of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED MATHEMATICS,
Dallas, Texas, USA, November 1-3, 2006. Edited by G. R.
Dattatreya, WSEAS, (ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 960-8457-55-6)
13. Wei Wu, Liqing Zhang and Naimin Zhang, Online gradient method with
a penalty term for BP neural networks, in Proceedings of the
Seventh China-Japan Seminar on Numerical Mathematics, Zhangjiajie,
2005, Edited by Zhong-Ci Shi and Hisashi Okamoto, pp.179-192,
Science Press, Beijing, 2006. 1.李正学,吴微, 引入技术指标的BP网络在沪市综合指数涨跌预测中的应用,
CCAST-WL Workshops Series, Beijing, Aug. 2001, Vol. 142, 161-176.
CCAST-WL Workshops Series, Beijing, Aug. 2000, Vol. 127, 1-22.
3.吴微, Generalized Difference Methods for Partial Differential
The Third International Workshop on Scientific Computing and
Applications, Hongkong, 2003, 国际会议特邀报告.
4.吴微,Monotone and deterministic convergence of online gradient
methods for feedforward neural networks,
第二届中韩数值分析及其应用研讨会,北京,2003, 国际会议特邀报告.
5.吴微,Deterministic convergenceof an online gradient method for BP
neural networks,
The Second International Symposium on Computing Science,
Guangzhou, 2002, 国际会议特邀报告.
6.吴微,Some recent developments on convergence online gradient
methods for neural networks,
第七届中日计算数学研讨会,张家界,2004, 国际会议特邀报告.

『贰』 西班牙股票代号是什么

代码 简称 全称 备注

9I0047 ^AEX AEX General(荷兰)

9I0045 ^ATG General Share(希腊)

9I0038 ^ATX ATX(奥地利)

9I0039 ^BFX BEL20(比利时)

9I0049 ^BVL30 BVL30(葡萄牙)
9I0033 ^BVSP Bovespa Index(巴西)

9I0002 ^DJA Dow Jones Averages(65 Composite)

9I0001 ^DJI Dow Jones Averages(30 Instrials)

9I0017 ^DJT Dow Jones Averages(20 Transportation)

9I0018 ^DJU Dow Jones Averages(15 Utilities)

9I0010 ^DJX Dow Jones Averages

9I0043 ^FCHI CAC 40(法国)

9I0056 ^FTSE FTSE 100(英国)

9I0044 ^GDAXI GDAXI(德国)

9I0031 ^GSPTSE S&P TSX Composite(加拿大)

9I0042 ^HEX HEX(芬兰)

9I0037 ^IBC IBC(委内瑞拉)

9I0036 ^IGRA Lima General(秘鲁)

9I0021 ^IIX AMEX Internet

9I0034 ^IPSA IPSA(智利)

9I0003 ^IXIC Nasdaq Composite

9I0004 ^IXQ Nasdaq National Market Composite

9I0024 ^IXY2 ISDEX

9I0041 ^KFX KFX(丹麦)

9I0032 ^MERV Merval Index(阿根廷)

9I0046 ^MIBTEL MIBTEL(意大利)

9I0019 ^MID Standard and Poor 400 MidCap

9I0050 ^MTMS Moscow Times(俄罗斯)

9I0035 ^MXX IPC Index(墨西哥)

9I0023 ^NDI INDI SM CAP 500

9I0009 ^NDX NASDAQ 100

9I0022 ^NWX AMEX Networking

9I0005 ^NYA New York Stock Exchange Composite

9I0007 ^OEX Standard and Poor 100 Index

9I0048 ^OSEAX OSE All Share(挪威)

9I0025 ^PSE Pacific Exchange Technology

9I0040 ^PX50 PX50(捷克)

9I0028 ^RUA Russell 3000(罗素3000指数)

9I0027 ^RUI Russell 1000(罗素1000指数)

9I0013 ^RUT Russell 2000(罗素2000指数)

9I0051 ^SAX SAX(斯洛伐克)

9I0020 ^SML Standard and Poor 600 SmallCap

9I0052 ^SMSI Madrid General(西班牙)

9I0014 ^SOX SOX GENERALINDEX (Stockholm)

9I0026 ^SOXX Philadelphia Semiconctor

9I0006 ^SPC Standard and Poor 500 Index

9I0011 ^SPX Standard and Poor 500 Index

9I0054 ^SSMI Swiss Market(瑞士)

9I0053 ^SXAXPI Stockholm General(瑞典)

9I0057 ^USXC USX China Index(美国市场中国概念股指数)

9I0029 ^VLIC Value Line

9I0030 ^WIL5 WIL5

9I0008 ^XAX AMEX Composite

9I0012 ^XMI US Major Market(美国证交所主要市场指数)

9I0055 ^XU100 ISE National-100(土耳其)


『叁』 蚂蚁金服概念股真值得买吗



















『肆』 什么是期权奖励制度






『伍』 今天的股市如何

可以与我们合作. 诚邀有诚信、心态良好的股民!拿出你的诚意来跟上我们的脚步!
=> ◆合作方式:
【Ⅳ】→之前不收你任何费用, 盈利后在付费

『陆』 求一篇 关于股市日历效应的文献 越长越好 最好是英文的 中文的也行!谢谢!

Chen, G., C. Kwok and M. Rui, 2001, The Day-of-the-week Regularity in the stock Markets of China, Journal of Multinational Financial Management,
Kamara.A., 1997, New Evidence on the Monday Seasonal in Stock Returns, Journal of Business 70
Arsad, Z. and Coutts, J. A., 1997, Security p rice anomalies in the London International Stock Exchange: a 60 year perspective, Applied Financial Economics

『柒』 chelsea是哪个球队

官方名称 切尔西 Chelsea Football Club
主场名称 斯坦福桥

成立年份 1905年

主教练 阿夫兰-格兰特

现任助理教练 史蒂夫·克拉克 巴尔特马尔·布里托 滕卡特 (Steve Clarke Baltemar Brito Ten cate)

助理教练/守门员教练:希尔维诺·路洛 (Silvino Louro)

比赛观察球探:米克·麦克吉文 (Mick McGiven)

预备队主教练:布伦丹·罗杰斯 (Brendan Rodgers)

俱乐部医生:布莱恩·英格利什 (Bryan English)

助理教练/体能教练:路易·法里亚 (Rui Faria)

情报球探/一队教练:安德列·维拉斯 (Andre Villas)

首席球探/青年发展部总监:弗兰克·阿内森 (Frank Arnesen)

青少年队主教练:路德·凯瑟 (Ruud Kaiser)

少年队主教练:内尔·巴斯 (Neil Bath)

比赛分析员:詹姆斯-墨尔本 (James Melbourne)

理疗师:迪恩·肯内利、德尼斯·塔尔博特 (Dean Kenneally、Denis Talbot)

恢复理疗师:蒂埃里·劳伦特 (Thierry Laurent)

体型教练:罗布·布林迪德 (Rob Brinded)

按摩师:毛罗·多伊米、比利·麦库罗奇、佩德罗·菲利普、斯图尔特·萨利温、希尔瓦诺·科蒂(Silvano Cotti、Mauro Doimi、Billy McCulloch、Pedro Phillipou、Stewart Sullivan)

营养师:尼克·布劳德 (Nick Broad)

球员联系官员兼管理总监:加里·斯塔克 (Gary Staker)

球员助理:弗兰克·斯蒂尔、阿兰·巴勒特 (Frank Steer、Alan Barrett)

器材管理员:斯图尔特·班尼斯特 (Stewart Bannister)

预备队体能教练:卡尔·哈拉比 (Karl Halabi)

预备队和青少年队守门员教练:马克·比尼 (Mark Beeney)

预备队队医:阿莱克斯·涅珀 (Alex Nieper)

预备队理疗师:格伦·德里斯科尔 (Glen Driscoll)

预备队和青少年队器材管理员:米克·罗伯茨 (Mick Roberts)

青少年队队医:史蒂文·休斯 (Steven Hughes)

U16少年队教练:保尔·克莱门特 (Paul Clement)

青少年队助理教练:吉姆·弗拉瑟 (Jim Fraser)

青少年队首席球探:李·康格顿 (Lee Congerton)

青少年队教育及福利主管:盖里·哈维 (Gerry Harvey)

青少年队教练兼青年发展部管理人员:鲍勃·奥斯博恩 (Bob Orsborn)

青少年队助理理疗师:斯图亚特·沃甘 (Stuart Vaughan)

少年队招聘主管:乔夫·米尔斯 (Geoff Mills)

青少年队技术支持主管:乔·爱德华兹 (Joe Edwards)

董事长 罗曼·阿布拉莫维奇(Roman Abramovich)

主席:布鲁斯·巴克(Bruce Buck)

现任队长:约翰·特里(John Terry)

绰号: 蓝军


Blue is the Colour
Blue is the colour, football is the game
We're all together, and winning is our aim
So cheer us on through the sun and rain
'cause Chelsea, Chelsea is our name
Verse 1
Here at the Bridge whether rain or fine
We can shine all the time
Home or away, come and see us play
You're welcome any day
Blue is the colour, football is the game
We're all together, and winning is our aim
So cheer us on through the sun and rain
'cause Chelsea, Chelsea is our name
Verse 2
Come to the Shed and we'll welcome you
Wear your blue and see us through
Sing loud and clear until the game is done
Sing Chelsea everyone.






『捌』 同花顺中,我自定义了12个板块,如何在报价------自定义板块中,把12个板块都显示出来,现在只显示8个板块

通过“定制版面”功能 即可 不过搞这么多干啥? 交易的不也就那两三个而已啊 监控的也就50-100个······

『玖』 操作上什么股票要坚决回避


『拾』 蚂蚁集团概念股有哪些













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