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发布时间:2021-03-17 11:15:38

『壹』 请帮忙翻译成英文,麻烦不要用软件翻:女士们、先生们:英安航空温馨提示您,为应急出口属于机上应急设备

Ladies and gentlemen: The British peaceful aviation prompts you warmly, is on
the airplane the emergency apparatus for the safety hatch, in the normal
condition please do not move at will, if your accident will export to open, will
shoulder the corresponding legal liability, causes the economic loss the airline
to be authorized to request to the airline to carry on the economic

『贰』 云南英安航空公司机务工资多少

云南英安航空在普洱市 这里的消费水平不高 房价大概是在2500元每平米。



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