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发布时间:2021-10-16 12:26:35

㈠ 中国对外经济贸易信托有限公司是干什么的



㈡ TURST 中文全称是什么

名词 n.

1. 信任,信赖[U][(+in)]

2. 托管,信托;管理,照顾[C][U]

3. 【经】托拉斯,企业联合[C]

4. 可信赖的人(或物)[C]

5. 受托物,代管物[C]

6. 商业信货

7. (因受委托而产生的)义务,责任[U]

及物动词 vt.

1. 信任,信赖[O2]

2. 依靠,依赖[O2]

3. 想,确信[Y][+(that)]

4. 赊给

5. 托付,托交

不及物动词 vi.

1. 信任,信赖[(+in)]

2. 确信

3. 赊售,赊责

4. 依赖[(+to)]

㈢ 翻译成英文(中国信托商业银)

name: a famous Taiwan company finance
Position: senior financial management personnel
Locate in Shanghai
Job description:

- in SAP system development and maintenance. The report
Responsible for the financial management information - development and maintenance.
Responsible for accounting system and SAP - compliance reporting systems and data processing. .
- responsible for compliance reporting system, data processing.
- and communication system manufacturers, and the maintenance system.
With the mother do - SAP accounting system for communication.
Other skills and requirements:
Bachelor degree,
3 years or above relevant working experience.

< > university or above ecation level.
< > in fields of accounting information or related department is preferred.
< > 3 years work experience (or SAP accounting system using and maintenance experience is preferred, at least 2 years or above accounting
Compliance reporting system maintenance and use of experience.
< > language ability fluent English.
< > computer skills: (1) the SAP system using and maintenance experience.
(2) accounting compliance reporting using and maintenance experience.
(3) system and the problems of problem solving ability.
(4) basic PC system.
< > (1) other requirements with SAP - ABAP license preferred.
(2) without compliance reporting experience at least SAP system using experience.
(3) with accounting practice background is preferred.
< > no, Chinese nationality is preferred.
- teamwork, can effectively and complete accounting management system and colleagues project development.
Good communication skills, can - and the financial and accounting related competent discussion system specifications and test stage provide necessary assistance.
- ability of handling crisis, can deal with sudden supervision requirements or accounting changes.
- character, can fulfill honest faithful confidentiality obligations.
Good ability of logical analysis -, can solve problems and assist users system for the optimal design of electronic proceres.


㈣ 中国对外经济贸易信托有限公司还款程序是怎么样的这个公司是骗子公司吗求解


㈤ trust中文是什么意思

名词 n.
1. 信任,信赖[U][(+in)]
I have no trust in him.
我不信任他。 2. 托管,信托;管理,照顾[C][U]
Her child was left in my trust for the winter vacation.
她的孩子寒假里由我照顾。 3. 【经】托拉斯,企业联合[C] 4. 可信赖的人(或物)[C] 5. 受托物,代管物[C]
The jewels will be held in trust for the girl till she is twenty.
女孩的那些首饰将被托管到她二十岁为止。 6. 商业信货 7. (因受委托而产生的)义务,责任[U]
He pledged to fulfil his trust.
及物动词 vt.
1. 信任,信赖[O2]
Why do you trust a guy like him?
你为什么要信任他这样的家伙呢? 2. 依靠,依赖[O2]
I can't trust my memory. I'd better write everything down.
我的记性靠不住,最好把什么都写下来。 3. 想,确信[Y][+(that)]
I trust your wife will soon get well.
我相信你太太不久就会痊愈的。 4. 赊给 5. 托付,托交
How can I trust the valuable things to her?
不及物动词 vi.
1. 信任,信赖[(+in)]
We always trust in her cautiousness.
我们对她办事谨慎一向是信赖的。 2. 确信 3. 赊售,赊责 4. 依赖[(+to)]
It won't do to trust to the inspiration of the moment when speaking to such a big audience.

㈥ trust的中文意思


英 [trʌst] 美 [trʌst]

n. 信任;信托

vi. 信任

vt. 相信;委托

In his will he created trusts for his children.




英 [rɪ'laɪəns] 美 [rɪ'laɪəns]

n. 信赖;所信赖的人或物

I place complete reliance on his judgment.


㈦ 紧急翻译(中文)有关金融危机与信托责任的介绍(英文)

In order to obtain greater profit, we lend money to real estate intermediary; property submitted to the intermediary to prove that the assets (that is the fact that they can also prove that the loan) is false, but we do not know. In order to provide loans to intermediaries, we need more to the bank A mortgage loans to 3.0 billion by 30,000,000,000 (leveraged loans) 2. A bank refused, we will look for insurance companies to do security, then to the bank to A-30,000,000,000 3 . In order to transfer risk, to obtain greater profits at the same time, we have poor credit into a single bond sale or sold to a trust company or sold to indivials.

㈧ 信托宝和信托的区别是什么

所谓信托宝就是TOT(Trustof Trust)的中文俗称,是指投资于阳光私募,从而间接投资于证券市场的信托产品,简单地说,就是买了一支TOT就相当于买了好几支私募。比如说目前国内最热门的弘酬TOT一支就可以买至少4只左右的私募,该产品由专业机构去筛选基金、构造合理的基金组合,通过双重专业管理使资产的非系统性风险进一步降低,获取较高回报。


㈨ trust的中文意思是什么

1. 信任,信用,信赖。
2. 委任,委托,信托,托付
(作为动词)I trust you implicitly 我无保留地信任你
(作为名词) My trust in you is total 我对你的信任是无保留的
(作为动词)He trusted me with his money 他把钱委托给我

㈩ 中国对外经济贸易信托有限公司是哪个小贷




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