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发布时间:2022-02-09 00:37:59

『壹』 西安正阳星美国际影院哈利波特与死亡圣器上是VIP么


『贰』 曹县星美国际影院红海行动什么时候上映。求大佬解决


『叁』 汉译英 请帮忙翻译有关星美国际影院的相关信息

Xuzhou international star beauty studio is China's largest privately by media giant star beauty media group - gourmet five-star modernization much room studios. Star beauty media group for many years to the development of Chinese movie instry, has formed a film proction, film distribution, cinemas, theaters, cinemas, investment management of a complete instrial chain. Xuzhou star beauty with star beauty of media resources and the film instry of China ranked first star brand resources, will become a cinema star beauty and flash card.
1 the open studios in the ticket window, can make your choice of satisfaction guarantee that your seat. The best view video
2 by many small hall hall of multiplex design, have 6 hall, seat from 158 seat to, is the independent 309 screen, independent, and can better satisfy the screening of the audience indivialized need.
Number three, films, new, circulation quickly, not only have the first screening of large and strength, moreover the audience in the shortest time can choose to see their favorite films.
4 and sound JBL adopts the high-grade stereo super shock, surround sound equipment, overwhelmed, Screen by UK Hagen ennis screen, high brightness, vivid, deformation, image texture stronger.
5 hall, at each step by the audience can no shelter to view slices. From the row spacing and the screen is maximum guarantee every audience most comfortable vision ornamental space. Seat ergonomically designed by the famous brand soft sofa chair, high-grade, comfortable, the armrest of seat is activities, can be adjusted at any time can be adjusted in the seat for intimacy "seat" lovers, YingTing also has the racecourse and disabled persons, can give a handicapped provides the most considerate service, extremely rich human.



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