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发布时间:2022-04-22 04:08:54

① 高手帮忙翻译下关于企业融资的论文摘要(中译英)

SMEs in our country has become an important part of the national economy, and its healthy development for China's socialist market economic system building is of paramount importance. However, as a new force of China's national economy of small and medium enterprises, corporate finance is still in a difficult situation. This is often because of the narrow channels of corporate finance, financing options and credit misconct caused by the imperfect system. In this paper, this phenomenon, from the corporate finance the way of comparison, and its development trend analysis of two aspects. Analysis of the characteristics of the various financing methods to study our country SME finance trends. Come to SMEs on how to select suitable mode of financing their own conclusions, which for the vast number of SMEs in financing activities to provide effective recommendations and the basis.

Keywords: SMEs; financing; financing methods; financing trends

② 融资英文文献

融资英文文献(6000字左右 ) 作者:Justin.Athur.winner。 Commercial Financing Solutions - Think Outside The Bank
July,2007 by Stephen Bush
Commercial financing borrowers are likely to feel that a traditional bank is their best source for business financing. However, because most traditional banks focus on a small number of established instries, non-traditional (non-bank) and non-local commercial lenders should be considered for most commercial financing situations. Therefore the recommended commercial financing strategy (as discussed in this article) is to Think Outside the Bank”.
There are several commercial financing situations in which commercial borrowers will frequently find that non-traditional commercial lenders are better positioned to provide terms that are more advantageous to the commercial borrower: (1) Business cash advance and credit card factoring programs; (2) commercial mortgage loans; and (3) credit card processing programs. In some cases a traditional bank will offer to provide commercial financing but will attach excessively stringent terms and covenants. In other cases a traditional bank will decline the commercial financing outright, perhaps because they do not even provide business financing to the commercial borrower’s particular instry. In either case, the commercial borrower is likely to benefit by Thinking Outside the Bank”.
As I noted in an earlier commercial financing article, in many non-competitive business financing situations it is not unusual for a local traditional bank to impose harsher commercial financing terms than would typically be seen in a more competitive business financing market. Such traditional banks routinely take advantage of a relative lack of other commercial lenders in their local market. An appropriate response by commercial borrowers is to seek out non-bank commercial financing options. It is neither necessary nor wise for commercial borrowers to depend only upon local traditional banks for commercial financing solutions. For most commercial financing situations, a non-local and non-bank commercial lender is likely to provide improved business financing terms because they are accustomed to competing aggressively with other commercial lenders.

Business Cash Advance and Credit Card Receivables Programs

Most businesses that accept credit cards in their business will qualify for a business cash advance with their credit card receivables. Traditional banks will typically be very poor candidates to consider if a business needs assistance with credit card factoring and business cash advances. Because even thriving businesses frequently need more cash than they can borrow from a bank, it can be of critical importance for a business to Think Outside the Bank” and locate non-traditional lenders to assist with this commercial financing need.

Commercial Mortgage Loans

Two of the most common commercial financing difficulties experienced by commercial borrowers can be avoided if they Think Outside the Bank”. The first commercial financing situation is the prevailing practice of traditional banks to avoid most special purpose properties (such as funeral homes and churches). The second commercial financing situation is the typical practice of most commercial banks to attach balloon and/or recall provisions to their commercial loans (which means that the bank can require early repayment of the commercial loan under various conditions). Both of these undesirable commercial financing situations can usually and easily be avoided by considering a non-traditional and non-bank lender.

Credit Card Processing Programs

The choice of an appropriate credit card processing service can be instrumental in improving the profitability of businesses with a high volume of credit card activity. The analysis of credit card processing providers can be effectively combined with the credit card factoring and credit card receivables process described above. In assessing a business cash advance program, it is frequently possible to simultaneously arrange for a substantial improvement in the merchant’s credit card processing program. Because traditional banks are usually not competitive in providing assistance with credit card factoring, it is equally likely that a non-traditional lender will be the primary source of effective and competitive help with credit card processing.

A closing commercial financing thought: I have written an earlier commercial financing article about commercial lenders to avoid. It should be noted that there are in fact both traditional and non-traditional (non-bank) lenders which should be avoided. So when commercial borrowers Think Outside the Bank”, it is still of critical importance that they are prepared to avoid a wide variety of problematic non-traditional commercial lenders in their search for viable commercial financing, especially when it involves business cash advance (credit card receivables and credit card factoring) programs, credit card processing services and commercial real estate financing.

商业融资的借款人可能会认为,传统的银行是他们的最佳来源的商业融资。然而,由于大多数传统银行侧重于少数设立工业,非传统(非银行)和非本地商业银行应考虑大多数商业融资的情况。因此,建议商业融资战略(如本文中讨论)是跳出本行“ 。
有几个商业融资情况下,商业借款人常常发现,非传统的商业银行将能够更好地提供的条件更有利的商业借款人: ( 1 )商业透支现金和信用卡保理业务程序; ( 2 )商业按揭贷款;和( 3 )信用卡处理程序。在某些情况下,传统的银行将提供商业融资,但附加条件过于严格和盟约。在其他情况下,传统的银行将下降彻底的商业融资,这可能是因为他们甚至不提供商业融资,商业借款人的特定行业。在这两种情况下,商业借款人可能会受益于银行外思考“ 。


大多数企业认为接受信用卡将在其业务资格的商业现金透支的信用卡应收款。传统的银行通常会是非常贫穷的候选人,以考虑是否需要援助业务与保理业务和信用卡业务现金垫款。因为即使是蓬勃发展的企业往往需要更多的现金,他们可以比银行贷款,它可以是极其重要的商业银行外的思考“ ,并找到非传统的贷款,以协助这个商业融资的需要。


两个最常见的商业融资遇到困难的商业贷款,可避免如果他们认为银行外“ 。第一商业融资情况是普遍存在的做法,传统的银行,以避免最特殊用途性质(如殡仪馆和教堂) 。第二商业融资的情况是典型的做法,大多数商业银行的重视气球和/或召回规定的商业贷款(这意味着银行可以要求提前偿还的商业贷款不同条件下) 。这两种不良商业融资的情况,通常可以很容易地避免和审议了非传统和非银行贷款。

商业融资例3 -比如银行外


闭幕商业融资认为:我已经写的早期商业融资文章商业银行,以避免。应当指出的是,事实上,传统和非传统(非银行)贷款,应加以避免。因此,当借款人跳出商业银行“ ,它仍然是至关重要的,它们准备,以避免各种问题的非传统的商业银行在寻求可行的商业融资,尤其是当它涉及业务现金透支(信用卡应收款和信用卡保理)程序,信用卡处理服务和商业房地产融资。

③ 求一篇工程管理的英语论文,有中文翻译,5000字

Summary of the study on construction project management methodology: is the largest number of construction projects, the most typical "projects", construction project management practice is one of the important sources of project management theory with integrated project management system of project management theory and practical experience provide theories for construction project management tools, making increasingly systematic and scientific management of construction projects. Tags: 1, raised issues of project management and overview of project management is becoming a modern social address "one-off questions" effective tools that a kind of professional qualification, wide application in the process of social, economic and rapid development is that it provides a new way. Modern social economic total constantly increased, economic globalization, and information trend increasingly enhanced, development speed speed up, process complex, new of instry, and field constantly appears, procts development cycle shortened, led increasingly more of "one-time", and no precedent can through of task of appears, especially enterprise and management social public affairs of Government, more faced was increasingly complex of from market and at home and abroad Affairs of various problem, involves of factors, and interests main increasingly more, these problem General of management approach difficult to solution or successfully solution, and from construction project and the military, and space exploration, field of project management method by upgrade for project management theory and thought, provides has solution social economic development non-General problem of means. You can think, lies in its development and application of project management method. Widely promoted popular project management in China in recent years, the ascendant, and we introce, universal focus, should not be a complicated theories, concepts, proceres, and should be concise, applicable and effective way. Regardless of the economic structure changes, construction remains the main carrier of China's economic development. In comprehensively building a comfortably well-off society and development in China under the background of the Northwest, Northeast, become important means for economic revitalization in many parts of the project. Some cities even proposed "project will flourish cities" slogan. Rely mainly on the application of new scientific and technological achievements in economic progress, relying on the content-type extension, depend on the situation of knowledge innovation, rely on an extensive project is not a suitable means of revitalizing the economy, has been in China for failure to pay the investment decision of enormous cost, so using the scientific method on engineering construction project management, including assessment of argumentation, is the important condition of the building can achieve the desired purpose of the project. Project management methods are not only specific methods, including thought. Party of 16 session third plenary made people, and can continued of science development view, "people", and "can continued" of a basic content is science and technology, and economic, and environment, and social of coordination development, project construction do for development economic of important means, not only cost huge, and on around environment has larger effect, so must meet can continued, and coordination development requirements, this is project management of important guiding ideology one. Methodology is the study of methods. Comprehensively building a comfortably well-off society and development in Northwest and northeast of real background might set off a new round of upsurge of construction, sustainable and coordinated development of scientific concept of development put certain constraints on the construction of macro-control, this method should be implemented in construction project management. Project management is not only for the purposes of achieving specific objectives (ration, quality and cost), should also do project construction and coordination of environmental, social or risk repeating previous errors, mistake, got out of the investment mistakes. This is also a project management method to rise to "methodology" meaning one. Project management of theory so far has can said is is complete of, this not only performance in rich diverse of theory results as various project management books (including translation) of launched, more performance in this area has has own of "knowledge system", as United States Project Management Association (PMI) Yu 1987 made and by 1996, and 2000 amendment of "project management knowledge system", international project management Association 1997 launched has "project management personnel ability benchmark", China double method society for the project management Research Committee also Yu 2001 launched China project management knowledge system under. Each of these knowledge systems project management body of knowledge is divided into a number of areas, elements, moles, China knowledge system "methods and tools" concept, other systems do not have on the topic independent of the method, but throughout all stages of project management, processes, fields. Various project management works also focus on content, stage of project management, program, organization of expositions devoted to rare. Of course, this does not mean to ignore, perfection but summary, concentrate on methods of research and contribute to the popularization and application of project management project management role into full play.
关键词:项目管理 工程

④ 工程项目融资案例




项目投资结构:深圳沙角B电厂采用了中外合作经营方式,合作期为10年。合资双方分别是:深圳特区电力开发公司(中方),合和电力(中国)有限公司(外方,一家在香港注册专门为该项目而成立的公司)。在合作期内,外方负责安排提供项目的全部外汇资金,组织项目建设,并且负责经营电厂10年。外方获得在扣除项目经营成本、煤炭成本和付给中方的管理费后全部的项目收益。合作期满后,外方将电厂的资产所有权和控制权无偿地转让给中方,并且退出该项目。项目投资总额:42亿港币(按86年汇率,折合5.396亿美元)。项目贷款组成是:日本进出口银行固定利率日元出口信贷26140万美元,国际贷款银团的欧洲日元贷款5560万美元,国际贷款银团的港币贷款7500万美元,中方深圳特区电力开发公司的人民币贷款(从属性项目贷款)――9240万。(有关数据资料参见 Clifford Chance, Project Finance, IFR Publishing Ltd. 1991.)

项目能源供应和产品销售安排:在本项目中,中方深圳特区电力开发公司除提供项目使用的土地、工厂技术操作人员,以及为项目安排优惠的税收政策外,还签订了一个具有“供货或付款”(Supply o r Pay)性质的煤炭供应协议和一个“提货与付款”(Take a nd Pay)性质的电力购买协议,承诺向项目提供生产所需的煤炭并购买项目产品――电力。这样,中方就为项目提供了较为充分的信用保证。





市场风险方面,主要应该解决项目所生产的电力的销售问题,这是项目各方收益以及项目贷款人收回贷款的根本保障。考虑到项目所在地深圳正在进行大规模的开发建设,对电力的需求很大,而且在相当长的时期内将持续增加,因此项目产品――电力的销售应该具有良好的市场前景。而且,项目的中方已经通过签订“提货与付款”(Take a nd Pay)性质的电力购买协议,保证购买项目生产的全部电力。因此,本项目的市场风险也是不大的。

⑤ 现代工程项目融资概述的论文,谁能提供一些参考文献,至少十五篇


⑥ 5000字关于土木工程类的英语论文,并带中文翻译

The urban river embankment discuss the ecological construction
Anonymous XXXXXXXX
Abstract: the urban river embankment construction as the object, discuss the current social background, analyses and compares the river embankment design of traditional methods and characteristics of ecological methods, and puts forward three modes of ecological design and their advantages and disadvantages, and expounds the present situation of the ecological construction in domestic bank and future prospects.
Keywords: the bank; Ecology; Design way; Domestic situation
A, background
River Banks part is the amphibious interlaced transition belt, has the remarkable edge effect. Here are active substances, nutrient and energy flow, offer a habitat for a variety of creatures. Natural state Banks often species richness, proctivity high.
The traditional embankment design often single ?
1) 人工类:
a) 块石或混凝土块砖干砌,不用砂浆。这样在砌块之间就留有空隙,为后期滨河植物的生长提供了空间。随着时间的推移,堤岸会逐渐呈现出自然的风貌。
b) 堤岸采用台阶式分级,台阶面上的空间加以利用,种植植物。
2) 自然类:
3) 人工自然相结合
a) 种植植物的堆石
b) 与植物结合使用的插孔式混凝土块

城 市 项目名称 城 市 项目名称
北 京 长河城市水系统综合治理 南 宁 堤岸园工程
长 沙 湘江风光带 宁 波 滨江大道沿江景观工程
成 都 府南河绿化工程 上 海 外滩、陆家嘴滨江大道
福 州 闵江江滨公园 沈 阳 浑河观光旅游带
广 州 珠江二沙段堤岸景观、芳村长堤建设 太 原 汾河公园
贵 阳 南明河景观绿化工程 天 津 海河堤岸改造工程
哈尔滨 松花江南岸沿江风景长廊 武 汉 汉口江滩一二期工程
昆 明 盘龙江中段滨水生态景观建设 西 安 灞河大水大绿工程
兰 州 黄河风情线 重 庆 南滨路滨江旅游观光大道

目前,河流景观建设,特别是城市河流景观建设,在中国正方兴未艾;在发达国家中也是一个久盛不衰的话题。 回顾发达国家河流景观建设的历史,自20世纪70年代以来,随着人们环境意识的普遍增强,重视河流景观的生态功能已成为一个时代的呼唤,河流景观建设的生态设计方法也已得到了空前的重视和发展。他山之石可以攻玉,借鉴发达国家已经形成的成熟的理念和做法,可以使我们少走弯路,搭上隆隆前进的生态建设之车。

⑦ 求关于“融资方式对企业投资的影响”的文章大神们帮帮忙

开辟融资渠道,形成合理融资结构--工程公司如何走出融资困境 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 中国融资 来源:上海攀成德企业管理顾问有限公司 点击数:12 更新时间:2007-6-11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 随着国家经济的迅猛发展,基础设施建设投资强势增长,为工程公司规模扩张提供良好的机遇,但发展中亦提出了较高的资金需求。同时,基础设施建设行业逐渐呈现项目垫资多、资金占用多、资金监管严的新特点,提高了项目回报,但对建设单位的资金实力、融资能力也提出了一定的挑战。然长期以来,国内融资渠道不畅,以银行信贷为主的局面尚未得到根本改善,一定程度上限制了企业的发展。在此行业背景下,形成了工程公司资金压力大、效率低,融资渠道少、风险大的局面。 1. 资金压力大 规模扩大带来的资金压力。基础设施行业,尤其是路桥行业,正进入一个高速发展通道,工程公司也因此适逢一个发展壮大的良好机遇。但规模扩大的同时,人力、机械设备都需要更多的投入,项目的增多也需要更多的资金进行运作,各方面都对资金提出了较高的需求,使得公司资金吃紧。 |博锐|34 项目运作中的资金压力。相对而言,项目运作中对资金需求更为直接,压力也更为强大,主要表现在两个方面:一方面,垫资承包。目前行业内项目都有不同程度的垫资,对工程公司的资金运作造成了直接而巨大的压力;另一方面,业主款项到位不及时,形成变相垫资。项目受政策、政府因素影响较大,往往出现业主款项不能及时到位、工程款延期支付的情况,形成施工单位变相垫资的局面,带来一定资金压力。 2. 资金效率低 一方面,项目资金监管严格,实行专款专用,使得工程公司难以实现资金统一调配,造成资金大量沉淀,使用效率大大降低。 另一方面,工程项目质保金、投标保证金、履约保证金等资金被无偿占用越来越多,也造成资金使用效率的大幅降低。 3. 融资渠道少、风险大。 目前,工程公司融资渠道往往集中于银行短期信贷,形成较大财务风险。 面对大量的融资需求,各类融资渠道应运而生。随着我国资本市场的改革和完善,企业可以选择的融资渠道逐渐增多。总体而言,融资方式可分为债权融资和股权融资,具体又可分细为商业信用、内部融资、股权融资、债务融资、债券融资、项目融资等。 1. 商业信用 商业信用主要包括应付账款、应付票据、预付账款等,该融资方式应用灵活,操作简单,并且可以多次反复使用,财务成本为零,但融资额度有限,不能解决企业大额资金需求。商业信用是企业经营活动中应用最为广泛的一种融资方式,是企业融资的首选。需要注意的是,在合理的信用额度内,该融资方式风险低,一旦超过合理的信用额度进行操作,风险将大大增加,可能造成企业信誉、银行信用等级的降低,从而带来较大损失。 2. 内部融资 内部融资,顾名思义,面向企业内部的筹资,主要包括内部积累、资产变现、内部增资等。 内部积累,指为了筹集企业长远发展的资金,通过减少企业利润分红来筹集资金的融资方式。该融资方式操作简单、成本低、风险小,但积累额度偏低,并且不分红影响中小股东利益,可能引致中小股东的不满。 资产变现,指通过企业内部资产重组,通过剥离、出售部分资产来筹集资金的融资方式。该融资方式操作简单,成本低,但使用次数有限,一般在企业改制、改组、改革中使用。选择变现资产应重点考虑企业发展战略,确保资产的变现促进企业战略实现,或至少不影响企业战略实现。 内部增资,指向企业内部股东定向募集资金的一种融资方式。盖融资方式操作简单,成本低,不用到期还款的压力,风险小,但受股东自身资金实力、对企业未来投资收益的预期等影响,使用次数有限,一般应用于突发性、紧急性资金筹集。 3. 股权融资 股权融资,通过股权的出让来筹集资金的一种融资方式,主要包括上市、引入战略投资者。股权融资的优点是筹集的资金量大,且没有到期还本付息的压力,对资金募集者而言,风险较小。其缺点之一是操作复杂,尤其是上市,需要有一个复杂而漫长的过程,带来较高的费用筹集成本;其二是代价高昂。对投资者而言,投资风险较大,需要有较高的回报,需要参与企业收益分配;其三是控制权丧失风险。投资者的加入,将导致企业股权结构的调整,进而可能使企业原有控制者失去控制权。 4. 债务融资 本处债务融资指通过民间或银行信贷筹集资金的一种融资方式,包括民间借贷和银行信贷等。 民间借款,以向其他企业或个人协议借款的方式筹集资金的一种融资方式。该融资方式优点之一是操作简单灵活,没有银行借款繁琐的手续和程序;其二是抵押和担保少;其三是借款归还可以适当延展,风险相对较小。其缺点是渠道有限,数量有限。 银行信贷,该方式是目前外部融资,应用最为常用的融资方式。银行信贷的优点之一是资金供应量大;其二是操作灵活,可以根据企业需要进行长、短期贷款搭配;其三是相对债权、上市、信托等渠道,手续相对简明,资金筹集费用低。缺点之一是抵押和担保,在金融监管严格,银行风险意识强的现实条件下,抵押和担保要求非常严格,一定程度上限定了企业的融资金额;之二是风险大,信贷资金有较大还本付息的压力,短期借贷更为明显,对企业资金安排要求较高。 5. 债券融资 债权融资,指向公众发行债券来筹集资金的一种方式,该方式在国外应用广泛,受国内监管所制,国内应用不多,但随着监管的逐步松动,可以预计,该方式未来将成为企业的重要融资渠道之一。 该方式优点之一是发行成本低。债券票面利率一般低于国家商业银行一年期贷款利率。其二是募集资金量大,更好的便于企业解决资金缺口问题;其三是发行面广,利于企业宣传和品牌形象树立。 该方式缺点之一是发行条件多,审批程序严格。目前需要由国家发改委和中国人民银行统筹审批,证监会核准;其二是资金筹集费用高。因审批程序的严格,公开的发行,带来较高的资金筹集费用。其三是风险大。债券募集资金额度大,企业面临的到期还款压力也大。其四是违约成本高。如企业在到期日不能及时还款,可能造成企业的公众信任危机,给企业生产经营活动造成麻烦。 6. 项目融资 前述均属于公司融资的范围,即以公司的名义,以公司的资产、未来的预期收益等为保障的融资方式。项目融资,则是以建设项目的名义,以该项目自身预期现金流量和未来收益、自身财产与所有者权益为保障来筹集资金的一种融资方式。目前主要应用于基础设施建设和规模大、具有长期稳定预期收益的项目,如电力、高速公路、大型桥梁、隧道等。项目融资主要有BOT、资产证券化、信托等类型。 BOT。BOT是“建设——经营——转让”英文(BUILD-OPERATE-TRANSFOR)缩写,通过特殊权协议,政府授予投资者承担公共性基础设施项目的融资、建造、经营和维护;在协议规定的许可期限内,投资者拥有所建造设施所有权,并可向设施使用方收取合理的费用,由此收回投资成本并获取合理回报;特许期届满,投资者将设施无偿交给签约方的政府或所属机构。目前,上海建工、中建等均有公路、桥梁项目运作的成功案例。 资产证券化。以项目所属资产未来预期收益为基础和保证,通过在公开发行债券而募集资金的一种证券化的项目融资方式。该方式目前在国内少有成功案例。 信托。信托是指委托人基于对受托人的信任,将其财产权委托给受托人,由受托人按委托人的意愿以自己的名义,为受益人的利益或者特定目的,进行管理或者处分的行为。包括信托贷款和股权信托两种方式。 ①. 信托贷款是指信托公司通过信托方式吸收资金,用于向项目发放贷款的资金运用方式。该贷款类似于银行信贷,不同的是信托贷款的偿还方式比银行贷款灵活性大,企业与信托公司协商偿还方式,可以采取等本息、利随本清、到期一次性支付本息等。同时信托公司对信用风险控制要求严格,一般要求企业提供多种措施来降低信用风险,包括第三者担保、政府支持等; ②. 股权信托是指信托公司运用信托资金对项目进行股权投资,以股息、红利所得以及到期转让股权方式作为信托收益的一种资金运用形式。相对贷款类信托,信托公司承担的风险增大,一般要求制定相应的措施规避风险,包括对项目进行绝对控股、阶段性持股等。 通过对项目融资三种方式的分析可以看出,BOT主要是业主采取的一种融资方式,资产证券化在国内操作难度相对较大,信托则是业主和承建单位均可以操作的一种融资方式。

⑧ 求一篇关于对外承包工程的英文文献,最好有翻译,急~~

国际工程承包是指一个国家的政府部门、公司、企业或项目所有人(一般称工程业主或发包人)委托国外的工程承包人负责按规定的 条件承担完成某项工程任务。国际工程承包是一种综合性的国际经济 合作方式,是国际技术贸易的一种方式,也是国际劳务合作的一种方 式。之所以将这种方式作为国际技术贸易的一种方式,是因为国际承 包工程项

目建设过程中,包含有大量的技术转让内容,特别是项目建 设的后期,承包人要培训业主的技术人员,提供所需的技术知识(专利技术、专有技术),以保证项目的正常运行。


招标成交的国际工程承包合同不是采取单一合同方式,而是采取另一种合同方式,这种合同是由一些有关文件组成的,通常称为合同文件(contract documents)。



合同中应该规定,发包人须将其任命的监理工程师及时通知承包人,监理工程师是发包人的代理人,在监理工程师中选定监理工程师 代表负责监督工程施工和处理履约中出现的问题。






工程承包合同,一般来说履行合同时间较长,在履行合同中,可能会由于特殊自然条件和人为原因给工程的施工带来困难,必须采取 一定的措施才能排除,例如,增加施工机械设备、劳动力、材料等, 这样就要增加承包费用或推迟工程进度。以上问题须经监理工程师或监理工程师的代表确认,发包人才能偿付额外增加的费用或同意工程 延期。




承包人或分包人须向发包人提供专利和专有技术,并承担被第三方控告合同范围内专利权为非法、以及专利权被第三方侵犯时的责任; 承包人提供的专有技术,双方应订立保密条款。


合同中的维修条款是说明维修期限和维修费用的负担问题。维修期限一般是从竣工证书签发之日起计算,一般土木工程维修期为十二 个月。在维修期内,承包人应按监理工程师的要求,对工程缺陷进行维修、返工或弥补等。如果工程的缺陷是由于承包人的疏忽造成,由承包人负担由此而引起的费用。如果由于其他原因造成,由发包人负担费用。


合同签订后,发包人或监理工程师有权改变合同中规定的工程项 目,承包人应按变更后的工程项目要求进行施工。因工程变更增加或减少的费用,应在合同的总价中予以调整,工期也要相应改变。




(2)临时结算:发包人每月向承包人支付一次,发包人每月支付的金额应扣除承包人的保留金,保留金通常是每月支付金额的5- 10%左右,但保留金的累计金额达到合同总价款的5%时,就不再扣留,承包人交付的保留金应在工程竣工和维修期满后全部退还给承包人。

(3)支付期限:一般规定,在监理工程师签发给结算单之日起 十五至三十天以内,发包人要向承包人付清费用。

(4)迟付加息:如果发包人不按规定付款,应按工程项目所在国中央银行放款利率加息。 后结算证书之日起三十天内,发包人付清全部价款。

10 .违约惩罚条款


(1)对承包人违约的惩罚:承包人凡是未经发包人书面同意而 转让和分包承包工程;承包人凡是无正当理由不按时开工;承包人未按合同规定标准准备材料;承包人不听从监理工程师的正当警告;承包人忽视工程质量等,均属承包人的违约行为。对此,发包人有权终止合同,没收承包人的履约保证金或者采取其他必要的惩罚措施。






招标(Tender, Invitation to invite tender) 是一方(招标人)欲出售、购买商品,或欲建设工程项目按一定程序征求应征人, 不经磋商而进行交易的一种方法。应征人按招标人的要求提出具体方案并寄交招标人称为投标(to submit tender 或 submission of tender)国际竞争性招标的程序大致分为如下几个阶段:

1.招标前的准备工作。(1)项目招标委员会的组成。招标委员会应由国家主管部门组织,聘请工程、商务、外汇、法 律等各有关方面的专家组成,负责解决项目招标中所遇到的各种问题, 并具体指导招标工作。(2)招标公告。在进行招标前,应在国内外有影响的报刊上发布招标公告。它包括招标通知和招标广告两个部分。招标通知是指分别送给与项目有关的与所在国建立了外交和商务关系的各国有关部门的书面通知。招标广告是指在国内外有影响的报刊上所刊登的招标广告。 通知和广告的内容应包括:项目名称、项目地点、项目内容概况 、工程范围、索取招标文件的日期、地址及截止日期、招标条件、价 格以及有关事项的咨询单位等。(3)资格预审。资格预审是指对愿意承担招标项目的投标人进行的财务状况、技术能力、资信等方面的预先审查。目的是选择确有承包能力的投标人。(4)制定标底。招标委员会刊登招标广告后,即应准备合同价格,通过项目概算,确定合同的价格水平,亦称为"标底",是招标委员会掌握的底牌,是绝对保密的。


3.开标。开标是指招标委员会在规定的日期、时间和地点,将截止日期前 收到的全部投标文件,在所有投标人或其代表在场的情况下,当场拆封投标文件,并公开宣读各投标人的投标条件,以使全体投标人了解各家的标价,这种程序即为开标。

4.评标与决标。开标以后即转入评标阶段。招标委员会将投标文件的标价,及其它条件一一汇集列表,选取其中报价最低的四、五份投标文件,进行 审查、鉴别、比较,直至决定中标单位,这一阶段,是在秘密条件下进行的。决标是根据评标报告及其推荐意见为依据,由招标委员会决定中 标人,同时向中标人发出中标通知书的环节,对未中标的人一般可不通知,或只简单通知××承包人中标即可。


International engineering contracting refers to a country's government departments, companies, enterprises or project owner (usually the owner or contract, said one project) commissioned by the contractor in charge of foreign projects in accordance with the conditions provided for the completion of a project to assume the task. International project is a comprehensive international economic cooperation, international technology trade is a form of international labor service cooperation with a way. The reason why this approach as an international technology trade a way, because of international contracted projects

Head construction, contains a large number of technology transfer, in particular towards the end of project construction, contractor owners to train technical staff to provide the necessary technical know-how (patents, proprietary technology) to ensure the normal operation of the project .

1. Engineering the basic elements of contract

International engineering contract tendering contracts rather than the adoption of a single contract, but another contract, this contract is formed by a number of relevant documents, and often referred to as the contract documents (contract documents).

Contract documents, including: tender notices, tender information, contract conditions, bids, notices and agreements such as the successful bidder. In accordance with internationally, "the terms of the contract" generally include the following:

1. Supervision engineers and representatives of the powers and responsibilities of the terms of supervision engineer

The contract should provide that the contract of their appointment shall promptly notify the contractor supervision engineers, supervision engineers contracting agent of the person, in the supervision engineer in selected representatives of supervision engineer is responsible for overseeing construction and dealing with performance problems.

2. The transfer of project contracting and subcontracting provisions

General provisions of the contract, the contractor without a contract or their agents may not be all of the contract, the contract any part of any contract transferred to the interests and rights of a third party. By the contract or their agents, contractors, part of the project to be subcontracted to others, but the original contractor is still responsible for all projects.

3. Obligations under the terms of the general contractor

According to the contract, the contractor should be responsible for all project design and construction, and provided free of charge necessary for the construction labor, materials, machinery and equipment and management know-how.

4. The special natural conditions and terms of man-made obstacles

Project contracts, in general a longer time to perform the contract, in the performance of the contract, may be e to the special natural conditions and man-made reasons for the difficulty of project, certain measures must be taken to rule out the possibility, for example, increase in construction machinery and equipment, labor, materials, etc., so that the contractor is necessary to increase the cost or delay the progress of the project. Subject to the supervision over the issue of engineers or engineers on behalf of the Commissioner confirmed that the contract be able to pay additional fees or agree to an extension project.

5. Completion of the terms and delays in the completion of

Completion time stipulated in the contract and standards, the contractor after the completion of works by the supervision engineer or his representative issued after the completion of acceptance to prove correct, marked the completion of the project have been. If there are some special circumstances, such as engineering changes, changes in natural conditions, man-made obstacles delayed the project, the contractor agreed to by the supervision engineer, you can extend the deadline for completion.

6. Terms of patents and know-how

Contractor or subcontractor to the contract to provide patent and proprietary technology, and assume by contract the scope of third-party patent rights against an illegal, as well as patent infringement by a third party liability; contractor to provide proprietary technology, Both sides should enter into the terms of confidentiality.

7. Maintenance provisions of

Terms of the contract maintenance period is to repair and maintenance costs of the burden. Maintenance period is generally the completion certificate was issued from the date of the general civil engineering for the twelve-month maintenance period. In the maintenance period, the contractor should be the requirements of supervision engineer, the engineering maintenance defects, rework or make up for such. If the project is e to the defects caused by the negligence of the contractor by the contractor the burden of the resulting costs. If as a result of other causes, from contract to bear the cost.

8. Terms of engineering change

After the signing of the contract, contract supervision engineer or the right to change the provisions of the contract projects, contractors should be to change the requirements after the project construction. Changes e to increase or decrease in the cost of the contract price should be adjusted accordingly to change the period.

9. Terms of payment

Terms of payment in terms of the contract the general provisions of the "special conditions" are, including:

(1) advances: the project started before the contract according to the terms of the contract as part of the advance paid to the contractor, the amount of the advance is generally 5-15% of the total contract price to the contractor to purchase machinery and equipment and procurement of materials.

(2) The provisional outturn: monthly contract payments to the contractor once the contract the amount of monthly payment should be dected from contractor's retention, the retention money is usually paid a monthly amount of 5 - 10%, but retention of the cumulative total contract price amounted to 5%, it would no longer be detained, the contractor should be referred to the retention and maintenance of construction works had been completed after the expiration of all returned to the contractor.

(3) the payment period: a general rule, the supervising engineers statements issued to date within 15-30 days, contracts were paid to the contractor.

(4) late payment interest rates: If the contract is not required to pay the project host country should be the central bank lending rate hike. After the settlement 30 days from the date of the certificate, the contract price were paid in full.

10. Breach of contract penalty clauses

Under the contract by both parties in the course of performance of the contract, there may be a breach of conct, in view of the parties to the case of breach of contract, breach of contract penalty clauses were made.

(1) breach of contract on the contractor penalties: Any contractor who, without the written consent of contract and the transfer and sub-contracted projects; contractor any justification does not start on time; contractor did not prepare the contract standard materials; contractor does not listen to the legitimate warning supervision engineer; contractor to ignore the quality of the project are the contractor's default. In this regard, the contract is entitled to terminate the contract, forfeiture of the contractor's performance bond, or take other punitive measures necessary.

(2) penalties for breach of contract award.

All the following persons will constitute a breach of contract: the contractor is not

For reference

⑨ 工程管理中英文对照论文

建筑工程项目分承包管理方式的探讨 闻迅 关键词:项目、项目管理、总承包商(总包商)、分承包商(分包商)、建筑市场分包体系、矩阵式组织结构、合同管理、目标管理提要:随着建筑工程项目化管理更加深入,项目管理的科学方法应用更加广泛,建筑业向更高层次发展,建立完善的建筑业专业分包体系,将是我国建筑市场发展的必然趋势,笔者认为在目前的环境中,采用集权式的公司发包,授权项目的实施管理,采取矩阵式的组织管理结构,着重于合同管理和生产过程目标管理的方式,是较为有效的分包管理形式。 一.项目的概念及特征、项目管理、建筑工程项目管理特点(一)项目的概念 “项目”的提法由来以早,建筑业及军事领域最早运用项目管理的工具和方法。项目的定义有多种,但都围绕着项目的基本概念而归纳的。ISO10006中规定项目为“具有独特的过程,有开始和结束时间,由一系列相互协调和受控的活动组成。过程的实施是为了达到规定的目标,包括满足时间、费用和资源的约束性条件。” 美国项目管理协会PMI在PMBOOK(2000版)给出的定义为:“项目是为了完成某一独特的产品或服务而作的一次性努力。” 德国国家标准DIN69901地应项目为“项目是指总体上符合下列条件的具有唯一性的任务。(具有预定目标,具体的时间、财务人力和其它限制条件,具有专门的组织)。” (二)项目的特征 1.独特和唯一性的任何项目所处的时间、地点、环境、参与的人、目的均各不相同,他们因项目二临时联系起来。就象“人没有相同的两个人”一样,是独特和唯一的。另外项目在进行过程中,所发生的事件、冲突和矛盾都不相同,所以对参与项目的人或物来说,每个项目都是独特的。因其在发展变化上的独特性,项目也是唯一的。 2. 生命周期项目均具有明确的开始时间和结束时间。一般的,在这其中任何项目均具备四个阶段,即概念、计划、实施、结束四阶段,就如生命的孕育、出生、成长、成熟、消亡一样,项目周而复始,每个阶段都有相应不同的特点。现代,又将四阶段扩展为五阶段:“概念、计划、实施、结束、运行和维护”。 3.明确的目标项目活动均是“为了完成某一独特的产品或服务”,所以项目具有明确是目标,如建筑工程的质量、工期、成本文明施工目标。目标之间可能是相互矛盾和约束的,但又统一于项目内,目标具有约束性,项目活动就是要在受着许多约束和限制的条件下,完成诸多相互冲突矛盾的,但又不得不完成的任务。项目管理的结果就是在目标间求得一种平衡的结果。目标可以分解,总的目标由多层次的分目标组成。 4.系统组织项目是一个整体,项目各个组成部分相互影响,相互约束,形成一个完整的系统,并且项目都是在有组织的背景下产生的,如建筑工程项目都是在某建筑公司的组织内被组织和管理的,所以项目是一个有组织的整体系统。 5.不确定性项目是独特的,且是唯一的,项目发展没有固定先例。

Construction project management sub-contracting of Wen Xun Keywords: project, project management, general contractor (general contractor), sub-contractors (subcontractors), the construction market sub-system, matrix organizational structure, contract management , the target management Abstract: With the construction projects in greater depth of management, project management of more extensive application of scientific methods, the construction instry to a higher level of development, set up a sound system of construction specialist sub-contractors will be building market development in China are the inevitable trend, I think in the current environment, the use of centralized contract-style company, authorized the implementation of the project management, to take the matrix-style organization and management structure, focused on contract management and proction process management by objectives approach is a more effective management of subcontractors form. 1. The concept and characteristics of the project, project management, construction project management features (1) project concept "project" was the origin of a morning, the building instry and the military field, the earliest use of project management tools and methods. The definition of the project has a wide range, but they all revolve around the basic concept of the project and summarized. ISO10006 in the project as "a unique process that has the beginning and end of time, by a series of coordinated and controlled the activities of the composition. The process of implementation are in order to achieve the objectives set, including the needs of time, cost and resource binding conditions. "American Project Management Institute PMI at PMBOOK (2000 version) give the definition as:" projects are completed for a unique proct or service for a one-time effort. "German National Standard DIN69901 and should project as a" project are refers to the following conditions are met on a unique mission. (with the intended target, a specific time, financial and other restrictions on human conditions, with specific organizations). "(b) the characteristics of the project 1. a unique and uniqueness any item in which the timing, location, environment, participation of people, the aim should vary, they are linked to project the Second Provisional. As "people do not have the same two people", is unique and unique. In addition the project ring the course of events, conflicts and contradictions are not the same, so for example people or things involved in the project, each project is unique. At the development and changes on its uniqueness, the project is also unique. 2. The life cycle of projects have specific start and end times. In general, and in this one of any of the items are available in four phases, namely, the concept, planning, implementation, ending four stage of life such as breeding, birth, growth, maturity, like the demise of the project cycle, each stage has a corresponding different characteristics. Modern, will be extended to four stages of five stages: "the concept, planning, implementation, end of operation and maintenance." 3. Specific objectives of the project activities are "for the completion of a unique proct or service," so the project with a clear goal, such as construction quality, ration and cost goals of civilized construction. Between the objectives may be contradictory and constraints, but are united in the project, the target of a binding nature, the project activity is to much suffering and limit the conditions, the completion of the many contradictions in conflict with each other, but had to be completed task. The results of project management is to achieve a balance between the objectives of results. Goals can be decomposed, the overall target from multi-layered composition of the sub-goals. 4. System project is a whole organization, project the various components of the mutual influence, mutual constraints, form a complete system, and projects are organized at the background, such as construction projects are at a construction company organizations are organized and managed, so the project is an organized system as a whole. 5. Uncertainty projects are unique, and is the only project the development of no fixed precedent.



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