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发布时间:2022-05-01 17:25:26

㈠ 请大家帮我找一篇关于《中小企业融资方式选择》的外国文献,并且附中文翻译。

SMEs in the country's economic and social development that plays an important role in the economic development and social stability of the important pillars in the actual work of financing constraints SME development has become the main obstacle.
In this paper, the status of financing for SMEs, the SME financing analysis factors. SME credit culture that loss, financial management confusion, poor economic returns, lack of credit guarantees, domestic financial instry and the integration of its own loans in the current austerity is the main obstacle to SME financing. Proposed solutions should focus on the current development of small and medium banks, establishing a sound credit guarantee system problems to a fundamental breakthrough in getting loans for SMEs bottlenecks contradictions. At the same time, from the perspective of building their own enterprises make policy recommendations.

㈡ 急急急!!!!!!跪求有关中小企业融资问题的外文文献翻译 要求有作者和文章来源 不少于25000字节。

外文文献翻译成中文1000字左右): 【主要阅读文献不少于5篇,译文后附注文献信息,包括:作者、书名(或论文题目)、出 版 社(或刊物名称)、出版时间(或刊号)、页码。提供所译外文资料附件(印刷类含封面、封底、目录、翻译部分的复印件等,网站类的请附网址及原文】 中小企业融资的创新 中小企业融资的文件 尽管政府、银行和各金融机构采取了一系列的措施,中小企业仍面临着一些挑战,这是具有普遍性的。这些问题涉及到抵押问题,贷款难,拖延应收款,技术过时,营销道路不畅等。印度为了解决上述的问题,采取了一些新的融资工具并创建了新的融资体制。这些措施包括: 1. 小型工业的信用保证基金信托 印度政府与印度小企业发展银行,已成立了一个小型工业信用保证基金信托( CGTSI )实施保障计划。主体信托拟加强从目前的7亿到25亿美元。其主要目的是促进信用较低的小型企业的融资,鼓励银行向值得贷款的企业免除抵押方式的贷款。在过去三年间,有资格的小型工业的贷款约2.5万被纳入该计划之中且CGTSI担保贷款的信用机构的会员迄今已扩大到约18,000名,涉及的贷款额约3亿美元。CGTSI考虑今年把他们的业务增至与去年相比的三倍。一些新的信用保证制度,如相互信贷保证计划等类似的计划在意大利和欧洲其他国家也正在制订中。 2. 风险分担机制 虽然CGTSI延伸保证支付的贷款高达2.5万美元,但有需要提供担保的银行贷款超过上述限额。根据世界银行牵头筹资问题和发展中小企业的计划,有可能为中小企业引入的风险分担机制正在研究中。主理银行和独立机构之间将按同样的比例共同承担银行向中小企业贷款的风险。当然,该机制将按成本获得收益。这一机制到时候,将减轻银行的信贷风险和高级中小企业的资金问题。 3. 创业资金 关于新的资金来源,许多国家正在考虑放宽有关风险资本投资的规则。在印度也已经采取了各种措施这个方向发展。印度小企业发展银行以及其他一些机构在该国已经带头采取了促进风险投资。根据资料显示该银行已设立了16个国家一级/区域一级的资金,为软件和IT业设立了约1亿美元的国家基金,近来还新建立了约1亿美元的中小企业发展基金。该基金将致力于医药,生物技术,轻工程,软件和其他领域。中小企业发展基金预期将增至5亿美元。 4. 小额贷款 实现潜在的小额贷款将促进经济的增长,印度小企业发展银行一直把重点放在增加有能力的部门来处理信贷和小额贷款的支出的增加。印度小企业发展银行基金会的小额贷款运作部门,在2004年里已累计批准了710万美元的财政援助。根据该方案,过去4年累计援助的受益人超过100万,其中大部分是妇女。对于未解决的投资方案,有可能从2004年3月底910万美元增至今年年底的2亿美元。 5. 中小企业基金 印度政府和印度小企业发展银行最重要的部门之间所采取的行动是建立100亿美元的中小企业基金,以期推动资金流向中小企业。印度小企业发展银行经过仔细考虑,设立基金和开展其业务从2004年4月开始生效。按照规定,基金援助提供给利率在银行PLR基准点200以下的中小企业。通过中小企业发展银行办公厅向中小 企业提供的直接援助正在扩大,主要的贷款机构也提供9.5%利率的再融资。SFCs可可获得7.5%~8%利率的再融资的收益。除了SFCs外,通过商业银行,中小企业基金提供的援助用于路由。该基金的流动除了提升对中小企业的援助,还解决了跨部门的贷款费用问题。 6. 为中小企业设立一个专门的信用评级机构 为了解决信贷需求方面的问题,主动采取行动以支持机制的信息共享和信用评级。为了加强信贷信息和便于银行进行信贷决策,印度小企业发展银行已决定推出一个专门为中小企业的信用评级协会与公共部门银行。银行可以选择与公共部门的银行和信贷评级机构交流信息,本年度该机构就有可能开展业务。 7. 资产证券化 为了扩大中小企业的援助范围,资产证券化进程提供由发起人和channelise资金的载体购买中小企业的投资组合的机会。这样的组合可以被购买方保留,也可以根据资本市场的变动被出售给投资者。印度小企业发展银行最近已获准由印度政府开展的业务,进行资产证券化。

㈢ 中英文对照关于中小企业融资问题与对策的外国文献

工业,中小型企业须符合以下条件:职工人数2000 人以下,或销售额30000 万元以下,或资产总额为40000 万元以下。其中,中型企业须同时满足职工人数300 人及以上,销售额3000 万元及以上,资产总额4000 万元及以上;其余为小型企业。
建筑业,中小型企业须符合以下条件:职工人数3000 人以下,或销售额30000 万元以下,或资产总额40000 万元以下。其中,中型企业须同时满足职工人数600 人及以上,销售额3000 万元及以上,资产总额4000 万元及以上;其余为小型企业。
批发和零售业,零售业中小型企业须符合以下条件:职工人500 人以下,或销售额15000 万元以下。其中,中型企业须同时满足职工人数100 人及以上,销售额1000 万元及以上;其余为小型企业。
批发业中小型企业须符合以下条件:职工人数200 人以下,或销售额30000 万元以下。其中,中型企业须同时满足职工人数100 人及以上,销售额3000 万元及以上;其余为小型企业。
交通运输和邮政业,交通运输业中小型企业须符合以下条件:职工人数3000 人以下,或销售额30000 万元以下。其中,中型企业须同时满足职工人数500 人及以上,销售额3000 万元及以上;其余为小型企业。邮政业中小型企业须符合以下条件:职工人数1000 人以下,或销售额30000 万元以下。其中,中型企业须同时满足职工人数400 人及以上,销售额3000 万元及以上;其余为小型企业。
住宿和餐饮业,中小型企业须符合以下条件:职工人数800 人以下,或销售额15000 万元以下。其中,中型企业须同时满足职工人数400 人及以上,销售额3000 万元及以上;其余为小型企业。
“职工人数”以现行统计制度中的年末从业人员数代替;“工业企业的销售额”以现行统计制度中的年产品销售收入代替;“建筑业企业的销售额会计科目”以现行统计制度中的年工程结算收入代替;“批发和零售业的销售额” 以现行统计制度中的年销售额代替;“交通运输和邮政业,住宿和餐饮业企业的销售额”以现行统计制度中的年营业收入代替;“资
产总额” 以现行统计制度中的资产合计代替。规定适用于在中华人民共和国境内依法设立的各类所有制和各种组织形式的企
业,职工人数800 人以下。企业是与所处行业的大企业相比人员规模、资产规模与经营规模都比较小的经济单位。
随着招商引资力度进一步加大和民营经济的迅猛发展,中小企业如雨后春笋般不断涌现,2003年海安国税新增纳税人1842户,比上年同期增长47 %.2004年县政府下达民营企业发展目标,要求新发展个体私营企业 9250户。不断增加的中小企业一方面增加了税源,另一方面也对基层税收管理带来很大的挑战。最近,在进行纳税评估、一般纳税人复检等工作时事,对中小企业的财务状况进行抽样调查,其结果不尽如意,提高中小企业财务核算水平、加强财务管理已刻不容缓。 Which are small and medium-sized instries and large enterprises compared to staff size, asset size and management are relatively small economic units.
Different countries and different economic development stages, in different sectors to define their standards vary, and with the economic development and dynamic change. States generally qualitative and quantitative aspects of the definition of SMEs, the main qualitative indicators, including business forms of organization, financing methods and the status of where the instry, the volume indicators are mainly the number of employees, paid-up capital, total assets and so on. Volume of more qualitative indicators of indicators more intuitive, easy data selection, the majority of countries have divided the volume of standards, such as the U.S. Congress in 2001 introced the "United States Small Business Act" for SMEs to define standards for the number of employees does not exceed 500 people, the United Kingdom, the European Union, taking the volume of indicators, but also to qualitative indicators as a supplement.
Small and medium-sized countries in the world and regional criteria for the classification:
United States: the number of employees not more than 500 people
Britain: a qualitative states: smaller market share; owners personally management; enterprises operating independently.
Volume indicators: a small manufacturing: 200 people employed in the following
Small construction, mining: 25 people employed in the following
Small retail: Sales revenue was £ 185,000 in the following
Small wholesale instry: Sales revenue was £ 730,000 in the following
EU: the number of employees in the following 250 people and an annual output value is not more than 40 million ECU, or the annual funding total liabilities are not accounted for more than 27 million ECU, and do not be one or a few large companies holding more than 25% stake. One of: less than 50 employees, annual output value of not more than 7 million ECU or an annual total liabilities assets not more than five million ECU, and have independent legal status of enterprises.
Japan: Manufacturing: 300 employees or capital below the amount of ¥ 300,000,000
Wholesale instry: 100 employees or capital below the amount of ¥ 100,000,000 following
Retail: 50 employees or capital below the amount of ¥ 50,000,000
Services: 100 employees or capital below the amount of ¥ 50,000,000 following
China's current criteria for the classification of small and medium enterprises for the 2003 National Economic and Trade Commission, the State Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, National Bureau of Statistics to study the formulation of the "Provisional Regulations on small and medium-sized standards," which national statistical offices to develop the statistical classification of small, medium and large enterprises.
China's latest criteria for the classification of small and medium-sized
According to the Ninth National People's Congress Standing Committee meeting of 28th June 29, 2002 through the "People's Republic of China SME Promotion Law," the spirit of the former State Economic and Trade Commission at home, the former State Development Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, National Bureau of Statistics in February 19, 2003 issued the "small and medium-sized standards regarding the issuance of the notice required under the temporary" (economic and trade SMEs 〔2003〕 No. 143), the main criteria for small and medium-sized instries has made a specific defined. The standard is based on the number of enterprise employees, sales, total assets, such as indicators, combined with the characteristics of developed instry. In accordance with the "Notice" provisions of the small and medium enterprises in different sectors should be identified in accordance with the following criteria:
Instry, small and medium enterprises have to comply with the following conditions: number of employees in 2000 the following people, or sales below 300 million yuan, or total assets of 400 million yuan for the following. Among them, the medium-sized enterprises have to satisfy the needs of workers at the same time the number of people and over 300 sales and over 30 million yuan, with total assets of 40 million yuan and above; the rest for small businesses.
The construction instry, small and medium enterprises have to comply with the following conditions: number of employees 3000 people following, or sales below 300 million yuan, or total assets of 400 million yuan the following. Among them, the medium-sized enterprises have to satisfy the needs of workers at the same time the number of people and over 600 sales and over 30 million yuan, with total assets of 40 million yuan and above; the rest for small businesses.
Wholesale and retail trade, small and medium-sized retail enterprises have to comply with the following conditions: 500 or fewer workers, or sales of 150 million yuan the following. Among them, the medium-sized enterprises have to satisfy the needs of workers at the same time the number of people and over 100 sales and over 1000万元; the rest for small businesses.
Wholesale trade of small and medium enterprises have to comply with the following conditions: 200 or fewer employees, or sales of 300 million yuan the following. Among them, the medium-sized enterprises have to satisfy the needs of workers at the same time the number of people and over 100 sales and over 30 million yuan; the rest for small businesses.
Transportation and postal service, transport small and medium enterprises have to comply with the following conditions: number of employees 3000 people following, or sales of 300 million yuan the following. Among them, the medium-sized enterprises have to satisfy the needs of workers at the same time the number of people and over 500 sales and over 30 million yuan; the rest for small businesses. Post instry small and medium enterprises have to comply with the following conditions: number of employees 1000 people following, or sales of 300 million yuan the following. Among them, the medium-sized enterprises have to satisfy the needs of workers at the same time the number of people and over 400 sales and over 30 million yuan; the rest for small businesses.
Different countries and different economic development stages, in different sectors to define their standards vary, and with the economic development and dynamic change. States generally qualitative and quantitative aspects of the definition of SMEs, the main qualitative indicators, including business forms of organization, financing methods and the status of where the instry, the volume indicators are mainly the number of employees, paid-up capital, total assets and so on. Volume of more qualitative indicators of indicators more intuitive, easy data selection, the majority of countries have divided the volume of standards, such as the U.S. Congress in 2001 introced the "United States Small Business Act" for SMEs to define standards for the number of employees does not exceed 500 people, the United Kingdom, the European Union, taking the volume of indicators, but also to qualitative indicators as a supplement.
Accommodation and catering instry, small and medium enterprises have to comply with the following conditions: 800 or fewer employees, or sales of 150 million yuan the following. Among them, the medium-sized enterprises have to satisfy the needs of workers at the same time the number of people and over 400 sales and over 30 million yuan; the rest for small businesses.
"Employees" to the existing statistical system of the end of a few employees in lieu of; "sales of instrial enterprises" to the existing statistical system in lieu of annual sales revenue; "construction enterprises sales accounts" to the existing statistical system annual income in lieu of clearing works; "wholesale and retail sales" to the existing statistical system in lieu of annual sales; "transport and postal service, accommodation and catering instry sales enterprise" to the existing statistical system of the year operating income in lieu of; "funding
The total proction "to the existing statistical system in lieu of total assets. Shall apply to the territory of the People's Republic of China established by law and various organizations of various ownership forms of enterprises
Instry, number of employees below 800 people. Enterprises which are instries with large enterprises compared to staff size, asset size and management are relatively small economic units.
The status of the financial plight of small and medium-sized or the performance of
With the investment was further enlarged and the rapid development of private economy, small and medium enterprises such as the continuing mushrooming, MSC 2003, National Tax Added taxpayers 1842, more than 47 percent year-on-year growth in the county government issued .2004 private enterprise development goals requiring new development of indivial and private enterprises 9250. Increasing number of SMEs on the one hand, an increase of tax sources, on the other hand, the grass-roots tax management a great challenge. Recently, ring the tax assessment, the general taxpayer, such as job review current events, the financial situation of small and medium enterprises to conct a sample survey, the results are not smug, improve financial accounting standards for SMEs to strengthen financial management and no time to lose.

㈣ 有没有有关中小企业融资的外文文献。。中英文都要。。2500字左右

中文:芝加哥(路透通讯社) - 信贷紧缩的驱使下,美国的住房危机似乎已经击中另一引擎的美国经济 -- 小企业。

英文:CHICAGO (Reuters) - The credit crunch driven by the U.S. housing crisis appears to have hit another engine of the American economy -- small businesses.
引用务必说明出处,原文版权在yeeyan.com. 而www.twoen.com仅仅做了转载。

㈤ 急求关于中小企业融资问题的英文文献

Small Business Loan 101
Essentials of Small Business Loan

From Naurys Marte, for About.com

As a small business owner, your most difficult task is finding the money to operate your business. Taking the necessary steps to prepare for a small business loan can minimize the difficulty. Learn what you need to know to clinch the loan deal.

Banks and other lending institutions cite risk factors as their main reason for turning down small business loan requests from startup businesses. Yet, you can still get a loan for your business by proper preparation.

Avoid the common error of thinking you can start with grants from the government and community agencies. It is even more unlikely than getting the money from your own savings, family, friends, or a bank.

The main requirements of attaining a small business loan are your personal credit history, business plan, experience, ecation, and feasibility of the business you are starting or expanding.

The most important task to obtain a small business loan is preparing a business plan. The business plan needs to show the lender that providing you with a small business loan is a low-risk proposition. Your business plan must answer the questions a lending institution would ask. These questions usually are:

How much money do you need?

If you are starting a business, this should be included at least in the start-up capital estimate. Accuracy is important, so request enough money to invest wisely.

What are you going to do with the money?

You will have to provide, in detail, the designated use of every dollar requested. A small business loan is often needed for: operations (new employees, marketing, etc.), assets (equipment, real estate, etc.), or to pay off business debts.

When will you repay the small business loan?

Explain in detail how this small business loan will serve as a stepping-stone for your business. You will need to convince the lender (with your financial statements and cash flow projections) that you are able to repay the loan through the expected long-term profitability of your business.

What will you do if you don't get the loan?

Let lenders know that rejection will not discourage you from starting or growing your business. You want to portray a confident and determined personality and you will try lender after lender until you receive the money you need to get your business moving.

As a small business owner, you will need a certain degree of fortitude. Be confident and proud of your venture. Let lenders know you are in control and know what's best for you and your business. Understand that lending institutions need to make loans. But if you don't get one, don't get discouraged. Ask the lender why you didn't get the small business loan. Learn from the answer, move on, and try other lenders.

The Women's Venture Fund is a resource for women in business who need money and training to expand their venture for New York or New Jersey businesses. To learn more about the Women's Venture Fund call 212-563-0499 or visit www.womensventurefund.org.
Small Business Loan Resources

Getting a Small Business LoanSmall Business Banking 101New Rules of Small Business Financing
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* Getting A Small Business Loan - Making A Winning Business Loan Presentation
* How To Get A Small Business Loan
* Get a Business Loan - How to Apply for a Small Business Loan
* Before You Apply for a Business Loan
* Business Loans - Preparation for Application for Business Loans

㈥ 急求有关中小企业融资问题的外文文献


[1] Allen N Berger, Gregory F Udell. The Economics of Small Business Finance:The Role of Private Equity and Debt Markets in Financial Growth Cycle .Journal of Banking and Finance, 1998, (22) .
[2] Modigliani, F, and Miller, M. h. The cost of capital, corporate finance and the theory of investment .American Economic Review, 1958, (6) :261-297 .
[3] Mallick, R,&Chakrabotty, A. Credit gap in small business: Some New Evidence[J] .Working Paper from Econpapers. 2002, .
[4] OECD. A Framework for the Development and Financing of Dynamic Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Turkey .2005,7, (7) .
[5] Peterson, M,Rajan, R.G. The Benefits of firmcreditor relationship: Evidence from small business data .Journal of Finance, 1994, (49) :3-37 .
[6] SBA. White Paper of Small Business Administration(1998-2000) .the US Government Printing Office, .
[7] Kane,E.J. Accelerating inflation,technological innovation,and the decreasing effectiveness of banking regulation .The Journal of Finance36,355-367. 1981, .
[8] Goss D. Small Business and Society .Routledge. 1991, .
[9] Samuelson L. Evolutionary Games and Equilibrium Selec-tion[M] .1997, .

㈦ 急求一篇关于中小企业融资的英文文献,要有中文翻译

Automatically translated text:
The definition of lease financing
Finance leases (Financial Leasing) also known as the Equipment Leasing (Equipment Leasing), or modern leasing (Modern Leasing), and is essentially transfer ownership of the assets of all or most of the risks and rewards of the lease. The ultimate ownership of assets to be transferred, or may not transfer.

It refers to the specific content of the lessee to the lessor under the lease object and the specific requirements of the supplier selection, vendor financing to purchase rental property, and the use of leased to a lessee, the lessee to the lessor to pay instalments rent, the lease term lease ownership of objects belonging to the lessor of all, the tenant has the right to use the leased items. Term expired, and finished the lessee to pay rent under the lease contract financing to fulfil obligations in full, leasing objects that vesting ownership of all the lessee. Despite the finance lease transactions, the lessors have the identity of the purchase of equipment, but the substantive content of the purchase of equipment suppliers such as the choice of the specific requirements of the equipment, the conditions of the purchase contract negotiations by the lessee enjoy and exercise, lessee leasing object is essentially the purchaser. , Is a finance lease extension of loans and trade and technology updates in the new integrated financial instry. Because of its extension of loans and combination of features, there is a problem in leasing companies can recycling, treatment of leasing, and so the financing for the enterprise credit and secured the main requirement, it is very suitable for SME financing. In addition, the leasing of sheet financing, not reflected in the financial statements of the enterprise liability, does not affect the credit status of enterprises. This multi-channel financing needs of SMEs in terms of it is very beneficial.

Leasing and financing lease of a traditional nature of the difference is: traditional lease to the tenant leasing the use of objects of the time rent, and finance lease financing costs to the tenant occupying the time of rental. The market economy develops to a certain stage and the adaptation of a strong financing, in the 1950s in the United States have a new type of trading, as it adapted to the requirements of modern economic development, in the 60 to 70 the rapid development in the world, and today has become a business update equipment one of the main means of financing, known as the "sunrise instry." China in the early 1980s after the introction of this operational modalities for over 10 years has been the rapid development, compared with developed countries, the advantages of leasing is far from being played out, the market potential is huge.

[Edit] the main characteristics of the leasing
The main characteristics of the leasing is: the ownership of objects as leasing is the lessor in order to control the risk of the tenant rent reimbursement taken a form of ownership, at the end of the contract could eventually be transferred to the lessee, the lease purchase items from lease people choose, maintenance from the tenant responsible for the lessor to provide financial services only. Rent calculation principles are: to lease the lessor objects based on the purchase price, occupied by the lessee to the lessor of funds based on time, according to a mutually agreed rental rates. It is essentially dependent on the traditional leasing financial transactions, is a special kind of financial instruments.

[Edit] the type of lease financing
1. Simple financing lease

Financing lease is a simple, by the lessee choose to purchase the rental property, the lessor on the lease project through risk assessment after the rental lease to the lessee the use of objects. Throughout the lease period the lessee does not enjoy the right to use the title, and is responsible for repair and maintenance of leasing objects. The lessor's lease is good or bad thing without any liability, equipment depreciation in the tenant side.

2. Leveraged lease financing

Leveraged leasing practices similar to syndicated loans, is a specialized leasing to large-scale projects with the tax benefits of lease financing, mainly led by a leasing company as a trunk, and for the lease of a very large project financing. First set up a leasing company from the operation of the main institutions - a project-based fund management company set up projects to provide more than 20% of the total amount of funds, and the remaining part was the main source of funds banks and social absorb idle idle funds, the use of 100 percent enjoy low tax benefits "in the eight Bo" leverage for the leasing project large amount of funds. The remaining financing and leasing practices are basically the same, but because of the complexity of the contract covers a wide range and even greater. As can enjoy tax benefits, operating norms, comprehensive benefits, and recovery of rent safe, low-cost, and are generally used for aircraft, ships, communications equipment and large complete sets of equipment lease financing.

3. Commissioned by the Financial Leasing

Is a way to have the funds or equipment entrusted to non-bank financial institutions in the financing lease, the lessor is also the first client, the second is the trustee of the lessor at the same time. The lessor to accept the client's money or lease of the subject matter, according to the client's written by the client designated for the lessee of the leasing business. In the subject of the lease term lease of the property of the client, the lessor only charges, not to take risks. Such leasing commissioned a major characteristic is not to lease the right to operate the enterprise, "by the right" business. E-commerce is on the lease by lease rental as a business platform.

The second is the lessor or lessee commissioned by the lease purchase of a third person, the lessor under the contract to pay the purchase price, also known as commissioned by the lease purchase financing.

4. Project finance leasing

Lessee to project their own property and to ensure efficiency, and the lessor signed a finance lease contract, the lessor to the lessee of the property and other projects without recourse to the proceeds, we can only rent charged to the project's cash flow and profitability to determine. The seller (that is leasing goods manufacturers) through their holding leasing companies to promote their procts in this way, and expand market share. Communications equipment, medical equipment, transportation equipment, or even the right to operate highway can be used this way. Others, including the return of leasing, also known as sale and leaseback financing leasing; financing to leasing, also known as the financing to leasing.

[Edit] the risk of lease financing
Finance leases from the risk of many uncertain factors, is multifaceted and interrelated, in the full understanding of the operational activities of the characteristics of various risks can be comprehensive, scientific analysis of risks to formulate corresponding measures. The risk of financing leasing main categories as follows:

(1) proct market risks. In the market environment, regardless of the financing lease, loan or investment, as long as the funds used to purchase equipment or to carry out technological transformation, first of all, should consider leasing equipment procts market risks, which need to know to sell the procts, market share rate and occupancy, proct trends in the development of the market, the consumption structure and the mentality of the consumers and consumption capacity. If these factors are not fully understand, the survey are not careful, and may increase the market risk.

(2) financial risks. For the leasing of a financial nature, financial risks throughout the entire business activities. The lessor, the biggest risk is that the lessee is also rent capacity, it has a direct impact on the operation of leasing companies and survival, therefore, the risk of also rent from the project began, it should be cause for concern.

Currency also have risks, especially international payments, methods of payment, payment date, time, the remittance channels and means of payment options improperly, will increase the risk.

(3) Trade risk. For the leasing of a trade properties, the risks of trade negotiations to orders from the acceptance testing there is a risk. The merchandise trade in the modern development of a relatively complete, the community is also supporting the establishment of corresponding institutions and preventive measures, such as a letter of credit, transport insurance, commodity inspection, commercial arbitration and the risk of credit counseling have taken precautions and remedial measures, but because people's awareness and understanding of the risks of different degrees, and some means of a commercial nature, coupled with the inexperience of the management of enterprises and other factors, all of these instruments have not been used, making trade risk still exists.

(4) technical risks. One of the benefits of lease financing before other enterprises is the introction of advanced technology and equipment. In the actual course of the operation, or advanced technology, advanced technology is mature, mature technology for the legal rights and interests of others, is an important risk a technical reasons. Serious, e to technical problems so that equipment in a state of paralysis. Other risks include the economic environment, force majeure, and so on.

[Edit] the accounting treatment of lease financing
[Edit], the tenant on the accounting treatment of lease financing
1, the start of the lease accounting treatment

At the start of the lease, the tenant will usually be the start of the lease rental assets in the original book value of the minimum lease payments and the present value of the lower of the two leased assets as recorded value of the minimum lease payments as a long-term payables recorded value, and the difference between the two records is not recognised financing costs. However, if the assets of the leasing assets of the enterprise small proportion of the total, the tenant may be the start of the lease in the minimum lease payment records of assets and long-term rent payments. This time, the "proportional" not usually refers to fixed assets financed by leasing the lessee total assets total less than 30% (including 30%). Under such circumstances, rent for the financing of long-term assets and the determination of the amount e, the tenant may, at its option, which can be used minimum lease payments, and can also be used leasing assets in the original book value of the minimum lease payments and the present value of the two in the lower. Then what "leasing the original book value of assets" refers to the start of the lease rental, as reflected in the accounts, the book value of the leased asset.

Lessee in the calculation of the minimum lease payments at the current value, if the lessor that the interest rate implicit in the lease, the lessor should be used as the interest rate implicit in the discount rate, otherwise, shall be stipulated in the lease contract interest rate as the discount rate . If the lessor's interest rate implicit in the lease and rental rates stipulated in the contract are not available, it should be used over the same period interest rates on bank loans as the discount rate. Which is implicit in the lease rates, in the inception of the lease, the minimum lease payments and the present value of the unsecured portion of the resial value of the current value of assets and equivalent to the original book value of the discount rate.

2, the initial direct costs of the accounting treatment

Initial direct costs refer to the lease negotiations and the signing of the lease agreement occurred in the course of the lease can be directly attributable to the cost of the project. Lessee in the initial direct costs usually have stamp ty, commission, attorney fees, travel expenses, such as the costs of negotiations. Lessee in the initial direct costs should be recognised as an expense in the current period. Accounts for its handling: debit "management fees" and other subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.

3, no finance charge assessed

In the finance lease, the lessee to the lessor to pay the rent, include the repayment of principal and interest in two parts. Lessee to pay rent, on the one hand to rece long-term payables, on the other hand, while not confirmed by the leasing costs for a certain method to confirm the current financing costs, the first rent (that is, initially matching each rental payment) Under the circumstances, the lease term is the first phase of rent paid no interest, should only rece the long-term payments, not to confirm the current financing costs.

Not sharing in the finance costs, the lessee should be used to calculate certain way. According to the guidelines, the lessee can be used in real interest rates, the straight-line method can also be used and the number of years of combined law. In using the effective interest method, in accordance with the inception of the lease is a lease assets and liabilities are recorded based on the value of different financing costs assessment rate options are also different. No finance charge assessed specific divided into the following types:

(1), leasing assets and liabilities to a minimum lease payments accounted for the present value of value to the investor and the interest rate implicit in the lease for the discount rate. Under such circumstances, investors should be the interest rate implicit in the lease for the assessment rate.

(2), leasing assets and liabilities to a minimum lease payments for the present value of recorded value, and to lease contract provides for the interest rate as the discount rate. In such circumstances, should be stipulated in the lease contract as the rate of assessment rates.

(3), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset accounted for the value of the lessee does not exist resial value guarantees and preferential purchase right to choose. In such circumstances, should be re-calculation of the cost-sharing rate financing. Financing cost-sharing rate refers to the inception of the lease, the minimum lease payments equal to the present value of lease assets in the original book value of the discount rate. In the lessee or related to the leased asset resial value of the third-party security situation, and the similar, the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to zero.

(4), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset accounted for the value of the lessee does not exist guaranteed resial value, but there is preferential option to purchase. In such circumstances, should be re-calculation of the cost-sharing rate financing. At the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to zero.

(5), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset value accounted for, and the existence of the lessee guaranteed resial value.

Under such circumstances, the cost-sharing should be re-financing rate. Related to the lessee or third parties on the resial value of leased assets as security has been provided or not at the end of the lease renewal and to pay a penalty of circumstances, the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to the guaranteed resial value, or to be paid by the breach.

Lessee shall pay each of the rent shall be the amount of rent paid, debit "long-term payables - to finance leases," subjects, credited to "bank" subjects, if payment of rent, which includes compliance costs, At the same time debit should be "manufacturing costs", "management fees" and other subjects. At the same time should be recognized in accordance with the current amount of the finance charge, debit "financial costs" subjects, credited the "no finance charge" subjects.

4, the leased asset depreciation Provision

Tenants should finance the lessee Provision for depreciation of fixed assets, should address two main issues:

(1), depreciation policy

Provision for asset depreciation, lease, the tenant should be its own assets Provision line depreciation method. If the lessee or third parties relating to the leased asset security has been provided, should be credited for the amount of depreciation on fixed assets, and the inception of the lease accounting resial value after decting the value of the balance. If the lessee or third parties relating to the leased asset resial value of the security has been provided, the total amount of depreciation should be credited for the start of the lease value of fixed assets recorded.

(2), the depreciation period

Identify the leased asset depreciation period, should be in accordance with the lease contract. If reasonable certainty that the lessee at the end of the lessee will obtain ownership of the leased asset, the lessee can be identified with all of the assets of the remaining useful life, and should therefore be the start of the lease to lease the remaining useful life of assets as depreciation period; If you can not reasonably determine whether the lease to the lessee at the end of the lease ownership of the assets to be made to the lease period and the remaining useful life of the leased asset in the shorter of the two as the depreciation period.

5, the accounting treatment of compliance costs

Many types of compliance costs, rent for the financing of fixed assets improved expenditure, technical advice and service charges, fees should be increased staff training credited to the extension of sharing costs, debit "long-term prepaid expenses," and "accrued expenses" , "manufacturing costs", "management fees" and other subjects, the fixed assets regular maintenance, insurance, etc. can be directly charged to expense in the current period, debit "manufacturing costs," and "operating expenses" and other subjects, credited to "bank deposits, "wait until the subjects.

6, or the accounting treatment of rent

Since the rent or the amount of uncertainty, unable to adopt a rational approach to its system for sharing, in the actual event, debit "manufacturing costs," and "operating expenses" and other subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.

7, at the end of the lease accounting treatment

At the end of lease, the tenant on the lease is usually the disposition of the assets of three circumstances:

(1), the return of the leased asset. Debit "long-term payables - to finance leases," and "accumulated depreciation" subjects, credited "fixed assets - fixed assets financed by leasing all" subjects.

(2), renewable lease concession assets. If the lessee to exercise the right to choose renewable concession, the lease shall be deemed to have been made the presence of the corresponding accounting treatment. If no expiry of renewal, to the lessor under the lease contract to pay a penalty, debit "operating expenses" subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.

(3), stay purchase the leased asset. In the lessee enjoy preferential purchase right to choose, purchase price paid, debit "long-term payables - to finance lease," credited "bank" and other subjects at the same time, will be fixed assets from "all fixed assets financed by leasing" Details Details of the other subjects into subjects.


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㈨ 急求一篇关于中小企业融资的英文文献,字书10000字左右,万分感谢

Automatically translated text:
The definition of lease financing
Finance leases (Financial Leasing) also known as the Equipment Leasing (Equipment Leasing), or modern leasing (Modern Leasing), and is essentially transfer ownership of the assets of all or most of the risks and rewards of the lease. The ultimate ownership of assets to be transferred, or may not transfer.

It refers to the specific content of the lessee to the lessor under the lease object and the specific requirements of the supplier selection, vendor financing to purchase rental property, and the use of leased to a lessee, the lessee to the lessor to pay instalments rent, the lease term lease ownership of objects belonging to the lessor of all, the tenant has the right to use the leased items. Term expired, and finished the lessee to pay rent under the lease contract financing to fulfil obligations in full, leasing objects that vesting ownership of all the lessee. Despite the finance lease transactions, the lessors have the identity of the purchase of equipment, but the substantive content of the purchase of equipment suppliers such as the choice of the specific requirements of the equipment, the conditions of the purchase contract negotiations by the lessee enjoy and exercise, lessee leasing object is essentially the purchaser. , Is a finance lease extension of loans and trade and technology updates in the new integrated financial instry. Because of its extension of loans and combination of features, there is a problem in leasing companies can recycling, treatment of leasing, and so the financing for the enterprise credit and secured the main requirement, it is very suitable for SME financing. In addition, the leasing of sheet financing, not reflected in the financial statements of the enterprise liability, does not affect the credit status of enterprises. This multi-channel financing needs of SMEs in terms of it is very beneficial.

Leasing and financing lease of a traditional nature of the difference is: traditional lease to the tenant leasing the use of objects of the time rent, and finance lease financing costs to the tenant occupying the time of rental. The market economy develops to a certain stage and the adaptation of a strong financing, in the 1950s in the United States have a new type of trading, as it adapted to the requirements of modern economic development, in the 60 to 70 the rapid development in the world, and today has become a business update equipment one of the main means of financing, known as the "sunrise instry." China in the early 1980s after the introction of this operational modalities for over 10 years has been the rapid development, compared with developed countries, the advantages of leasing is far from being played out, the market potential is huge.

[Edit] the main characteristics of the leasing
The main characteristics of the leasing is: the ownership of objects as leasing is the lessor in order to control the risk of the tenant rent reimbursement taken a form of ownership, at the end of the contract could eventually be transferred to the lessee, the lease purchase items from lease people choose, maintenance from the tenant responsible for the lessor to provide financial services only. Rent calculation principles are: to lease the lessor objects based on the purchase price, occupied by the lessee to the lessor of funds based on time, according to a mutually agreed rental rates. It is essentially dependent on the traditional leasing financial transactions, is a special kind of financial instruments.

[Edit] the type of lease financing
1. Simple financing lease

Financing lease is a simple, by the lessee choose to purchase the rental property, the lessor on the lease project through risk assessment after the rental lease to the lessee the use of objects. Throughout the lease period the lessee does not enjoy the right to use the title, and is responsible for repair and maintenance of leasing objects. The lessor's lease is good or bad thing without any liability, equipment depreciation in the tenant side.

2. Leveraged lease financing

Leveraged leasing practices similar to syndicated loans, is a specialized leasing to large-scale projects with the tax benefits of lease financing, mainly led by a leasing company as a trunk, and for the lease of a very large project financing. First set up a leasing company from the operation of the main institutions - a project-based fund management company set up projects to provide more than 20% of the total amount of funds, and the remaining part was the main source of funds banks and social absorb idle idle funds, the use of 100 percent enjoy low tax benefits "in the eight Bo" leverage for the leasing project large amount of funds. The remaining financing and leasing practices are basically the same, but because of the complexity of the contract covers a wide range and even greater. As can enjoy tax benefits, operating norms, comprehensive benefits, and recovery of rent safe, low-cost, and are generally used for aircraft, ships, communications equipment and large complete sets of equipment lease financing.

3. Commissioned by the Financial Leasing

Is a way to have the funds or equipment entrusted to non-bank financial institutions in the financing lease, the lessor is also the first client, the second is the trustee of the lessor at the same time. The lessor to accept the client's money or lease of the subject matter, according to the client's written by the client designated for the lessee of the leasing business. In the subject of the lease term lease of the property of the client, the lessor only charges, not to take risks. Such leasing commissioned a major characteristic is not to lease the right to operate the enterprise, "by the right" business. E-commerce is on the lease by lease rental as a business platform.

The second is the lessor or lessee commissioned by the lease purchase of a third person, the lessor under the contract to pay the purchase price, also known as commissioned by the lease purchase financing.

4. Project finance leasing

Lessee to project their own property and to ensure efficiency, and the lessor signed a finance lease contract, the lessor to the lessee of the property and other projects without recourse to the proceeds, we can only rent charged to the project's cash flow and profitability to determine. The seller (that is leasing goods manufacturers) through their holding leasing companies to promote their procts in this way, and expand market share. Communications equipment, medical equipment, transportation equipment, or even the right to operate highway can be used this way. Others, including the return of leasing, also known as sale and leaseback financing leasing; financing to leasing, also known as the financing to leasing.

[Edit] the risk of lease financing
Finance leases from the risk of many uncertain factors, is multifaceted and interrelated, in the full understanding of the operational activities of the characteristics of various risks can be comprehensive, scientific analysis of risks to formulate corresponding measures. The risk of financing leasing main categories as follows:

(1) proct market risks. In the market environment, regardless of the financing lease, loan or investment, as long as the funds used to purchase equipment or to carry out technological transformation, first of all, should consider leasing equipment procts market risks, which need to know to sell the procts, market share rate and occupancy, proct trends in the development of the market, the consumption structure and the mentality of the consumers and consumption capacity. If these factors are not fully understand, the survey are not careful, and may increase the market risk.

(2) financial risks. For the leasing of a financial nature, financial risks throughout the entire business activities. The lessor, the biggest risk is that the lessee is also rent capacity, it has a direct impact on the operation of leasing companies and survival, therefore, the risk of also rent from the project began, it should be cause for concern.

Currency also have risks, especially international payments, methods of payment, payment date, time, the remittance channels and means of payment options improperly, will increase the risk.

(3) Trade risk. For the leasing of a trade properties, the risks of trade negotiations to orders from the acceptance testing there is a risk. The merchandise trade in the modern development of a relatively complete, the community is also supporting the establishment of corresponding institutions and preventive measures, such as a letter of credit, transport insurance, commodity inspection, commercial arbitration and the risk of credit counseling have taken precautions and remedial measures, but because people's awareness and understanding of the risks of different degrees, and some means of a commercial nature, coupled with the inexperience of the management of enterprises and other factors, all of these instruments have not been used, making trade risk still exists.

(4) technical risks. One of the benefits of lease financing before other enterprises is the introction of advanced technology and equipment. In the actual course of the operation, or advanced technology, advanced technology is mature, mature technology for the legal rights and interests of others, is an important risk a technical reasons. Serious, e to technical problems so that equipment in a state of paralysis. Other risks include the economic environment, force majeure, and so on.

[Edit] the accounting treatment of lease financing
[Edit], the tenant on the accounting treatment of lease financing
1, the start of the lease accounting treatment

At the start of the lease, the tenant will usually be the start of the lease rental assets in the original book value of the minimum lease payments and the present value of the lower of the two leased assets as recorded value of the minimum lease payments as a long-term payables recorded value, and the difference between the two records is not recognised financing costs. However, if the assets of the leasing assets of the enterprise small proportion of the total, the tenant may be the start of the lease in the minimum lease payment records of assets and long-term rent payments. This time, the "proportional" not usually refers to fixed assets financed by leasing the lessee total assets total less than 30% (including 30%). Under such circumstances, rent for the financing of long-term assets and the determination of the amount e, the tenant may, at its option, which can be used minimum lease payments, and can also be used leasing assets in the original book value of the minimum lease payments and the present value of the two in the lower. Then what "leasing the original book value of assets" refers to the start of the lease rental, as reflected in the accounts, the book value of the leased asset.

Lessee in the calculation of the minimum lease payments at the current value, if the lessor that the interest rate implicit in the lease, the lessor should be used as the interest rate implicit in the discount rate, otherwise, shall be stipulated in the lease contract interest rate as the discount rate . If the lessor's interest rate implicit in the lease and rental rates stipulated in the contract are not available, it should be used over the same period interest rates on bank loans as the discount rate. Which is implicit in the lease rates, in the inception of the lease, the minimum lease payments and the present value of the unsecured portion of the resial value of the current value of assets and equivalent to the original book value of the discount rate.

2, the initial direct costs of the accounting treatment

Initial direct costs refer to the lease negotiations and the signing of the lease agreement occurred in the course of the lease can be directly attributable to the cost of the project. Lessee in the initial direct costs usually have stamp ty, commission, attorney fees, travel expenses, such as the costs of negotiations. Lessee in the initial direct costs should be recognised as an expense in the current period. Accounts for its handling: debit "management fees" and other subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.

3, no finance charge assessed

In the finance lease, the lessee to the lessor to pay the rent, include the repayment of principal and interest in two parts. Lessee to pay rent, on the one hand to rece long-term payables, on the other hand, while not confirmed by the leasing costs for a certain method to confirm the current financing costs, the first rent (that is, initially matching each rental payment) Under the circumstances, the lease term is the first phase of rent paid no interest, should only rece the long-term payments, not to confirm the current financing costs.

Not sharing in the finance costs, the lessee should be used to calculate certain way. According to the guidelines, the lessee can be used in real interest rates, the straight-line method can also be used and the number of years of combined law. In using the effective interest method, in accordance with the inception of the lease is a lease assets and liabilities are recorded based on the value of different financing costs assessment rate options are also different. No finance charge assessed specific divided into the following types:

(1), leasing assets and liabilities to a minimum lease payments accounted for the present value of value to the investor and the interest rate implicit in the lease for the discount rate. Under such circumstances, investors should be the interest rate implicit in the lease for the assessment rate.

(2), leasing assets and liabilities to a minimum lease payments for the present value of recorded value, and to lease contract provides for the interest rate as the discount rate. In such circumstances, should be stipulated in the lease contract as the rate of assessment rates.

(3), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset accounted for the value of the lessee does not exist resial value guarantees and preferential purchase right to choose. In such circumstances, should be re-calculation of the cost-sharing rate financing. Financing cost-sharing rate refers to the inception of the lease, the minimum lease payments equal to the present value of lease assets in the original book value of the discount rate. In the lessee or related to the leased asset resial value of the third-party security situation, and the similar, the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to zero.

(4), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset accounted for the value of the lessee does not exist guaranteed resial value, but there is preferential option to purchase. In such circumstances, should be re-calculation of the cost-sharing rate financing. At the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to zero.

(5), leasing assets and liabilities to the original book value of the leased asset value accounted for, and the existence of the lessee guaranteed resial value.

Under such circumstances, the cost-sharing should be re-financing rate. Related to the lessee or third parties on the resial value of leased assets as security has been provided or not at the end of the lease renewal and to pay a penalty of circumstances, the end of the lease, not recognised all the financing costs should be shared End, and lease liabilities should also be reced to the guaranteed resial value, or to be paid by the breach.

Lessee shall pay each of the rent shall be the amount of rent paid, debit "long-term payables - to finance leases," subjects, credited to "bank" subjects, if payment of rent, which includes compliance costs, At the same time debit should be "manufacturing costs", "management fees" and other subjects. At the same time should be recognized in accordance with the current amount of the finance charge, debit "financial costs" subjects, credited the "no finance charge" subjects.

4, the leased asset depreciation Provision

Tenants should finance the lessee Provision for depreciation of fixed assets, should address two main issues:

(1), depreciation policy

Provision for asset depreciation, lease, the tenant should be its own assets Provision line depreciation method. If the lessee or third parties relating to the leased asset security has been provided, should be credited for the amount of depreciation on fixed assets, and the inception of the lease accounting resial value after decting the value of the balance. If the lessee or third parties relating to the leased asset resial value of the security has been provided, the total amount of depreciation should be credited for the start of the lease value of fixed assets recorded.

(2), the depreciation period

Identify the leased asset depreciation period, should be in accordance with the lease contract. If reasonable certainty that the lessee at the end of the lessee will obtain ownership of the leased asset, the lessee can be identified with all of the assets of the remaining useful life, and should therefore be the start of the lease to lease the remaining useful life of assets as depreciation period; If you can not reasonably determine whether the lease to the lessee at the end of the lease ownership of the assets to be made to the lease period and the remaining useful life of the leased asset in the shorter of the two as the depreciation period.

5, the accounting treatment of compliance costs

Many types of compliance costs, rent for the financing of fixed assets improved expenditure, technical advice and service charges, fees should be increased staff training credited to the extension of sharing costs, debit "long-term prepaid expenses," and "accrued expenses" , "manufacturing costs", "management fees" and other subjects, the fixed assets regular maintenance, insurance, etc. can be directly charged to expense in the current period, debit "manufacturing costs," and "operating expenses" and other subjects, credited to "bank deposits, "wait until the subjects.

6, or the accounting treatment of rent

Since the rent or the amount of uncertainty, unable to adopt a rational approach to its system for sharing, in the actual event, debit "manufacturing costs," and "operating expenses" and other subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.

7, at the end of the lease accounting treatment

At the end of lease, the tenant on the lease is usually the disposition of the assets of three circumstances:

(1), the return of the leased asset. Debit "long-term payables - to finance leases," and "accumulated depreciation" subjects, credited "fixed assets - fixed assets financed by leasing all" subjects.

(2), renewable lease concession assets. If the lessee to exercise the right to choose renewable concession, the lease shall be deemed to have been made the presence of the corresponding accounting treatment. If no expiry of renewal, to the lessor under the lease contract to pay a penalty, debit "operating expenses" subjects, credited to "bank" and other subjects.

(3), stay purchase the leased asset. In the lessee enjoy preferential purchase right to choose, purchase price paid, debit "long-term payables - to finance lease," credited "bank" and other subjects at the same time, will be fixed assets from "all fixed assets financed by leasing" Details Details of the other subjects into subjects.



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