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发布时间:2022-05-10 17:10:38

1. 需要有关“国际贸易融资”的英文翻译一篇,中文英文对照的。3000个单词。急求!!!

a seller (the exporter) can require the purchaser (an importer) to prepay for goods shipped, the purchaser (importer) may wish to rece risk by requiring the seller to document the goods that have been shipped. Banks may assist by providing various forms of support. For example, the importer's bank may provide a letter of credit to the exporter (or the exporter's bank) providing for payment upon presentation of certain documents, such as a bill of lading. The exporter's bank may make a loan (by advancing funds) to the exporter on the basis of the export contract.

Other forms of trade finance can include Documentary collection, trade credit insurance, export factoring, forfaiting and others. In many countries, trade finance is often supported by quasi-government entities known as export credit agencies that work with commercial banks and other financial institutions.

Trade finance refers to financing international trading transactions. In this financing arrangement, the bank or other institution of the importer provides for paying for goods imported on behalf of the importer...

2. 天使投资、VC、PE具体的区别是什么求教!字母缩写来自哪个单词呢

天使投资指早期投资,尤其指个人早期投资。VC,Venture Capital,所谓风险投资、创业投资,是相对靠前的非公开市场股权投资,PE,Private Equity,所谓私募资本、非公开市场资本,既是私募股权投资的统称,又特指相对靠后的股权投资。

3. "融资"用英语怎么表达


financing 是个多义词,包括“融资,筹措资金,理财,财回务,资金等”
所以答,可以用financing,但它是名词,使用时前面要加上一个动词,make financing, develop financing program.等!

4. abs是什么专业词汇的简写

ABS :资产支持证券(也叫资产担保证券或资产支撑证券,英文:Asset-backed security)由银行、信用卡公司或者其他信用提供者的贷款协议或者应收帐款作为担保基础发行的债券或票据;它与抵押有所不同。

5. 求英文单词 财政融资部

Financing Department 或者 Sector

6. 热门单词:“社会融资”用英文怎么说

ocial finance;social financing


We will strengthen macro-prudential management to encourage an appropriate increase of monetary credit and nongovernmental financing.

The startling rise in social financing was the main reason why.

7. 问4个英语金融术语的中文翻译

Equity Valuation(股票估值) ,Derivatives(衍生工具),Seminar in Equity Trading (股票交易研讨会),Asset Valuation and Derivative Pricing(资产估值与衍生工具定价)


8. 翻译下列金融词汇

中央直属企业 Directly under the central enterprises
证券承销 Securities underwriting
证券经纪 Securities brokers
资产管理 Asset management
证券投资 Securities Investment
基金管理 Fund Management
财务顾问 Financial Adviser
投资咨询 Investment Advisory
集合理财 Collection of fiscal
权证 C of E
资产证券化 Asset Securitization
融资融券 Financing Rongquan
股指期货 Stock Index Futures

9. 求一篇关于small buainess的英语作文,可以写几个人融资等等内容,至少200个单词,谢谢!

prosperous international travel has provided people of every nation with
more and more opportunities to visit and learn from foreign cultures.
Second, television has made it possible for people of different places to
understand and imitate each other’s way of life. Last but not least, the
Internet is connecting every office and family, turning the whole world
into a global village.
In conclusion, while numerous other factors have contributed to and are
still adding to the globalizing trend, the rise of multinational
corporations is certainly one major force in shaping a homogeneous world.
"Every business decision is based on the profit motive. Even charity has as
its ultimate goal generating good will for the person or group doing the
Assuming that the term "business decision" is broad enough to include the
decisions of any decision-making authority--an indivial, a family, a
small business or a large corporation--explain whether you think that this
point is valid. In your discussion, use reasons and/or examples drawn from
your own experience, observation, or reading.

10. “融资”的英文怎么说

1.financing 2.finance 3.lout 4.accommodate 1. financing n. 融资 ,财务,资金版...finance n. 财政,财务 2. finance v. 筹措资金,融资 3. lout 融资 4. accommodate 融资,供给...account bought 代购 货物权单



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