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发布时间:2022-11-05 01:41:37

⑴ 有奖励!!!!急救

可数名词:flat road news match bowl slice carrot top capot cup dancer hamburger mooncake child pork kilo piano dish half calory box man tomato story shelf packet class

不可数名词:food paper hair meat information soup money beef rain energy coke rice health juice cheese work tea salt power music bread milk water wool

⑵ 芹菜、青菜、番茄 英文怎么说

芹菜 celery ['seləri]
青菜 greens/greengrocery ['gri:nˌgrəusəri]
番茄 tomato [tə'mɑ:təu, tə'meitəu]

⑶ 所有 吃的 的英文单词

西红柿 tomato 菠萝 pineapple 西瓜watermelon 香蕉banana 柚子 shaddock (pomelo) 橙子orange 苹果apple 柠檬lemon 樱桃 cherry 桃子peach 梨 pear 枣Chinese date (去核枣 pitted date ) 椰子coconut 草莓 strawberry 树莓 raspberry 蓝莓 blueberry 黑莓 blackberry

葡萄 grape 甘蔗 sugar cane 芒果 mango 木瓜 pawpaw或者papaya 杏子 apricot 油桃 nectarine 柿子persimmon 石榴pomegranate 榴莲 jackfruit 槟榔果 areca nut (西班牙产苦橙)bitter orange 猕猴桃 kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry 金橘cumquat

蟠桃 flat peach 荔枝 litchi 青梅greengage 山楂果 haw 水蜜桃honey peach 香瓜,甜瓜 musk melon 李子plum 杨梅 waxberry red bayberry 桂圆 longan 沙果 crab apple 杨桃starfruit 枇杷 loquat 柑橘 tangerine 莲雾wax-apple 番石榴 guava


menu 菜单French cuisine法国菜 today's special 今日特餐 chef's special 主厨特餐 buffet 自助餐 fast food 快餐 specialty 招牌菜 continental cuisine 欧式西餐 aperitif 饭前酒 dim sum 点心 French fires炸薯条baked potato烘马铃薯 mashed potatoes

马铃薯泥omelette 简蛋卷 pudding 布丁 pastries 甜点 pickled vegetables 泡菜 kimchi 韩国泡菜 crab meat 蟹肉 prawn 明虾 conch 海螺 escargots 田螺braised beef 炖牛肉 bacon 熏肉 poached egg 荷包蛋 sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋 over

煎两面荷包蛋 fried egg 煎蛋over easy 煎半熟蛋 over hard 煎全熟蛋 scramble eggs 炒蛋 boiled egg 煮蛋 stone fire pot 石头火锅 sashi 日本竹筷 sake 日本米酒miso shiru 味噌汤 roast meat 铁板烤肉 sashimi 生鱼片 butter 奶油

⑷ 用英语介绍番茄

Tomato,又名:love appleIt is said that the home of tomato in Peru and Mexico, the original is a growth in the forest of wild berries. The local people treat it as a poisonous fruit, known as the "wolf peach", only to watch, no one dares to eat. According to records, at that time in Britain has called the Duke of Russia罗达拉里American tour in Yunnan, the first to see the tomato, it was by its beautiful deep colors to attract, then put it back to the United Kingdom, presented as a rare treasure Valentine to his Queen Elizabeth in order to show the loyalty of love. Since then, the tomato will be the "love fruit" of good reputation. Now it is a lot of people taste the food on the table. Tomatoes are rich in carotene, vitamin C and B vitamins, especially vitamin C content of vegetables is the highest. Site for the consumption of tomatoes, juicy berries. Its many varieties, according to the shape of fruit can be divided into round, flat round, long round, round tip; by skin color points, and the red, pink, and orange-red and yellow. Tomato is rich in vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and carotene and calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and iodine and other elements, also contains proteins, sugars, organic acids, cellulose. In recent years, the study found that nutrition experts, tomatoes also have a new health and control of the medicinal value of many diseases.

⑸ #30天专注成长计划#-day21-Flat tomato使用心得


番茄工作法 :番茄工作法是简单易行的时间管理方法,是由弗朗西斯科·西里洛于1992年创立的一种相对于GTD更微观的时间管理方法。


使用软件:Flat tomato



正中央 是一个时钟,时钟周围的小圈表示已经吃掉的番茄,番茄所处位置对应完成这个番茄所在的客观时间区域。

左上角 的月亮和星星是用户等级,表示已经吃掉的番茄数量/升到下一等级所需番茄数量。对应我的就是,我一共完成了82个番茄,升到下一级需要完成96个。等级提升后会随机解锁一些小惊喜,有时是新的声音,有时是新的主题颜色,等等。

右上角 圆圈中显示的是今天已经完成的番茄数量,下面吊着的小纸片是日期,拉动纸片会跳转到当天的检视页面,这个后面再说。

下方 的C*1和D*1,这里是今天计划要完成但是还未完成的任务,C和D是对应的任务编码,也就是说我今天还需要吃掉两个番茄。

左下角 的小房子是购买了完整版之后才出现的,其实解锁的是一个小商店,你可以通过吃掉番茄来赚取POMO,然后用POMO购买喜欢的主题、音乐等。

右下角 是当天的任务列表,点进去可以看到当天需要完成的任务并进行具体设置。




从 主屏幕左滑 ,出现设置界面:


主屏幕右滑 ,出现开发者界面,可以进行相关问题反馈。

主屏幕上滑 ,进入日历界面:





最后, 主屏幕下滑 到操作向导界面:







在上班时间,我会用电脑登录上微信和qq,并在手机上选择新消息不提醒的模式。然后把手机屏幕调成永久不锁定,打开flat tomato,选择相应的任务,开始吃掉番茄。






⑹ 所有水果的英语

Apple 苹果
Apricot 杏子
Arbutus 杨梅
Avocado 南美梨
Bagasse 甘蔗渣
Banana 香蕉
Bennet 水杨梅
Blackberry 刺梅
Blueberry 越桔,蓝莓
Bryony 野葡萄
Bullace 野李子
Bush fruit 丛生果
Cantaloupe 美国甜瓜
Carambola 杨桃
Casaba 冬季甜瓜
Cascara 鼠李
Cherry 樱桃
Cherry tomato 圣女果
Chestnut 栗子
Coconut 椰子
Codlin 未熟苹果
Cranberry 曼越桔
Cumquat 金桔
Custard apple 番荔枝
Damson 洋李子
Date 枣子
Date palm 枣椰子
Dew 果露
Durian 榴莲
Fig 无花果
Flat peach 蕃桃
Ginkgo 银杏
Gooseberry 醋栗
Grape 葡萄
Grapefruit 葡萄柚子
Guava 番石榴
Haw 山楂
Hickory 山胡桃
Honey-dew melon 哈蜜瓜
Juicy peach 水蜜桃
Kiwifruit 奇异果,猕猴桃
Lemon 柠檬
Lichee 荔枝
Longan 龙眼、桂圆
Loquat 枇杷
Lotus nut (seed) 莲子
Mandarin 中国柑桔
Mango 芒果
Mangosteen 山竹果
Mini watermelon 小西瓜
Nectarine 油桃
Newton pippin 香蕉苹果
Orange 橙子
Papaya (Pawpaw) 木瓜
Peach 桃子
Pear 梨
Phoenix eye nut 凤眼果
Pineapple 凤梨、菠萝
Pitaya 火龙果
Plum 梅子,李子
Pomegranate 石榴
Pomelo 柚子
Quarenden 大红苹果
Sapodilla 人参果
Seedless watermelon 无籽西瓜
Sorosis 桑果
Strawberry 草莓
Sugarcane 甘蔗
Sultana 苏丹葡萄
Tangerine 蜜柑桔
Teazle fruit 刺果
Tough pear 木梨
Walnut 核桃 (Chinese walnut 山核桃)
Warden 冬梨
Watermelon 西瓜
White shaddock 白柚
Wild peach 毛桃

⑺ 如何运用番茄工作法搞定日常工作

一个最会写字擅长设计P图的历史老师 微信公众号 【史觉一梦】

⑻ 食物英语单词


一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com

⑼ i like potato you like tomato potato tomato lets

歌名:let's call the whole thing off
歌词:Things have come to a pretty pass
Our romance is growing flat,
For you like this and the other
While I go for this and that,
Goodness knows what the end will be
Oh I don't know where I'm at
It looks as if we two will never be one
Something must be done:
You say either and I say either,
You say neither and I say neither
Either, either Neither, neither,
Let's call the whole thing off.
You like potato and I like potahto,
You like tomato and I like tomahto
Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto,
Let's call the whole thing off
But oh, if we call the whole thing off
Then we must part
And oh, if we ever part,
then that might break my heart
So if you like pyjamas and I like pyjahmas,
I'll wear pyjamas and give up pyajahmas
For we know we need each other so we ,
Better call the whole off off
Let's call the whole thing off.
You say laughter and I say larfter,
You say after and I say arfter
Laughter, larfter after arfter,
Let's call the whole thing off,
You like vanilla and I like vanella,
You saspiralla, and I saspirella
Vanilla vanella chocolate strawberry,
Let's call the whole thing off
But oh if we call the whole thing of
then we must part
And oh,
if we ever part,then that might break my heart
So if you go for oysters and I go for ersters,
I'll order oysters and cancel the ersters
For we know we need each other so we,
Better call the calling off off,
Let's call the whole thing off.

⑽ Flat tomato软件使用





















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